NCPI Workmark
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2 results for "Primaries--North Carolina--Presidential"
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In many ways, the hallmark of the 1975 North Carolina General Assembly was the battle for political control and few matters taken up in this session show that struggle more clearly than the election laws. The most significant 1975 actions illustrating this point are the decisions by the General Assembly to separate the presidential primary from the statewide primary and to change the rules by which candidates may run in the presidential primary.
Popular Government (NoCar JK 4101 P6), Vol. 41 Issue 2, Fall 1975, p10-11
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In 1972, the North Carolina Democratic presidential primary pitted Governor George C. Wallace against former Governor Terry Sanford. In 1976, Governor Wallace again ran in North Carolina's presidential primary; this time, however, he was confronted with a new face, former Governor Jimmy Carter. Turnbull examines statistics on the North Carolina presidential primary of 1976.
Popular Government (NoCar JK 4101 P6), Vol. 42 Issue 1, Summer 1976, p16-21, il