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4 results for "Political action committees"
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In this article the author is discussing a North Carolina based charter flight company, Aero, being involved with CIA and the transport of suspected terrorists. Aero is a charter flight company based in Smithfield, NC that uses the local public airport to take off at. In the article Abou Elkassim Britel talks about his experiences with being detained and tortured because the CIA suspected him to be a terrorist. Critics called Aero flights “torture taxis” and demand that the NC government would investigate this situation but the government responded by ignoring the requests. Aero uses public airports which mean that these flights are paid and funded by tax payer money. This cause the creation of NCIT, North Carolina-based Commission of Inquiry on Torture.
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CHALT is a Chapel Hill political action committee committed to unseating local government officials who are unresponsive to the community’s desires. CHALT and the group’s co-founder David Schwartz believe that town’s development is out of control. Chapel Hill is too willing to accommodate developers which are undermining the town’s unique character. The views of the group and their actions to influence the political process in Chapel Hill are detailed.
Indy Week (NoCar Oversize AP 2 .I57), Vol. 32 Issue 41, October 2015, p12-15 Periodical Website
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This article discusses how the North Carolina Bankers Association has adopted a variety of approaches to present their views to the General Assembly. Successful legislative representation has been attributed to the organization members who have political representation within the General Assembly, or who have established grassroots relationships with legislators through the Legislative Contact Committee.
Carolina Banker (HG 2153 N8 C66), Vol. 87 Issue 1, Spring 2008, p17, por
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A 1992 study of the cost of running for the General Assembly revealed that campaign costs are going up, political action committee contributions are increasing, and more minorities are being elected to the legislature.
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