Daily Reflector, November 24, 1897

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-D,J WHICHARD, oEditor and Owner,




TERMS :225 Cents a Month.




Vol. 6.


No. 916


November, 1897. No.1.

Vol. 1.



Way .» --




In the Morning :
Sack suit Greut
Hat, derby.
Shirt, colored.
Tie, four-in hand.
Gloves, tan.
Overcoat, covert.

ENT or

Vy ay.


' t -
a oat. _

In the Afternoon:
Frock coat.
Hat, Silk.
Shirt, white.
Tie, white Ascot.
Gloves, tan or suede

Tn the Evening


Evening dregs suit.
Hat, silk.

~Tie, sma'l white.
Gloves, heavy white

: Overcoat, ~verness.|%

i i

Dress Goods,
Notions, Shoes,
Hats, Caps,

" at.
- Munford.


opene ner amnee tone

At the Western N. C. M. E.
Conference just hela at Asheville,


Services in the Episcopal, Baptist
and Methodist Churches
Following is the programme of
Thanksgiving services to be held in
Grenvifle churches temorrow:

was made:

Admitted on tria!, 6; remain on
'trial,6; discontinued, 1; admitted
At1l A. M. at the Episcepal church, into full connection, 6 ; received
Lay Service by Maj. H. Harding, sub"| by transfer, 4; deacons of one
iect, oThe Relation of Thanksgiving: year, 7; located this year, nove;
to Govermert,� apprepriate music, andjnumber of preachers, 175; num
collection for The Episcopal Thompson | ber, of members, 68,716; infants
~baptized, 1,817; aduTts baptized,
(2193; number of Epworth
~Leagues, 105; number of mem-
oers of Epworth League, 3,548;
~number ot Sunday schools, 73! ;
Thanksgiving Anthem by the cow-!Surday schoo! teachers, 4,/4u;
Sunday school scholars, 49,752 ; |
iassessed for suverannuates $5.vU0;
paid for auperanuates, $3,273.19;
~contributed tor foreign mis-ions,
| $8,835.33; contributed for domes-
~tic missions, $50.30; contributed
for chureh extension, $1,940 12;
loontributed for Bible Soeety.
$361.22; contributed for presiding |
elders and preachers, $87,196 66,
contributed for bishops, $1,272.62
Number of societies, 788; number
~of churches, 665; value of church
property, $782,596; numter of
pastoral charges 163 ; parsonags,
116}; value of pazscnages, $130,-
989; number of district parson -
ages, 0; value of same, $7,900,

Address (10 minute) Thanksgiving} yajyea cf school property, $304,-
Day"Prof. Ragsdale. 200: endowment of schovis,
$125,000; number of teachers, 52;
64; collected for educa-


At 11 oTclock A. M.
hiymn" America.�
Scriptural reading.

bined choirs.

Praver"by Rev. 1. J. Harpez.

' Sermon"by Rev. N. M. Watson.
Solow by Mr. Holcombe.


At 7:3) cTclock, P. M.
Music--Doxelogy "choir end con-

Thanksgiving Proclamation read by
E. A. Moye.

100dth Psaim,ard Prayer by Rev.
A. W, Setzer.

Mrs. Bond.

Grimes and

Music America.

Address (10 minutes) Uur Obliga-|gehglars 8

tion es a Matron to Give Thanks "L. 4.) jon, $9,181.69.
Moore, Esq i ,
a oo We notice among the appuint-|
Meee " Phe oly City "3' rs, ,
Cri mene fr the next Confersuce

year that Rev. W. R. Ware as

Address (10 minutes) The ProgreTs

the following statistical report]



SPP PN le al al Ne Nal etl Ne Nell al Nal iN al Me Ma, Neal NG al Nae Malate a © RE NAN Naa a al es lel al la


We Bave laid hands
. -on the resources of
x AT (1D °
CLOTHING the Bo iences and
-, arts toput our Cloth
CLOTHING ing storeat thevery |
oLotHing highest pinnacle of .
~perfection. Cloth-:
CLOTHING /1ngT macie-to meas
| _jure, Clothing ready
CLOTHING;made. Not a store

cropay,, sought for any-
CLOTHING ~thing but Ciotning.
Lopate j_uside c'othing,out
CLOTHING side clothing Been
choraina brain-straining on

~this subject for a
CLOTHING;number of years.

