NCPI Workmark
Articles in regional publications that pertain to a wide range of North Carolina-related topics.

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2 results for "Morrill, James Roy, III"
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This article looks at the appointment of Brevet Major General Daniel E. Sickles as commander of the Second Military District, one of five districts created by the reconstruction act of March 2, 1867 which the previous Presidential reconstruction plan and establishing a temporary form of military rule in the South. Attention is given to North Carolinian's reactions to the new reconstruction government as well as to Sickles' character and actions while holding this governing post.
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This article looks at the weakened position of the Whig Party in American politics as a result of the political circumstances surrounding the Presidential Election of 1852. Comparative looks at the strengths and weaknesses of Whigs and Democrats in the North and South as well as the hot button issues of slavery and the Compromise of 1850 are included.
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