NCPI Workmark
Articles in regional publications that pertain to a wide range of North Carolina-related topics.

Magistrate Procedures for Ordering Civil License Revocations and the Seizure and Impoundment of Motor Vehicles

Record #:
This bulletin focuses on the procedures governing civil license revocation and the seizure and impoundment of motor vehicles. This discussion is flanked at the beginning by a review of police processing procedures in implied consent cases and at the end by two appendixes. Appendix A contains Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) forms referenced in the discussion, and Appendix B presents flowcharts illustrating the processes for ordering the revocation of a civil license and the seizure of motor vehicles. This bulletin updates and replaces Administration of Justice Bulletin No. 2010/01.
Administration of Justice Bulletin (NoCar KFN 7908 .A15 U6), Vol. Issue 1, Feb 2013, p1-37, il, f