NCPI Workmark
Articles in regional publications that pertain to a wide range of North Carolina-related topics.

Tales of the Odd and Unusual

Record #:
A collection of stories about different topics is recited from local tales around the county. In this group, lightning freak stories about the damage of lighting hitting the homes of L. A. Cobb and H. B. Tripp in 1892. There is a funny story from 1894 of a little girl getting spanked by her mother. There are dog stories about a mad dog in 1894 and a dog and cat chasing each other in R. M. Starkey’s yard and jumping into the well and drowning. From 1895 there is a story about a goat being arrested in Ayden and the strange déjà vu dream of H. G. Jones. In 1892 a cow got stuck in a ditch and the owner nailed a wooden frame around her like a straight-jacket so she could stand.