Daily Reflector, December 3, 1897

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

D.J WHICHARD, Editor and Owner. "TRUTH IN PREFERENCE TO FICTION. "TERMS 1225 Cents a Month.

\ ~ ; : P , page
Vol. 6. GREENVILLE, N. C. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1897. No. 921
Tribute to Mrs. N. L. Shaw, |members of her family in mourning
This excelleat woman whose death |their loss. A. earance |
was recently announced, having been Slepe on, beloved, sleep and take thy:
born in Greenville and spent her child- rests _. te
Lay down thy head upon thy Saviour's
hood vears here, we know mapy Re- b Ls
. | reast; .
BeROTOE readers will appreciate the} We Jove the well, but Jesus loves thee
| following tribute to her that appeared best" Good night ! oe na
if in the last issue of the Biblical Recorder: T. J. Tayor. Important :
. ° ® a
| Warrenton, N. C., Nov. 27, 1897, , . 4
. This community, and especially the JUST FOR FUN. o1
Baptist church, has sustained a sad lors| ceed HAWAII rm OA ROAOR AABA SAA J
~nthe death of Mrs. Della M. Shaw,| Nipped noses will now be plentitul. Cpeon COON NOGAOD NO APASA OO GOSS OOK 4
the beloved wite of Capt. N. L. en You may pay for your telegraph in}. 7 ) :
which occured on the 23rd of Novem"icqvance, but it goes on tick neverthe- : ebile==="- 4
ber, after a long and distressing illiness'|)..., : : :
Della M. Clark was bora in Green-| | a , Sp
| All men are made of dust. ~The self- . oP 4
ville, N. C., on the 9th of Februaryy) ode ran trom Klondike is mace of Doe you weir Clother Read y 5 : a
1840. After spending her happy child-| 544 gust to-wear ? Do Abe want em Ps |
nood in Greenville, she was placed in ° Made-to-measure . We give Ds S
the, then famous, Warrenton Female oThe best way 10 pou says - great value either way. Our ~
Institute, where she remained fourth Manayunk Vallosopher, ~is 10 facilities in both departments
years, graduating in 1896. avoid paying your debts. are matchless. if you are in
A year later when she was seventeen | De Tanque"oBibber never knows our Clothes youre in fashion.
years of age, she was uniied in mar=| when he has enough.� Old Soak" That advantage 1S, worth
riage to Col. Wm. A. Jenkins a prom-|oNo ; he never kuows whether heTs money to you, but we charge
~nent member of the Wasrenton Bar-|druak or sober unti! his wife tells him:�T nothing for it. Suits, Over-
. Py
Immediately after her merriage she} Nell"*May Goldrox struck a bar-| conte, Hats, Underwear ang
mcved to Warrenton, and contirted to) vain in that foreign nobleman she mar- dias cw aT ndreds of or el
reside here until her ceath. ried. He only cost he father $100,000.� fH Dp oy u Osa 7 r
By this marricge she became the Belle"Yes ; but gossip says that the es an eee sete . wal you
mother of several children, only two of! bargain very frequeutly strikes her now: coming. se trerchandise,
whom lived to maturity. he of these| Hoax""oThe fat woman at the un- ,
ason Wm. A. Jenkins or., died several) soum who died the other day Was too ©
"So 9O sincere 1 oF , 5 aS | ae SO
AS] IN, ae regretted by bis) iio for a hearse, so they got a convey- a= =
many friends. The other, dauyhter, 15) .,¢¢ from the brewery,� Joax"Wh
the wife ot Capt. Haywood Clark of ae . brewery 2� Hove an i te, ss eas | _ - ae
NT. o_ : . oe vay 1) GOOO VO Gu) BY) 2) Be Ve MI} SY OG GOO OO) Waar @
Norfolk. iwanted a bier-wazov of some sort.� : ARTY CHIN PEI Mc
A tew months bofore her marriage: , ae
; ©) .]Tm going into the business for mu- a
she united with the Baptist church in| . . 4 oo |
7 . : . [self sad che plumbers clerk. * What�
Greenville. When sue moved to Wars)
wl ; ~exclaimed his employer; ~you know ab-
renton, as a bride, che united with the, ay .
oo | nothing about vlumyingTT oLl know
enaer Baptist church there, and was alwaysT - 4 T Alii 4 ccs
/ o?*jallibat I need to know; [ve been ares
CHE " loyal to the members, to the doctrines,| _,. ,
; ~making out bills for you for tive years.
" . ". ... {to the ordinances, and to all the enter-| . ;
Segin with che foundation, See] : | ates. Gaddy-*Dc neleve tt 8g ~~
to your prises of her church ; and faithfully la-| * Irs, Gaddy""Do you belleve the KN i \ j } it
- om ones bored to promote its peace and prog. | quotation that eadiag makes 9 fall : be eis
oU ig D =. ve WEAR. perity. . 'meanT?�� .Wkrs. Klashby--"Lndeed, I do | . b 4
Fortunately vs tugbt largely be- | Col, Jenkins died in 1860, and ine gave my husbard my nniliner's ai ah y NT y rey A
fore the advianes. Yours the ad- . 5 yk : : read at dinner yesterday, and you { abt KIN G CLO | Hil
i subject of this sketch remained a wid- . awe
vantage, Wil see to your wants. tor sixteen years |should have seen his con ligon when he
Neither the price or goods will DOS SI OA ASSL came in last night.� "" "
make you scratei Newthings in| In Nov. 1885 she was united in mar- " |
Ik: be S] oat riage to Capt. N. L, Shaw, who is Ihe while I flounder deep tm debi, 1
7 1 ¢ De well known in business circles avd asa This thought has crossed my mind : ~ i 1e re Are N /I ore
N saexaonTr rominet Christié Nye Soft coal is just as hard to get, a 7 ae ~ :
h eek W eal pr et Christian worker. °
; j . . oo, As any other kiad.
Gir ves Sister Shaw was steadfast in ber comfort-givine weatabies at our store thaa i th
FIOVE «oe daling ohart , a OWTOTUS 12 Wearabids retnaa in apy other
; ; triendships, charitable to the poor. and Musicale | two or three estabiishments compined in this town.
Um! , relias, kind to her attendants. Asa Christian . . USICS - |
. she was sincere and devout, as aneigh- ~The ladies ot the Episcopal churel |
Mackintoshes, AC, bor she was loyal and true, and im all] will fiive their next mzsicale, second ot | There Are More
: the relations of lite she conscientiously |the series, at the rooms of Mrs. A. AM.
We are the people to save you strove todo Hont Moore on Morday night, 6th. P:0- | |
: muncey. See us. igut. , |" On monday highs © ae peapie we've clothed this season thin any past year,
She will be sadlv missed in her home,|$�"�@mme will appear tomorrow. and
in the community, and 10 her church in
every department of its work, and oy If you want to get your siiare of the There Are More
her pystor; for all her pastors from Dr. aia trade put an advertisement 10
; are an houp witnece| PoE EFLECTOR. .
Soa � Fa ik oe bear witness) who. will come here to take away some of the genuine
to her loving co-operation: and unfail-| Knights of Pythias meet tonight. | good things we give for so little. De one among the
ing sympthy. . is time for the semi annual election 0 many who are happy to trade here.
� ind officers and every member 1s requested
| Jer many friends unite with the} to be present. | KAA KAIKN AW AAAI KAKA AA BA TTR :
4 ee _ " ee fe):
~ a, | oy hal Vy ~ . . 1
1 | Ladies Choice Wrap: and: ° o
Sy . Yel 1 OB
| . Shals, Beautiful and Stylish 3 !
4 ~ T RAC \ 1 : Ts ~
: , |Dress Goods---a line superior 3 aa
| 3 ? lav to any kept in town, Ready |
J Ve T 1a . 1212 _ :
ave something evcly af Made Clothing, Uvercoats, % |
every week, oe ae Cape Coats, Bed Quilts and % {
| TOU WU . y ; , aie
This you can do i y y Blankets, Fiannels, Robes. gy
4 your DRESS ry ae 4 wait 3 : , :
| DLOTHING AND SHOES. © weve iva TRI :
us, Try if one month. i? CRE !
" Cor the prices you pa Pe EBS | i
ompare the prices you pay | ~
us with those you have and all other goods are here that are needed and ie ; ~
; | , | to your comfort and health. No where will you be treated ©
; beer pay Ine | others, lay wore fairly. more honestly than here. Ask your pan ee
sl . ifte¢ . where he trades, where you can do the best for yourse rad
~aside the difference, and, | Ra sind pon a
see what a-nice little sum � "a |
~ you will have for Christmas. H | M
: ~i : * ®



