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1 result for "Manwaring, Stephen (d. 1699/1700)"
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The author of this article gives a large history of the Manwaring family in England and Virginia. Stephen Manwaring was convicted and pardoned for his involvement in Bacon’s Rebellion. He moved to Perquimans Precinct in 1683, running a sawmill and working as a building contractor. Stephen had a bad temper and numerous encounters with the law. In 1698, after being convicted of forging fraudulent deeds and threatening the lives of members of the Court, Manwaring had to stand in the pillory with one of his ears nailed to it. The ear was clipped off to brand him and Manwaring moved to Richmond Co., VA in shame, leaving his family in North Carolina and a trail of lawsuits behind him. Manwaring died in November 1699/1700 in Richmond Co., VA.