Pitt County book mobile

Pitt County book mobile
Pitt County book mobile parked in a field in front of buildings. Dates from negative sleeve.
March 1956 - July 1956
Original Format
12cm x 10cm
Local Identifier
Location of Original
East Carolina Manuscript Collection
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Matt Reynolds Sep 27 2012

This is an image of Pitt County’s second bookmobile from the spring of 1956. Essentially operating as mobile libraries, bookmobiles were used to deliver books and other materials to areas that did not have traditional library buildings. These programs were especially effective in granting access to rural and housebound people. This particular bookmobile was manufactured by the Gerstenslager Company and is remembered for its distinctive moustache-style grill.

Willie Nelms, Director, Sheppard Memorial Library Apr 30 2009

This is the second bookmobile owned by Sheppard Memorial Library. It was purchased in 1955 for $6000.

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