NCPI Workmark
Articles in regional publications that pertain to a wide range of North Carolina-related topics.

Life of William Hooper Signer of the Declaration of Independence

Record #:
This is a re-print of a biographical sketch of William Hooper, signer of the Declaration of Independence, that first appeared in the Hillsboro Recorder in November-December of 1822, published in four parts. The sketch was written by Hooper's nephew, Archibald Maclaine Hooper, and the preface to the sketch was written by his great-great-grand-daughter Mrs. Spier Whitaker, nee Fannie De Berniere Hooper.
The North Carolina Booklet (NoCar F 251 .N86), Vol. 5 Issue 1, July 1905, p36-73, il, por, f