Elizabeth City: Rich in Natural Beauty, Unsurpassed in Location, Unlimited in Resources, Manufacturing, Lumbering, Trucking and Fishing Center

[Title Page]

"Elizabeth City: Rich in Natural Beauty, Unsurpassed In Location, Unlimited in Reources, Manufacturing, Lumbering, Trucking and Fishing Center"

Away from the Atlantic, some thirty miles,
Made beautiful by the Creator, this city smiles,
Fenced from the billows, which rage in Storm,
Yet fanned by their breezes from eve until morn.

Its surrounding scenery and enchanting charms
Seem to greet the stranger with wide-open arms,
And bid him welcome, as a friend to dwell
Amidst their beauties, which with rapture swell.

The C. E. Weaver Series

Population 12,000

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Elizabeth City, NORTH CAROLINA


ELIZABETH CITY is the metropolis of the entire Albemarle Section of North Carolina, made so by its many and unlimited advantages, its surrounding farms of fertile soil, its sounds and rivers, with an abundance of fish, its adjacent forests of fine timber, its business enterprises of various character, and a people noted for their hospitality.

Nature has indeed favored this spot. The city is located on the Pasquotank River, its curving banks being rich in picturesque scenes of woodland beauty, with fruit groves and flower gardens, adding here and there their soft and be witching influences.

Elizabeth City has a population of twelve thousand, four times greater than it was in 1890, and has flattering prospects of becoming the largest city in the State within the next quarter of a century-and why not? It is only sixteen miles from the mouth of the Pasquotank River, at Albemarle Sound, with sufficient river frontage to meet the demands of several hundred thousand people.

Albemarle Sound, with the exception of the Great Lakes, is the largest body of fresh water in the United States, being fed by rivers like the Pasquotank, Perquimans, Chowan and Roanoke.

The Pasquotank has a depth of from 24 to 30 feet, and the harbor is amply protected from storm and rough water, so that vessels can safely load and unload at all seasons of the year.

According to the Chamber of Commerce. "with the excellent daily train service via the Norfolk Southern Railway and via the Suffolk and Carolina Railway, with regular boat lines operating through the Lake Drummond and Dismal Swamp Canal, with forty-three freight boats trading from m Elizabeth City to the lower sound country of North Carolina, in addition to regular passenger boat service from Elizabeth City to points as far South as Hatteras, including Hyde, Tyrrell, Dare and Currituck Counties, this section is favored with excellent transportation facilities by rail and water and low rates. Since the re-opening of the Dismal Swamp Canal the trade of the city has increased twenty-five per cent. with the opening of the Standardized Inland Waterway, the business of this place should increase fifty per cent. within fire years after the waterway is formally opened." That statement was made months ago. A large part of the intra-coastal waterway is now in use, and with Elizabeth City a point on the inland water route connecting the great northern centers with points as far South as Florida, great commercial progress in the future for the metropolis of North Carolina is assured.

Its recent growth and progress impress all visitors, as well as the home folks, for there are signs of enterprise and newness on every hand. The water front crowded with warehouses and mills and docks, giving evidence to the approaching traveler that it is a city keeping even pace with modern times its development along the lines of trade and commerce.

Elizabeth City occupies a strategic position in Northeastern North Carolina-a magnificent territory in its infancy as regards development.

Produce comes here from many counties, both to supply the local demand and for shipment to the North and Vest.

The tributary section produces great quanities [quantities] of corn, potatoes, cotton, cabbage, beans, beats, peas, peanuts, and berries of all kinds, grain of all the small varities [varieties] to greater or less extent, all the fruits of the temperate zone, and nearly everything else that is grown in the nation.

Elizabeth City's lumber and woodworking mills give employment to more than a thousand workmen

Elizabeth City offers and has first class banking facilities, an excellent harbor, marine railways, many manufacturing plants, wholesale and retail trade that a city twice its size might envy, one of the largest fish markets in the youth, a splendid grape market, and one of the finest back countries boasted of by a town in the entire country.

Water products handled from the city total hundreds of thousands of tons.

Varied soil types and their great range of possibilities make the farming g industry one of the most attractive of the region.

Cotton and hosiery Trills here are paying handsome dividends.

All the public utilities - water, gas, electricity and sewerage-are of the best.

Located here are well established buggy, wagon, barrel and basket factories, saw and planing [planning] mills, box factories, brick yards, grain mills and various other manufactories.

There is inexhaustable [inexhaustible] raw material to be had in the fields, forests and streams of the region.

The city has a progressive "city manager" plan of municipal government, a capable and efficient police department, and a prize winning fire department of modern equipment. There are two steamers, two horse-drawn hose wagons, a hook and ladder truck, a combination motor

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truck driven by 75-horse-power engines, and a sufficiency of hose.

The city is now building a municipal market of concrete, brick and terra-cotta, and of fireproof construction, and when completed the latter part of this year, will be one of the "show places" of the city.

It is designed with especial attention to sanitation. Display cases are to be installed for domestic meats, game, poultry, fish, oysters, dairy and farm proudcts [products], etc., and the fresh foods will thus be attractively exhibited as well as kept in the best of condition. The cold storage plant in the house will be a real feature. The refrigerating machinery intended to be installed is of the very latest patterns, economically the space it will occupy and very efficient in operations. Freezing temperature will be maintained in the cold storage rooms at all seasons.

The city can boast of one of the finest hospitals in the State. It is a handsome stone and brick structure, recently built, and has the latest and most modern equipment.

Elizabeth City is handsomely adorned by its public and business buildings, elegant residences, churches and schools. The leading denominations are represented and have substantial houses of worship. As regards schools, the city can claim one of the best systems in the South. The Elizabeth City high School is one of the half dozen schools in the state whose students are credited by the Southern College Commission and are entitled to enter any college in the jurisdiction of this commission without examination.

Elizabeth City is the capital of Pasquotank County, famous history. It was in this, county early in 1665 that the Grand Assembly of Albemarle the first legislative body ill North Carolina, was organized. The meeting place was on Little River, a few miles from the present site of Elizabeth City, and the Daughters of the Revolution have erected a met upon this spot. Tradition is responsible for the claim that the first court to be constituted in the colony sat out of doors on tile banks of Flatty Creek in this county. The famous Culpepper Rebellion, the first resistance to Britain, was originated in this county.

In Perquimans County, adjoining Pasquotank the first permanent settlement was made in North Carolina. The coast country of the State is the richest in history of any section in the United States. Oil Ocracoke Island, with which Elizabeth City does considerable trade by boat, the first white men to set foot on the mainland of North America landed, to find tile place not quite to their liking for a site for habitation. They passed oil into the sounds, and established the lost colony of Roanoke Island.

Roanoke Island is about twelve miles long, and its greatest width is a little over three miles.

At the north end are the remains, wall Outlined, of Fort Raleigh, with the memorial stone which tells forever on its granite face the story of the first settlement made by Englishmen on this continent, between the fort and the shore of shining Roanoke Sound stands the tall flag, staff on which are displayed on the 18th of each August the United States flag and that of Queen Elizabeth in the golden days of Sir Walter Raleigh, that prince of promoters of exploration and exploits.

Directly across from the old fort lies Nag's Head, and in plain view the the Kill Devil Hills, near which are the fresh water lakes, fed by some mysterious source, where it is claimed there was the inlet through which in August, 1584, the first Englishmen made their way from the broad Atlantic into the safety, of the sounds and thence to the Isle of Roanoke.

The old fort seems almost to speak of those great days of daring and of doing, and yet with its wonderful silence it seems like hallowed ground, for there civilization and christianity [Christianity] began together, the birth of Virginia Dare and her baptism. These pioneer explorers of 1584 carried back to England wonderful things; the ever friendly Indian chief Manteo and the first Irish potatoes, turkeys, corn and tobacco, which have since come into use the world over. They told of the grapes for on the island is the largest vine of the Scuppernong grape in existence.

The fort, built by the last and largest of the colonies in 1587, speaks in itself the story of the "lost colony." for when Governor John White sailed away to England and left his colonists there, apparently well seated and in charge of the next in command, they were left forever, to be seen no more by Englishmen, for their fate has been a mystery for more than three hundred years. The best thought and opinion as to their fate, that they and the friendly Indians left the gland and went to the main land, where all were massacred by other Indian tribes except perhaps a few women and girls held in captivity. Out of this apparent failure of the colony grew the stettlement [settlement] of Jamestown in Virginia, in 1607, whose chief historians say its colonists were informed by some Indians that there were white people a little to the southward. Some persons believe that the Indians and whites from Roanoke Island went to a point on the "banks," which is the local name for the barrier reef of sand, near Kitty Hawk and the fresh water lakes, and there met their fate at the hands of the cruel "'enemy Indians," who had already harassed them sorely.

The Indians themselves never lived on Roanoke Island, but only visited it during fine weather, their canoes not being able to weather rough water. The island was the Englishmen's choice, no doubt because it seemed so very like their England itself in situation. For a number of years there was a belief among many persons that the people known as the "Croatans," in Robeson County, along the southern border of North Carolina, were the survivors of the "lost colony" and ther [their] Indian associates, amalgamated, but this belief is not now held and the legislature has taken the latter view by changing the name of the Croatans to the `Indians of Rebeson County."

At Ocracoke was the rendezvous of the famous Pirate Blackbeard, William Teach, who while he was courting the last of his many wives at Bath kept a lewd colony on the island, which he visited every week end. South of Elizabeth City, on the -Norfolk Southern Railroad, is Edenton, an early capital of North Carolina and one of the moss picturesque and interesting places in the entire country. Bath, the first colonial capital, is some sixty miles, roughly estimating, farther south.

In the days of the Indian wars, Pasquotank County sent aid to the citizens of Bath against the warring redskins, who had perpetrated the massacre of 1712, sent militia to South Carolina to fight the Y amasses, and her citizens fought the treacherous warriors whenever the occasion demanded, whether at home or in any other part of the colony. The county sent her whole quota of soldiers to the English and Spanish war, to the French and English war, and during the Revolution, when North Carolina revolted against British tyranny along with her twelve sister colonies, furnished her hundred to rid the country of King George's agents and his military forces. She had her full share of men in the war with Mexico. During the war between the States Pasquotank County was loyal to the fullest extent to the State, and had companies raised in-this part of North Carolina. Her sons were at Bethel and at Appomattox, neither braver nor abler than those of the rest of the South, but doing their duty and doing it well.

