NCPI Workmark
Articles in regional publications that pertain to a wide range of North Carolina-related topics.

Babe Ruth in North Carolina

Record #:
The Baltimore Orioles spent the month of March 1914 in Fayetteville. Although the Orioles were still a minor league team, they had a talented rookie on their roster named George Herman Ruth. While in Fayetteville, Ruth hit his first homerun, pitched his first win, and earned the nickname “Dunn's Babe.” The name “Dunn” referred to Orioles manager, Jack Dunn. It soon disappeared, but the name “Babe” stuck. Ruth hit his first homerun on March &, 1914, during his first game as a professional player. On March 24, 1914, Ruth pitched against the Philadelphia Athletics, the reigning World Series champions, and won 6-2. Ruth spent free time in Fayetteville watching trains and riding elevators, because he had never before experienced either.
The State (NoCar F 251 S77), Vol. 52 Issue 12, May 1985, p16-18, il, por