Daily Reflector, February 16, 1898

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]




Vol. 7.



The Wilmington Dispatch says :
The Charlotte Observer
make the issue in the next campaign
the rottanness and incompetency of the

yants to

present fusion government and ignore
the free silver question altogether, sey-
ing that the Legislature can do nothing
toward giving the country free silver.
This is all right as far as the rottenness

and incomp tency ct the Russeli

is concerned, t ut it will neyer do to

ionore the silver que stion.

Ww e were uvtfortunate in expression by overcharge and underwe roht : t WW like t ] ~
| swore untortun | | : | : ace with allTthe world
ince oul stemporary draws the ¢ iT , The attendance was large and the �,� 11ke 0 ive. at peace Ibn 2} 1é or
since our contemporary araws 2 o| Aud Vhree was made~throveh watered! ; d fi . li ] Jar
ductions it d trom the Observer | . o_o yt freshmet part of the fe a was libe | an ree trom ~oentang Ing a liances, as
uctioDs if dogs) fren be YU vi milis ' : F h . d. =
litorial. O ithe wise pohcy| a . jeralTy patronized. father George sal ~Nevertheiess, we
euilorla . Uur view of ihe Se . ) nae | ~0 us DV SE J ch CAPD Live aylly | . d if d bd ~
aoe . Ld d Four by sellin aged silk ; ", consider i 200 usiness tos ell
for the next caiabuign bas been 80 And Num! 1;
: re | And Number Five a sweater made | BETHEL ITEMS. , ae
often and go clearly defined that 2 nee . a een aan YY be
° | 7 4. 4 dbrough starving women underpaid; " | tl a) te� Apa
would seem haraly necessary to Peitek~ , gt 4% (| ey
. , ; . 4 na way Was | , . Vs na el i B , \ (" rN rel 1 }2 I aD e ~Qty f eee sciclany
ate it, and yet since it may be dope 11] ANG SIX Was Made an deus Of sicanme, | PETITE Ly Ne Ly GO. Lota e |
w . i | i
T * i } 1 ; \ i N Sac ie ry | re * |
r wvarde 4 » worth bide: | aind Seven in a gambling goine : Ni Tertla Poa Ne,
a few words, it may be worth whiie :| 4 Samiolings seme; 4 | Miss) Myrtle Peal, of Plymouth, ] ha
J | F 5 . r) £ h oy ley TT kK
It ap years tous that the Demceratie) Ay aq Number Eieht he t*und ; spent Saturday and Sunday her i | OWE! t 1an anys od y CASe, 11s ma reS quite o
. oA Re aa hee . ; Pakh Ge GNUTNOCE sult M2 Pound LO DY : oey 0 IEA OO | l t re it t}
party in this State could net new wth | L} f wretched fine Miss Mothe Andrews be ot of dis ur eae With 1e others, but as
pi : Sis @facre ( sc] 1 § hy price of wretcher HerlUTy : pid Aad ata i fAUULE Wy it bli c - 4 ida
i A | J? Vay ryt
any resard to consistency or sell-respeet | | he public 13 on ovr side we are 1 eady to
~ ym, �,� ~ * SMS Ce Sa . i } rt Fj { Ls 17 my
. . Lr Nahe Vi ri . 1'¢ hhh ape, ] F | I ¢ ¥ i WS shyie 4 is B } We f a 1 �,� rh . . 4 He �
take a backward step on the sitver | And Sine Was froma robbers clan, | yeu Constable Elisha Bryan went ~stan anc fis rht lu out. ere you will find
; oo Ft | Lt bh stolen troy nurdered woes ito ~atl ro today. ] O] or le)
qué sticn fit ra ced te, and it 3 Oe pe | LD ikfOomM a murdered liidll. Leu) ; not on V othr 12°, Lut
. 4 Jah a L Pion 2 © + i \
1s ; . -
fectly certain that it does not want to. | Var youd man would not spend ayata rs. WC. Nelson went to Lurpore | as de
Let if, thie refore, re-nttiem, nsf wil . its | Liits MhOneV dark with MUAYV a@ Stain, unda . r) 37 Sy
devotion to the tree comage of siver at Vnd so be ylelded up lus breath on . W . 9
a , : i . 7 @ * � ue abi o, T, { ul I aod 1). Py Moor iat ;
4 + PaAtin if | , {i » OG Homlpate POY | A tl, i : ? dt ~ }
the ratio of 16 to _ | ana Witt ns txoney starved to deat re business trip to Tarboro yesterday OYE TERRE ger me eTE sy §
office? no man who does not. believe In) bi | } | " fa a } ta Y on
, LEIL oor (1 ¢ ills that day y ° ie i Ye ~| ~
~ y + | 57 pelins ~ 3) i é 9 3 .
, from constable in the towtsinp mt + itfia that deed munTs wallet | | Rey. Ss, aA Cotton, of Coneto spent | Roa sit n match orosa! doe ~teu &
« ) t] e Lo, +) . but tlens 7 wat | ee dUGihek CLEAO GeEe@a Wal s Wal oat ir . ; _ 7 ( |
judve on the Pench; but let 3 flast Migat here with ds Ui |
. ~ | { »? moat " | zhang!
stuke everyuhing on free coinage, a8 it] LheyTd never found a mas, uh me lbreth ! oAa ° y ®
~ a. ie | a PAN LOR, t =
hey: ) } os) } | oK i | f ayy; OF i |
did in 1896, when it) peassea os he} Who's used them half as ill as he | | ~a iF Y H { mx i 4 cy:
- P . | rT , i hon an ( y2. bil d aia) ae ~eos eth he ee : site d. Sag Ne :
best Camraivn niiternd it nadia its| oam Walter Jeoss, in iv. ¥. Suan - ne BG, dain ER Pec Dh ne - me , 9
; . . . , lag ra [W.Z. Mortor, of Robersonville, were |
silence Levardi Phe dep isdature OF we ~ 1] ry 1 i | oO it f | } ]
, - | } 4 T ty \ Prey } £ j 1 v + ir, EY br Sd yy ohs "~ + be T y ¢
1895. We hold that (he inatter off | [BRARY FESTIVA an yn ee a SOLIS a che same iow cut which will leave
CVeade th BiGhat He u Asch lh a Le aX ih ~
| . { | : F ) .) + ¥ Eos � "mo he ~4 . bs
; ou J enk) Wmor yet Vf rot La
first cons: quence is the receraption ot] """ eS a ! yo U Money in 3 SOUL Pocses. wee TULe QUICK.
4 | }
= 1 ' a + | Hires -onecn WVigie tho Drpee | roe oe of
Worth {arouna, j d th eye a an Saks Liys COTRD Wit * the Robaoe | iv I, i erry, of \ onetoe, sp nt las 7 T Ss y » 4
were not, the strance card | - o| - nighi here, io 2) LA N 5 \ A i | ie ) NU
i : ; 4
eratie party CAN pia tlre ecord ob) . nb I : ve y la-! ~. - An A af Ym
sh ~ wd f « ; ., ; ee . . A ~1 , ~eB ePe wi wf tape YY re ,iiew f
the two just Lecisl LUPCS and {he Rus- | di " - a TERD YT ci } a nanan teat eae - | fig ETN FT ENT SN CNY ry] ¥'
i 7 ; , ann (C Yanna | an. 4 i \ ~et NE
. 4 day at VConetoe, j an) { q - ~yg PAT ahh
sel] udministration oh 7 : . | filly KRING CLOTHTER.
We ar ure that en if OY \\ ile aka i Ao U Bs LUeYE Wer a Ley Phos { », OF Mild CQ \ ld . a "" i a . e500
\ otk 4 id \ ere TAR Ra I OE TNS wy Oe Nese:
{ fon?) ~VY d I ee ae nS f ute , Wy vl icts lth alt baptist Cayycad D re | £ . _"
mM Wy COMA J \ al ' A i (6 A AA
q ; 1, ' tis VU ws j uu ; , it. : ac ~ ary
W.th us at understands us} | . | 40 1p
- + 8 : any A i j via T Aaa (orb | ; ; oyi tng ye
ah, on Langan | gaty { ] T ] | - +4
De Aa ie ee ene we | Mary d a pe | Bee BeBe Culoreth preached at] goo Pe WD aad a 4
. rat ee! atdmeak yes & A % & Aal = . j * Mae ag Ke oe f Jf % | opy
Lol el, sy) Wott} J We i , . ! } ~ ~a i o Re ~% i 4i oe: fy &
of the 11th, is an venls |Parmel+ Sunday Ra: ress Woods,
Sprul, kieq., of bras Uy} LUE | | | # fag
4 } \iy ~ 4 ; ~ i Y Yur ~ ) ay de�
biect of tres, and a neve noth o4 - , Quaty. | DD. W. Cory made a 2 busines » to |: ss
YY . Ours ly . | epee cle til he} a v o \\ dst! N ( Hl } | di Y ob
meaae IPSREVOES. tela d . ; '
f 1 We semift cin chioDt { hatiihatl mie, st Paey | return (Gav MOY
oregoing we subnet fhe} ae |
, } j } { s i
~ i ° 4 - | y ~ ty .
following extract from Chis iat | 0 Mrs. jrotie Roll died unrdlay
F ; er i iil ene i ] ;o* 4 1 oO , 4] 4 + 1 *
a fu riher eluc lation of eur View | : PPuehl aAPCUuL oO O CLOCK. Funeral seryice oF (% f ar
Aiss Ute a tli 1) . ~ ry : i ~ t * ; qe et Ce Aa Cp! 4
oWhat do vau think the platiorm , _ i;were held m= the, sethodist church La or sD Bnet ye,
- ~ 1), Grip 5 bly rgok Nt " . ; . Fer |
oh* ta he 7� Monday morning at nine oclock by
ouch: to bet Miss Bettie Tyson, oGreatest Tiing | - - ' : | | -
. Well Dunno t: } Rev. B. BL Culbreth., Wer remains
oAs to platform: Vell, the MeO ys) phe WorldT ; ,
were then taken down in Carolina