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P. W. Melick COMPANY, Cam W. Melick, Mgr., 11 and 13 S. Water St.-Some of Elizabeth City's business enterprises are splendid examples of success, and none is more representative of the times than the great modem house of P. W. Melick Company. This business has been established since 1871. A stately three-story building is occupied at the above address and a number of clerks are constantly employed in looking after the trade. The stock is unsurpassed for its great extent, high quality, variety and general excellence. It consists of school books and supplies, stationery, office supplies, etc., all kinds of fancy goods, carpets, oil cloths, makings, rugs, curtains, furniture, mattresses, stoves, lamps, crockery, glass ware, cutlery, tin ware, toys, novelties, etc. The "best goods and lowest prices” is the rule. The manager of the business is prominent in business and social circles, and is keeping up the old time reputation of this house for absolute reliability.

SPENCE & HOLLOWELL CO., Commission Merchants and Manufacturers' Agents, Dealers in Fertilizers, Seeds and Country Produce and All Binds of Farm Implements, No. 18 Water St., Office, No. 191. -This business has been established since the spring of 1911, and has been a decided success. The officers of the company are Messrs. C. W. Hollowell president and secretary, and J. C. Spence, vice-president and treasurer. Both are well known business men of Elizabeth City and -natives of this community, and enjoy high standing in business and social circles. Aside from their own affairs, they do all they can for the best interests of the city. The house is in every way one of the most important identified with this line of trade here, and the annual business transacted reaches a large volume.

THE CAROLINA' HOTEL. -This hotel is centrally located at the corner of Water and Matthews Sts., and has been under the present proprietorship and management of Mr. J. E. Lane for the past two years, and since taking charge of the business the universal verdict has been that this gentleman knows well "how to keep a hotel." But, then, he is ably assisted by his good wife, who is a lady of excellent judgment and talented in the art of homekeeping. The aim and pleasure of Mr. and Ms. Lane is to make the Carolina Hotel homelike and attractive, and that they have succeeded in so doing is evidenced in the success and prosperity of this now hospitable place. The sleeping apartments are well furnished, light and airy, and the hotel includes such modem improvements as electric lights, hot and cold baths, etc. The table is well supplied with the beat that the market affords and the rates are moat reasonable, only $1.00 per day.

NEW RESTAURANT-THE CITY CAFÉ- Located at Harris' old stand, 112 Poindexter St.-Mr. Roy S. Goodwin is the proprietor of this business, and under the present ownership has been conducted since May 1, 1915. Mr. Goodwin is a young man and a native of this city, and is managing this business with

success. This cafe is well fitted up for the handling of its trade. Orders are served at all hours, and besides all kinds of good things to eat, including meals and lunches, there is sewed here all of the popular brands of cold drinks, ice cream, cigars, cigarettes, etc. The prices are very reasonable.

Post Office.

MORRISETTE & PERRY, Dealers in Staple and Fancy Groceries, Dean's old stand, Poindexter Street, phone 820.-The business was organized about a year and a half ago, and has been a growing success from the very first day down to the present time. The members of the firm are Messrs. Herbert Morrisette and J. Claud Perry. Mr. Morrisette

is in charge of the management of the affairs and is a gentleman of large experience in handling groceries. He is personally popular and well liked by the general public. It is nothing short of genuine satisfaction to make purchases at this store. It is clean, attractive and inviting, and fully stocked throughout with high grade things to eat.

C. A. Cooke. -This gentleman is a dealer in high grade clothing, men's and boys' furnishings, made-to-measure clothing being a specialty. The store is located at 114 N. Poindexter St., and while this is comparatively a new enterprise in Elizabeth City, Mr. Cooks is not new to the business by any means. He has been established for twenty-two years, located in Windsor, N. C., and moved to Elizabeth City early in January, 1915. Mr. Cooke is, therefore, a welt known merchant for many miles in all directions. His trade in this city is fast growing and is derived from the best classes. The store is large and well stocked with all kinds of wearing apparel for men and boys, and visitors to the city are invited to make this stare their headquarters. Mr. Cooke enjoys a reputation second to none in the trade, and is absolutely reliable in all his dealings. His twenty-two years of actual experience has made him thoroughly conversant with all requirements.

A. C. STOKES & SONS, Sale and Livery Stables, No. 308 Matthews St.-This is the oldest concern identified with this line of trade in the city, having been established in 1893. Mr. A. C. Stokes is at the head of the business, and is a gentleman of rare talent and ability in the trade. He is indeed recorded as a leading expert judge of horses and mules, and has been very successful in all his dealings. He never misrepresents, but handles stock and sells name according to the true merits of each animal, and therefore his name today stands above reproach and an honor to the trade. Mr. Stokes is known throughout this and adjoining counties for many miles in all directions, and has many friends and patrons.

THE ELIZABETH CITY BUGGY COMPANY, Manufacturers of Fine Buggies and Phaetons. American Wire Fencing a Specialty. 400-402-404 Matthews St. Lock Box 272.-This enterprise constitutes a leading feature of the manufacturing interests of the city. The plant has been established in successful operation since in January, 1899. A number of people are constantly employed in the various departments. Not only are they extensive manufacturers, but also large dealers in vehicles of other makes, and have quite a spacious show room. The plant is large and perfectly equipped. The officers of the company are Messrs. J. R. A. Wood, president and treasurer; W. P. Wood, vice-president, and R. T. Venters, secretary. The business is founded and conducted upon a basis of general usefulness to the public, and the gentlemen at the head of affairs are all well known citizens and deeply interested in the prosperity of Elizabeth City.

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Elizabeth City Hosiery Co.

W. S. WHITE & COMPANY.-Among the leading dealers in Feed, Seed and Electrical Supplies, Flash Lights and Columbia Batteries, all kinds of grain, such as corn, oats and peas, truck farm and garden seeds and mills products, such as corn meal, hominy, crushed corn mixed feed, bran and shipstuff [ship stuff]. The location is at 120-122.Poindexter St., with phone 64. A number are constantly employed looking after the interests of the trade. Several big buildings are occupied. The store building at the above address is 40 by 80 feet in dimensions, two stories high, and the warehouse consists of a big two-story building, 30 by 80 feet in dimensions, located on Water St., running back to the wharf in the rear. They also do quite a large business in the line of electrical contracting. The proprietors of this business are Messrs. W. S. White and Darius White. Their house is in every way entitled to the full confidence of the trade. It has been established for the past twelve years.

D. R. MORGAN, COMPANY, Wholesale and Retail Fancy Groceries, Phones 256 and 396. -This is unquestionably one of the most popular enterprises of its kind in the city. The business has been established for about five years, and operated under the present firm name for two years; and during the time that has elapsed it has made rapid strides. The active officers of the company are D. R. Morgan, president and treasurer, and M. B. Morgan, secretary. An immense trade is enjoyed and several wagons are used in making deliveries, while the two phone numbers used by this company are among the busiest on the exchange. This flan has succeeded in establishing s reputation of the highest kind, and receives its patronage from the best classes of trade throughout the city. The proprietors are widely known popular citizens, and do all they can for the general welfare of the community. In the selection of this store as your headquarters for groceries you make no mistake.

ELIZABETH CITY IRON WORKS AND SUPPLY COMAPNY. -It is with unusual pleasure that we make favorable notice of this big enterprise, in view of the fact that it is one of the largest and most important industries of Elizabeth City. The business has been established for six years, and employment is given to an average force of some forty people, while daring busy periods as many as seventy-five workmen are employed. This plant is a very modern affair and admirably equipped with all the necessary appurtenances known to the industry. The products are of high grade, and the plant is under able management. The plant is located at the corner of Pear and Water Sts. They are manufacturers and repairers of machinery and handle supplies for mills, steam boats, motor boats, automobiles, plumbers and steam fitters, and plumbing fixtures of all kinds. This is an incorporated concern, and the officers include Messrs. J. F. Sanders, president; Brad Sanders, vice-president and general manager; Andrew Sanders, treasurer, and H. W. Sanders, secretary.

ELIZABETH CITY HOSIERY COMPANY Manufacturers of Avalon Hosiery. Among the industrial enterprises of Elizabeth City that of the Elizabeth City Hosiery Company constitutes a feature of conspicuous leadership. The business was established in 1902, and has been operated with decided success from the beginning down to the present time. The plant consists of an immence [immense] building, giving employment to an average force of 300 people, the capacity being two thousand dozen hose daily. The products are shipped to all parts of the -United -States. They find a ready sale and are in great demand because of high quality. The officers of this corporation are Messrs. D. B. Bradford, president; J. A. Kramer, rice-president; P. H. Williams, secretary-treasurer, and Geo. E. Seyffort, superintendent.

J. B.CARTWRIGHT. -This gentleman has been established in business for the past twenty years, and is one of the city's mast popular merchants. He is operating what is known as The Popular Price Store, located at 118 N. Poindexter St., and the stock has been well selected with special regards as to its high quality and reasonable prices. The stock includes shoes, hats, gents' furnishing goods and traveling bags. There is no doubt of the fact but that the prices are "lower than the lowest.”. Mr. Cartwright is popular and known to be absolutely reliable in all of his dealings, and it is nothing short of genuine pleasure to trade with him.

BANKS & HUGHES, Wholesale Grocers.-This business was established about four years ago, and the trade has continued to increase, especially throughout the local community, as the firm makes a point of handling the city trade. The firm is always on the job to fill all orders promptly, whether they be large or small, and at any hour during the day, should any of the local merchants run short of some article, this firm is ready and willing at a moment's notice to fill rush orders. It is only necessary to call phone 68, and from reliable sources we learn that this is one of the busiest numbers on the telephone exchange. This house is located at 7 and 9 N. Water St. The proprietors are Messrs. H. E. Banks and J. P. Hughes, men of complete experience pertaining to their business.

COHOON & JACKSON, Slate and Tin Roofing, Guttering and Spouting Cornice Work, Sky Lights and Stove Work.-The location of this shop is at the foot of Fearing St., and the proprietors are Messrs. E. J. Cohoon and C. L. Jackson. These gentlemen are both active men, full of enterprise and ambitious to lead in the trade. They have a large practical experience, personally look after the management of their business, and their patronage is steadily increasing. They are prepared to execute contracts of any magnitude and have all the necessary facilities and ample capital required. Only the best of materials are used and experienced workmen are employed. Estimates cheerfully furnished.

