Freshman follies

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Freshman follies
Two girls in blackface dancing with another girl in a classroom. Date from negative sleeve.
November 22, 1959
Original Format
10cm x 12cm
Local Identifier
Location of Original
East Carolina Manuscript Collection
Copyright held by East Carolina University. Permission to reuse this work is granted for all non-commercial purposes.
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Public access is provided to these resources to preserve the historical record. The content represents the opinions and actions of their creators and the culture in which they were produced. Therefore, some materials may contain language and imagery that is outdated, offensive and/or harmful. The content does not reflect the opinions, values, or beliefs of ECU Libraries.

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Digital Collections Aug 23 2013

Cynthia, thank you for your interest in East Carolina University's Digital Collections. Though we acknowledge that the image could be seen as disturbing, we feel that it is of historical and cultural significance and could be of value to researchers. If you would like to discuss this further, you are encouraged to contact us directly via the "Contact Us" link below.

Cynthia Aug 18 2013

I wish this picture could be removed!

Elizabeth Feb 12 2010

Those seem to be men dressed up as women, not girls as the description suggests.

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