NCPI Workmark
Articles in regional publications that pertain to a wide range of North Carolina-related topics.

Yesterday in Mecklenburg County

Record #:
Settled around 1750, the residents of Mecklenburg County have enjoyed a lucrative and varied history. Sustained through a variety of agricultural and eventually, commercial ventures, residents of Mecklenburg initially relied heavily upon cotton. Joining in the American dream of finding gold, Mecklenburgers first discovered the rare mineral in 1799. Dubbed by Cornwallis as the \"hornet's nest of stubborn revolutionaries,\" Mecklenburgers experienced the War of Sugar Creek, instigated a military campaign against a group of South Carolinian Tories, known as Scoffelites, and wrote their own Declaration of Independence. Mecklenburgers additionally participated in the Civil War, furnishing some 2,700 men to the cause, or one sixth of the county population.
The State (NoCar F 251 S77), Vol. 30 Issue 23, Apr 1963, p12-13, 31-37, il, por