Elizabeth City Iron Works and Supply Co.

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SAVINGS BANK AND TRUST COMPANY.-Important to every community are its banking houses, and Elizabeth City can well be proud of its institutions of this character. The Savings Bank & Trust Company is a prominent factor in the city's wealth and progress, and the history of this institution has been one of decided success. It operates a general banking and trust business in all its many departments, negotiates loans, also handles real estate and pays 4 per cent. interest on Savings Accounts. The bank shows a substantial record of growth, the deposits in June. 1909, being less than $200,000.00 and in June, 1915, being $400,000,00. The total resources, according to June, 1, 1915, amounted to $469,523,19. This bank occupies handsomely fitted up quarters, and is in every way prepared to handle all transactions with thoroughness and promptness, giving careful attention to details. The officers are Messrs. P. H. Williams, president; E. F. Aydlett, vice-president: H. G. Kramer, cashier, and W. H. Jennings, assistant cashier. Directors: E. F. Aydlett, L. S. Blades, J. W. Foreman, C. E. Kramer, J. T. McCabe, C. O. Robinson, A. Sawyer, J. H. White, A. M. Willey, P. H. Williams. J. Q. A. Wood and W. J. Woodley.

G. M. HUGHES, Fancy Groceries and Fresh Meats. -Mr. G. M. Hughes, the proprietor of this business, is located at 601 Southern Avenue. He has been established in business for some ten years. He has built up one of the most important businesses of this character in this part of the city. Mr. Hughes strives hard to please and satisfy each and every customer, and it is nothing short of genuine delight to make purchases at his store. Mr. Hughes carries a choice line of goons, including all kinds of groceries anti produce, poultry and fresh meats. The prices are reasonable.

On Pasquotank River at Elizabeth City.

The Vanseiver.

The Trenton.

WALKER & COMPANY, High Art Milliners.-This firm has been established for the past ten years and has long been regarded as one of the leaders in the trade, and especially as regards low prices. The stock carried is large. It consists of a great variety of high class and fashionable millinery- purchased from the leading sources of production Mrs. M. F. Walker is proprietress and keeps fully abreast of the times in her operations She is located at 115 N. Poindextor St. A very large business is transacted, and during the busy spring and fall seasons employment is given to six milliners and salesladies. Mrs. Walker does all she can to give satisfaction to the trade, and a visit to her store is well worth the time spent.

ELIZABETH CITY ELECTRIC SHOE AND HARNESS REPAIR COMPANY. -This shop is to be found at No. 14 Poindexter St. It is equipped with machinery of all kinds required for this special branch-of industry, and is run by electricity. It is unquestionably one of the busiest shops of its kind in the city, and to have work done here is a guarantee of honest work and complete satisfaction. The company uses the best of materials only and employs skilled and experienced workmen. Mr. C. E. Benton is the proprietor, and is a native of this city. He is operating his business with fine success and the trade is growing.

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N. G.GRANDY & COMPANY.-This firm operates an extensive business as dealers in all kinds of high grade cotton, flour, grain, hay, fertilizers, eggs, peas, potatoes and produce. The firm has very extensive facilities and conducts a business on quite a huge scale. The location of the enterprise is at the foot of Matthews Street on the wharf and the office lens phone connection 15. This business has been established for twenty years and is a decided success. It is one of the leading enter- of this character in Elizabeth City. The members of the firm are Mr. N. G. Grande and his son, Taylor Grande, both well known and who all they can for the good of the community.

THOMAS CRANK & SON, Dealers in Fish, Oysters, Terrapin, etc -This firm is located at 118 S. Poindexter Street, having market phone 204 and residence 24. The members of the firm are Messrs. Thomas Crank and his son Thomas Crank Jr., who have been established in the business for at least nineteen years, and no firm has succeeded better in giving satisfaction to the trade. The senior Mr. Crank has been in the fish business for thirty years. These gentlemen are unusually careful in the purchase if their products and handle strictly pure, wholesome and fresh fish, oysters, terrapin, etc. in season. All orders promptly filled and delivered, and at most favorable prices. These gentlemen are natives of Dare County.

E. S. WILLEY-MARINE RAILWAY AND SHIP YARD. -There is nothing that helps to build up a city more than first class industrial enterprises, and in this connection we desire to call the attention of our readers to the above concern which enjoys the distinction of being the largest enterprise of its kind in this part of the State, and it has been very valuable in helping to advance the commercial, manufacturing and slip building interests of Elizabeth City. The plant is equipped with a cradle of 185 feet depth, and the plant has unusual facilities for rebuilding, remodeling and repairing all kinds of boat and ship work. The very best materials are kept in stock and all work is executed with neatness and dispatch. The plant is admirably located on Riverside Avenue, and presents a busy scene at all times. a number of people are constantly employed. Mr. Willey is a native of Maryland and has been established in business in Elizabeth City since 1891.

G. S. WHITE, Grocer.-This gentleman is a dealer in all kinds of staple and fancy groceries, fruits, vegetables and melons in season, poultry, eggs, butter, canned goods, notions and other articles usually found in a store of this kind. Mr. G. S. White, the proprietor, commenced this business about four years ago, and has met with good success. He deals in high class goods and sells at reasonable prices, and quite a large trade is enjoyed. This store is located at 618 1-2 Parsonage Street, and Mr. White invites you to become one of his permanent customers. Satisfaction guaranteed.

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A. B. Seeley & Son.

A. B. SEELEY & SON, Wholesale Fruits, Produce and Fancy Groceries, No. 506 Main St., and No. 7 Water Street, phone 59.- This enterprise came into existence in the year of 1893, and now for a period of more than twenty-two years has been a conspicuous leader in handling this Particular line of goods in Northeastern North Carolina. The traveling representatives of the house cover all the wholesale territory which naturally belongs to Elizabeth City. The business is strictly wholesale, and has been exclusively owned by Mr. J. S. Seeley for ice past five years. Dealers find that this establishment offers attractive and seasonable goods at fair market rates, and the house is regarded as thoroughly reliable and enterprising and secures patronage by legitimate methods and painstaking care. The house enjoys a reputation of the highest. Mr. Seeley is a great booster of Elizabeth City, and does all he can for the good of the community

GID PENDLETON, Dealer in Fancy Groceries, No. 8 S. Road St., phone No. 275. - Mr. Pendleton is a native of this city, and quite a popular young business man, having been established in his present business for about five years. Mr. Pendleton is versed in the details of grocery trade, and is extremely careful in the selection and purchasing of his stocks, which consist of the choicest goods. Mr. Pendleton operates a popular store at the above address, and has quite a number of regular patrons. He is regarded as a gentleman of experience and ability, and is operating his business on sound basis.

AUTO LAUNDRY & SERVICE STATION, A. W. Haskett, Mgr.-This is a comparatively new business for Elizabeth City, and adds another feature of up-to-lateness to this ever-growing, progressive and modern community. Mr. Haskett started the business in June, 1310. His plant is located at the corner of Road and Fearing Streets, where he has superior facilities for washing and cleaning automobiles, and for keeping cars in perfect order generally. He also specializes in the handling of gasoline and oil, and is in the market to buy and handle second-hand cars. Mr. Haskett was born and reared in this county, and is quite well known for many miles in every direction. He is to be congratulated on supplying Elizabeth City with such a complete enterprise of this character, and is worthy of the support of the entire community.

M. Leigh Sheep Co.

M. LEIGH SHEEP COMPANY, The Woman's Wear Store.- Among the business nooses of premier rank in this city a prominent place is held by the magnificent store operated and conducted by Mr. M. Leigh Sheep. This store is handsome throughout and is fitted up according to the most advanced ideas known to the trade. It is a high class exclusive store, devoted to the sale of ready-to-wear pools for women only. A very large and varied stock is carried, representative of all that is seasonable and fashionable, and in every sense of the word the house is an ornament to the city and a distinct credit to the proprietor. Mr. Sheep is a marchant of large experience with a keen appreciation of public expectation and demand and devotes his closest personal attention to the management of affairs. This store must be seen to be fully appreciated and all visitors, as well as home folks, are welcome. The store is located in a fine building at the corner of Main and Martin Streets, opposite the post office

MISS PERRY, Dealer in Fine and Exclusive Millinery.-It is a widely recognized fact that hiss S. 3. Perry is regarded as being Elizabeth City's acknowledged millinery leader, and in her beautifully appointed parlors can be found all the latest high class and fashionable millinery and novelties of the season. Any and everything that the millinery world has to offer in-the fashionable centers of New York and other large cities is to be found even in Elizabeth City at Miss Perry's exclusive establishment. Here also is to be found a splendid staff of really talented designers and trimmers who are artists in their individual lines and who closely follow the latest styles all under the personal direction of Miss Perry herself. Miss Perry is thoroughly versed in every detail of the industry and has given to Elizabeth City an enterprise of which all are proud. Miss Perry is greatly admired throughout this entire community, is a lady of excellent standing and very popular. She conducts her business in a manner as to attract and retain a very large share of the most desirable trade.

City Road Methodist Church.

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First National Bank.

CULPEPPER, GRIFFIN, OLD & GRICE COMPANY, General Insurance and Insurance Bonds, Office No. 12 S. Poindexter St., phone 47. -Insurance has been aptly termed "the hand maiden of commerce." and this truism-has become so well and generally understood that no business man considers himself safe in disregarding it. Of the vast amount of insurance that is in force throughout Elizabeth City and vicinity, a very large proportion has been placed by this company. This agency is old established, having been in successful existence for some twenty-five years. It is also one of the largest agencies of the State, and represents thirty--sir separate and distinct fire insurance companies, besides several life and other insurance corporations. The officers of the company are Messrs. C. W. Grice, president; W. T. Old, vice-president; L. E. Old, secretary and treasurer. Directors: L. S. Blades. P. H. Williams, W. G. Underwood, C. W. Grice. D. B. Bradford. W. T. Old. L. E. Old, S. W. Gregory and W. G. Gaither, Jr.

