NCPI Workmark
Articles in regional publications that pertain to a wide range of North Carolina-related topics.

A Female Raid

Record #:
In 1863, a mob of Confederate soldiers' wives and mothers, fed up with the inflation from the ongoing Civil War, marched through Salisbury with axes and hatchets demanding the scarce foodstuffs that various speculators were stockpiling to sell out of state at high prices. Through intimidation and force the women collected twenty-three barrels of flour, two sacks of salt, a barrel of molasses, and twenty dollars in Confederate money. After the women appealed to Governor Zebulon Vance, he permanently banned the export of foodstuffs and cloth out of the state.
The State (NoCar F 251 S77), Vol. 51 Issue 1, June 1983, p13,14, il, por