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Articles in regional publications that pertain to a wide range of North Carolina-related topics.

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3 results for "Banks and banking--Smithfield"
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First-Citizens Bank and Trust Company is North Carolina's largest State-chartered banking institution. Robert P. Holding, Sr., started the bank in Smithfield seventy-three years ago. When he died in 1957, his three sons took over the banking operations. Today, First-Citizens does business through 157 branch offices in sixty-four communities in thirty-six counties.
We the People of North Carolina (NoCar F 251 W4), Vol. 29 Issue 11, Nov 1971, p132-133, 235, il, por
Record #:
In 1957, Robert P. Holding, Sr., who had guided a Smithfield bank, First-Citizens Bank and Trust Company, through three decades of growth, died at age 59. His sons, Frank B., Robert P., Jr., and Lewis R., took over the bank's operations. There were those who doubted the sons were up to the task; however, starting in 1957, with resources of $220 million and 45 branches in 31 communities, the bank, over the next thirteen years, grew to have resources exceeding $650 million and 144 branches in 60 cities and towns.
We the People of North Carolina (NoCar F 251 W4), Vol. 28 Issue 9, Sept 1970, p11-12, 59, por
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In this second in a series of articles on Outstanding Carolina Institutions, Goerch discusses First-Citizens Bank, which began operations in Smithfield forty years ago. The bank now has offices in eighteen cities and towns across the state. It ranks third in the state and 284th in the country.
The State (NoCar F 251 S77), Vol. 6 Issue 14, Sept 1938, p8--9, 26, il
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