NCPI Workmark
Articles in regional publications that pertain to a wide range of North Carolina-related topics.

Odd and Unusual Tales in Pitt County

Record #:
In this group of local stories, Benjamin Streeter Sheppard, a pilot from Farmville, NC and Raleigh, NC, flew the first airmail out of NC from Raleigh. A number of female firsts in Pitt County included Mrs. Lula (Tucker) Bowen was the first Greenville Public Library librarian, who worked from 1903 to 1913 without compensation. In 1947, Bessie Tucker of Winterville was the first woman in Pitt County to be called for jury duty. In 1949, Mrs. Abe Wooten of Farmville was the first woman to be drawn to serve on the Pitt County grand jury. Several unusual weddings are described and in 1942, a goat ate a tobacconist’s car. In WWII, Proctor Hotel towels were seen on an island in the Pacific. Gov. T. J. Jarvis saved an oak tree which helped to determine where the buildings on ECU's campus were placed.