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1 result for "Bass, Henry Turner, 1852-1903"
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On March 16, 1903 Dr. Julian M. Baker and Dr. Henry Turner Bass got into an altercation which led to the shooting and death of Dr. Bass. Prior to this altercation Dr. Bass accused Dr. Baker, who was the current chief of staff of the Edgecombe General Hospital, of mismanaging the hospital. On March 16, Dr. Bass walked into the post office and attacked Dr. Baker with continuous blows. This altercation led out onto Main Street where Dr. Baker pulled his gun and shot Dr. Bass in the abdomen. Dr. Bass attempted to shoot Dr. Baker as well but his shots went through a local store instead. Many physicians from all around tried to save Dr. Bass' life but to no avail. He died that same night. Dr. Baker had a major trial for which he was acquitted for in 1904.