: » 7 f ~
i ; * « ; : d F T !
4 a 7 ~ f T


Pr. J. WHICHARD. Editor.

a= 3 ==

Bovwred as second-class mail matter.



BO year, - @ - ° $3.0"
Oye month, - . 25
ime week. ° - - - Ie

Tro'jvered in town dy carriers witheu'
ogtr cosT.

« vertisne rates are liberal and can be
gd cn application to the editor or at

bé offer

Aactre £ Veo eorrespornuent af
astofee inthe county, who will
gend inbrief items cf NEWS as if oecurs
w each neighborheod., Write plainly
gad on v on one cide of the paper.


err vy

Frivar. DECEMBER 3, 1897.




Elhe Siate Executive Committee
Pass Strong Resolutions.


The Democratic State Execu-

tive Committee met in Raleigl: on |

Tuesday night, Nov. 30th, and
adopted the following resolutions
that every white man in North
Caro'ina ought to be able to er-
dorse : |

oThe representatives of the
Democratic party in North Caro-
fina congratulate the D+ mocrats
of her sister State, who, with a
firm stand for the principles em
bodied in the Chicago platform.
have won splendid victories for
the people.

oTn rejoicing at the success of
the Democratic party in the late
elections, we remind the people
that Democratic majorities were
largest, and Republican naajori--
ties were smallest, in those States
whore thet platform was the issue-
It isa significant fact that De-
mocracy was defeated in the
States where local concerns were
allowed to overshadow the prin-
ciples of the party. Uemocracy
is for allthe people. The recent
utterances of the people are plain
and decided. ~They have ex-
pressed their faith in the Chicago
platform, their belief in bimetal-
ism, their disgust a-d disappro-
wai of Republican creeds and
practices, and, above ail, their
hatred of the tyrannous gold
standard. They show that they
will no longer submit to the
robbery of trusts, the domination
of bosses and the oppression of
the money rrwer.� The con-
demnation of the hypocricy, and

falsehood of the Republican
party is crushing.
oIt is equally pronounced,

whether we hear it, loud and free,
in the wheat fields of Ohio and
Tows, or struggling for utterence
in the wealth congested centre of
oGreater New York� where the
candidate for mayor received
$0,000 plurality"a candidate
whose only campaign utterance
was: oTam a Democrat;� who
wus heart and soul for the Chi-
eago platform and the candidates:
who stood on it.

oNo less significant is the fact
thatthe people of the State of
New York have elected by 70,000
majority as chief justice of the
Court of Appeals, a statesman
Who sought support by announce
ing that he ~had yoted for Hon,
Ww. J. Bryan last year.T

oAnd with this glorious news ot
Democratic success we rejoice
that ~sham international bimetal-
lismT has been exposed. There
isnow no room for Republican

oWe reaffirm our belief in the
principles of the Chicago and
State platforms cf the Democrat-
it party, as adopted in 1896, in
their entirety; and we will still
support those principles until
they are written in our laws.

j r | :