THE FIRST NATIONAL Bank.-Having been established since 1891, the record of the First National Bank of Elizabeth City has developed a career of success, which closely identifies it with the advancement of the city in commerce and manufactures, a considerable portion of which is creditable to the liberal assistance it has extended to the business community. It is a member of the American Bankers' association, also a member of the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond. According to a statement of June 30, 7915, it has a capital of $100,000.00 surplus and profits $66,032.53. Deposits, 1554,538.16. The total resources amount to nearly $900,000.00. The officers are Chas. H. Robinson, president: Dr. L. S. Blades, vice-president, and W. G. Gaither. Jr., cashier. Directors: Chas. H. Robinson. E. R. Daniels. L. S. Blades, O. F. Gilbert, D. B. Bradford. L. C. Blades. J. A. Kramer, E. F. Aydlett, P. H. Williams, C. O. Robinson and S. H. Johnson. This bank occupies handsomely fitted up quarters in the very heart of the city, and transacts a general banking business, 4 per cent. interest paid on savings accounts, and, being a National bank, government supervision is a prominent feature.

J. M. LeROY, Dealer in Fancy and Staple Groceries, Corner Main and Road Streets.-This establishment may be said to be one of the model enterprises of the kind in the city, and it is indeed a source of genuine pleasure to make purchases at the store. Mr. LeRoy, who is highly regarded in business circles, is among the wideawake [wide-awake] and up-to-the-minute progressive merchants of Elizabeth City. He has been established in business here for eight years, has made this city his home, however, for fifteen years and is a native of Tyrrell County. It may also be said that Mr. LeRoy is perhaps one of the best posted grocers of the city, and deals only in goods of real merit, refusing absolutely to handle any article adulterated in anyway, and, therefore, has succeeded in winning the full confidence, not only of his own patrons, but of the entire community. He is a great stickier for quality and absolute purity and his store is clean and sanitary- and will bear the closest inspection in this regard any moment in the day. Orders speedily delivered. Phone No. 3.

Culpepper, Griffin, Old & Grice Co.

THE C. H. ROBINSON COMPANY, Wholesale Distributors of Dry Goods and Notions, Nos. 10-12-14-16 Water St.-The story of the romance of big business as regards Elizabeth City would indeed be incomplete did it not contain favorable notice of this flourishing and growing enterprise. It is one of the largest and moat solid business institutions of the city, haring been established since the year 1877 and for a number of years devoted exclusively to the dry goods trade, covering a large part of Eastern North Carolina. A number of traveling men represent the house on the road. Mr. C. H. Robinson the senior member of the firm, was the founder of the business. He is one of the city's prominent men of affairs, is president of the First –National, president of the Elizabeth City Cotton mills and closely identified with other interests. His son Mr. C. 0. Robinson, has been a member of the firm for six years and is a gentleman of business and social prominence. Mr. J. J. Hughes became a member of the company in January 1915, but for about eight years has been connected with the house as traveling representative. The influence of this concern is being felt in the development of this city.

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S. R. Siff Co., Inc.

S. R. SIFF COMPANY, Inc., Ready-to Wear Outfitters.-This is one of the famous stores of Elizabeth City, and has been a prominent feature of the commercial interests of this city for the past fifteen years. The present company succeeded to Lavestein's about two years ago, and the members of the corporation are Messrs. H. H. Lavenstein, president, and S. R. Siff, secretary-treasurer and general manager. This store is prominently located in the heart of the city, at the corner of Main and Poindexter Streets. It is a magnificent three-story building, and presents a very inviting appearance. The store is known and held in high regard by the best trade throughout this part of North Carolina. This house is headquarters for all kinds of ready-to wear goods for men, women and children, and constant employment is given to a force of from fifteen to forty clerks, according to the demands of the season. Mr. Siff, the general manager, is one of the most widely known, active and progressive young business men of this city, and has great faith in the future of this community. His house may be said to stand in the front rank as a representative enterprise.

T. W. WILLIAMS, Dealer in Jobs and Sample Goods of All Binds, 216 Poindexter St.-It can truthfully be said that few merchants in this section of North Carolina can boast of a longer or a larger experience in the mercantile business than Mr. T. W. Williams, He has been closely associated with the trade for upwards of forty years, and has been located in Elizabeth City for fifteen years. Mr. Williams is known to the trade, and his name is synonymous with all that is reliable and dependable. He has an excellent assortment of dry goods, shoes and furnishings, and sells at low prices.

LOUIS SELIG, Elizabeth City's Leading Jewelry, Established 1882, Corner Main and Water Streets. Among the houses of which Elizabeth City feels justly interested is that of Louis Selig, which has been in successful existence for more than thirty years, and many years ago assumed commercial prominence in its line. The house has long been regarded as a leader in the high class jewelry trade in this section and it can truthfully be said that no store in the entire South carries a fitter or more costly stock. The facilities of this house for transacting business are of a strictly firstclass [first-class] character, and the proprietor gives his close personal attention to every detail of the business, adopting in his dealings with the public reliable methods, which have most favorably recommended the establishment to the confidence of his steadily growing patronage. A number of skilled and experienced jewelers are constantly employed. The fact that this house holds the position of leadership in the jewelry trade of north-eastern Carolina has long been established.

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CRYSTAL ICE AND COAL COMPANY, Inc.-This is one of the leading enterprises of Elizabeth City, and its influence has been greatly felt- m the advancement of the business interests of this community. The plant is located on Water Street, near the Norfolk Southern depot, and extends through the block to the wharf in the rear. It is one of the largest ice plants in eastern North Carolina, has a capacity of eighty tons daily, made from pure distilled water. The plant is of modern brick construction and is a model of convenience. In the conduct of the business more than twenty people are employed. The company also operates a large business as dealer in all kinds of high grade coal. Mr. W. T. Love is the president, treasurer and general manager, and his son, Mr. D. M. Love, is secretary.

NEWBERN PRODUCE COMPANY, Inc., Wholesale Fruits and Produce-Car Lots a Specialty. All Kinds of Country Produce Bought and Sold-Special Attention Paid to Consigned Shipments. -This enterprise has been established since December 1, 1914, and the trade is growing rapidly. On the 1st of October of the present year the company will occupy the big new three-story and basement Woodley Building, at the corner of Water and Burgess Streets. The officers of this company are Messrs. W. T. Phillips, president; W. W. Newborn, vice-president and general manager; W. R. \4attbL-ws, secretary. These gentlemen are all well known in commercial and financial circles. The business of this house is a great success, and the concern adds much to the wholesale interests of the city.

LAMBERT BROTHERS, Dealers in Wood, Coal, Fence Posts, White and Red Cedar Shingles. Phone 214. -This business has been established since 1911, and the operations have been steadily increasing in volume. This firm is prepared to execute all orders promptly and to furnish supplies at the lowest market quotations. They have quite extensive yards and use a number of wagons in the delivery service. Mr. E. J. Lambert is the general manager of the business and is directing its affairs with success. The other members of the firm are Mr. J. U. Lambert, superintendent of the Norfolk-Carolina Telephone Company, and Mr. W. R. Lambert, vice-president and general manager of The Highland Park Residential Company.

THE JACKSON MARBLE COMPANY- Wesley Williams is the manager of this business and has been in active charge for the last three years. He employs experienced and expert workmen, so that all work in the plant is executed with artistic skill and to the entire satisfaction of the trade. There is no doubt of the fact but that this is one of the leading marble plants in the eastern part of North Carolina, and a very large business is done throughout the State in the way of supplying monuments, grave stones, markers and ornamental iron fence. The company has a wide range of designs, from which most desirable selections may be made. Prices are quoted upon application this plant is located at 203 N. Poindexter St. Mr. Williams is a native of Norfolk County. Va., and has been connected with the business interests of Elizabeth City for some twenty-five years.

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F. H. ZIEGLER & SON, Funeral Directors and Embalmers, 204 S. Road Street, phone 182.-Having been established in the year 1856, makes this enterprise one of the oldest in this profession in the State and the oldest business of any character in Elizabeth City. It was founded by the late J. H. Ziegler, father of the present proprietor, who has been in active charge of the business since the death of his father in 1889. The son, Mr. C. L. Ziegler, is now and has been for a number of years a very able assistant in the management of the affairs, and the name of the firm was recently changed to F. H. Ziegler & Son. Both of these gentlemen, Messrs. F. H. Ziegler and son. C. L. Ziegler, are graduate embalmers and thoroughly experienced in the practice of every detail of the profession. They have adopted the latest processes and thus far have accorded utmost satisfaction to the public this firm is admirably equipped, and the management keeps fully abreast of the times. The Ziegler family is one of the most prominent in this section and enjoys the highest respect o all.

T. W. WILLIAMS, Jr.-This gentleman has been established in business for himself for about eight years, and was formerly with his father, who is one of the oldest and most respected merchants of Elizabeth City. Young Mr. Williams has a very attractive store, located at the popular corner of Poindexter and Burgess Streets. Here is carried a superior stock of all kinds of foreign and domestic fruits and candies, tobaccos and cigars and light lunches. Mr. Williams is personally popular with the trade, and is making a fine success of his business. He invites all to make his place their headquarters, and visitors to the city are accorded a hearty welcome.

DR. W. H. MORRIS, Veterinarian. -This gentleman is not only the leading veterinarian in Elizabeth City, but may be said to be the leading practitioner in Eastern North Carolina, while the "Veterinary Remedies" which he has succeeded in perfecting for horses, mules, cattle, hogs and chickens are sold and in large demand throughout the Southern States. Dr. W. H. -Morris has had an experience of twenty-five years in the profession, and because of his vast experience and knowledge which he has gained by intimate association has made him an authority in all matters pertaining to veterinary science. Dr. Morris is a member of the Mate Veterinary Association, was one of the first to register and obtain a license to practice in this State, and has been very successful. His office is located at 106 Matthews St., and residence phone 18, all Weal and long-distance calls being answered promptly. For further information regarding his veterinary remedies you are invited to write Dr. Morris. Correspondence invited.

ALBEMARLE LAUNDRY, Larry Ennis Skinner, Proprietor. Phone 125. -This superb laundry enjoys such an enormous business that of itself alone is an evidence of the high civilization and advancement of this community. The numerous employees are kept constantly at work in taking care of the business that pours into the plant. This laundry is extremely careful in the handling of laundry, and does no injury to the finest and most expensive garments, and therefore patrons need have no fear of their articles being returned torn, discolored or faded. It is the aim of the Albemarle Laundry to make friends with its patrons and to insure their permanent trade. The laundry possesses all the necessary appliances, and there is no laundry in the United States that does better work. This laundry has been in existence since 1901, and is a decided business success. -Mr. Skinner is a native of Suffolk, Va., and is thorouhly [thoroughly] versed in every detail of the business.

