NCPI Workmark
Articles in regional publications that pertain to a wide range of North Carolina-related topics.

Peace In the Uwharries

Record #:
"On one joy-filled Sunday every August, a quiet church comes to life. There, descendants of two African American families celebrate a shared heritage that dates toa 19th-century Randolph County community rooted in faith and bound by family ties." Margo Lee Williams is author of two books: "Miles Lassiter(circa 1777-1850): An Early African American Quaker from Lassiter Mill, Randolph County, North Carolina: My Research Journey to Home" and "From Hill town to Strieby: Education and the American Missionary Association in the Uwharrie 'Back Country' of Randolph County, North Carolina".
Our State (NoCar F 251 S77), Vol. 91 Issue 3, August 2023, p116-126, il