) Republicans

oWe would be untrue to the
firm and. loyal allegiance the
Dewocratic party of North Caro-
lina bears to our greatest leader,
Hon. William J. Bryan, if we
failed to express our confidence.
in bis honor and integrity and in

the welfare of allthe people. We
emphasize the fact that our great
victory was won 10 the: States of
Qhio and Kentucky, where he
personally appealed to the peo-
ple. ae
oWe view with alarm the de-
preased condition of trade and
the low prices of all products
raised by our people, but we
remind those who heard Repub-
lican orators in 1896 predict dire
disaster if the Democrats were
elected, that McKinley is presi-
dent of these United States and
both branches of Congress are
Repnblican. The people are
swift to draw the proper conclu-
oWe think all patrictic citizens
who joined with us last year in
carrying the State for our presi-
cential candidate, and we invite
to the future councils of the
Demccratic party"the party of
the people"all men who believe
in its principles, desire its su-
premacy, and who will assist in
carrving out its policies.
oIn less than one year oppor-
tunity will be given the voters to
express a firm adherence to those
principles. We regret that the
ballot box was not this yeer
opened to ail North Carolinians:
North Carolina ig now sccident-
ally Republican, ~We do not
believe that any number of intel-
ligent and virtuous men expected
or hoped for the present rule in
this State.
men are eager for achange. We
have fallev on evil days in North
Carolina. They recall the days
of reconstruction. They demon-
s~raTe the (ruth that no Southern
State can be governed with
honor and decency by the Re-
publican party. Too lage a
number of its voters are ignorant,
for the masses to control, and too
large a number of the leaders are
yenal and corrapt to give Novh
Carolina good government. We
look with horror upon the evils
wrought by @ combination of
ana the corrupt
elements of the Populist party by
means of which our Legitlature
has become a farce, many of our
office-holders became corrupt

his devotion of head and heart to]

We are sure ali good;

The Democratic
Committee intend that there shal!
be no excuse for any white map
to yote with the negroes next
year, unless he really wants negro
and venal goverament"such a+
we have now.

Resolutions of thanks were
passed by a rising vote to Chair-
man Manly and Secretary Thomp.
son for their faithful and abun-
dant labors f rthe party in the
late campaign, and pledging the
earnest co-operation of the party
ip the future work for Democratic


-The Republican party is a
vreat humbug. It is astonishing,
how it hag managed to sustain
itself before the country for se
long. It could not have done so
except for its prestige as the
party which osuppressed the
rebellion.� From the time of the
enactment ot the Wilson-Gormap

tariff law until it got back into
power itself, it never cessed to

deride that measure it failed to
raise enough reveaue to meet the
appropriations of Congress.
oJust give us Congress,� it said,
oand we will remedy al! that.�
The people gave it Congress and
it enacted the Dingley tariff law
which bas not only tailed to raise
enough revenue for the needs of
the government but, according to
so good an authority as tho Fhil»-
delphia Record, odoes not provide

as much revenue as the act it
supplanted,� ana the govern-
ment is living on the borrowed
money accumulated by the
Cleveland administration in ex~
cess of the gold reserye. Q, it is
o great humbug,is this Repub-

lican party."Charlotte Observer.

DonTt use agallon ot words to
express a teaspoonful of thought,

DonTt swear to give up a bad
habit and then keep on swearing.

DonTt hide money in your boot,
if vou are in the habit of throw-
ing them at cats.

DonTt think that women mean
it when they kiss each other.
~They do it for practice,

Same Way Up Here.
Human life is the cheapest
thing in South Carolina. The
daad man 18 always in fault. The
juries are organized to acqu«t.
The State is always at a disad-


and criminal, and ignorance and

virtue. We denounce the efforts
of this combination to place the
insane of the State at the mercy
of competent, yicious and lustfu]
men, and we condemn the
changes wrought in our laws
whereby ignorant and impure
men have been placed in control
of schools, courts, prisons and
asylums. These are the ineyi:a
ble consequences of Republican
rule. The Democratic party
promises the people on its return
to power to correct all these
abuses. it will guarantee every
citizen his rights, but it demain: s
that virtue and intelligence shall
rule the State. It will restore
to the white women of the State
the security they felt under the
twenty years of Democracy
inaugurated by the immortal
Vance. To the accomplishment
of these ends tet every patriotic
citizen rally to the white manTs
party. oTo your tents QO! Is-

The following resolution was
introduced by Mr..H. L. Steven-
son, of Duplin, and adopted :

oThat all white electors who
intend to vote with us in the next
election and who desife the re-
establishment of Angle Saxon
supremacy and honest goyern-
ment in North Carolina are
cordially invited to particmate in
all of our primaries and conyen-


vice raised above intelligence and |

vantage progecuting those
charged with murder. The ad-
ministration of the law is affected
by local and class considerations.
We choose our victims. It is the
man without influence or money
who feels tue strong hand of the
law- oPublic opinion� is with
the man who reaches the hip
pocket first and gets the drop,

The only hope ot the State 18
in arousing public sentiment to a
proper appreciation of the sin
of bloodguiltiness."Charleston
News and Courier.


This is to notify. all parties that
J. W. Higgs, Jesse Speight and W. F.
Morrill, trading under the firm nome
of the Greenville Supply Co, have this
day dissoived their said partnership
by mutual consent. All parties having
elaims against said fism will please
present them at the office of Greenville
Supply Co at an eary date.

All persons indebted to the said
Greenville Supply Co. will please come
torward and settle at once, "

This Noy. 6th, 1897.


