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2 results for "Seawell, H.F. \"Chub\", Jr."
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Carthage is a cross roads in the cosmopolitan world. Carthage, a small city and the seat of Moore County, is located in the Sand Hills of the state. Yet, the city has been home to many important people, such as a railroad company president, two Superior Court judges, one Supreme Court justice, and three runner-ups for State Governor. Cathage was once home to Dr. George Glasscock, cousin of George Washington.
The State (NoCar F 251 S77), Vol. 34 Issue 14, Dec 1966, p12
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The town of Carthage has a rich history. George Washington was related to people living in Carthage and so they call him “Cousin George.” Andrew Johnson, who became the 7th President of the United States, was once a tailor in Carthage. Carthage may be the only tiny town in the world to receive a gift from another country. The republic of France gave a monument to Carthage resident James Rogers McConnell of “Flying for France” Fame. W.C. Dowd, founder of the Charlotte Observer, was born and raised in Carthage. In addition to professors, lawyers, and bankers, there are townspeople who are related to the Queen of England.
The State (NoCar F 251 S77), Vol. 50 Issue 4, Sept 1982, p10-11, il
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