~We are stamping
CLOTHING; our methods on the

~clothing trade of

CLOTHING Greenville, Tire-
aire eessly seeking for
SHORE ES Gop betterings wher-

cLorning ~ever they can be
: ~found. The result,
. $our- present success

SE=eBirA benutiful line of oe ss
ae INanda hare
Dress Goods, oes

| - 4 x ln ves

of the Church tor which we Give;made Presiding Elder of Shelsy |

Shanks "Maj. Warding. | District. )
Musie"Antham".O, Come Let us) eee

)Sing, oy the eombiaed choirs, Married This Afternoon
" of . |
Acdress (10 mibutes)"A_ practical

The marriage of Mr. B. Whitel
ry. . . .
Phanksgiving"land Miss Nannye Fleming took sce

at 3.30 o'clock this afternoon at el

Application of our

Gev, Jarvic.

Celle tion for The Oxford Orphan|bowe Mf the bride s par nts, five miles |
~from ~own, Bev. A. W. officat-
line: IN recent Wi wii! be eiving ther |

"Coronotion"by chow and oniehe at the heme ot Capt. C.

(-tandine ) | White

Benediction by Rev. J. J. Harper. |

Holiday eoods will soon be deman:-

; seleer



¥ t! i
a s]}
Pe ahaa


Whe . "pa . rey
hen He Loves. ing the attention of purchasers. oChe

1am «


business nen who get tacir announc-

) Mon someumes sing of maidensT lips,

| Lheir features rare and fear, ir


meuts before the people early will ot

oo if ones who catch the trade.
And prate about their finger-tipg,
And glorify their hair G. A. McGowan & Co ,havea tn]
4,2 it rn a Lo © « .

| a line of Burial Robes for ladies and gene
. . ; 5 0
ut when a manTs in love he lets ; rs
" _ - , Hema at extremely low prices, #50
No shape, nor age, nor hair 4
Des ony ; | Mourning Hat Bands for men.

Stend in his wav-~he just forgets,
. ry ~ ) \" -
She agent of the Atlontic & North

Carolina railroad, at Goldsboro

And loves and doesuTt care,
: who


Cleveland Leader.

| Was put in by the present administra.

Business will ve suspended here tos tion, is short $700 in his accounts snd

morrow. has been dismissed.

aoa awake ecacacn waeerkecaticaik 1k OB ACA ROK AQAA ROK WA 9)9
S\aieleeie@les NA ABAN) as AIK S/R Os RAN RIA IOR RUSS SS Ney an



Whether the weather stays warm or
turns wintry this wil be a gala week
for Clothing, Dress Goods, and Shoes.
An immense assortment ot nobby styles
has just been received from the factory,
the factory we operate to save money
for you. |


i= @ 4 °
_- ~i ot, "- - & ~Z F ¥ oon . TT
1 - f t Xe J K. \/ » Pi a if trig, Ff wf
| a . A o* . h 4] . ¥ we 4 reve ae) Beet �"� woe ~a ca
eckeaiieaiil aa Me a A OE eT OY a PT BBs 8) Ser eid LTT


A |

Cur stock consists of
the largest variety and
| lowest prices and our




| ~

are of the swell styles.
The Coverts and Whip-
cords in lovely shades
oftan, and raw-geed
Kerseys ot blue, brown
or black, with French
facing andtancy worst
ed lining, half satin

back ---the best coats
ever seen forthe money

_"a« We have acomplete line Of smn.



side of the track. The brute
licked his hand, feebly wagged
On the evening of the opening at | his tail and died in nis masterTs
Boyd's one of the members ofjarms.

tLe company strack the nead of}

out a quarter ora half dollar to
gome especially tenacious pedler.