oy° ~ adianal
eratic utterance at Chic:go m= national

policies is all we need. But the fight
this year is nearer home. It is the
o4 . o 1 .
State we must rescue now, and oul

slogan snould be A white manTs cov.
ernment.T Thisis synonymous with a
pore and honest administration cf

oIn the present cricis uissentient
views aa te financial and other issues,
so tar as the State is affected, must be


reconciled, and differences must be
commodated. The patriotic citizeaship
of the State must get together
preservation ot our institutions,
may go further and say for the
common decency. The
burning questivu with us is to pat our
State back into tae hands of its virtue
It is against all law,

~or the
and, I
cake otf

oneT great

and intelligence.
human and divine, that the ignorance
of a State should cantrol its affairs and
shape its career. The State, for the
ake ot its good name ard fair charac-
ter, should once mere be directed with
a yiew to progress and prosperity
rather than of self-aggrandizement an]
oIfthe appeal is properly and in
time made, there are many voters who
* will bow readily to our support, It is
othe real work of reform,
oLec the word be given end given
out at once that we go forward.�"
Charlotte Obseryer.

a m.


Ten good one-dollar bills one day
yallet lay.

5 he)

To trace each dollarTs nedinree :

Within a good manTs vy

And he resolved (so good wa

And no~ to spend a single bill


Chat bore a strain cf wrong or i
So like a sleuth he followed back
ach dolar bill upon its track.

{na dishonest jockery trade ;

4 ;
Number Ove he found was made

And two agroecr made ef late

QO. VP. dwith, oShe.�

Miss Myra iskinner, oLlouse- Boat
on the istyx �
Miss Rosalind Rountree, oDeside the

Bonnie Brias Bush,�

x. J. Woodward, oLeather Stocking

Miss Sallie Lipscomb, ~Innocence
Abroad.� °

R. Hyman, oMoon Stoue.�


Miss Margaret Lazghley, oTales of
Two Cities.�

Miss Lee Foley, oShips That Pass
in the Night.� 0

Miss Julia Foley, oThorns and Or-
ange Blossoms.�

Miss Lizzie Jones, oTwo Keys.�

Miss Ada Wooten, oHouse-Boat on
the Styx,�

C. M, Jones, oPickwick Papers.�

V. I. Pender, oJucklins.�

The judges were AV. M. Bond, ¥..G@
| Jam. sand J.B. Harrison, who awarded

the prize, a copy of oDixie, or
ern See to Miss Sal-

~he Lipscomb for the best ie yresentatior®


and Sketches,�

She leaves


township ana intered beside her

busvand dames R. Rollins.

i six calldren who have heart
sympathy cf the entire commuint:

| their sad bereavement.



1 The Cumberland county dispensary
cleared $60

)0 in Its profits




during its first six months


3 saosnanaansassaa

an oe enn

Dealer in AABAAA 2
Greenville, N. C. : D4

Avy »


. *e?@ebtegevese

eer e@ eee eeveves
ee ee @@eeetetenve ve

wre e eens ee eeeeeseoses

*eeeneee ene e@ © *# @@ @@ pe © 8 8 &


ee rr

ph a ee ee oe

"ft woe oC eeesnae


e._?~ ov an Mon ee DA
Ss ay vty (6 ee
ee = ry een eh

John KellyTs
John KellyTs

Can fit anybody,

A Ene ee fila ae ae


can,sult anybody, your

pocketbook as wellas your feet. |









anaes merce

D ¥, WHICHARD. Biter,






per o


4 ;
Entered as Second

-Class Mail M atter




aeeeeni tt

een nel

@ne year.
One month,
One week,
@ut extra cost.
Anvertising rates
be had on applicatt
the office.

din town by carriers with-

tes are liberal and can
on to the editor or at

ene man
Nang rr ae

We desireT aT live correspondent o
everv postoffice 1" the county. Mille
gerd in brief items of news 88 it o a
in each peighborhood. W rite D ain)
and only on one side of the pape!

Wrorsnas. FEBRUARY 16,

sewn ten accniat
depeenensnter acres eee .

