NCPI Workmark
Articles in regional publications that pertain to a wide range of North Carolina-related topics.

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2 results for "St. Clair, Kenneth Edson"
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This article looks at issues surrounding the matter of debtor relief in Reconstruction North Carolina with a focus on the legal management of Reconstruction economic conditions and the generation of economic opportunity for the debt-riddled and insolvent population.
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This article looks at the impact of a temporary department of North Carolina, enacted by Union Secretary of War Stanton, which was created to facilitate federal operations in the Carolinas and was run by Maj. Gen. John M. Schofield and subject to General William T. Sherman's orders. This department continued beyond the short period for which it was designed and left Schofield in charge of troops in North Carolina and then in charge of the transition to reconstruction, thus affecting how the machinery for reconstruction-era judiciary was to be established.
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