NCPI Workmark
Articles in regional publications that pertain to a wide range of North Carolina-related topics.

Epitaphs of the Old Burial Ground

Record #:
The Old Burial Ground in Beaufort contains many grave sites dating to the 18th- and 19th-centuries. Headstone epitaphs provide an interesting look into period culture. Left unattended, the graveyard fell into disrepair, and in 1970, the Beaufort Historical Association sought to have it listed on the National Register of Historic Places. After the graveyard was designated a historic site, the association was able to obtain funds to restore it. Although the graveyard was officially considered full and closed in 1825, burials have occurred in family plots as late as 1980.
The State (NoCar F 251 S77), Vol. 52 Issue 3, Aug 1984, p3, por