NCPI Workmark
Articles in regional publications that pertain to a wide range of North Carolina-related topics.

A History of the Old Memorial Baptist Church

Record #:
A landmark of Greenville's religious history, the Memorial Baptist Church has served its members for over one hundred and fifty years. This church was constituted on July 2, 1827. By October of 1827, it had twenty-three members. The church started the Baptist Benevolent Society to raise money for traveling ministers. Thomas D. Mason was this church's first pastor. The church experienced sporadic, irregular growth throughout the 1850s. Later, the Reverend Thomas Carrick became the church's pastor. He helped to construct a new church on Greene Street (the church that residents refer to as the Old Memorial Baptist Church). It was dedicated on October 12, 1890. This building was demolished as a new one was completed in 1973 on Greenville Boulevard.