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2 results for "Wilson, G. Gray "
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In the case of trials by jury, Wilson notes the decreasing number of trials with juries in recent years. From this admission leads to him acknowledging how lawyers’ inadequate court trial experience also impacts the quality of court trials. It is the lack thereof, that, according to the author, lawyers are obligated to acknowledge to their clients, per State Bar Rules of Professional Conduct.
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Wilson’s article reflected on the court case arising from the New York Times’ chronicling the injustice against civil rights workers by the Montgomery police and the false perjury charge against Martin Luther King, Jr. in the spring of 1960. To convince readers that this injustice was not an isolated incident, or one related exclusively to Jim Crow culture, Wilson included in examples of course cases filed in the decades since New York Times v Sullivan. More information about this topic can be found in Wilson’s inclusion of two books about this landmark case: Make No Law: The Sullivan Case and First Amendment and New York Times v Sullivan: Civil Rights, Libel Law, and the Free Press.