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2 results for "Cherokee Indians--North Carolina--Games"
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Stickball is the ancestor of lacrosse and has been popular across North America for centuries. In the olden days it was a sometimes violent game and death and injuries were not uncommon. The object of the game was to score a certain number of points in the opponent's goal. The tradition is continued among the modern Cherokees but on a less violent level.
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The Cherokee sport of stickball was based on the legend of a game played between animals and birds. The object of the game was to be the first team to score twelve points by putting the leather ball through the opponent's goal. Stickball was usually played between opposing tribes and occasionally served to settle disputes in place of war. Players had few rules to limit their means to win as blows to the head and chest were legal, for example and death was not uncommon. While stickball is still a part of Cherokee culture today, it has been transformed into a less violent activity.
The State (NoCar F 251 S77), Vol. 52 Issue 4, Sept 1984, p3, por
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