Substential Justice
"_ »

A few Jawvers were rittin
one of the citv restaurants a 1°
dave ago eating lunch. and dis
cussing different gnbjects, wher
one of them told the following

This occurred some vears ALO
in the office of the former justice
An attorney, who
oux City had
aA man


of the peace.

has since left Si
been ergaged to d-fend
for the crime of petty larceny.
The lawver new that the cases
against his client was a pretty
ftrong one, ard he decided
to beard the lion in his den. As
he enterea the room he told the
justice of the case, the name cf
his client, and added he cid not
think there was any evidence ta
convict. At the, same time he
alipned a $20 cold piece in the
hand of the justice, and gave him
a knowing wink. The court said
nothings but, pulling open the
cash drawer, slipped the money
ip. Thecase went to trial, and
after the evidence had all been
intrcdueed there appeared to be
no question of the enilt of the
defendant. But his coucsel was
confident, thinking the god piece
bad done the work. The court
then summed up the case, ard,
to the astonishment of the defend-
antTs counsel said.

oThe court. finds the defendant
guilty as charged in the informa-
tion, and fines him $100, of which
amount $20 has been paid. The
defendant will be committed fo
the county jail until the remain-
der is paid into this court.�

Nothing more was 811d, and
the justice settled back in his
ahbair, satisfied that the laws of
the atata had been upheld anda
dishonest attorney had heen left
in the lurch."Sioux City Jour-


(t 1.

In The State Legislatures

A suear beet bounty is pending
mo the Ohio tagislature.

The Virginia house has passad
a bil'to reduce the salary of
nearly allthe state official*, the
aut varving from 10 to o5 per
aent.ard the total. saving being


The Mississippi house has re-
Jected the Senate bill carrying an
appropriation for the establish-
went ofa textile school, and a
bill to introduce the South Caro-
hina primary law.

Bills have been introduced in
the Maryland legisiature to place}
married women on the same legal
standing as their husbands in the
matter of the holding or transfer-
ring of proverty.

The South Carolina house pas-
sed a severate coach bill, provid-
ing tor seperate cars or seperate
section in the cars for the races.
It has rejected a bill to require

paying a desperate game
Tiey are standing under th
noose of public opinion. ~The

state officials free, a bill abolish-
ing the death penalty im cases
where the jury recomends to mer-
cy.and a bill providing an imdex
expuratorius for school histories
giying oerroneous accounts� of
the war of the rebellion. The
senate, after favorably consider-
ing a-wide-tire bill, has endorsed
the house bit to place exoress,
telegraph, and telephone com-
panies uader control of the rail-
road commission, with au amend-
ment excepting telephone com-
panies, for the reason that there
are severel telephone companies
inthe states-"New York Evening
A Remarkable Career.

William M. Evarts who passed
his eightieth birthday Sunday,
has had 2 remarkable career. He
ig eaid to be the only Jawyer who
aver secured a single fee of alfa
million dollars, though that 1s;
not tbe mostinteresting fact in|
his long history. He defended
President Johnson at the time of
the impeachment charges, he
helped seat President Hayes in
the executive chair, he was coun-
ceil for @eecher in the Tilton case,
he represented the United
States in the settlement of the
Alabama claims, i#was secretary
of state under Hayes, aud in his
later vears be entered the senate
from New York state. It is pe-
thetic to read of him now, blina
and feable, confined to his bed for
weeks at the time and unconcern-
ed in the affairs of the world
about bime But doubtless be
has had as much enjoyment in
his long carecr as most men, and
certainly he has had his share of
reputation and bonors."Provi-
dence Journal.

Cost of Producing Pork


One bushel of corn wil! produce
104 pounds of pork, irom which
you can determine whether it 1s
better to sell corn or pork.

Careful experiments have |
shown the following facts in re-
gard to feacing corn to make

Fifty pounds of corn, fed whole
ard raw, makes ten pounds of
pork. .

Fitty pounds of corn fed
avd raw, makes fifteen


pounds of pork.

Fifty pounds of corn fed ground
and fermented, makes sevenieen
ponnds of pork.

Fifty pounds of corn, fed cook-
ed and fermented, makes twonty
pounds of pork."Franklio Times

The Supreme Issue

Decent, respectable and honest
government is the issue in Nerth
Carclina, until Russell and Buat-
ler and that class of reformer:
are ocsted. These statesmen are

rope is tightening daily. They
will soon be daaghng"unholy,
uncleaned. bodies"~and despised.
They seek to eseape for them
The peopie ot NorthT Caroline
cannot be fooled by any such

means. The sun is rising anu
Thank God for . it."Windso:

Curiositigg ot Marriage.
Goethe said he married to obtain
respectability, |

Wicherly, in his old age, married his
servant girl to spite his relations

The joiniag of mght nands in ancient
times had solemnity and the validity of
an oath, |

Giving a ring is supposed to indicate
the eternity ot the union ; se2ing that a
circle is endless, |
Under the Roman empire marriage
was simly a cintract; hence we read

» Among the Jews the rule was for a
maiden to marry on the fourth and a
widow on the fifth, day cf the week
not earlier.

In a Roman marriage the bride wae
purcbased by the bridegroomTs pay-
ment of three pieces of copper migney
to her parents,

maid hofore the betrothal was done to
conceal her blushes at the first touch
of the manTs hand and at the closing

Kirsing the bride the moment the
marriage ceremony ended, though not
now prescribed by the rubic of the
Western churches, formerly was an
imperative act on the part of the

The eerly marriage ceremony among
the Argle-Saxon consisted merely of
hand-fastening Gr taking each other by.
the hand, and pledging each other love
and affection im the presence of rela-

tives and friends. "Ex.

d Out,

They Must be Move
The mep who now misgovern
the State must, as much as lies
within:the province of the No-
vember election, be eradicated
from the offices. To do this the
DemocratsTmust have the Legis-
lature, and, if we are allowed a
suggestion, in order to accomp
lish that end there shoula beno
overtures made to any party or
parties, and there should be no
compromises. A straight line on
State issues sheuld be marked,
and by unity yictory will be easy.
"Salisbury Sun.

ammo «


ig Whale Caught.

Beaufort, N. C., Feb. 14 "Capt |
MooreTs whaling crew on Shack-
leford Banks near the bar, tu-day
killed the largest whale captured
here in many years, measuring 60
faetlong, jaw bone seven and a
half fect long. Tho whale will
make 65 karrels of oi!, and 18 esti-
mated to be worth $1,890.

The latest news in refence to
the case of Robert Hancock, Pre-
sident of the Atlantic & North
Carolina Railroad, that he is not
be removed from office. This is
rather surprising, for with al) his
oralevolence, violence and wrong-
headedness, Governor Russeil
has not shown himself lacking in
regard for the ordinary decencics
of life, The retention of Hancock
in Office in the face of the prooTsg
against him would be the crown-
ing infamy of an administration
already more odious than any
except one the State has ever
known-"Charlotte Observer.


ata P:

A on Paradise,
As tha

in Liberia

torily, it might

thein tu'ge


to colonrze negroes
if iri |
befensible to induce
' Mexsilla valley, in

the lavgest water-
melons are svown, Itis said that a
farmer in that

valley had no wagon
strong enough to take one to mar-
ket, so he had to eut slices out-ef it
with a crosseut saw as they were
needed for home consumption. But
one of them became too ripe; it
burst and washed away all the lower
acres of his farm. No lives were
lost, but much damage was done, as
the flood rushed down the irrigation
ditches, This story is vouched fay
by an exchange whose editor wears
seven shooters in bis belt."Atlanta
Constitution.» '


TV4y sey eae © a
NY Sausrac-


Lu cad

VY izk

». » She Burned Her Letters,

Tennyson once wrote to Glad-
stone: oI heard of an old lady the
other day to whom all the great men
of her time had written. When
FroudeTs ~CarlyleT came out, she
rushed up to her room, and toan old
chest there wherein she kept their
letters, and flung them into the fire.
~They were written to me,T she said,
~not to theT public!T and she set her
chimney on fire, and her children
and grandchildren ran, in, ~The
chimneyTs on fire!T ~Never mind,T
she said, and went on burning. I

The custom of putting a veil upon af

Better and more attractive than ever.

