Klan sign in Ayden welcomes visitors

Klan sign in Ayden welcomes visitors
A road sign reading "United Klans of America, Knights of the Ku Klux Klan Unit 73 welcomes you to Ayden." Date from negative sleeve.
August 29, 1966 - August 30, 1966
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East Carolina Manuscript Collection
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Go Pirates Mar 23 2014

Where would this have been on old Rt.11 using, as points of reference, the Skylight Inn and/or Ayden-Grifton H.S.?

Ball Mewborn Jun 01 2012

This sign could be seen upon entering southern Ayden from the "Old Number 11" highway which connected into South Lee Street.

profbam Dec 09 2010

My first home in Greenville was built in 1940. I moved into it in 1982 and some time later went to the courthouse to check the covenants. I found that it said that I could only sell my home to a Caucasian Christian. I should not have been surprised, but it was a shock to see such racism written into a document like that. Fortunately, times change.

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