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The Citizens Bank.

H. C. BRIGHT, Jeweler, Diamonds, Watches, Cat Glass and Silverware, No. 14 S. Poindexter St.-This store has been established for the past five years, and a has steadily forged ahead he its Fine stock, careful treatment of the public, and splendid management. It is indeed one of the most up-to-the-minute stores of the city, and presents a clean, wholesome, fresh and inciting appearance, and everything in stock is of the moat dependable character anti carefully selected. Mr. Bright is a native of this city, and although a young man, can claim to have had an experience of twenty-five years in the jewelry trade. His store is steadily growing in importance and the volume of annual transactions increasing. Mr. Bright wants at least a share of your trade, and is thoroughly clever and conscientious in all of his dealings.

THE CITIZENS' BANK-OF ELIZABETH CITY, Established 1893. -It may be said that no city in the south can boast of the possession of banking institutions more solidly based, more capably managed, or more effectively serviceable To the business world than are those of Elizabeth City; and none of the banking institutions here am more notable for there characteristics than the Citizens Bank. The bank was organized in 1399, and has a record of steady growth, steadfast prosperity and enjoys the fullest confidence of the community. The bank today has total resources of over $400,000,00; and transacts a general banking business, paying 4 per cent interest on savings accounts. The officials and directors are all prominent men of affairs, and closely affiliated with the progress of the city. They are Messrs. O. McMullan. President: W. C Glover, vice-president. and M. R. Griffin. Cashier. Directors: O. McMullen. W. C. Glover. M. N. Sawyer, - F. M. Grive. T. P. Nash. F. F. Spencer. E. M. Deford and Noah Burfoot.

PARKER BROTHERS, Fancy Groceries and Fresh Meats, Hinton Building, Main St.-This firm is composed of Messrs. I. B. Parker and N. P. Parker, who established the business in October, 191. Both gentlemen are natives of this city, well known and popular, and maintain an enviable standing in commercial circles. They may be said to operate one of the handsomest and finest grocery stores in North Carolina, and up to the present time have enjoyed an enviable record of business prosperity. They have achieved a reputation second to none for fair methods, and enjoy the full confidence of their many patrons. The store is perfectly sanitary throughout, and presents a very inviting appearance, and is admired by all. The Messrs. Parker are gentlemen of long experience in this trade, and they make it a point to study the special wants of their patrons, and are a big assistance to the housekeeper in suggesting what to have for different meals in order to keep up a pleasant variety.

D. WALTER HARRIS, the City Tailor and Promoter of Styles. -This gentleman takes rank as an enterprising and leading merchant, whose integrity and leadership in the trade have never been questioned. He has one of the handsomest shops in the city, has been established for shout air years, and located in the Hinton Building since February 1, 191. There is no doubt of the fact that D. Walter Harris is the last name in any argument as to who is who in the line of fine and fashionable tailoring houses. This store is imposing and magnificent, and is stocked with a fashionable line of suiting: seldom found outside of even the largest cities in the country, and the patronage is among the best dressed gentlemen 'of the community-. Mr. Harris is a young man, a native of this city, and known for his influence, vaarcity [veracity], and high standing in business and social circles.

H. C, Bright.

D. Walter Harris.

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Alkrama Theatre.

ALKRAMA THEATRE. -This handsome and magnificent playhouse operated by the Kramer Amusement Ca., with Mr. D. K. Kramer as manager and his son, Mr. D. Ray Kramer, assistant manager. The Alkrama is one of the most attractive theatres in the State, is of perfect construction thoroughly ventilated and equipped with a profusion of electric lights and fans, comfortable seats, large stage and dressing rooms and has a seating capacity of eight hundred. The theatre is now, being erected only two years ago, and is a model in design and arrangement. Only the best attractions are shown, and the theatre is usually crowded at every performance. The management deserves credit for End, to the city such a fine institution of the kind, furnishing clean, up-to-the-minute educational and innocent amusement.

J. F. KIRBY & WIFE, Groceries, Dry Goods, Tobacco, Cigars, etc.-This business is located at 628 Parsonage St., at the corner of Skinner Ave., near the two big cotton and hosiery mills. The business has been established for the past five years, and both Mr. and Mrs. Kirby extend every courtesy to the trade, and have succeeded in consolidating quite an important and growing business. They stave hard to please and satisfy each and every customer, and they highly appreciate all orders, whether they be large or small. They endeavor to handle the very best goods, and to sell at extremely low prices.

W. H. WEATHERLY COMPANY, Candy Manufacturers and Wholesale Fancy Grocers. -This enterprise is of a magnitude and character seldom seen outside of the largest cities of the count, and at the same time its facilities are more than ordinary complete. This business has been established for more than twenty-five years, and the trade has steadily grown in volume. The patronage in the wholesale grocery department is broadly distributed throughout the entire Northeast section of North Carolina, while the trade in candies covers nearly the whole of the State. The premises occupied include an immense three-story building, 60 by 100 feet in dimensions, fitted up with modern improvements throughout. The candy factory is one of the most modem and sanitary in the State, and a number of experienced candy makers are constantly employed turning out all kinds of-high grade stick candies and penny specialties. The officers’ of the company are Messrs. W. H. Weatherly, president and manager; A. S. Mann, vice-president and treasurer, and W. H. Weatherly, Jr., secretary. This enterprise has certainly, done its full share in attracting trade to this city.

W. H. Weathers CO.

P. DeLON, Bicycles and supplies, Phonographs, Records and Athletic Goods. Special attention to Repairing. No. 124 N. Poindexter St.-The business has now been established for the past twenty years, which makes it the oldest enterprise of its kind in this city. Not only is it the oldest, but is headquarters for the leading makes of bicycles and supplies, as well as all kinds of athletic goods. This is the agency for Spaulding's goods, which are recognized as the standard on the market. The repair department is in charge of experienced workmen, and in every way this is one of the most satisfactory enterprises in the city. Mr. P. DeLon, the proprietor, is well known to the trade, and is personally very popular and well liked by all.

SILVERTHORN - MORRISETTE CO., Dealers in Furniture, Stoves and Household Goods,-This firm was organized early in January, 1915, and is making rapid strides, so much so that it has become necessary to seek much larger quarters, and to meet the demands the company has leased the extensive premises now occupied by the grocery firm of D. R. Morgan Company, at the comer of Water and Main Streets, and by the first of October, 1915, will be in the new premises with a handsome and greatly diversified stock of house hold goods of all kinds. These premises include a large brick building 55 by 100 feet in dimensions. -The individual members of the firm include Messrs. J. M. Silverthorn and M. G. Morrisette. Mr. Silverthorn is a native of Hyde County, lived in Beaufort County for ten years and came to Elizabeth City about two and a had years ago, while Mr. Morrisette was born and reared in Elizabeth City. These gentlemen have a well-established reputation for high standing and character.

Scenes at Nags Head.

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WEEKS & SAWYER, Haberdashers and Tailors. -In the history of representative houses no more worthy example can be found than that of Weeks & Sawyer, established for the past five years. The proprietors are Messrs. J. M. Weeks and N. C. Sawyer, who maintain an excellent standing in business and social circles and are regarded as being absolutely fair and square in all their dealings. They have one of the most magnificent stores in the city, located in the very heart of the business district, 410 East Main Street. Kramer Building. The name of Weeks & Sawyer has indeed become a household word and their store is unquestionably the leading place "where the best clothes come from." They carry an elegant stock purchased from the best known manufacturer and keep fully abreast of the times as regards the management of their affairs

ELIZABETH CITY COCA-COLA BOTTLING WORKS. -This business is incorporated and has been operated under the present management for five years, the capacity during this time having been greatly increased, which in itself shows more than words can express the ability with which the business is now managed. Mr. W. C. Dawson is the manager and Mr. A. F. Cathey is president. There is no doubt of the fact that Coca-Cola is the most popular drink on earth, and the products of this plant are shipped throughout all of northeast North Carolina. They are also bottlers of all kinds of carbonated beverages and do a very 'extensive business as manufacturers of plain and fancy ice cream.

RAULS & RAPER, Suits Made to Measure, Cleaning, Pressing, Repairing and Alterations, 131 N. Poindexter St., phone 305. -We cannot say too much about the concern, for an inspection of the enterprise reveals the fact that it is thoroughly sanitary in every respect and conducted in strict accordance with the sanitary rules that govern businesses of this character. The place is equipped with the latest type of the Hoffman Steam Pressing Machine, and the work turned out is beautiful, being unsurpassed for its high quality and general Excellence. Suits being treated in this establishment are made to look almost like new. The businesses owned and operated by Messrs. Chas. F. Rauls, who is a practical tailor of many years’ experience and David S. Raper. These gentlemen have a high standing and in the conduct of their business operate according to the best approved modern methods.

W. I. BROTHERS, Dealer in Meats and Groceries. -We desire to make special reference regarding this enterprise in this publication on this city. Mr. W. I. Brothers is located at the corner of Shepard and Poindexter Streets, where he conducts a good store and handles all kinds of meats and groceries, fresh country vegetable, poultry, etc. Mr. Brothers has been established in the business for ten years, and has succeeded in developing quite a good trade. He has phone 101, and all orders are promptly delivered. Mr. Brothers wants your trade and does all he can to give utmost satisfaction. He is a thoroughly responsible business man and successful manager.

R. KO CH, Baker. -This gentleman is located at 202 S. Road St., and has been established in business here since 1886, which makes him the oldest baker in Elizabeth City. He is not only the oldest established, but has a larger experience than any other baker here, having commenced in the year 1866. He learned the trade in Germany of which country he is a native, and came to America in 1881. Mr. Koch does both a wholesale and retail business and has a wagon making deliveries to all parts of the city. Orders by phone 276 receive prompt attention. Mr. Koch maintains a good bake shop, it being well equipped and the products are absolutely pure and wholesome.