New Features Throughout
r ®
Fine = RacingT.

Purses Aggregate

Liberal Premiums in ail departments
The exhibits of Fish, Oysters, Game.
Live Stock, Poultry and Agricultural
Products will be the fines: ever dis-
played The Ladies Department is un-
usually large

Thetireatest ofall Attractions

Free ! Free!!


Hippodrome and Wild
, Wesi Shows.

A thrilling and realistic exhibition of
Wild Frentier Life, enacted by Genu-
ine Western Cow Boys and Girls with
the ponies, mustangs and trappings o!
every day life in the far West. The
entiye performance takes place on the
race track every afternoon during the
fair,and is absolutely free. DonTt miss
seeing it For premium list or other in-
formation address the Secretary



Be Ae


(sreenvilfe ~.arkxet.
Corrected by 8. M. Schultz.

Bitter, per lb i5 to 20

Western Sides
Sugar ecved Hams

Corn Meal!

Flour, Family

40 to &




Male Academy,


+1. -

The next session of th; school wii

open or
MONDAY SEPT. ¢. 1897

. f
and eontinue for 10 months.

The terms are as follows
Primary Bnglish per mo. a2
Intermediate ** ~o o $2 GI
Higher ie etc eed $3
Languages (each) ** * $1 00

The work and diselpline of the sehou
wii be as heretofore.

7 ene
/ ee a m.
Pre cy 5 Bi22siiian a= _ CA
tte ote * "raoa%,2% Cc Come : :
oR oF 5-5 " lend To ate
masseges $3 teeee� 92° Fe oe o25 Soe x é
estes FS BaproctozaR Ss eS
fiw s Se og * @. ween rea Orne
SSSSESS Sm Mee Seg czs & im 2Pe
YSN ao 3 ag Mesos 25-6 o mee F :
Faq" ma S92 $A 8° Ra55 wep ne oS
G=7%o7 5 3 q-g¢ cP ooR SEH 37 ore
*gerscs I~ Sahin eee Se 0.35 oes
4 ee er Mls ee Hye RG So | Gtnasb
=e 288 B et] OS Stee c em e | lee Be)
2593828 Bi Aeresseise © | 3 ELS eos ,
age eck ene Mase "25.2 2h eo '
=45% ~~ | Se Ele ae ooo gees ;
O2is*.sae * 2g sot BE" OM & eset oa eae
ESR AES oe Bee Bestel eg� ed f
o8 44.3 @ FO St Poe eee ed " |
Me hero a Se werQre T* an oo iv oe a * seme
OT ee meeeeRs SF 4 Om
7 og " "RS i i oe i cue Sam MM Chg § Fe 7
Dozer 4788 EZ] ESS Boas Sl Scs "So game
L Sgrtte eam Vy ZEHPU eg OQ OI) Mm Sas i eta e
mM ganeFea:2 [Pea 4s Eee dee lEcss Me § .
MH Be ee2 Si 8 aseSeh seta: NM ace eS F f
ne asa= , Pere SQA LR wees a anal
re ~ ° aos at �"�o ee pf moo MG ae
BO. Bay 4 ten = o ae i et het
M picetc ce BR waicge Fle eo Sse ot ube
A ET 6Ssg Ss MO HEF TeT EERO Ze Ooseme -
. oPh dwm Oo, aes _f ot hey oso yd
Ymsosse £ SOAS Smo Boe at
esses.� Bl ZeoOrs Seuay ed C4 Se ips
bd por S eo pond oo Pw a aed ao #
3 or 4 "ea Aaem Om oon = Fan
" tet an J SOZRESD CaN apm we °
s $80 399 © oESESS 5a ant A
Meeoee os . @ @eaw Tet i] Yin 4
. Tv
mre . . . . 4
BAPTIS1"Services every Sunday,
o * re) *
moring and evening. Prayer meeting
ee r ; : Q (
Thursday evening. Rev. A. W. Setzer,
Pastor, Sunday school 9:30 A, M.
a) re
: ) C, . Rountree, Superintendent.

CATHOLIC"No regular services.

EPISCOPAL"Services fourth Sun-
day, morning and evening. Lay ser-
vices second Sunday morning. Rev. A.
Greaves, Rector. Sunday schoo! 9.30
A.M. W. 3B. Brown, Superintendant.

METHODIST~"Services every Sun-
day, morning and evening. Prayer
meeting Wednesday evening. Rey.
N. M. Watson, Pastor. Sunday school
9:30 A. M. A B. Ellington, Superin-

PRESBYTERIAN"Services " third
Sunday, morning and evenirg. Rev
J. B. Morton. Pastor. Sunday schoo!
9:20 A M. E. B. Ficklen Superinten;




A..F. & A. M."Greenville Loage No
234 meets first and third Monday even
ivug. J. M, Reuss W. M, L. I. Moore,

_ 1.0.0. F."Covenent Lodge No, 17
Meets every Tuesday evening. J. V.
Johnson N.G. L. H. Pender, Sec.

K. of P."T'ar River Lodge No, 93,
meets every "riday evening. H. W.
Whedbee, ©. C. A. B. Ellington kK. of
R. and 8. :

R. A."Zeb vance Couucil No. 1696
meets every Thursday evening. W.L.
Wilson, R, M.R. Lang, Sec.

K.of H."Insurance Lodge No. 1169
meets every Friday evening. John
Flanagan, D. Henry Sheppard, R

A.L of H, Pitt Council 236 meets
evary Thursday night, J. B. cherry
Ce WW. Wil-er See,


Cctton and Peanut,
Below are Norfoik prices of gptton
ani peanuts for yesterday, as furnished
by Cobb Bros. & Commission Mer-


chants of Norfolk +

Good Middling ae
Low Middling 75 1-18
Good OrdinaryT { 48



Kxtra Prime

Tone"stead ye


7 to 2

; it i





RL eo Vic

10 to 120)


50 to 64 % c
4.75 to 5.7! | xe


W. B. Rodman.

Lard 54 to 16!
Oats 45 to 40
Sugar 4, tof
Cottep 84 to 0
oalt per Sack 65 to 150
Chickens 12} to 15|
Fees per doz 12)
Beeswax.ne: 7 |
Cotton Seed,per bushel 19 to!)

Wexsk a continuance of your "

: common carriers oto! transport

Jof men oputting away� their wives,


should like to raise an altar to that ?
old lady and burn incense upon it.�T

pe ae

lideral patronage.


_ Offers his services to the 3g

citizens of Greenville and the QE

public generally. Ope


Spouting and Stove Work, 2&
a specialty.

al ©

Satisfaction guaranteed or QP
Tobacco Ay
Shop Q

@c no charges made,
© ¥lues made in season.

on Lickinson Avenue.