D,. J. WHICHARD, Kditor.

aE . ain nator , tanamtprtoaeinaneor
EVERY AFTERNOON (EXCEPT SUNDAY).|che combination for a dollar,} pastes His Way to the Heaven.
oe ="-"|much to the amazement of the "_" |

Th» man who eyery Sundav
morning pastes a dollar bill on

iatter. The actor said he would

Bevered as second-class mall matter. stor
urbitrate, compromise or do any-

eee eres . . . : aa
, . thing. He finally agreed to call|/the collection plate in Trinity
grRscrIPTtON RATES. * |, ce ye id ;
| it square if his superior would| Chapel, West Twenty fifth street, 25¢ 50¢ DRUGGISTS

ae mouth . buy him a drink. On this 10/is Virgil Richard Jeger. He isa ¢ ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED £2 cate any case of constination. Cascarets are the Ideal Laxa-

~ - . - Pe out . : . tA ré, never grip or gripe, but eaus : : ~ ft
Une week. + os, 7. Mo feent basis they came to terms, | printer, and lives at 56 Jane street} glean! hoklet free. Ail. STERLING BEMEDY GUnr Chicano, Mentrenl, Can,ceriien Terk, . ait
bet ivered in town by carriers withou' and returned to the theatre front! He arrives at the chapel in gocd SPP LS OR

Tk canst. . . 7
/ATvertiang rates are liberal andcan be and watched the box office hun-|time for the morning services,

takes a seat in the front pew, and R. Ls DAVIS, PresTt.

ad cn application to the editor or at
Be offer
a ae eae aes
We deshe * vive correspondent at
every postoflice inthe county, who will
gend in bricf items of WEWS as it occnrs
mn each neighborhood, Write plainly
gsndion v or one side of the paper.


pe al =o

4 Wrpnesvar, Novemper 24, 1897.

Pe elie

_" as

Here are some of Sam JonesT
witty sayings, as reported by the
Citizen from bis lecturein Ashe-
ville last week :

This isa great old world, and

Tm rot going to leaveit on pur-§

nose. HereTs one fellow who is
not going to kill his fool self.

TTve no respect for growlers,
theretore I donTt respect many
yeople. This nation reminds me
af a family of spoiled children.

That philosopher bas not yet
lived who can tell which is the
best es ate, to be hungry and
havicg uothing to eat, or to have
the colic from gating tor much.

I want to give you the worth of
your money if you've got any
place to put it. Some of you
dollar fellows. I expect, paid too
much. But if you bavenTt got
room for it you can just sit still
and let it run over.

There 1s nothing in this world
to which I tip my hat with pro-
founder respect than a genuine
wan. The only trouble about it
ir, I donTt have to tip it often. A
men is bigger than a king"big-
ger thana president. It there 1s
@ wan in politics I donTt know it.
Take North Carolina for example,

A Boston maa once asked me:
oDses the negro differ trom the
white manin instinct?� I told
him no, the difference was mostly
in the cutstink.

Some old deacon who swindles
you will say oITm obliged to liye.�
ThatTs a lie"he can die any day
he wants to.

A-aong the girls we need more
honey bees and fewer butterflies.

Somewhat to their surprise, @

-|man stopped, and then another,

and then immediately afterwards
a whole crowd of people appeat-
ed at the window, and for half an
hour the place was hesieged. No
such house had eyer been called
out by the little cheap company,
and these people were all of a fire
grade, tuo- *

ofuck is with us,� cried the
manager to nis delighted em-
ploye. oCome and iets spend
what I haye in celebration.� So
they went out and destroyed the
symmetry of the last five-doilar
bill m the silk batted manTs pos-
session. After which, returning
tothe box office, they asked the
ticket seller how much had been
taken in.

oHight dol'ars and forty cents,�
was the repty.
oRight dollars and forty cents ?
Where"how"what about these
5)0 or 1,000 people who have
been crowding in?�

oOh,� eaid the box office man,
whose name was Doc Haynes,
othe ElksT hail is on the upper
floo:, and the entrance is here.
ThereTs a dance there tonight,
apd the members have been
getting the special tickets which
hive been assigned to thet.
ITm secretary of the lodge, you
see !� ~

ae """

Died tor His Master.
When a man giyes ap his hfe
fir avother, posterity erects a
m iument io bis memory; but
when a dog dies that his maste~
may live, wen Stop and think, and
Johu Walker, of Roselle, N. J-,
was doing a lot of thinking on
Saturday night. He was face to
face with death. and his dog had
avertod the blow.