ZOELLER'S STUDIO-Elizabeth City being a center of culture and refinement it is natural to suppose that able exponents of high art photograph should be found, and a visit to Zoeller's Studio is not at all disappointing. It is one of the leading centers of photographic art in this State, and the walls of the reception room are adorned with many specimen: of beautiful and artistic pictures-the work of Mr. W. H. Zoeller, proprietor. This studio is indeed one the points of interest in Elizabeth City, and a visit to this city is not complete without including a tour of inspection to "Zoeller's." Mr. Zoeller has made photography portraiture a life study, and is today counted as one of the leading masters of the profession in the South. Many of his productions are acknowledged to be real works of merit, and not only has he photographed practically all the men, women and children of this part of North Carolina, but he has been very enterprising in making many artistic pictures of the beautiful scenery and points of interest throughout Albemarle and Pamplico [Pamlico] Sounds, Dismal Swamp. Nags Head and other coast resorts.

W. J. HENDRICKS, Blacksmith and Wheelwright. Carts and Wagons Made to Order.-This enterprise is located at 213 S. Road St., and although a comparatively new business, having only been in existence since July 15, 1915, promises to be a much valued and appreciative concern. Mr. Hendricks is making his influence greatly felt in the trade. He is a gentleman of fifteen years practical experience, and came to Elizabeth City the early part of this year. He was formerly located at Winfall, and was born and reared in that community. He is prepared to do all work in his line to entire satisfaction, and will appreciate the opportunity of quoting an estimate on anything that you may want done.

R. C. ABBOTT, Forwarding Merchant and Dealer in Guano, Seed Potatoes, Seed Peas and Truck Packages. - Mr. Abbot is operating a very important business in this line of industry. He has been established for the past three years, and has built up a large and growing trade. Mr. Abbott has facilities of a large character and is prepared to handle orders of any magnitude, procure the best in market prices and conclude the transactions with entire satisfaction to all parties concerned. Mr. Abbott has been a resident of this city for the past twenty-three years, and has at heart the very best interest of the community.

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E. L. SILVERTHORN. -Mr. Silverthorn is a dealer in all kinds of new and antique furniture, stoves and ranges, picture frames made to order, also has a special department devoted to the handling of guns and repairing, which department is m charge of a man who is thoroughly experienced in gunsmithing. Mr. Silverthorn carries quite a large stock of goods, and is m the market to either buy, sell or exchange. He pays the highest market prices for second-hand goods. The store is located at No. 8 Water Street, and Mr. Silverthorn has been in this present business since January 1, 1915. He was formerly in partnership with his brother, Mr. Silverthorn is a native of Hyde County, North Carolina, and came to Elizabeth City four years ago.

THE CITY DRUG STORE, Corner Water and Matthews Sts.-Elizabeth City is well supplied as regards high class drug stores, and no city in the State can boast of more capably managed institutions of this character. The distinction of being the oldest established enterprise of this kind belongs to The City Drug Store, the business having been founded some thirty-five years ago. Mr. H. S. Overman, who has been connected with the store since 1905, has been the active manager since 1908 and owns half interest in the business. Mr. Overman is a native of this city and a well-known young business man. He is also the president of the Apothecary Shop, Inc., which is considered to be one of the handsomest drug stores in the State.

THE APOTHECARY SHOP, Inc.-This high class pharmacy is located on one of the most prominent corners in the heart of this city, in the Hinton Building. It has been established and in successful operation since December, 1913. There is no doubt of the fact that it is one of the handsomest pharmacies in the State. The equipment includes tiled floor, high ceilings, electric fans and lights, soda fountain, wall cabinets and show cases, and soda grill. It is altogether a cool, restful place and maintains its popularity because of the high quality of its stock. The members of the corporation are Messrs. H. S. Overman, president; S G Etheridge, secretary and treasurer. Mr. C. B. Morrisette is in charge of the prescription department. Mr. Overman is also the manager of the City Drug Store.

AUTO AND GAS ENGINE WORKS, General Machine Shop, Automobile and Gas Engine Work a Specialty, Distributors, Ford and Buick. Automobiles, Supplies, Accessories and Tires., Office and Shop Water Street.-This enterprise has been established for the past five years, and is owned by Messrs. W. P. Skinner, W. G. Gaither, Jr., and Thos. J. Jones. These gentlemen are thoroughly versed in all details of the industry and have certainly exhibited wise judgment in becoming the agents and distributors for such famous, popular and universal cars as the Ford and the wick. These cars are too well known to require any elaboration. Many are in use throughout this community and are giving entire satisfaction. The Auto and Gas Engines Works is one of the largest concerns identified with this industry in the eastern part of the State, and the proprietors are meeting with fine success in the operation and conduct of the business.

M. P. GALLOP COMPANY: Wholesale and Retail Grocers 10, 12 and 14 Water St.- In this special line of trade it might be said that a leading and representative position is maintained by the house of M. P. Gallop Company. The business has been established for a period of twenty years the first of this December: 1915, the president and general manager being Mr. M. P. Gallop. This house is in a position to cater very favorably to the trade in both wholesale and retail departments. The premises including store and warehouse are among the largest in the city, the stock carries being very extensive, and as a result all orders whether they be large or small, can be promptly filled. The business policy of this house is that of liberality, fair dealing, square methods and a strictly honest representation u every instance.

CITY MEAT MARKET, All Kinds of Veal, Pork, Poultry, Lamb, Game, etc., Fish and Oysters in Season, No. 106 South Poindexter Street, phone 364. -The handling of meats is one of the most particular kinds of business and to make a success of it requires thorough experience and an expert knowledge of how to select stock and to butcher same. Mr. Ed. Pappendick at the head of this business, although a young man, is nevertheless thoroughly experienced in every detail of the trade. He can carve stock to perfection and market same with utmost satisfaction, strictly observing all the recognized sanitary rules and regulations. This firm was organized about two years ago. Mr. Pappendick is a young man and a native of this city.

KRAMER BROTHERS & COMPANY, Inc., Saw and Planing [planning] Mills, Manufacturers of Flooring, Ceiling, Siding, Frames, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Moldings, rackets, Scroll and Turned Work, Church Pews, &c., Dealers in builders, Hardware, Paints, Varnishes, Stains, Colors, Brushes, &c. -This enterprise may be said to hold the creditable distinction of being one of the most prominent and successfully conducted businesses of the kind in Elizabeth City The business has been established since 1872. The operations today have reached a large annual volume. Constant employment is given to an average of some one hundred men in the various departments, and the products of the company are largely consumed throughout Elizabeth City, as well as Eastern -North Carolina and Virginia.

CHAS. Davis & COMPANY, Dealers in Beef, Pork Veal, Mutton and Sausage, Bacon of All Kinds, Poultry and Game in Season, No. 104 S. Poindexter St., phone No. 215.-Mr. Chas. Davis is at the head of this business, which has been established for the past five years. This firm is operating a perfectly clean market, and Mr. Davis is very enthusiastic over the construction of the new City Market House, and believes that the new market will be a great help in the advancement of the trade, and in giving satisfaction to patrons, where everybody can come to one central point, and make choice selections, purchasing from the firm with the best goods to offer. Mr. Davis is not afraid of competition; he is very careful in the purchase of his stock and endeavors to conduct the business on a high plain with due retard and consideration for the trade.

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C.W. STEVENS COMPANY, Inc., Wholesale Groceries, Tobacco and Drugs. -This house has been established since 1903, and has throughout its career been regarded as a very valuable acquisition to the wholesale trade conveniences of the city. The house is indeed the center of very advantageous sources of supply, and the patronage covers practically all of Northeast North Carolina, a number of traveling representatives visiting the trade throughout this section in the interests of the company. The premises occupied include s very extensive buckling, located at the foot of Main St. and having large wharf facilities. This company is in a position to handle all orders whether they be large or small, promptly and to entire satisfaction. The business is incorporated, and the members of the company include Messrs. C. H. Brock, president; W. A. Brock, secretary, and C. W. Stevens, treasurer and manager. This enterprise is thoroughly reliable and successful, and fully merits the appreciation and confidence of the trade.

EAGLE GROCERY. -This store is located at the corner of Poindexter and Matthews Sts., and has for a long time been regarded as one of the leading retail grocery stores of Elizabeth City. Mr. John H. Banks is the proprietor, and has been established for the past ten years. Mr. Banks is a native of North Carolina, and has been making Elizabeth City his home since 1896. He has a clean store, and is regarded as the "home of good things to eat." Mr. Banks is accommodating in all of his dealings, and strives earnestly to give utmost satisfaction to each and every patron. The stock carried is unsurpassed.

PAILIN MILLING COMPANY, Wholesale and Retail Bolted and Unbolted Meal, hominy, Bran, Hay, Mixed Feed, Oats and Mill Feed. -This enterprise is located on Water Street, and has office phone connection 220. -Mr. A.S. Neal is the proprietor and general manager, and has been in active charge for about three years. He is prominently known, having been a resident of Elizabeth City for the past 35 years, and is a native of North Carolina. The products which come from the Pailin Milling Company are of high quality, unrivalled for freshness and uniformity, are in great demand and find ready sale. There is utmost satisfaction in dealing with this company, and the proprietor is pleasant, courteous and accommodating.

P. C. HARRIS, Grocer. -Mr. Harris has been established in business for two years and is now conducting an excellent store located at the corner of Second and Walnut Streets. Here is carried a good assortment of all kinds of fancy and staple groceries, fresh country produce, poultry, eggs, butter, vegetables and fruits in season, candies and other confectionery goods, tobacco, cigars, sweet milk, etc. In fact, any and every thing that is good to eat is found here, and at reasonable prices, too. Mr. Harris is a native of this city.

L. B. TWIFORD, Grocer.-Mr. Twiford has had a number of years experience in the grocery trade, and has been in business for himself since October 1, 1914, at which time he bought out and became the proprietor of The Road Street Grocery Company, which is located at the corner of Road and Glade Streets. A fine stock is carried, which includes all kinds of staple and fancy groceries, fresh country produce, poultry and eggs All orders are given prompt attention. Mr. Twiford is a young man and enjoys an excellent standing in the community. He wants at least a share of your trade, and strives hard to give utmost satisfaction.

MARKHAM & FEREBEE COMPANY, Dealers in Furniture and General Household Goods. -This enterprise is to be found at the corner of Main and Water Streets, and has office phone connection 294. The premises consist of a large two-story building, which is fully stocked with a high grade line of furniture and general household goods, stoves and ranges, refrigerators, sewing machines, baby carriages, etc. The company has succeeded m consolidating a very important business. The owners of the company are Messrs. G. C. Markham and J. B. Ferebee Mr. Markham is a native of Pasquotank County, and has been established in the furniture business for the last sixteen years in Elizabeth City. Mr. Ferebee is a native of Camden County, and has been residing in this city for the past twenty-seven years, and the present firm of Markham & Ferebee Company has been operating since 1912.