Washington, N.C. Greenyille,N.C.


. Greenyilie N. C.
Practice wherever services ace desired.


On Fourth street near Postoffice Only

Barber shop in town conducted by white


Can be found below Five Points,



~next door to Reflsetor office,



Patronage solicited. Cleaning, Dyein;
and Pressiag Gents Clothes a: specialty.





W H.RAGSDALE. spev~' attention given to: elbanirg







. Atlantic | Coast Line

Sheituis mn Wffeet Jan. 17th, 18°...
Departures from oWilmington.


DAILY No 48"Passenger"Duo Veo.
9.35 a.m. nolia 11.02 am. Warsaw 11.18
am. Coidshoro 19.05 am. Wil

20n 12.55 n m. Rocky Yonnt

1.49 n m. Tarboro 2.45 pm,

; Weldon'4,23 p m. Petersburg

T 6.99 Dm, Richmond 7.15 pm,
Norfolk 6.95 p m, Washing-

ton 11.39 pm, Raltimore 1,6

am, Philadelphia 3°50 a m,

New York 6.53 am, Boston

3,00 pm. |

VAILY No 4)" Passenger Due Mag
715 pm. notia8.55.n m. Warsaw 9.10
Dm, Goldshoro 19.10 p m,
Wilson 11.06 n m. Tarboro
6.4% am. Rocky Mount 11.57
pm, Weldon 1.424 m, Nor=
folk 10.580 a m, Petersburg
8.144 m, Richmond 4.66 a m,
Washington 7.41.am, Balti
nore %°3 4 m,.° Philadeiphi,
Fam, New York 2.63 4
Vie Haston 9.00 pm.

AILLY No 55"Passenoor Due Take
ay va,

Waecamaw 5.09 om, Chad
deurn 5.41 m Marion 6 42 p
19, Florenca 7,95 p m, Sum-
Ter 9.10 nm, Columbin 10.30
1, Denmark 6.12 am, August
7.55 am, Macon 11.15 am,
Atlanta 12.25 p m. Charles-
fon 10.50 nm. Savannah 1.50
a m. Jacksonville 7.30 a m,
St. Auenstine 10.30 am.Tam
na.5.25 pm,


DA ai xv No. AQ "..p
BBO Pvr saa

1.02 rm, Now York O(n) nm,
Philadelphia 19.05 am. Ralti.
more 2.40 am, Washington
4.30 am, Pichmond 9.05 am,
Vetarsbure 10.00 am. Nor-
Veldon 11.52 am, Tarboro
12.12 ~m, Reeky Vannt 19.47
nm. Wilson 2°37 pn. Golds-
horo 2.20 pm, Warsaw 4.1°
pm, Magnolia 4 24 pm,

41."Passer Tt
mie 'l."Vassenger--Teave
7.500 AM,

Boston 12.00 nie¢ht, New
York 9,20 am, Phifadelphia
12.09 pm,
Washington 2.46 pm,
mond 7.20 pm. Petershure
8.12pm. Norfolk 2.°0 pm,
Weldon 9.43 pm. Tarbora
6.01 pm, weky Mount 5.40
Soldahoro 7OlL om, Warsaw
(53 am. Magnolia 8.05 am.

No. 51"Passenzer.---Loave
New Pern 9.00 am, Jackson-"
Ville 10.26 am. This train
Arrives at alanic street,

R ich-

execent "

1,20 P.M.

NO. 5t"Passenger"Teaye
fampn 8.10 am. Sonford 3.27
pm. Jacksonville 7 410 pm,
Savanna 1.45 night. Charles-
fon �,�.°3 am.Columbia 6.00
am, Atlanta 8.20 am, Macon
1.0 am, Augusta 3.30 pm.
Penmark 4.25 pm, Sumpter
8.98 am, Florence 958 am,
~arion 10.36 am, Chadbourn
TL38 am, Lake Waccamaw
12.09 am.

Train On Secpien
7 eeseenhia | Neek Branch Roac
@aves Weldon 3 y

[ON 5.59 Dm... Walifax 4,30
Pp. m. T arrives Seotland Neck at, fs ath) n
0., Greenville 6,57 pm., Kinston 7.55
y�"�. Returning, leaves Kinaton 7.70
Fen? Greenville $.32 2, m. Arriving

ali KX af 11-19 %.�"�m., "7s"don 11,33.4m
daily exeent Sunday.

__Prains on Washnicton Branch lenve
washington 8.90 a. �"�m., 1nd 2,29 »n _
rivers Parmele 9.10 9. m., and 4,90 n
2, Tarboro 9.45 a, m., returningleaves
Varboro 3.39 p. m., Parmele 9.25 9. m
wi? 6.90 db. om... arrives Washington
11.00 4. m., and 7.20 p. m. Daily ox.
(vt Sunday, Conneets with trains on
teotiond Neek Branch. }

Train Teaves~tarnarg, AY C. via AT be.

yy) O To. ® . .
Marie & Raleigh R, R. daily excent Sin.

-1V,9f 5 80 pn, m.. Sv

v : nday 4°75 P.M:
vve Plymonth 7.49 P.M, 6.19 p, in.
- -Urnine aves Plymouth daily execent

* idev, 7.508. m., Sunday 9.00 4 �"�..
«Tive Tarhara 10.05 am and 11.00

Trainon Midland N.C. Dranch leaves
oldTboro daily, except Sunday, 7.10 a
m. arriving Smithfield 8.30 a. un. Re.
turning leaves Smithfield 9.00 a. My are
tives at Goldsbors 10,25 a. m.°

Trains on Latta branch, Florence R
a&., leave Latta 6.40 pm, arrive Dunbar
7.50 pm, Clio 8.05 p m. Returning
leave Cliot6.10am, Dunbar 6.30 a m,
arriye Latta 7.50 a m, daily except Sun-

Vv. ry

Train on Clinton Branch leayes War-
jaw for Clinton daily, except Suuay,
(1 20 a.m.and 4.15 p, m: Returning
leaves Cinton at7.00 a. m. and3,00 1 m,

Train No. 78 makes close connection
£ Weldon forall points daily, all rail via
~iehmone, alse at Rovky Mount with
Norfolk and CarolinaR R for Nonolk
Fne all points North via Norfolk.j ;

GenT) Pass. Agent
EMERSON, tima%9 Manar*~

~ CE aTY' sPF Cant? Mang gay,
. j

+ yf

be ""


JTT A handsomely teense book o
200 pages descriptive of Texas anc
the resources of that. great otat
will be mailed to any adéress oe
receipt of eight centsto ever post-
ugZe. D. J. PRICE

0, P.& T. A. 1. & @, N. B. ax.
: Palestine, ~Texas,
Fast Texas lands. are attraeting
considerable attention. {g Mention
this pan r. . T


9 La |

Baltimore 2.25 pm, |

Leave Wilson 6.09 am.




Mr. Drake Feels it His Duty
to Recommend PaineTs |

Velery Compound



Petree ttt
velit of



f cas
WA Nie

The youngest and most bustling city
in the United States-"

Founded list April, Lincoln boasts a
sewerage svstem, electric lighis, macad-
amized rods, trolley cars, telephone
franchise and a water plent.