Walker left his house early 1D
the morning for a stroll, adits
doy followed him. He tried to
drive him back. ~hen maste:

I donTt objaci to bangs; I think
bangs are becomug to women
and mules.

When women get to cutting off
the tops of their dresses for the
ball room and the bottoms for
the bikes, I begin to get fright-

Some say that Sam Jones is

aud dog started to walk along the
Joysey Central railroad tracks to

Midway between the stations
Walker met a heavy freight ruo-
ning rapidly eastward, making
enough noise to deaden ail other

sounds. Walker stepped to the
west bound track. His dog,

seems tc listen intently to the
sermon. He carries a dollar bill
in his hat, one end fastened under
the hat Land.

While the sermon is being
preached Mr. Jeger smears one
side of the bill with paste, which
he also carries 1n his hat, mean"
time, keeping his eyes fixed on
the preacher. The collection
plate is usually passed to nim
first, and he lays the billon it ana
carefully but firmly smoothes it

oT donTt want the money to
blow away, and I donTt want any-
one to steal ~it,T saia Mr. Jeger
yesterday. obesides there are
Masonic reasons why 1 paste the
money on the plate.�

The church authorities have not
objected to Mr. JwgerTs eccen-
tricity in giving. The sexton
scrapes the bills from the plates
takes the ; ieces to the bank and
gets new, whole bills."New York

Couldn't Afford to Take a Paper
One of our exchanges describes
the wan who could not afford to
take the home paper as follows:
By getting hold of a foreign
advertising sheet he spent $1
writing to find out how to keep
sober; the answer being to take a
pledge. He also sent fifty 2 cent
stamps to find out how to raise
turnips and receiyed a postal
card reply: oTake hold of the
jvops and pull.� It was the same
person that sent 50 cents to a
fellow in tue east for twelve ~use-
ful househoid articles and re-
ceived a package of needles. He
is a near relatiye to the man who
sert $1 to find out how to get
rich and received the reply:
oWork likethe deyil and never
spend a cent.� He ts also
related to the man who sent $5 to
find out how to write without a
peu or ink,and the answer was:
oiryalead pencil.� He is atwin
brother to thé man who sent $9 to
find out how to live without work
and received the reply printed in



oFish for suckers like we do.�

A New Counterteit Discovered.

oue black line on a postal cara:

The secret service bureau at

R. A. TYSON, Vic-ePres.


We study carefully the separate needs

J: L. LITTLE, CashTe#?
JUNE 15th, 1896.

The Bank of Greenville,


Atthe Close cf Business Oct, Sth, 1897.

f.oans and Discounts $56,792.58 5 Capital stock paid in $23,000.00
Premium on Stock 1,000.00 Surplus and Profits 1,462.09
Due from Banks \ 20,865.30? Deposits subject to Cueck 67 507.0%
Furniture and Fixtures 1,507.25 Due to Banks 607.90
Cash Items 8,619.05 ¢ Cashiers Checks ortstanding 241.66
Oash in Vault 25,189.49 $ Bills Payable 17,500.00
"""" } Time Certificates of Deposit 605.06
Total $113,923.67 "
Total $113,923,6%

of our patrons, and shall be glad ¢o have

your account, promising every accommodation consistent with good tanking. CH)




ing their yearTs supplies will find

u allits brancues.

3 ea EN

Tobacco, Snufi &c,

we buy diroc} from, Menfacturn.. en
lint vols Os b. AIA ath \ eow
ce stock of


theirinterest to get our prices befere pua
chasing elsewhere. Ourstock is covaplete







We have init received a uew
hearse and the nicest line of Cof-
fins and Caskets, in weed, metal-
lic and cloth ever brought te

_ We are propaiud te fo embalm-
ing 12 ali its forms.

Personal attention given tojcon~
ducting funerals and bodies en-
truated to our care will receive
every mark of respec'.

Our prices are Jower than ever,
Ve do not want monopoly but
wivite competition.

We can be found at any and all
times in the John [lanagan
Buggy CoTs building.




Male Academy,

(The re ai = zehanl
(yThe next session of th: school wil

open on?