The Greenville Supply Co. formerly
composed of J. W. Higgs, W. F. Mor-
rill and Jesse Speight, having this day
dissolved copartnership by mutual con-
sent. and Jesse Speight having with-
drawn from the firm. ~This 1s to notify
the public that the pusiness of said orm
will b conducted ia_ the futureT by J.
W. Higgs and W. F, Morrill, under the
firm name of The Greenville 5 ipply

o. We appreciate the patronage of
the public so generously giyen in the
past and. solicit the continuance of the
same in futur,


A st |

Executive }


10 ¢ of :
254 50¢ REGULATE


Ne au
opuccists $

to cure any case of constipation. Cascarets are the Ideal Laxa-

tive. never crip or gripe, but caus atural res ;
ple and booklet free. Ad. STERLING REMEDY CO.. Chicazo. Montreal, Cm. vere yr

R. A. TYSON, Vic-ePres.



Loans and Discounts
Premium on Stock

Due from Banks
Furniture and Fixtures

R. L. DAVIS, PresTt.

J: L. LITTLE, CashTet


The Bank of Greenville,


Atthe Close cf Rusiness Oct,T 5th, 1897.


$56,792.58 § Capital stock paid in $23,000.00 .

1,000.00 Surplus and Profits 1,462.09

20,865.30? Deposits subject to Cleck 67,507.02

F 1,507.25; Due to Banks 607.50
Vash Items 8,619.05 ¢ Cashiers Checks ortstanding 241.66
Sash in Vault 25,139.49 mus Payable 17,500.00
"""" } Time Certificates of Deposit 3,605.00
Total $113,923.67 on
Total $113,923.0%


We study carefully the separate needs of our patrons, and shall be glad to harg
your account, promising every accommodation consistent with good ~anking iG;



+7 . ; : a ane

ing their yearTs supplies will ting
their interest to get our prices befere pu
chasing elsewhers. Ourstock is complete
a allits brancies.


oTobacco, Snuff &c, |

we buy diroc} from Manaifactuu.. en
linsvots» ditvat ode ofoi. A eo
che stock of;


always On hand and soldat prices to suit
the times. Our goods are all bought and
sold for CASH therefore, having no 1isk
to"run we sell ata close margin.




Can be found below Five Points,
next door to Reflector: office,


Patronage solicited. Cleaning, Dyeing



Special attention given to cleaniny

oGeutlemensCloth'»! ie

Wiel... vga So

pormnneaes, §} SENN



ee 0

We have iust received'a uy
hearse and the nicest line of Cote
fins and Caskets, in wood, metal-
lic and cloth ever brought te

We are prepa.cd to fo embalm-
Ing in ali its forme.

Personal atéention given to~con~
ducting funerals and bodies en~
trusted to our care will receive
every mark of respect.

Our prices are jower than ever,
We do not want monvpoly but
tuvite competition.

_ We can be found at any and all
times in ; the John Flanagan
Buggy CoTs building.




~ale Academy,

The next session of ¢):


svuOOL Wik

open on
MONDAY SEPT. 6, 1897

and continue for 10 months.

The terms are as follow:

Primary Knglish per mo. s20¢
Intermediate ** % $2 BC
Higher i ad $3 }
Languages (each) ** = & $1 CO

The work and diselpline of the schou
wil )be as heretofore,

We ask a continuance of yourTT
liberal] patronage.

ogy WL Tepe
} ment racT 4 ~ ~
PUA ES. gree
{ ruent oaks
is hh vr Ee

and Pressiag Gents Clothes a specialty °,:

oe CMAs

fall tu twa f
eee es ae
lat.*. gel
Homth, "one F +
2 Tipote, Blegea. air + 4 t

~Drews fui, 5 pind)

Ch! ee ee Oe

~ tendarg Or Zoran:
: semanas bout
Cha llscs

aiepk onre. Vile
os BRED OF the
- Sy eny yous we
ar Ee tak
Lave Bach '

SiS. ws

0 eee

guarante, ~

proofs ia) ae ~ Jet
a '


th de
ata nla



Ae tot ec

Schedule in Effect Nov. 29th, 1897.
Departures from Wilmington.


DAILY No 48"Passenger"Due Veg-
9.35 a. m.onolla 10.52 am. Warsaw 11.10
0 &m, Goldsboro 11.58 am, Wil
son 12.43 p.m, Rocky Yount
1.49 p m, Tarboro 2.50 p m,
Weldon 4,23 p m, Petersburg
6.28 p m, Richmond 7.15 pm,
Norfolk 6.05 p m, Washing-
ton 11.39 pm, Raltimore 12,53
am, Philadelphia 3:45 a m,
New York 6.53 am, Boston
3,00 p m.

DAILY No 40"Parsenger"DucMag
7.15 pm. noiia8.55 p m. Warsaw 9.10
p m, Goldsboro 10.10 p m,
Wilson 11.06 p m. Tarboro
6.45 am, Rocky Mount 11.57
pm, Weldon 1.44am, Nor
folk 10.50 a m, Petersburg
3.24 a m, Richmond 4.2¢ a m,
Washington 7.41am, Balti,
more 9.05 4 m, Philadeiphia
11,25 am, New York 2,02 p

m. Boston 9.00 p m.


~DAILY No 55"Passengor Due Lake
~40 p mm. Waccamaw 5.09 p m, Chad
beurn 5.40 pm Marion 6.43 p
m, Florence 7.25 p m, Sum-
te: 8.42 p m, Columbia 10.05

vy, Denmark 6,30 a m, August |

to8.20 a m, Macort 11.30 am,
Atlanta 12.15 p m, Charles-
ton 10.20 pm. Savannah 2.49
a m. Jacksonville 8.20 a m,
St. Augustine 10.30 am,Tam
pa 6,45 pm.



