Worsley Shoe Store

Worsley Shoe Store
The owner and another man stand in front of Worsley Shoe Store's windows. Date from negative sleeve.
January 06, 1955
Original Format
10cm x 12cm
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Location of Original
East Carolina Manuscript Collection
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coleen winberry allen Nov 29 2011

The man standing with Guilford Worsley is a Mr. Smith (can't remember his first name) who was owner of Smith Electric Co. on Evans Street near Worsley's Shoe Store.Juanita Worsley Williams, now 99 (11-29-11) continues to live in her home in Farmville. On a rather recent birthday her son, retired Dr. Rod Williams of Roanoke Rapids, gave her a trampoline for her birthday (she had a larger one, but he felt she needed a smaller one). Each year on her birthday her three children, one being Nan who has lived in England for many years, and a daughter Lula Lee who lives in Lexington and other family and friends help fulfill her wish of having lunch at Parker's Barbecue. Her husband was Dr. Roderick Williams who had his practice in Farmville until his death.

Richard K Worsley Mar 21 2009

The gentleman on the left is my uncle, Guilford Carson Worsley, the owner of Worsley Shoe Store. He was born Jan 9, 1911, Married Feb 12, 1947 to Vivian Elizabeth Davenport. He was one of 13 children of William Henry and Louisa Brake Worsley. The only child still living is Juanita Worsley Williams (Born May 18, 1912 and presently living in Farmville, NC.) Juanita graduated from East Carolina Teachers College (now ECU) in 1932.

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