MONDAY:SEPT.%6, 18972


whieh had been running ahead
after birds or loitering behind to

Washington announces the dis-

vulgar. When they say ITm: vul-
covery of a new counterfeit $10

gar 1tTs hke the skunk telling the | |
and continue for 10 months.#

~ace ~3 hens ake short and noisy excursions | .. «fs
possum his breath smells bad. m a . \ oe _SXCUreIODS silver certificate, and also a/|always on hand and soldat pricesto suit
} oO a ad T es tc 1 bes 8, y - Is . « * é a } ry . r « Ct
It isa reversal of GodTs order | '2'O He DUSHES. Closes Ih Ob bis | counterfeit national bark ote. LD oe nees goods areall boughtand| The terms are as follows.
ef thincs wl ~\Imaster when the train neared 1 _ sold for CASH therefore, having no lisk} 4
R8 vhen woman becomes him 1) The silver certificate is a photo-|to run we sel! at a close margin. Primary English per mo. $2 0C
4 the leader in immodesty. Walker was careless. He eraphic production printed on] " } Intermediate © «ow 42
oy c * ¢ e X ied " , o
: two pieces of paper pasted
a aaa neyer looked behind him,T and ee No attorapt hae been Higher = oS&H g3 |
Ps = - T é sf) ~ ~
Surprise for Actors did not hear or see the Royal! | Sarbers Languages (each) **
A Surprise for the Actors. Biuo exrress. Brak ~oval made to color the back of the . guages (each) ~ $1 00
" ue eXpress: akemen On tha : The work and diselpline of the sehou

uote, which is a shade of brown
instead of green. The seal is
colored a bright pink.

The note 1s badly printed and
thaT lathe work is blurred and
indistinct. The national bank
uote ison the Virst National of

freight.train shouted warnings
The engineer of the.express train
blew bis whistle, with no «avail.
Tt was too late to stop, althoucn
the engineer was trying to do so.
Walker plodded on.

A theatrical manaver cann
manager cannot will be ts heretatore

always be sure of his crowd, even
when he sees it, says the Chicago

James E. Boyd, once a govern-
er of Nobraska and always well

A B.PEN DER, We ask a continuance of your «
liberal patronage.* °*


Can be. found below QFive Points,
next door to Reflector office,

: : known on the Chic ? When the train was nearly o . age . . a
: ago Board of ; tae 8 nearly on Joplin, of Missouri, series 1882 "
Trade, used to own a theatre in| top of Walker his uog sprang at! y; ; :
| bn cat It is also printed oa two pieces of See ESS a
Omaha. In the course of the|him witha growl. Walker turn- paver and tne silk fibre in the cr Bewieds Aluetutety. | rat
: geason an open dae a ed, saw the train and Yt te sie panera at aie a |
~ th b k p d . ppeared / . . : stepped genuine i8 imitated by pen and AMES A, SMITH, mo for ths xine rat ( * "ea ha 7 f
onthe book and a little second | side in time to dvoid the cars as] i. marks. TONSORIAL ARTIST,} TWeastract to curs § 2k tion cs cae
wate company succeeded in |they swept past him with a roar. GREENVILLE, N.C. | 4 hots Meaty Fein ad
* v * ' x ake: i Mod Mat rh Wiha my ~ wt {
. breaking into the house for the| Not so with the dog. The pilot | | Patronage solicited. Cleaning, Dyeing os fal to Bh er ae aeons te
unfilled time.. .This company had | of the engine struck the animal Juss try a lds. box ot cascarets, the} and Pressag Gents Clothes a specialty ill har sachs cad Oe Bees ae tal ad
ee : M4 ~ . Ma ~ . " ter Poni, i a ; Lp eriste bn
~been having all kinds of bard|and tossed him aside. finest liver and bowel ségu ator ever cd Spot Ulecrson ins Ay partot (85 us OF
~ ~ ; om ee in Me Ey 4c : Piney
Iuck andthe manager had been| When Walker recovered his|�"�*o° cunrantes tocure We Mhaes F etiiet Was oe
* -* : nie Caen B long: ¢ cesta bw a ahem
- amished for money for a month,|senses he looked for his dog. SS Lene ee TONS: can eure, ~This ds jease ics 0 cr halted
- ° * * © -« - fe an ominené ph «ila:
Hope and despair combined kept|The faithful animal Jay dying,| Cascarets stimulate liver, kidney and oFASHIONABLE BARBBR, © " /0r many yours weliave BaBaMiuiis 3. o iy ot
. T ; h e ~ os DB OF } doy anil th vs
the company together and at odd| with his back broken. eee Never sicken, weaken Or] gpecial attention given to cleaning guaran Theda, bet 3 viional
times the manager would giveT Walker carried the dog to the T8�"�P* 10¢, : iGentlemensCloth'y", 42 nil Celuaae., Mea
he i et on . ee : recent |
' ; f A ; Fe * ~nah Mn