DAILY No. 49."Passeiiger"Boston
$.45 P.M. 1.03 pin, New York 9.00 pm,
Philadelphia 12.05 am, Balti-
more 2,50 am, Washington
4.40 am, Richmond 9.05 am,
Petersburg 9.50 am, Nor-
Weldou 11.50 am, Tarboro
12.12 »m, Rocky Mount, 1.00
pm, Wilson 2°lz pm, Golds-
boro 3.10 pm, Warsaw 4.02,
pm, Maguolia 4.16 pm,
DAILY No. 41."Passenger-~Leave
9.50 A.M, Boston 12.00 night, New
York 9.30 am, Phitadelphia
12.09 pm, Baltimore 2.25 pm,
Washington 3.46 pm, Rich-
mond 7.80 pm, Petersburg
8.12pm. Norfolk 2,20 pm,
Weldon 9.43 pm, . Tarboro
6.01 pm. Reeky Mount 5.45
am. Leave Wilson 6.20 am,
Goldsboro 7:01 am, Warsaw
7.53 am. Magnolia 8.05 am.

DAILy No, 61"Passenger.---Leave

xcept New Rern 9.20 am, Jackson-
unday yille 10.42 am. This train

"M40 P.M.arrives at Walnuc street.

DAILY No. 54"Passenger"Leave
12,15 P. M. Tampa 8.00 am. Sonford 1.50
pm, Jacksonville 635 pm,
Savanna 12.50 night, Charles-
ton 5.20 am.! olumbia 5.50
am, Atlanta 8.20 am, Macon
9.30 am, Augusta 3.05 pm,
Denmark 4.55 pm, Sumpter
(45 am. Florence 8.55 am,
Marion 9.35 am, Chadbourn
10.35 am, Lake Waccamaw

11.06 am,

Train on Scotia. *d Neck Branch Road
eaves Weldon 3.55 p, m., Halifax 4,30
p.m., arrives Scotland Neck at 5.20
m., Greenville 6.57 p, m., Kinston 7.53
p.m. Returning, leaves Kinston 7.60
@.m., Greenville 8.52 a. m. Arriving
Hali xat 11:18 a. m., We'don 11.33 am
daily except Sunday.

Trains on Washnigton Branch leave
Washington 8.20 a, m., and 2.20 p.m
arrives Parmele 9.10 4a. m., and 4.00 p
m,, Tarboro 9.45 a. m., returningleaves
«arboro 3.30 p. m., Parmele 9.35 a. m.
snd 6.20 p. m,, arrives Washington
11,00 a. m., and 7.20 p. m. Daily ex-

yt Sunday. Connects with trains on
scotland Neck Branch.

Train leaves 1arpory, N C, via Albe-
marle & Raleigh R. R. daily except Sun-

ay, at 5 30 p.m.,Sunday 405 P. M;
strive Plymouth 7.40 P. M., 6.00 p, im.
Returning leaves Plymouth daily except
Sundgy, 7.50 a. m., Sunday 9.00 a �"�m.,
arrive Tarboro 10.05 a.m and 11. 00

Train on Midland N, C. branch leaves
Goldsboro daily, except Sunday, 7.10 a
m. arriving Smaithtield 8.30 a. in. Re-
turning leaves Smithfield 9.00 a. m,, ar-
rives at Goldsbors 10,25 a, m.

Trains on Latta branch, Florence R
&, leave Latta 6.40 pm, airive Dunbar
7.50 pm, Clio 8.05 p m. Returning
leave Cliot6.10am, Dunbar 6.30 a m,
veal Latta 7.50 a m, daily except Sun-


Train on Clinton Branch leayes Wa:-
saw for Clinton daily, except Suuday,
11 20a.m.and 4.15 p, mT Returning
leaves Cinton at7.00 a. m. and3,00 1 m.

Train No. 78 makes close connection
at: Weldon forall points daily, all rail via
Richmone. alse at Rovky Mount with
Norfolk and CarolinaR R for Nonolk
£03 all points North via Norfolk,

GenT) Pass. Agent

T. M. EMERSON,Tratie Manager.
J. R.KENGY. GenTl Manager,

The Oldest
Daily Newspaper ip
North Carolina.

The Onl Five-Dollar Dailv
its Class in the State

eee eo seem Sa


Atlantic. Coast Line |


Zam dying, Egypt, dying,
Ebbs the crimson life tide fast, |
And the dark Plutonian shadows
Gather on the evening blast.
Let thine arms, O queen, infold met
Hush thy sobs and bow thine ear.
Listen to the great heart secrets,
Thou, and thou alone, must hear, ©

Though my scarrTd and veteran legiong .
Bear their eagles high no more, ;
And my wreck'd and scatter'd galleyg
Strew dark ActiumTs fatal shore,
Though no glittering guards surround mey
Prompt to do their masterTs will,
I must perish like a Roman,
Die the rreat triumvir still.

Let not CwsarTs servile minions
Mock the lion thus laid low.
"Twas no focmanTs arm that fellTd him,
*Twas his own that struck the blow? °
His who, pillowTd on thy bosom,
Turn'd aside from gloryTs ray,
His who, drunk with thy caresses,
Madly threw a world away.

Should the base plebeian rabble
Dare assail my name at. Rome,
Where my noble spouse, Octavia,
Weeps within her widowTd home,
Seek her, say the gods bear witness»
Altars, augurs, cireling wings"
That her blood, with mine commingled,
Yet shall mount the throne of kings,

As for thee, star eyed Egyptian,
Glorious sorceress of the Nile,
Light the path to Stygian horrors

With the splendors of thy smile.
Give to Cesar crowns and arches,
Let his brow the laurel twine.

I can scorn the senateTs triumphs,
Triumphing in love like thine.

Iam dying, Egypt, dying.
Hark! the insulting foemanTs ery!
They are coming! Quick! my falchion!
Let me front them ere I die!
Ah, no more amid the battle
Shall my heart exulting swell!
Isis and Osiris guard thee}
Cleopatra, Rome, farewell!
"William Haines Lytle.

the Autocrats.

Teacher" Willie, that is not the
way tospell*temperor.TT Youshould
not end the word with an ~~e-r.�T If
you will notice, all titles denoting
power and greatness"at least most
of them"end with ~~o-r.�T

Willie"Oh, | see! Just like ~~jani-
tor. TT"Indianapolis Journal.

