NCPI Workmark
Articles in regional publications that pertain to a wide range of North Carolina-related topics.

Developing a Laptop for the Children of the Developing World

Record #:
The One Laptop Per Child project is creating a for use by children in developing countries. The laptop will use Red Hat’s Linux operating system and will serve as a textbook, library, telephone, camera, and a link to the internet those children. The Raleigh based company hopes individuals will use its open source software to improve the operating system for those who will use the laptop in countries like Rwanda, Uruguay, Libya, Brazil, and Nigeria. Developers are excited to work on the innovative software for the project and help improve the lives of less fortunate children.
Independent Weekly (NoCar Oversize AP 2 .I57 [volumes 13 - 23 on microfilm]), Vol. 24 Issue 8, February 2007, p19