THE PENNSYLVANIA ELECTRIC SHOE REPAIRING COMPANY, Clarence Labruzzo, Mgr.-This plant is located at 152 Poindexter St., having phone connection, and it is one of the beat equipped concerns of its kind in Elizabeth City. The manager, although a young man, is thoroughly experienced, having spent the greater part of his life in this-trade. He came to Elizabeth City the 20th of March, 1915. The plant is equipped with all kinds of shoe making and shoe repairing machinery, run by electricity. New shoes made to order. Deformed shoes a specialty. The work is speedily executed to entire satisfaction and at reasonable prices. This company also operates plants in Newark, N J., and Philadelphia, Pa. Mr. Clarence Labruzzo is a clever young business man, and extends every courtesy to the trade.

D. R. Munden.-Mr. Munden's business covers several distinct lines. He is a manufacturer of awnings, sails, tents and flags, and his experience m this business covers some twenty-two years. During the time he has been established here he has executed much work in this line. About three years ago Mr. Bounden engaged in the business of manufacturing ice creams. His plant is of modern equipment, thoroughly sanitary, and all flavors are made, which are sold at both wholesale and retail. Deliveries on Sunday are made as late as 110 A. M. Another feature of his business is dealing in fresh fish of all kinds, oysters and game in season. He is located at 148 N. Poindexter Street and has phone 810. Mr. Munden is a native of North Carolina.

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MITCHELL'S DEPARTMENT STORE, O. F. Gilbert , Proprietor. -A visitor to Eliza, both City is at once impressed with the metropolitan air of her commercial establishments, and the magnificent stocks they display. Con Conspicuous, as a leader in this line of business is the enterprise known as "Mitchell's Department Store," of which Mr. Oliver F. Gilbert is the proprietor. This store occupies a stately building, located in the very heart of the city, corner Main and Poindexter Streets. It is 93 by 100 feet in dimensions. The store is modern in its equipment throughout, the departments being conveniently arranged and the great stock includes dry goods, clothing furnishing goods, shoes, floor coverings, draperies, ladies' suits, millinery, and, in fact, everything usually handled by high class department stores. This is regarded as one of the airiest, best ventilated, delightful and conveniently arranged stores in the city. It is constantly thronged with buyers, and according to season, from eighteen to forty clerics are employed. Mr. Gilbert is one of the most active young business men of the city, and thinks this community has a wonderful future.

A. F. TOXEY & Company, Wholesale Grocers, 10 and 12 Water St.-This business has been established for the past seven years, and from its inception the house has largely contributed its full share in attracting that large trade, which, combined, is the pride of the city. The premises include an immense two-story building at the above address, the dimensions being 60 by 200 feet, extending through the block with a big wharf in the rear. The stock carried is exceedingly large, consisting of all kinds of high-grade groceries, confections, tobacco and cigars, crockery, tin-ware, etc. In fact, anything required for the stock of the retail grocer, cigarist, tobacconist, or confectioner, is supplied by the firm of A. F. Toxey & Company. -Mr. A. F. Toxey, who is the general manager of the business, is a gentleman of twenty-two years' experience in the trade, and is thoroughly familiar with its every detail. The other members of the firm include Messrs. R. B. Martain and R. M. Sawyer, who have charge of the office and accounting departments.

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MRS. M. HILL, Fine Millinery, No. 515 Main St.-Mrs. M. Hill has been associated with the millinery business of this city for the past 28 years, and is recognized as one of Elizabeth City's leading exponents in this branch of commercial activity. Her parlors are visited with keen measure during the millinery season, the stock containing a great variety of milliner, and the latest fashionable novelties. Mrs. M. Hill personally directs her business and has achieved notable success. She visits the markets every season. Notwithstanding the fact that she handles fashionable goods, her prices are very reasonable.


This enterprise is located at 612 Parsonage Street, and is the oldest established business in this part of the city. Mr. L. W. Anderson is the proprietor. He personally looks after the management of affairs and gives employment to experienced clerks, who show every courtesy and attention to the trade. A large stock of goods is carried, including all kinds of general merchandise, such as dry goods, notions, ladies' and gents' furnishings, staple and fancy groceries, teas and coffees, canned and bottled goods, etc. The lowest prices prevail.

G. M. SPENCE. -Among the merchants of this city is Mr. G. DI. Spence, who conducts a good store en Skinner Ave., about midway between the two big cotton and hosiery nails. Mr. Spence, therefore, has succeeded in building up an important business, having been established for about two years, and is ell mown and popular. His store is clean, sanitary and well stocked with dry goods and notions, staple and fancy groceries of all, kinds, confections, fruits and other seasonable goods Mr. Spence is a native of Dare County, and has resided in Elizabeth City for seven years.

THE PARIS DRY CLEANING COMPANY, E. A. Jones, Proprietor. -This enterprise is located at 123 NT. Poindexter St. and the business is devoted to high class dry cleaners of all kinds, hats cleaned and blocked rubber coats cleaned, silks' and fine ladies' gowns a specialty. This plant has been under the present ownership since May. 1915. Mr. E. A. Jones is a native of Iowa City, Iowa, and has had fifteen years of practical experience in the industry. He knows how a business of this kind should be conducted, and is giving perfect satisfaction to the trade. He uses the Parisian French methods in his work, and the moat delicate fabrics are cleaned and restored to their original freshness under his skillful treatment. All orders promptly executed. Phone No. 84.

ELIZABETH CITY BRICK COMPANY. They are manufacturers of all kinds of building brick. The plant is of modern equipment, and is located on North Road on the N. S. R., having phone connection 61. The officers of this company are Messrs. L. C. Blades. President: L.W. Norman, vice-president, and C. J. Ward secretary-treasurer and manager Mr. Ward is regarded as one of the best brick men of the State, and erected this plant here twenty-three years ago. This company also Purchased a similar plant in Plymouth, N.C. about a year ago; which the company has greatly improved, and both plants are running at large capacity, giving employment to a number of workmen. The brick are of high grade and find ready, market.

C. W. WARD, Grocer. -Mr. Ward has been established in business for something over three years, and is located at the corner of Road and Walnut Streets, having store phone number 461 and residence phone number 61-2. Mr. Ward is a young man and a native of this city. H e enjoys a wide acquaintance and has many friends. It is with a great degree of pleasure to purchase goods at bus store. It is a clean, inviting and attractive place and stocked with an unusual assortment of high grade fancy and staple groceries and fresh country produce being a specialty.

GLOBE FISH COMPANY, Inc., Wholesale Fish. -This section of the South has for a long time been famous and well known for its production of delicious sea foods of all kinds, and engaged very extensively in the wholesale handling of these delicacies is the Globe Fish Company, Inc. This company was organized in May. 1911, and since that time the trade has largely extended and grown, due to the able management of the business, and the company is today regarded as operating the largest industry in this line in this part of North Carolina. This company does an extensive shipping business through ail parts of the United States, many shipments going to numerous Northern and Western cities, as well as throughout the South to important centers, even as far as Florida. This company gives employment to more than one hundred fishermen and operates a number of large boats including the Guide, the "Pompano." the "White Wing," the " Hattie Creef." the "Robena," under the style known as The Wanchese Line. The business of this company is under the management of Mr. A. S. Foreman, a gentleman of more than twenty years experience, and may be said to have a comprehensive apprehension with every detail of the industry. Mr. E. R. Daniels is president and A. S. Daniels. Secretary and treasurer.

GEORGE E. PRITCHARD, Manufacturer and Seller of Pea Harvesters. -This is an enterprise that is worthy of the full confidence and respect of the community and the full patronage of all farmers where ever located There is no doubt but that Pritchard's Pea Harvester is the finest on the market and has completely revolutionized the pea harvesting industry. It was a great brain that conceived the idea of such a machine, and as regards actual tests alongside other makes, has shown that the Pritchard machine saves 25 per cent. more peas per acre, and works best in heavy growth vines. Mr. Pritchard was born and reared in Camden County, and came to Elizabeth City about two years ago for the purpose of taking advantage of the shipping facilities which are furnished at this point. Pritchard's Pea Harvester sells for 3110, and is the latest improvement known to the industry. The patent dates are April 196, 1910, and Nov. 17th, 1914.

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MORRISETTE, BROS., Retail Fancy Grocers, Tobacco, Snuff sad Cigars; Bread, Cakes and Vegetables, etc.-This store is located at the corner of Pearl and Poindexter Sts., and has phone No. 122. The business was established about four years ago, and has been a fine success from then down to the present time. Although the business is conducted under the old firm name of Morrisette Bros., the real proprietor is Mr. J. H. Morrisette, who, in the conduct of affairs, is ably assisted by his son, young Mr. Lucien Morrisette, chief clerk. These gentlemen are giving utmost satisfaction to the trade.

C. MADRIN, Practical Horseshoer. - This shop is located at 314 Matthews St., and is perhaps the most popular and most prominent horseshoeing establishment that is in this city. Mr. Madrin has been conducting the business for the past 16 years, and is regarded as the leader in the trade because of his knowledge of horseshoeing and the vast experience he has acquired during the twenty-two years that he has followed the business. He is skilled and accurate in his work, and does shoeing according to scientific principles, faulty gaits being corrected through correct shoeing.

E. K. SAWYER, Bicycles, Sundries and Repairing, 129 N. Poindexter St.-Mr. Sawyer is a native of Camden County, where for a number of years he was engaged in farming and building work, coming to Elizabeth City about two years ago. He is naturally gifted as a mechanic, and turned his talents to his present business about a year ago, at which time he started in the above shop, and is meeting with good success. He has been doing far better than he expected, and has every reason to be encouraged as to the future. Mr. Sawyer is conscientious and executes all work carefully. He carries quite an extensive stock of all leading makes of bicycles, as well as sundries and supplies.