The cultivation of fiowers for ex-
port and for the perfumery facto-
ries at Grasse 1s an important in-
dustry on the Riviera. It is official-
ly estiniated that the value of flow-
ers annually exported from Nice,
Cannes, Beaulieu and Mentone is
$600. 000.

Che ae =

~~ Ao


only is possible, whether as 1 test of ex-
cellence ii journalism, or for the meas-
urement ol quan, timevalues



2 Philadelphia


after a career 0s nearly twenty years of
uuinterrupted growth is justified in
claiming that the standard first estab-
lis ed Dy its fouuders is the one true
test of

A Perfect Newspaper.

To publish all the news promptly and
and suecintly and in the most read-
be form, without elision or parti-
san bias, to discuss its significance
with frankness, to keep AN OPEN
to give besides a complete record
of current thought, fanvies and dis-
coveries in all departments of hu-
man activity in its DAILY FDI-
TLONs of from 10 to W PAGES,
and to provide the whole for its pa-
trons at the nominal price of ONK
CENJ'"that was from the outset,
and will continue to be the aim of

The Pioneer

one cant morning news»aper in the
United States, THE RECORD still
Witness its unrivaled average daily cir-
culation exc eding 160,000 copies, and
and an average exceeding 120,000 copies
tor its Sunday edivions, while imitations

of its plan of publication in every im- | 3@@
portant city of the country testify to the | 40
truth of the assertion thatin the quan-| 2
tity aud qua'ity of its contents, and in| qo
he price at Which it issold THE REC- | 4

OR D has established the stands rd by
wh'ch excellence in journalism must be

The Daily Edition.

of THE RECORD will be sent by

mailtoany address for $3.00 pet a

year or 25 ceuts per month.

The Daily and Sunday

editions together, which will give
its readers the best ~and freshest in-
formation of all that isgoing on In
the world every day in the year
including holidays will be sent for
$4.00 a year or 35 cents per month

d Buildirg
_" Phi ladelphia, Pa



BAPTI5i"Services every Sunday,
moring and evening, Prayer meeting
Thursday evening. Rev A. W. Setzer,
Pastor. Sunday school 9:30 A, M.
C. D. Rountree, Superintendent.

CATHOLIC"No regular services.

--EPISCOPAL"Services fourth Sun-
day, morning and evening. Lay ser-
vices second Sunday morning. Rev. A.
Greaves, Rector Sunday schoo! 9 30
A.M. W. 3B, Brown, Superinterdant.

METHODIST-"Seivices everv Sun-
day. morning and evening. Prayer
meeting Wednesday evening, Rey.
N. M. Watson, Pastor. Sunday school
9:30 A. M. A~ B. Ellington, Superin-
tendent. .

oPRESBYTERIAN"Services " third
Sunday, morning and evening. Rev.
J. B. Morton, Pastor. Sunday school
ie M. E. B. Fickien Superinten-


A. F. & A. Greenville Lodge No
284 meets first and third Monday eyen-
ng. J. M. Reuss W. M. L. I. Moore,

I. 0.0. F."Covenent Lodge No. 17
Meets every Tuesday evening. J. V.
Johnson N.G. L. H. Pender, Sec.

K. of P."Tar River Lodge No, 93,
meets every Friday evening. H. W.
Whedbee, C. C. A. B, Ellington K. of
R. and §. -

R. A."Zeb vance Conucil No. 1696
meets every Thursday evening. W.b
Wilson, R, M.R. Lang, Sec.

K.of H."Insurance Lodge No, 1169
meets every Friday evening. John
Flanagan, D. Henry Sheppard, R.

S7A.L of H. Pitt Council 236 meets
every Thursday night. J. B. Cherry
Cy W. B. Wilson. See.

Everybody Says So.
Cascarets Candy Cathartic, the

most wonderful medival discovery of
the age, pleasant and refreshing to the

~jiaste, act gently and positively on

kidueys, liver and bowels, cleansing
the entire system, dispel colds, cure
headache, fever, habitual constipat on
and biliousness.
box cf C. C. C, today. 10, 25, 40
cents. Sold and guaranteed to cura
by all druggists.

(jreenville larket.

oorrected by S. M. Schultz.

Buiter, per ib id to 2
Western Sides 5+ 106
Sugar cvved Hams 10 to 124
Corn 40 to bu
Corn Meal 50 to �,�0
Flou:, Family 4.75 to 6.75
Lard 54 to 10
Oats 35 to 40)
Sugar 44 to 6
Coffee 8} to 20
Salt per Sack 65 to 1 60
Chickens 123 to 20
Ers per doz 124 |
Bo swax.per 10]
Corton Seed,per bushei 10 to
Cetton ang Peanut, .

I. Jow are Norfolk prices of «(toL
anu peanuts for yesterday, as furnished

by Cobb Bros. & Commission Mere
chants of Norfolk -
Good Middling of
Middling - OF
Low Middling 4 15-14
Good Ordinary 4f

xtra Prime . 2t
�"�aney 24


bhbbhsy What Is It? phhbhbh

o= It is a picture ot tae celebrated 7� "


Best in use The outfit ot no business man ig

complete without one.

The Reflector Book Store


has a nice asscr~ ment of those Fountain Pens
also a beautiful li::e of Pearl Handle Gold Pens

You will be aston:shed when you see them and
varnhowvery cheap thev are.

You may never,
But should you vuver:@=e==-

Want Job Printing

"~=aag Come to see us. "


Please kuy and try a! QC

Anything from a3

Wisiting Card

""" TO

bo ne remanent

isull Sheet Poser




er tetrttet

Offers his services to the py
40 citizens of Greenyille and the 2
{© public generally. ,;


Spouting and Stove Work,

a specialty. )

Satisfaction guaranteed or 9
no charges thade. Tobacco 4§
Flues made in season. ~Shop Q&
on Dickinson Avenue, ... °

+ The Eastern Reflector.

