G. Harris Commonplace Book

Commonplace book (1801-1846) compiled by G. Harris, while surgeon aboard a British East India Company opium-carrying ship, the 750 ton Lady Flora, just off Singapore, wherein he documents his care of two patients, a comatose 6-year old boy suffering from fever, and a 30 year old woman who was hemorrhaging; lists of more than forty books; abstracts from them including medical titles such as "Diseases of the East Indies," "Johnstone on Diseases of Hot Climates," "Jenner on Vaccine Inoculation," Erasmus Darwin's "Zoonomia...," Burke's "Essay on the Sublime," and "Southey's Life of Nelson"; including an engraved stationer's seal from I. W. Norie and Co. on the front pastedown; a "A New and Correct Plan of the City of Bath, published in 1801, and a several loose notes.