Irom a hamlet roa town"to a city,

in this incredibly short time, Lincoln
has crown wit) the wonderful pnrogres-
siveness loo%ed tor only in the West"
a splendid example of che indomitable


pertinecity of 9; frone mon.

Like mes! foreifulmer. Mayor Drak»
unist see pesrits before ceiving his an-
proval; but when eonvinegd he speaks
out his mind without fear or favor of
anv one,

There iano hesitation among Mavo?
DrakeTs friends in saying that PaineTs
celery comvornd has been of the utmcst
help in enabling him to do a prodigious
amcunt of work, and to get rid of that
insomnia that at one time resultedtrom
ePVery prols need effort Mayor Drake
nimself suves

Lincoln, Middlesex Co, N,
° Ost. 3

Weils, Rieherdson & Oo,,

0, 1897.
Gentleren"I[ have been. getting

PaineTs celery compound tro our loge]
each day, I sleep eight hours each niyht

After sixteen hours work

like a baby, and attribute much of the




4 o oSf
a Oa is 7 i¢
Wt A be a wy
(9d _& . oo, of ¢
bi� bot oF We ° ¢
Yds An er ee ed ra ~
AAW inl p ¢ ef

Btrengtheuing of my nerves to PaineTs
celery compound, Yours truly,
Sivas D, Drake,

Nothing demoralizes the health soon -

eror more completely than even ile

| ec asional loss of sleep. Yo stert a new

dav with the brain unvefreshed is like
trying to Keep a worn cut horse up to
work with the whip instead of by teed.
ing. The incessant brain activity is as
if the skull were laid bare and tlfe sur-
face of the brain


struck lightly
every few seconds and without a sign


ofa olet uy
Thus sleeplessness fmperceptibly, but
no Jess surely, destroys the brain cells
th: t sre the sources of mentat power
anc ~he health of every organ of the
neTs celery compound gets the
nervous system out of this dangerous
rut of s.eeplessness. It supplies nour
ishment tothe rervous tissues fastey
than they are worn out, and does not
let the uutrition of these delicate parts

get low enough to bring on insomnia,

of the
final success of PaineTs celery compound

One of the earliest evidences

in caring debility, nervousness, sleep-
] ssness and deranvements ef liver and
kidneys ts the increased appetite, . the
Clearer skin, and thot indeseribable
pre ursor of healths ateclin sof owell
boing� that takes the place of the tiredT

snguid, melancholy condition,


a Pecuilar worm,

An animal growing between the
high and low water marks on the
Japanese coasts is a mud worm call-
ed sabella. It occupies a bard limy
tube of itsown making and gets its
food, wheu the high tide comes up
over its Liding place, by thrusting
out a head bushy with tentacles.and
sucking in currents of water loaded
with minute particles of nutriment.
Out of this wriggling creature the
shore people make a soup, which is
true vermicelli, not a paste imita-
tion of ~~little worms!T�T and is said
to taste ay badly as it smells.

" His Stock In Trade.
The Poet"My angel! My guiding

star, the light of my"

The Lady"Oh, please donTt talk

~shop!"Indianapolis J ournal.


al ETA tes Fc AIM IS

Without P.oza:a For Their Comfort.

Addlepate "There is one thing I
cawnTt uncdcsstand, doncherno!

Noddlekins"WhatTs thaté

Addlepate" Why, when we stop to
consideh"aw"how uncomfortable
it is in a crowd"why, aw"I cawnTt
see why it is that there are always
more people in a crowd than there
are where there is no crowd!"Hart-
ford Courant.


When old coins are worn so that
it is hard to make outT the inscrip-
tion, gradually heat thecoin, and in
almost all cases the inscription will
appear. | .

The natives of Alaska seldom
change tHeir clothes unless theyoare
worn ont. They are considered the)

filthiest race of beings on the earth. ..





miners nino








What Is It ? | cia


o= It is apicture ot tae celebrated


Best in use The outfit of no business man is
| complete without one.





The Reflector Book Store


has~a nice esscriment ot these Fountain Pens

also a beautiful line of Pearl Handle Gold Pens

You will be astonished when you see them and
earn how very che ap they are.

You'may never,
But should you'e) eres.»

Want Job Frinting

osam Come to see us, a


oo A MOOOOO Ddladadodadadadaaaon RAAB BO AA
Jf 6 i - ~

of dob Pri

A wy

Anything from a}@=+-
cae ad ae dha dl Ga, ers ° re | ~
TO :

ull sheet Poster.

NEON RT NL OL NIT a SO RR ER RL 2h araesye

The Daily Reflector

oGives the home news 4
every alternoon at the

small price of 25 cents a |

month. Are you a sub- )

senber? If not, you

ought to be. :

The Eastern Reflector.

Is only $1 a: 'year.. I

contains the news every
week, and gives informa-
tion to the farmers, es-
pecially those growing
tobacco, that is, worth
many times more than
the subscription price



: a : ~ : ewe a
Pad a ; : 4 4 : i j . i é +8 : . ; " . 4
2 F F . pe & be a i (aR . ss . ~ mete
me aaron ese arama . as i °
DAILY REFLECTOR. jana oe ~ : ; eek 7 :
~ be y « * 4 . : nn .
The Refiector Gives What, You Are Names of People You Know et. .
gd Fe en ead * . ~ - . .
Regs 1 » Looking For oo We wish toinform our many friends} Mr, R.E. L. CRENSHAW a skilled
JTDICGETS ADVERTISING. } 3 and patrons that the eapacity of daira 1 ly with the
et net oot : toni ' E. Foy,-of Newbern, .was here ; : airyman, who'was recently wr
Services in Methodist church tonight.| . C. E, Foy,-of Ne ; "| Elmwood Dairy has just been very3°C7UNa" lalla
The high wincs brought us a cold fabs | much enlarged ane ATRpP eo 7 yh State experiment farm at Raleigh
. © ° | Took: epared to promptiy jul a
ey ~ J r : t * tland Neck are now prepar hb .
Creatas manv anew business. son J. W. Higgs went to Sco , ;

; prtee xeanw 21 wave. ; y. o oi ders at the following prices, goodsnow has charge of our Dairy and
. 7 ; va? oday. . ; .
Friarges many an old business, The train was an heur an a halt late ; Batis re! pf bid ihr »iwill serve yuu promptly and satis