NOAH GARRETT, Builder of Wagons, Carts, etc., and General Repairing, corner of Matthews and Martin Streets. -It may be said that Elizabeth City has a number of highly skilled workmen in all departments of trade and a skilled builder d wagons, carts, etc., is Mr. Noah Garrett, who also does quite a good business in all kinds of general repairing. Mr. Garrett was born and reared in Camden County, but commenced the business of learning his trade in Elizabeth City 33 years ago. He returned to Camden County, where he conducted a shop for some thirteen years, and came back to Elizabeth City eighteen years ago. He has been operating business for himself for eight years. Mr. Garrett is reliable in all of his dealings and. does excellent work at reasonable prices.

MISS LINA P. GILBERT, Millinery, No. 617 Main Street. -A visit to this splendid establishment will repay anyone, especially during the spring and fall millinery seasons, when the store is stocked with a fine display of all the latest fashions and designs in millinery. Miss Gilbert has been established in this business for eight years, and as a skilled designer and trimmer, she is regarded as an artist and a thorough master of the business. She exhibits rare taste in the selection of her stock, and goes to the market every season where she has an opportunity of seeing all the latest styles and shows same here in Elizabeth City at reasonable prices.

T. B. LAMB, Grocer. -Located at the corner of Road and Bell Streets, conducts a good store and carries a superior quality of all kinds of groceries -and vegetables, fresh country produce, poultry and eggs, teas and coffees, candies and confections, melons and fruits in season, tobacco and cigars. In fact, everything that is good to eat can be had here. Mr. Lamb has bad some fifteen years' experience in the business, and has been conducting this store for two and one-half years. He has phone 166, and gives prompt attention to the filling of orders.

DARE LUMBER COMPANY. - This is one of the biggest t enterprises of the State and is devoted to the manufacture of all kinds of North Carolina pine, cedar and Gum. The business was organized in 1907. The plant covers an area of thirty-six acres and employment is given to several hundred people. The products of this plant are shipped chiefly to the markets of the North, New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore; in fact, throughout the New England States, as well as to other points. The officers of the company are Roscoe Crary, president; T. B. Crary, vice-president; F. J. -Bayless, treasurer; C. P. Brown, general manager, and C. P. Wales, woods superintendent, and Jos. P. Greenleaf, sales manager

B. S. ARMSTRONG, Livery, Sale and Exchange Stables, 312 Matthew St, phone 138. -This gentleman occupies a new and modern brick building with a depth of 200 feet, which makes the stables among the largest in the city. Mr. Armstrong has been established for the last thirteen years, and has always been a conspicuous leader in the trade. Mr. Armstrong is a native of the city, and a well-known business man. He has built up an excellent reputation, and a large trade, and his experience in managing this business is such as to make him thoroughly competent to conduct it with utmost satisfaction to himself as well as others. He provides the best feed, and the best services, with the result that all animals in his charge are kept in perfect condition.

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R. E. QUINN & COMPANY, Furniture and House Furnishing Goods, 106 to 115 Poindexter St., phone 196.-Elizabeth City can boast of the largest furniture house in Eastern North Carolina, that of R_ E. Quinn k Co., which has indeed become a household word. Two immense adjoining buildings are occupied, each being two stories high, one of which is 100 by 100 feet and the other 40 by 180 feet in dimensions. The stock carried is enormous, and consists of all kinds of fine and medium grade furniture, carpets, rugs, mattings, stoves and ranges, in fact, everything required to furnish a home. The finest and most costly mansion can be tastefully furnished from this great stock, as well as the humble cottage, and at prices and terms that cannot be duplicated in this section. Mr. R. E. Quinn is at the head 'of the business and general manager, while Mr. J. H. Wilkins and S. W. Twiford are members of the firm and take a very active part, as assistants and extend every courtesy and attention to the trade. This is a high grade enterprise, of which the whole city is proud.

W. K. CARTER& SON, Undertakers and Funeral Directors. -Mr. W. K. Carter, who is the owner of this business; has been established since 1875. Mr. Carter was born and reared in this county, and is one of our best known citizens, and has at heart the very best interests of both City and County. Mr. Carter is a practical undertaker and of thorough experience, and as the population of the community increases, his clientage has continued to increase in volume. Prompt attention is given to all calls, and he has telephone No. 154. He is well equipped for the business and has fine hearses, both white and black, and carries a fine selection of coffins and caskets, as well as all other necessary accessories to the business. The location is at 303 and 305 S. Road St. Mr. Carter is also equipped with a modern plant to do all kinds of repairing in wood and iron works, also new pumps and pump repairs. Agent for the latest improved Deering New Ideal Mowers and Binders, and repairs for same. He also handles a very fine variety of tombstones of .all designs and sizes, ranging in prices from $10.00 to $1,600.00.

WESCOTT & BLOMBERG, Merchan Tailors-The trade of merchant tailoring has reached its highest degree of perfection in this firm, both members of which have had a vast experience as tailors and are thoroughly expert in the art of cutting and fitting garments, and in taking measurements. Mr. Maurice Westcott bas been established in the business here for thirty years, and is perhaps the best known practical merchant tailor in Elizabeth City, and has perhaps turned out more garments for the best dressers than any other tailor ever engaged in similar business in his city. Mr. A. E. Blomberg is a practical tailor of many years' experience, coming to this city and admitted as a partner with Mr. Wescott on the first of July, 1915. They do all kinds of high grade tailoring, also cleaning, pressing and repairing. Their shop is sanitary, and m entering this place to get a suit it is with the full assurance of receiving perfect tailoring and a faultless fit. The prevailing styles are closely followed.

J. B. FLORA & COMPANY, Wholesale Grocers and Tobacconists and Dealers- in Hay, Lime, Cement, Pats and Off, Buggies and Harness, Ammunition, Guns and Rifles at Factory Prices. This big enterprise is located at the foot of Main. St., and on the waterfront. The house is one of the most extensive identified with the-wholesale trade here, and the patronage of the concern is broadly distributed throughout all of Eastern North Carolina: .The traveling representatives of the company cover fourteen counties. The premises include an immense building and very extensive wharfage, and a number of people are constantly employed in getting out orders and looking after the interests of the trade in general. The business has been in existence for upwards of forty years, and those in active charge of the business at the present time are Messrs. J. B. Flora, Jr., and S. H. Johnson. Our interested readers will find their benefit greatly advanced in a connection with this old established and reliable firm.

DEANS, Confectioners and Luncheon, Manufacturers of Ice Cream, Ices, etc, Hinton Building, Main St. -Among other distinctions Elizabeth City can claim the possession of one of-the handsomest enterprises of this character to be found anywhere in the whole South. Deans of Elizabeth City has become a very famous place. The business has been established for upwards of fifteen years, and has occupied its present quarters since the 5th of February, 1914. Mr. W. C. Twiddy, who has long been a-member of the firm, is the active manager and is-conducting the business with ability and success. He has a comprehensive familiarity with every detail of the trade, and is conducting this business in a manner as to merit the full attention and appreciation of the most fastidious trade. The large business necessitates the employment of eight people in the various departments. Upon entering the store we find a handsome soda fountain on the right. On the left is the cigar department, while beyond the soda fountain is the candy department and in the rear is the finely arranged parlor for ice cream patrons. The fashionable cafe is located on the mezzanine and only the best of everything is served.

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SHARBER & WHITE HARDWARE COMPANY, Wholesale Hardware, Farm and Mill Supplies. -This house has for many years been regarded as one of the leading representatives of the wholesale trade of this city, while an immense retail trade is also transacted. The company is incorporated and has been operated under the present management for the last five years. The officers are Messrs. F. M. Grice, president; F. M. Grice, Jr., vice-president, and D. D. Dudley, secretary and treasurer. An immense three-story budding is occupied at 509,511 and 513 Main St., besides a large warehouse on Water St., with wharf on the rear. This establishment is thoroughly modern and up-to-date in its every character, and the business is conducted according to the most advanced ideas. The members of the company are prominent well-known men of affairs, are great believers in the future prosperity of this city and do all they can for the good of the community. The reputation and tanding of their house stands second to none in the trade.

ALBEMARLE PHARMACY. -This Pharmacy, known as "the Prescription Store" and headquarters for Nyall's Remedies and Nunnally's Candies. The location is in the Southern Hotel Building, at the corner of Main and Road Streets. It is one of the handsomest stores in the city and is finely equipped with plate glass show cases, wall cabinets, modern prescription department and magnificent soda fountain. The soda fountain is one of the very latest designs, perfectly clean and sanitary, and presents an attractive appearance. The watchword of this store is "absolute accuracy," and the stock includes the purest of drugs and chemicals, toilet articles, perfumes, sundries, &c. It is very liberally patronized by the best classes. Phone orders given prompt attention and delivered to any part of the city. Mr. F. G. Jacocks is the proprietor of the business and is recognized as a pharmacist of ability.

McCABE & GRICE, Department Store, Wholesale and Retail.-Elizabeth City may be said to possess many handsome stores in all lines of trade and beyond the question of doubt one of the real leaders is that of McCabe & Grice. This business has been established since 1890, and the members of the firm include Messrs. J. T. McCabe, who was one of the original founders, and 'Mr. E. F. Spencer, who has been connected with the store for about six years and a member of the firm since 1912. A magnificent building is occupied at the corner of Main and Poindexter Streets, stocked with an immense and valuable line of dry goods, clothing, furnishings, ladies' ready to wear, and all goods usually found in a high class enterprise of this character. The stock may be said at all times to embrace the very latest novelties of the season. Employment is given to seventeen clerks. The aim of this house has always been to satisfy each customer, and to conduct business on the sure and lasting principles of equity. Messrs. McCabe & Grice are leaders m the trade and eat believers in Elizabeth City.


The manufacturing interests of Elizabeth City are very extensive, and in this connection we desire to call attention to the Elizabeth City Cotton Mills, which is one of the largest and most important in this section, and has been highly instrumental in helping to advertise the city as an industrial center. The mills were established in 1897 and consist of a large building of modern construction, where many skilled operatives are employed in the manufacture of high grade yarns. The equipment of the mills includes 11,600 spindles. The officers of the company are Messrs. C. H. Robinson, president; J. G. Gregory, secretary-treasurer, and J. L. Gregson, superintendent.

Citation: Elizabeth City: Rich in Natural Beauty, Unsurpassed in Location, Unlimited in Resources, Manufacturing, Lumbering, Trucking and Fishing Center. The C. E. Weaver Series. Richmond, Virginia, 1915.
Location: North Carolina Collection, Joyner Library, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC 27858 USA
Call Number: NoCar Oversize F 264 E4 E55 Display Catalog Record