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3 results for Medicare
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Warren discusses the current state of Medicare and potential developments in the future.
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In this article the author is discussing how elderly in nursing homes do not have the voice to speak up for themselves and this job was taken over by the government. The author states that this voice has been getting weaker over the years. How the government helped elders in nursing home was through Medicare and Medicaid setting strict regulations on how these nursing homes ran. Medicare and Medicaid are responsible with fining these nursing homes that put their residents in harmful and dangerous conditions for extended periods of time. Bill lamb states that these big nursing home corporations view fines and the consequences of doing business instead of looking at them as reasons to correct their mistakes. The Trump administration at the time put an 18-month moratorium to allow provides to gain education on what is expected out of health a safety practices for the residents in the nursing homes. This was in contrast to the Obama administration policy of giving out heavier fines for long-term resident facilities that broke health and safety policies. Issues stated against the Trump Administration policy was that providers are spending more time trying to comply with the policies rather than spending time caring for the residents. Others state that even though the penalties are minor to the long-term resident corporations, they are at least public. This can help people looking for the right resident facility choose wisely because these penalties can be found online at
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The author discusses the impacts of medial reform and Medicare on practitioners and the way primary care facilities are run today.