'The Daily Reflector,

Gives the home news
every afternoon at the
small price of 25 cents a
month. Are you a sub-
seriber? It not you
ought to be.


Is only $1 a
contains the news every
week, and gives informa-
tion to the farmers, es-
pecially those growing

tobacco, that is worth .

-Imany times more than
' , the subscription price.

P ~ ball - ai
_ hte : ~ : / , : ys 5 x. a°





year. I |


ge ie = = cana : ; aa EB. oe 7 H"-NEW FACES,

sie | But the Same Old Year, and You

= o"""| - A Gist ot What is Going On Have a seta Names
ie T . Ci . eau ,
TRAIN AND BOAT SCHEDULES. | _" . ieee 5 \ | ahs , 1 must say, no- og
: &% John E. Ray returned to Raleigh to- ody else has such &
" This has been one of the desagreea" i y 8 haidsome stock of Over ;
y coats as you have,T is

ble days.
: the substance of what

Passenger and mail train gong .
diovih wont 8:52 A.M. Going The days and the people grow short. c. aetianikid | i returned from : 7 Gila na overs day, by
~south, arrives at 6:57,P. M. er as Christmas gets nearer. mB: | people who. have
. J. A. Crews, agent for the Wilming: olooked around.� But

tion is calle j gig wg:
Attention is called to the notice of ton Messenger, 18 In Lown, knew it betore ! There
is scarcely any COnCcelvV

North BoundT Freight, arrives

, 10 A. M. land sale by A. L. Blow, Commissioner. cant, , | |
9:50 4. M., leaves 10 GA. y L. I. Moore and W. H. Long went able kind of desirable Overcoat that cannot be found
: South Bound Freight, arrives| The Town Council has ordered the| to Bethel teduy on legal business. here. Black Oyerconte, Blue Overcoats, Browao Over-
9.00 P. M. leaves 9:15 P. M ouilding of two more cisterns for fire " ay coats, Drab Overcoats, Oxford Overcoats, Covert Over-

~ W.¥. Morrsli returned Thursday coats, Melton Overcoats, Kersey Overcoats, Cheyiot


CaSteamer Tar River arrives from Overcosts, FKneze Ovyerccats, Chinchilla Oyercoats,
: | The ladies of the Presbyterian church

evening from a trip to Norfolk. |
Elysian Overcoats, Montagnac Overcoats, Kough Oyer-

ay aabingion Monday, Wedneacey will have a supper.in Germania hall on K L Sait ett ee returned coats,Long Overcoats, Short Overcoats, Medium Over
end Friday, leaves for Washing- Wednesday night, 8th from Richmond Thursday evening. ~ coats, Loose Fitting Overcoats, Close Fitting Oyercoats,
fen Toesday. Thursday and Sat- say Mrs. W. M. Kine went to Wils Overcoats that ure Shapety, but, neither close fitting nor
o~arday. For Rewt."New six room dwelling eg we en loose, Overcoats with Velvet Collars, Overcoats with
a ; | today to visit her daughter, Mrs, Wells. ClothOollars,Overcoats
| house, all conveiences, desirable loca. OUB*s T
| ir pena 1. W. recs with Strapped Seams,
a 10n. 5 ° s) awe v
ae PP'Y Peter Plummer, acolored mav, had|_. Ovoravais with 7 its
JUPTCIOUS ADVERTISING. | Baskers"Work baskets, waste} a fitat the meeting of the ~Town Council, | Plain Seams, Overcoats
baskets, lunch baskets, market baskets,) Thursday night, and just about broke with patch pecket,Over

and all other kinds of baskets at Zeno|up the meeting. It was sometime bee coats with ordinary |

* . . Moore & BrosT. fore he got over the fit. pee Light aight
ony Mi . . yercoats, Mealum
Creates many anew business, There will be an old tashioned " . 0 weight Overcoat,heavy

My Christmas stock is in and it wil weight Overcoat,Over-
coats Silk sleeve Lin-
ing, Overcoats with

Roblarges Mathy an old business,� | eandy stew� in tne Masonic building
Preserves many a large business, |tonight. - Misses Scphia Jarvis and | Pay you to call at my store betore buy-

qi . 4. �,� ay ing, i : 5 v
Revives manv afdull business, | Dot Flanagan ate nianagers. BATU OS BY Oe Satin Shoulder Lining,
" ections, in fact everything for Sante ~Gut
4 Rescues many a Jost business, G. A. McGowan & Ua., have a ful 1] T Py Shave seintion. oThese por.
ish . - Claus. Prices lower thau anvwhere| " scription. Every pos-
Saves many a failing business. line of Burial Robes for ladiés and gen | 9). JAMES Wn sibla item of value that

we could conceive of is

Mourning Hat Bands for men. oO , these Coats.
Mourning Hat bands for men FATAL RUSH. found in se ©

a Fresn ~Tur ay"Hlominy Flakes 7 RIC: S & Tt
A William goat, vitn low-bowed head, ve J oe he . ©

To oadvertise judiciously,� use| small and large Hemiry, white Beans |
the columns of the REFLECTOR, chredded Cod Fish, Mountam Butter Rushed wildly forth vw batt" wamew sear nee

| at S. M. Scuvutz, A moment later he lay dead 2
OO , . With a shattered cocoanut ! rist AS Goods
Book Store hes just ( } i i ) :

at » 6, efor
She Retlector The fetlow that heTd sought to ecrush"

{ ° . . CU AD. . :

Weather ~Bulletin received a nice lot of new stationery"| The victor in the tray |

* ; aye

~doers, dav books,recript books record | yy. e .

oO iedgers, day books,rectif , Turned out to be a center rusk, i S o ore

Jooks, paper, correspondence cards} " .