| ; C.G. Joyner, ot Baltimore, is in| oElmwood Butter,..20 chs a pound . |
Preserves many a large husiness, |last night. own to gee out = exchants Sweet Milk, oo, 95 etd a gallon. ifactorily. We solicit your patronage.
: : % a �,� ral j ) . ~ . °T & . . 5 ,
Revives manva dull business, | (etton beed Meai and Seed Oatss | " @ , , Sour Milk,....-+. so cts a quart. } Dairy Phone 14. Residenee Phone 98
- ] hat ~cheap at S. M Scbultz. f. B. King, of the U. S. army, a PuréCream, weeee 2d CbS.4 qaart. Q
i ~ ha aRaretsl) } . * meee s
Reacenas many 710s" bens 7 | / Fortress Monroe, is here on a. visit to &W W roprietors
j wy? o0 b) ®
fait Lmsinase | Real estate transters have ben large latives | JAMES.& ILEY BRO N, P p
a * Z ¥ ¢ i . or TISTNAKS . i t ° * re a lV . ~~
rea many A TAPING th . ; , er 3
ee itoday, the wind being tha principal { oe ae TT navig) nee
og : , aleigh, who R.L. rest. : .
Secrres snccess to any 'n27'nes8 unloader. Mrsa J. F. Jordan, of Raleigh, R. A. TYSON Vide-Pres. = , J. L. LITTLE. Cash er}
o39 « ».é a _ . . . . 4 i es e Sho . :
retty line 0 has been visiting her sister, Mrs. J. T REORGANIZED JUNE 15th, 1896.
nemesis . . t you want to see a pre a ; . hs
: i. _ ccall at Refle Hugh Parham, returned home today. | Sn apmwHNT OF THE
© ~box papers and tablets call at Ivetiee- ,
mya TXT 8 Cc, enna nr rS. : * F Fn ~ :
PhAIN AND BGAT &CH itor Book Store. | corpo on app awe he Bank of Greenv! le,
" | Bo Cherry has had on his war paint _ . e
! | the first man to volun Battleship Main R fed GREENVILLE, N. C.
. 4 (J , TOC ay ane Was ( st �,� Ua ¢ Eg ry VAS F e ,or e ; . .
Passen on i ad mail train anir ov; : . ; ae attles _ ae } Atithe Close act Busimess Dec, 15th, 1897.!
~feer to go Neht Spar, 210WN UPe : 5
- ,�"� af Cain | ; . Pa Q } TRS
north. ayri ved Go) A . (;oine i 7 | off at mmenyenete "RESOURCES. ¢ LIABILITIES, . ;
' are-headed drummer go ) i , . r Vos: g $42.904.8 anital s paid i $23
. een PM 1 A bare-headed ¢ o_ Early this morning Tue ReFLecToR| Loans and Discounts $412,904 BA Capital stock paid in 3 3,000 ~att
south, arrivee ef Ore Te ithe depot here this morning. He lost oye _ . . Over Drafts , 1,650 bo Undivided Protits B,7 97.8 ¢
. ; received the following apecial bulletin: Premium on Stock » 1,000.0" 5 Deposits subject to Check 108,294,.5%
North Bound Breteht, Anives| tis hat from the train. ihe U , tieahin Main | Due from Banks 44,598 0 Due to Banks 190.0.
| serene ite antes be sh il f - ; : PIR ORG - S T vy py 6
1) 10:10 A. MV | omg oy ~ad 1 ite Latted Sates Battleship 0) Furniture and Fixtures J,515.25¢ Cashiers Checks outstanding SO7.5%
9:50 4. ME. teaves 10:10 A. | ueslay mien ane aie wi o| was blown all to pieces by 2 Spant h| Current expenses 2,190 213 Thine Certifi rates of Deposit 960,00
' " os numbers cf people tremble througi fear . ; Cash [tems | 7.857.513
anth Ponnd Frereht, arrives C . torpedo teat Jast night, 102 of the} fash trems , Oy {RR Te nat. £199 470
Reut roune - Me hata Carnado was comimg : : a Cash on hand AU, 499. 3 Total $1932, 118,6}
. | . . , vent ts *p ) "ho Ht oy a ee ;
9.90 P. MF. teaves 2:15 P.M ODD eniet a Moral $132,118.61 3
oe ; The d'fferance in temperavure vVee- Inguri.s were made by wire as to OTA cee 1 shall be elad to]
M . Tam = een 1 ee ~Vy } \ ; sa �,� ge ide og . . rr I anpoafistly Va canwPare mee 18 four yatrons, ans Sidi sC La tO YM 7
Steamer Var Rive veg from torday and today isabout as wide as the correctness of the report and it wa. We stady carefully the se patale ne ous ° p jarent with oood bankine WE
1 uid vant s : unt. promising every accommodation consistent with Zoo SING,
Wooo Tanned iné average person could Want. cata : your secount, HHS Oven a "
Washington Mondav, Vi ednesday | ene se1a to� have come througn relibly wane = m4
| ; ws Lo : " TNT yf a ae eey APP
: v soe! One Leader"24 four s! s writing} Channels. TToweyer, all efforts to get T KH Rye He
and Friday, leaves for Washing-) ~�" Leader"24 tour sacets) Wriling a TO-DAY S MARKE! S. ait f V tein
. paper and 2-4 envelopes, -in nice box,| further news @uring the day bave been! att f HY]
r dae Tanraday and Sat ial) far ft eents. at Reflector Book Store . ; - Mie ie eal
ton Tuesday. Vhursdayv a mat pall for 5 cents, at Reflector Book : tore, wi hout result and ws are unable fo] "_" UU the WO
i , . ra 5, y heft! 37° lia es } ie "T]e .
mrday. | Tlave your laundry ready to go off y WL Phe report Is Trae. . 1s Reported by | 2 on
. (Wednesday morping, You get the White the report saused some ex. a .
To ovc at amele ? pee Hest Work done at the Wilmington | citement here, it is diseredited by most]~Ehe GREENVILLE SUPPLY ©O../ UNPURTAKER
LQ PROVEPALE TOC O MI Be ny peanndey Sseante + 4 loa] nal | ~
4 feam dud nary. ' Py a \ ent pe Opie, as Wo ona dly JOGKS Teas: ful le Cotton Buvers
% % t . . + | WV, re t LED. - dé pl : * : . . c . T y* , Ps a
the cainirns ef tee PEPeTOR, | a fthat Spain would take such a orash r i 1 at AAO A
. | - """and"" i (iby EEE, |
~eo "" step, Knowine that it would pu cipitate i Lith ATL j
; i . *. era AN Ma . a Be he ua
"" | ~He's Here an dnireaiate war with the United Wholesale grosT RMBALMBERS
4 % . « } * . : * ~ P . : yt oe s P, i bd ub i se at, ®
Weather Pulletin. | Sore kind of unusual weather is} fates as weil ay arcusa the censiare of
- : i hardly rmiare thrr-eould have heen CX- all eiviliz fa CO! ntries, Le "4 6) eee
| . aS . . 4 ; »,° ' v4 y On . yay er ae ile. ( -|
sas pected today. Benjamin, Ferankiin Lawes lust belore eine 10 press| Coiton sold in Greervirie.) we .

