NCPI Workmark
Articles in regional publications that pertain to a wide range of North Carolina-related topics.

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2 results for Pound, Merritt Bloodworth
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Benjamin Hawkins was born on August 15, 1754 in Bute County. He was a prominent public servant, representing the state both in the Continental Congress and United States Senate. This article covers but his time as a United States Indian Agent amongst the Creek Tribe throughout the Southeast. In part one of two, the author looks at Hawkins' life including childhood, family details, early Congressional career, and his appointments to numerous boards concerning Native American relations.
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Continuation of the article printed in the January 1942 edition which elaborates on the career of Colonel Benjamin Hawkins. In part II, the Colonel's actions and responsibilities as an agent to the Cherokees, Choctaws, Creeks, and Chickasaws of western North Carolina and northwestern Georgia is further explained and the degree of his success in executing these duties.
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