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3 results for "Methodist church buildings--Swan Quarter"
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Tired of having to meet in a variety of locations Sunday after Sunday, the Methodist community in the Hyde County town of Swan Quarter decided to build a church. Unfortunately, the owner of the town lot they wanted would not sell it. Finally in 1874, land was purchased outside the town. On September 16, 1876, the newly-built church was dedicated. Unbeknownst to the parishioners, a hurricane was approaching, and it struck the night of the dedication. Zepke describes the events of that night in which the church was set afloat and finally came to rest on the piece of property the parishioners originally wanted.
Our State (NoCar F 251 S77), Vol. 73 Issue 5, Oct 2005, p92-94, 96, il Periodical Website
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In 1874 the Methodist community of Swan Quarter in Hyde County, tired of meeting in various places each Sunday, decided to build a church. They chose a lot, but the owner would not sell it. The Methodists then build outside town and dedicated their church on September 16, 1876. Little did the church members know, but a hurricane was approaching. It struck the night of the dedication, set the church afloat, and deposited it on the lot that the owner had refused to sell the church.
The State (NoCar F 251 S77), Vol. 7 Issue 4, June 1939, p5, il
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A hurricane on September 17, 1876 miraculously navigated the now Providence United Methodist Church to a site originally desired by its membership but denied by the owner.