NCPI Workmark
Articles in regional publications that pertain to a wide range of North Carolina-related topics.

A Historic Gem is Preserved

Record #:
Harmony Hall was the home of Richard Caswell from 1777 till 1782. During this time, the Kinston home served as North Carolina's unofficial capital. Because New Bern was susceptible to British attack, Caswell, North Carolina's first Governor, moved the state's records to his home. Caswell gave Harmony Hall to his son, Richard, in 1782, where it remained in the family till 1824. Since then the home has served as a hospital, a church, a public library, and a Women's Club. In 1830, two one-story additions were built on each side. The Preservation for Harmony Hall Committee has recently completed its restoration of the home, and it now serves as a museum and social hall. Rooms, such as the second-story master bedroom, are restored to 18th-century condition, while the kitchen is furnished with modern appliances so that it can serve the Kinston Noon Rotary Club. Harmony Hall is Kinston's only 18th-century structure still standing.
The State (NoCar F 251 S77), Vol. 51 Issue 3, Aug 1983, p13-16, il, por