Rain touight and Sat books, papers Who met the goat half way.

in tought ana saturpay. with envelopes. tabiets, pencils, rubber Mee oy

"Chicago News,

bands, ete. © , © f
" Ne ee An Interesting Address. | y \ ith New Lite.

| NO CURF"NO PAY. NOTICE! so Publ Mr. John E. Ray, of Raleigh, Sup-
: : « The Public are}. oge °
ThatT is the way all drcggists osel | warned not to cash or trade for Check erirtendent of the school for the deat,| Tradition links new !
NOE ea et and Ce aoa No 7643, amount $51.89, payable to C.jdumb ana blind, reached Greenville J { 0.
; or Chills, Fever and : orms © Tardy aver. as pavment of same | eri . : .
, R. Hardy or bearer, as payment of Same | puyrsday evening and delivered an Hh i to Christmas. Modern fashion makes

aber Paes teas bedi has beech stopped at the Bank of ' ren dd
jn atasteless form. Children love {}Grenville, said check having been iost. | address at night hefore the BLY. PU. T if
Adults prefer it to bitter, nauseating}; November 19th, 1s!'7. in the Baptist church. His subject we 4 Ee Clothes beautiful. Enterprise a 5
Tonics. Price, He. roan oywmre co. {12 the Bapist church. THis subject was objects that are artistic or curiousto the mer-
an """ " "_" Hellen Keller, the most remarkable | ehandise attractions. Thus the festival thrill

girl living ~odoy. She is dea~, dumb is created, and this store becomes a public place

and blind, and only 17 years of age,

yet she has accomplished more than 9 ! |
thousands of persons who posess ail ang Gy AS ouse.
fi @ 8 their faculties. Mr. RayTs address was .

exceedingly interesting and was based LANG SELLS CHEAP
dt Ais

largely on what he had ascertained

tlemen at extremely low prices, also

Secures success to any |s7iness.

from a personal acquaintance with her, | == cate rane , Caan ae aaa
Mr. Rav also sang two songs -oJesus|R. R. FLEMING, Pres. |
Loyer of M Seoul� and ea er ore A. 6. COX, ~Wi EU
soyer of MyT ~ Nearer My} @" CHERRY t Vice Pres. Ass't Cashicer
God to Thee� in the deaf and dumb
sign language. ~Lhis was very impres- CAPITAL: Minimum $10,000; ~Maximum $100,000.

sive and no one could fail to catch the

~ luspiration ul worship emovudied ijn the Organized June 1st, 1897.

signs and motions indicating the senti-.

ment of these grand hymns, T'he Bank of Pitt County,

lore T are a} , T
A large congregation was prezent

~° Tand every one greatly enjoyed hearing GREENVILLE, N. C.

AAM and seeing Mr. Ray. We hope he : ARAN ARARARAAA
te ia visit Gree le again. qe Bank wants your triendship anda shar
RRM Se """" _ ifnot all, of your businesss, and wil grant
- FOR SALK. every favor consistent with safe and sound
a oe banking. We invite correspondence of a per:
| rn sonal interview to that end.
c : : a »% mansatannanannasinaiamsiien iin re emanates "
Vaivaule ili p l UGE. Wehave a large
bh "_"" |
N Tuesday, the 7th day of Decem- ST)
O ber 1897, we will offer at publig SI OCK OF
sile the residence of Mrs. M. A. Jarvis |
avd two adioining vacant lots, situated | \ {NS
in the town of Greenville, On the corner 1 TT
of Cotaneh and 2nd streets near the
TV TIT XT Macon Hotel. |
OU N GC There are several out houses on the HGG N i | TT
premises. All :
Sale to take place at 12 oTclock M. od a
not sold privately before. | .
| Apply to. HARDING & HARDING. Phone No. 10. ; | :
Greenyille, N. C
yn By virtue ofa decree of the Superior just arrived. Come and
; o Court of Pitt county made in a certain | "
special proceeding therein pending en- gee us
titled et als againse J. H, Whitehurst :
an wife, twill on, Monday, December Notice.
1 27th, 1897; before the Court House door} ~Vhis is to not .
= in Greenville, sell at public sale to the | rons that I Mee heme eH | 3
| ~ highest bidder, for cash, that certain} from the pavtnership of The Greenville (ATS Hh ANN FON
; tract or parcel of land situated in Car-| Supply Co. and have connected myself tw LG i
1 olina. township, Pitt county, and on the) with R. L . Dayis & BrosT under the }
a west side of Bear Branch, adjoining the| frm name of Speight & Co, ari will
e | lands ef W. R, Whichard and others the | eontinue to buy cotton and produce as |.
4 boundaries of witich are fulty set out in} pefore under said firm name. Thank- A COeAY |
i! a deed executed by Council James and |jng my friends for their past patronage, | """_" v ;
wife to Jane A. Warreu now on record | { assure them that their interests will « |
in the office of the Register of Deeds of | ajways have my careful consideration. : ;

Pitt County in Book T, T. pages 408} 1 think I am better prepared. to handle
and 409. 7 ; their business than ever before and so-

| | sao rei : . This Nov. 2ith, 1897.» lteit a continuacc of their patronage, =. ve!
| J B ( HERR Y &y aay ALEX.L. BUOW, " | This Nov. 16tin, 1897. LG | ( CORR i AN
U. p tw . | ~ Commissioner. « { JESSE SPEIGHT. -" ! o We

/ ioe

Spies rrcasc ater Sateen enc ar

Daily Reflector, December 3, 1897
The newspaper was established in 1882, and was originally named the Eastern Reflector. It was founded by Julian Whichard and David Jordan with equipment they purchased from The Greenville Express. On December 10, 1894, it adopted the name The Reflector and began publishing every day. Cox Newspapers acquired The Daily Reflector in 1996. Creator: Daily Reflector (Greenville, N.C.) - December 3, 1897
December 03, 1897
Local Identifier
NC Microforms
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