l ~

Saeed ne tre nT ne A Seep erate eee pene nee

Se SO NORRRces"tn

Sera aces reader ow a ae aR

tlantis Goast

eens nm

Schedule in Effect Aug. 16th,815_8,
zDepartures from Wilmington. ;


DAILY No 48"Passenger"Due Veg-
9.35 a. m. nolla 19.59 am. Warsaw 11.10
am, Goldsboro 11.58 am, Wil
son 12.43 p m, Rockv oount
1.29) m. Tarboro 2.58 p m,
Weldon 3,39 p m, Petersburg
5.f4 pm, Richmond 6.50 pm,
Norfolk 6.05 p m, Washing-
ton 11.10 pm, Raltimore 12.53
am, Phi'adelphia 3°45 a m,
New York 6.53 am, Boston
300 pm.

DAILY No 40"Passenger"DueMag
7.15°p m. noiia 8.55 p m. Warsaw 9,10
pm, Goldsboro 10.10 p m
Wilson 11.06 p m. Tarboro
* 6,45 m. Rocky Mount 11 57
pm, Weldon 1.44am, Nor=
folk 10.30°a m, Petershurg
3.24a m, Richmond 4.26 a m,
Washington 7.41am, Balti,
more 9.5 4 m, Philadeipnia
11.°5 am, New York 2.02 p
m, Boston 8.30 pm.

DAILY No 55"Passengor Due Lake
~40 p va. Waecamaw 4.55 p m, Chad
beurn 5.40 p m Marion 6 43 p
m, Flerence 7.25 p m, Sum-
te: 8.42 p m, Columbia 10.05
0, Denmark 6,20 a m, August
to 8.20 am, Macon 11.30 am,
Atlanta 12.15 p m, Charles-
ton 10.20 pm. Savannah. 2.49
a m. Jacksonville 8.20 a m,
St. Augustine 10.30 am,Tam
pa 6.40 pm.


DAIVY No. 49."Pasaciger"Boston
9.45 77M. 1.08 pin. New York 9.00 pm,
Philadelphia 12.05 am, Ralti-
more 5,50 am, Washington
4.39 am, Richmond 9.05 am,
Petersburg 10.00 am, Nor-
Weldou 11.50 am, Tarboro
12.12 -m, Reeky Mount 12.44
pm, Wilson 2:lz pm. Golds-
boro 3.10 pm, Warsaw 4.02,

pm, Magnolia 4.16 pm,
DAILY No. 41."VPassenger-~Leave
9.50 A.M, Boston 12.00 night, New
York 9.30 am, Phitwdelphia
wee 12.09 pm, Baltimore 2 .25 pm,
Washington 38.46 pm, Rich-
mond 7.20 pm, Petersburg

8.12pm. Norfolk 2.20 pm,
Weldon 9.43 pm, Tarboro
6.0% pm. Reeky Mount 5.45

am. Leave Wilson 6.z0 am,
Goldsboro 7:01 am, Warsaw
7.53 8m Magnolia 8.05 am,
DATILy No. 61"Passenger.---Leave
xcept New Pern 9.20 am, Jackson-
unday yille 10.42 am. This train
B40 P.M arrives at Walnuc street.