A oe 4. OY a : He rigor MOL UOTE we attay LY plik: . hh: me & pecelved & we
oe . rate + + y | i 4 Cr, ¢ if iN rink. \ Ai, H ° . A. : . � | Ney + S ive ert i 4 © : ~
Fair tonieht and Thursday, colder.) ~vtewn, and he usually brings a the report was confirmed but no: de | © hearse aud ue nicest line of Co -

is foWh, aid die USA Walhos 4 ~ eee " - - 7

Thursdiy morning, freczing wer ther OD) ay crorm or somefhing clse with bim [Marte pertuicutars eiven, oxcept that the | Corron Opening. Noou, loses] fins and Cesxets, in weed, meta
coer re ; . rt are is hand eloth"§ 3 ever brougk: te
th ec conisht lio fillin the time be(ween taking cizar} kuled eid wounded of the aban rs | er BO 5.95 sl BDQ cloth ever broughs %&
1 (fara with * ea
i ords I's. . CPeW Ws il Ou SIXtY . . . wat) t WLITO@PDY 13506
[ORT SOC So eTeRNI Ee y ~ : ie | \] iV 00 6.02 eer EF he
" | : ® = yyeernney ary ch aabs aoe i : . \ ~ fy a % FS a & 4 ; de a� ~
| REL Aa ee eee EEE EE aE ST ee Aucust. 6.15 Gt] Ale | Eo xy.
NWO CUI ReNO PAY | Ce ee cry) Pate} - eee
ANTE D UPRIGHT and faith- Wires Down { :) Sy ey : P
: _"" THCAGO. ersonal attention given fc ~
That is the war el! dr Ww ful gentlemen or ladies to travel eee i Orso? a ores Pe oee ? a
GROVES 'TASTEL ESS CHILE TON i for responsible, establiched house in Phere wosa heavy wind scorm ~Tues - | Wiipear Joenit Nora, Close | aneling me FANS ADC OCCT en"
IC for Cutis, Fever ond stb for } North Carolina. Monthly $69.00 andy ai ine poséhing almost the velovity | y ta] traated to our care will reeelve
{ T ! : . . Gary a if { FET TTEA i ili pee ak i 1 : =
Malaria, It is simply fren ond Ont tr fexpenses. Position steady. Refers | , , oy eee meee . avery Mark OF resp
i " tasteless for Chln Tore Trhenes, Enclose seltauddressed Stamp ( fit CYCLONE, i) see@qas CO Neve eda cle | Pork, , - re :
Adtnghs pref rit to bitter, naiseating enye LOne, Ti ~omin~ron Company, ed oy rimuch of the country, especially ¢, a ( a Nrles Sarre (ower (nap eavete
Tonies. Price. 3e, Dent. kK. Chiedtoo . ! aa | Mavy bad Yodo not want wenvpoiy bee
i f CPOUs! vjons. Lhe f' Cpe 5 ° ayy xe fitin
| KIBS, wo Lt COT PolTPliob.
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. , - . ertsand messi s have beea badly po o/ 72 o2 hriiges In tho eon ~neal
f awihann ~ tntenn ports apa Wess. J | Ciige ny
Whenthe hour hand points to nine, | | | Ree Cols buill
. hiyt Niltyfeoat. i 4 A Sig am SY dina RF Be AES
as ~t? tan 4 ; poo pees nF Sener em eine Netter mene |
Have your washing on the line. a | Ta OT
a OB. tee? HBA Sow LS and Wty fat
go Fire Arniversary W ehave a!arize |
. A _. a Tedav is the mand anniversary Ti Nees aii SSS SSE
. } Renn (ler Tarr arnip wo Vears . nae i .
the beg fry PhD Preorns ald AY is . 7 :
ca Gere ville acl ne most destrues SPOCT () i
me fooration in the bistovy of the
| tty { Peo Pat j -
| town, but t ronef tn porifest trac . YEN WTPRR TARE T ~
. D Pan y ro aye , Ay | d
Pay en i maf fire fourtes gha et Rha bapa j
orn . Irnyers. | ify 4 t A me |
rick , | ofhier HdmMes, aa FR ' eH EE iW { | &�
re in the tws years! PALE BAW TERE .
+ y PTe i f iid : f é es nf 7 H ]
» reve Come a) SALE GR TEL | | ;
brick cilee building af sixfeen Toots �"�~ ya ~~, os , i *
byt te 7 . ; . , . i] y: _ l,. 1 oon ~ |i + * | ) fap," im
at? and many freme buildings Have {On ~ 4 y . De y)
yi t : mos | ef has Sant . | bs
i up, so that net enly what was Test has} |?
| ab 1 , ary additional
Lath : + aaa | wo Ee: Tog pstored brut also mary UOT . . |
~ } 3 . sn CF ; been 1 : ° 7 a ~ : ;
i Wl e " ve Ae buildinus have bern gained. And th WwWst arrived. Come in|
eft re Fs | . buildings keep right on coming.
i i: wn th ~ i id ~a . A ; en : S ee us.
i wel 2) & Ne aa "
ree iA - FOR SALE |
! ~ . | row : | | f\ 1
a | ~
a te ¥ Q . * a
i House and Lot. Six rooms, dining y | | i i q
{ ~ . : oa o
~ H : room and kitchen attached Good well
i a » a
% water on lot J. 7. CHERRY. _ ; H ( AL {
ray y $5 ats . : ' b) A if al fii | | ne
Vill not injure hands or fabric. « L ® (| , ~ J] i J a 2° " i
No Washboard needed, Can use hard ware , : t , .
same as soft. Full Directions on every package. © An : oo as
$-oz. package for 5 cts. or 6for 25 cts, T LBS MEA~, "Dealersi"
Sold by retail grocers everywhere. . ; .
"When the Hour Hand Points to Nine, . Ni
Have Your Washing on the Line.� 3000 LBs LARD, it
rs T
Fy ae, i ,
1 . . 3and Merchants buying thoy
TER ms eo Spronp | } Farmers and Merchants § he
i mB me . 5 QO O BARRELS FLOUR, yearTs supplies will find it to their inte -
oa ifn. he | est to get our prices before purchs or&
: i i i : 4 ' | o r ap atae iQ » m5] +8 §
~ mR a \ SAY Rar T elsewhere, Our stock is complete, in
i @: A ht BOXES TOBACC) * c t ~ "
SA Ng A Te 900 T al its branches. o


1 OO CASES BAKING I wish to inform my many patrons and

POWDERS, the public that they can now Fi
nies es our, Sugar, Coffee
CASES SOAP, tind me inthe T 4 . |
1 OO Always at lowest market prices
ag | 100 CASES LYE, HW . } Rk . Hl Tobacco, Snuff, Cigar

: CASES WASHING as we buy direct {from manufasturerg
1 OO ~ POWDERS, | where I am ready.to cater to all their
; , needs inthe way of

Aa Ik |
o 'é also have in stock tng Butter, TAB LE SUPPL 8. FU RNITUR E
; )) : ie@se, Canned Goods, Snuff, Wrappin 3
5 Cts ackage, i ry it, Pall up Rags and many ~other things I keep the best Fresh Meats, Sausage, | | Ns .
; Pmerous to mention. Send us your | Fresh and Salt Fish, nice Groceries, &¢. | sways on hand and sold at pricesT t

: ~o* ! ordets, Mail orders receive prompt at-| Send me your orders, Goods Celivered suit the times. Our goods are all bought
For sale by pie Lee tention. Agents for Standard Oil Co | promptlé anywhere in town, and sold for CASH therefore, having no

J: B. CHERRY % CO, lh Crane Sup C0....g® M MeCOwAR TN 5 a soc


= Recommended by the best house-
| keepers for Clothes Washing, Dish
» Washing, House Cleaning.

A complete stockfof


Daily Reflector, February 16, 1898
The newspaper was established in 1882, and was originally named the Eastern Reflector. It was founded by Julian Whichard and David Jordan with equipment they purchased from The Greenville Express. On December 10, 1894, it adopted the name The Reflector and began publishing every day. Cox Newspapers acquired The Daily Reflector in 1996. Creator: Daily Reflector (Greenville, N.C.) - February 16, 1898
February 16, 1898
Local Identifier
NC Microforms
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