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2 results for "Crime--Pitt County"
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Kammerer gives a detailed account of a bloody affair which occurred on the streets of Greenville on May 27, 1830. It seems Dempsey Eason, a saddlemaker, was being verbally abused and physically threatened by John Cherry, a merchant in Greenville. Eason was driven to violence and shot and killed Cherry in the street. Eason was arrested and eventually acquitted at trial for self-defense. Eason turned to drinking, lost his business and ended up living with his sister in Wilson County, NC. She died and he went to the Wilson County Poor House, where he died after a blighted life.
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All of the heinous crimes of murder, assault, horse stealing, and counterfeiting in Pitt County during the period 1774-1790 has been collected. In 1774, John Duff stole a horse from Henry Hodges. As punishment he District Court ordered him “to stand in the pillory one hour, be whipped 39 lashes on the naked back, both ears nailed to the pillory and be cut off, be branded on the right cheek with the letter H and on the left with the letter T.” Probably the worst of these crimes was a Mrs. Ann Tyson murdered her own infant with a shoe on April 27, 1780.