NCPI Workmark
Articles in regional publications that pertain to a wide range of North Carolina-related topics.

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21 results for "Padgett, James A."
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Letters to William E. Chandler during Reconstruction are reprinted here because of these highlight the state's political climate during this era. Chandler functioned as the Secretary of the National Republican Committee for the campaigns of 1868, 1872, 1876, and 1880. In this capacity, he received many letters from North Carolina Republicans stating their views on Reconstruction and politics both within the state and nationally. Reprinted here are letters from January 1868 through January 1878.
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Congressman Edward McPherson was Clerk of the House of Representatives between 1863 and 1875. Correspondences to him from North Carolinians pertain to the contentious topic of Reconstruction. Letters reproduced here cover a time period between March 1865 and February 1875.
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This article is another installment in a series focusing on correspondence between North Carolinians and national politicians during the tumultuous time of Reconstruction. These letters were sent to Carl Schurz, head of the Liberal Republican movement. Letters cover a period from April 1865 to October 1878.
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This article is another installment in a series focusing on correspondence between North Carolinians and national politicians during the tumultuous time of Reconstruction. These letters were sent to Carl Benjamin Franklin Butler, a member of the United States house of Representatives. The distinction of these papers is typical correspondence are not from the State's political leaders but rather the common citizen. Letters cover a period from January 1865 to April 1866. Â
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This article is the continuation in a series focusing on correspondence between North Carolinians and national politicians during the tumultuous time of Reconstruction. These letters were sent to Carl Benjamin Franklin Butler, a member of the United States House of Representatives. The distinction of these papers is typical correspondence are not from the State's political leaders but rather the common citizen. Letters cover a period from March 1874 to November 1877.
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Republican and 20th president of the United States, James Abram Garfield's papers are housed at the Library of Congress. From these letters are correspondence from North Carolina citizens, politicians, and attorneys from across the state. As in the other installments, these notes concern the Reconstruction era and its impact on the state. Letters cover a period from April 1868 to October 1877.
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In this installment of letters addressing the concerns of North Carolina citizens to various public officials a number of different addressees include Chief Justice Salmon Portland Chase (January 13, 1808 - May 7, 1873), Senator Lyman Trumbull (October 12, 1813 - June 25, 1896), Representative Thaddeus Stevens (April 4, 1792 - August 11, 1868), and Senator Benjamin Franklin Wade (October 27, 1800 - March 2, 1878).
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This is a reprint of letters from the Edward McPherson manuscript collection held at the Library of Congress. As detailed in the introduction, the letters are part of the papers of congressman and fierce opponent of slavery and discrimination, Thaddeus Stevens. The letters reprinted here were written by residents of North Carolina deal with social, political, and military issues of the Reconstruction period. This first installment includes correspondence written between December 13, 1865 and February 15, 1868 by William E. Bond, J.H. Rea, C.F. Granger, J.W. Ragland, John Robinson, P.M. Goldsboro, Joseph B. Mcmurry, Charles Goddard, S.W. Laidler, Martin Roberts, John Robinson, P.M. and A.H. Jones, Jacob T. Brown, W.D. Harrison, and John C. Smith.
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This is a reprint of letters from North Carolinians to John Sherman, a Congressman and Senator from Ohio who later served as Secretary of the Treasury under Rutherford B. Hays and Secretary of State under William McKinley, and was the author of the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890. The letters included in this installment were written between January 19, 1865 and March 14, 1867 and were from David Heaton, Ben Higgins, William B. Reid, J. Lewis, David F. Caldwell, William Woods Holden, L.E. Jones, and William E. Hill. Some biographical information on the letters' authors is included in the footnotes.
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The concluding installment of a reprint of letters from North Carolinians to John Sherman, an Ohio congressman and senator who later served as Secretary of the Treasury under Rutherford B. Hays and Secretary of State under William McKinley, and was the author of the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890. The letters included in this installment were written between March 20, 1867 and November 4, 1877 and were from Lafayette Greene, Richard P. Dick, David Heaton, Charles Jerome Malord, John Tyler, Jr., William W. Green, J. W. Payne, Thomas B. Keogh, William Woods Holden, James Madison Leach, and Burr Higgins. Some biographical information on the letters' authors is included in the footnotes.
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This is a reprint of letters from North Carolinians to General William Tecumseh Sherman between January 16, 1865 and September 27, 1874. The letters included here are from Cyrus Ballou Comstock, S.L. Femoret, Absalom Baird, J. Wall Wilson, and Rene Edward DeRussy. Some biographical information on the letters' authors is included in the footnotes.
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This is a reprint of letters from North Carolinians to Radical Republican Elihu Benjamin Washburne, Secretary of State under Ulysses S. Grant, between October 30, 1867 and April 14, 1871. The letters included here are from John T. Deweese, Charles Snyder and Melford Vernooy. Some biographical information on the authors of the letters is included in the footnotes.
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This is the third installment of a reprint of letters from North Carolinians to Massachusetts Congressman and Governor Benjamin Franklin Butler between July 19, 1866 and May 15, 1868. The letters included here are from Peter S. Michie, Elias Grout, John F. Alexander, Elijah A. Smith, Hardie H. Helper, William Woods Holden, Clinton A. Alley, Charles Fred Browne, Jonathan Havens, A.H. Galloway, and W.L. Van Derwater. Some biographical information on the authors of the letters is included in the footnotes and responses from Butler are included where available.
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This is the fourth installment of a reprint of letters from North Carolinians to Massachusetts Congressman and Governor Benjamin Franklin Butler between July 11, 1868 and June 19, 1869. The letters included here are from John F. Alexander, James Roberts, William M. Coleman, Edward W. Hinks, Edmund Rice, A.H. Galloway, Willis Bagley, Elijah J. Smith, C.L. Cobb, and W.H. Clemence. Some biographical information on the authors of the letters is included in the footnotes and responses from Butler are included where available.
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This is the fifth installment of a reprint of letters from North Carolinians to Massachusetts Congressman and Governor Benjamin Franklin Butler between June 30 1869 and November 21, 1870. The letters included here are from D.F. Caldwell, William R. Burwell, John F. Alexander, B.B. Babington, C.L. Cobb, and S.E. Lane. Some biographical information on the authors of the letters is included in the footnotes and responses from Butler are included where available.
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