NCPI Workmark
Articles in regional publications that pertain to a wide range of North Carolina-related topics.

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2 results for "Reid, Richard"
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This article examines the problem of desertion among Confederate troops, specifically those from North Carolina, during the civil war. Reid attempts to update the figures published in the united States provost marshal general's final report in 1866, as well as to determine when men left, what major factors were producing desertion, the type of man who would cross to the federal line or desert, and what age and experience level were the men who left.
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A look at the US government's first attempts to recruit Southern blacks for Civil War duty beginning in the spring of 1863 in North Carolina with plans to recruit four regiments. The North Carolina brigade was short-lived as attitudes, goals, and priorities swiftly changed in late 1863 and early 1864 and overshadowed the original progressive ideas. Though blacks chose to serve voluntarily and were grudgingly accepted by a white army, the black state units became pawns in a larger struggle and lost their individuality as they were absorbed into the larger US Colored Troops Division.