NCPI Workmark
Articles in regional publications that pertain to a wide range of North Carolina-related topics.

Christian Science Church of Greenville

Record #:
Christian Science is a religion that believes in the healing principles used and taught by Jesus, and later by Mary Baker Eddy in 1866. By studying the Bible, Mrs. Eddy discovered how to implement and teach Jesus' method of healing. Mrs. Eddy founded the First Church of Christ, Scientist in Boston in 1879. The Greenville Christian Scientist Society first met in 1889, supported by an unknown music student visiting Greenville from Boston. The Society met in homes until it grew too large, and by 1934 they held meetings in Pythian Hall. The Mother Church of Christian Science recognized the Greenville branch in March 1934. The Society bought the church building of the Universalists and held their first meeting there in 1937, finally building their own church in June 1951, on the corner of Fourth and Meade Streets. They held the first service there in June 1952.