DAILY No. 54"Passenger"Deave

12,15 P. M. Tampa 8.00 am. Sonford 1.50
pm, Jacksonville 6 35 pm,
Savanna 12.50 night. Charles.
ton 5682 am.folumbia 5.50
am, Atlanta 8.20 am, Macan
9.30 am, Augusta 3.05 pm,
Denmark 4.55 pm, Sumpter
f.40 am, Florence 8.55 am,
Marton 9.35 am, Chadbourn
10.35 am, Gake Waccamaw
11.06 am,

Train on Scotian 1 Nek Branch Roa
eaves Weldon 4.10 p, m.. Halifax 4,28
Pp. m., arrives Scotland Neck at 5.10 p
m., Greenville 6.57 p, m., Kinston 7.55
p.m. Returning, leaves Kinston 7,50
f@.m., Greenville 8.52 a.m. Arriving
Hali* ~x at 11:20. m., We'don 11.40 am
daily except Sunday.

rains on Washnigton Branch leny
Washington 8.20 a, m.,and1.00 p.m

rives Parmele 9.10 a. m., and 3.49 p

», Tarboro 9.45 a. m., returningleaves
farboro 3.30 p. m., Parmele 10.20 a. m.
snd 6.20 p. m,,

40 a, m.,and 7.20 p. m. Daily ex-
nt Sunday. Connects with trains on
ceotland Neck Branch.

Train leaves 1aroore, N C, via Albe-
marle & Raleigh R. R. daily except Sun.
ay, at 550 p.m., Sunday 405 P. M;
atrive Plymouth 7.40 P. M., 6.00 p, m.
Returning leaves Plymouth daily exceyt
Sandev, 7,50 a. m., Sunday 9.00 a m..
arrive Tarboro 10.15 arm and 11. 45

Train on Midland N. C. branch leaves
tolé8boro daily, except Sunday, 6.05 a
m. arriving Smithfield 7°30 a, in. Re-
turning leaves Smithfield 8.00 a. m,, ar-
rives at Goldsbors 9.30 a. m.

~rains on Latta branch, Florence R
2., leave Latta 6.40 pm, asrive Dunbar
7.50 pm, Clio 8.05 p m. Returning
leave Cliot6.10am, Dunbar 6.30 a m,
arrive Latta 7.50 a m, daily except Sun-

Train onClinton Branch leaves War-
saw for Clinton caily, except Suuday,
1000 a,m.and 8.50 p, m: Returning
téaves Cinton at7.00 a. m. and3,00% m.,

Train No.78 makes close connection
at Weldon forall points daily, all rail via
Riehmone, alse at Rovky Mount with
Norfolk and CarolinaR R for Nouiolk

' ¢n3 all points North via Norfolk.

General supt.
T. M. EMERSON, Traffie Manager
J. R.KEVLY. Gen"! Manager,

The Oldest
Haily Yewspaper in
Yorth Carolina.

The Only Five-Dollar Dailv
its Class in theState


arrives Washington }

ee on� ae
Line Disease =pread. by Pum

ee health authorities ar®
aking an investigation of the
rapid spread of diptheria and
other contagious diseases among
the children since the public
schools opeaed in September,
and believe that they have found
the cause in the system followed
in the use of penholders and lead
pencils. All the pencils and pen-
holders are gathered together
each day just before dismissal
and placed in a box on the
teacherTs desk. Tho next morn-
ing the pencils and penholderg
are redistributed, so that each
child may get different pencils
dud penholders every day. City
Sanitarian Clark eavs that-it is
second nature for children to
place pencils or penholders in
their mouths when at study, and
that thus disease may be com-
municated from child to child.
The city sanatarian 18 experi-
menting wit & preparation by
which the penciis and penholders
can be sterilized each day."In-
dianapoiis Dispatch.
arn |
New Uses for Old Hats.

Never content witu ordinary
decoratious for their boudoirs,
girls are now using the cast cff
derby hats of their admire~s as
card receivers. The scheme is a
simple und economical one. After
getting an old hat, the fair fad-
dists cuts numerous gashes in the
crown, into which the cards of
her friends are stuck. In the cen=
tre of the crown she puts as mall
card contairing the words: oPeo-
ple I Know.� The hat ia then
fastened to a riobon and hung on
the wall,

At the University some of the
bright young men wear slouch
hats, on the brims and crowns of
which are written the names of
friends A blue hat with red au-
tographs is held to be the top-
most things 1n this line.

eee sem

DonTt Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your
Lite Away.


If you want to quit tobacco using
easily and torevsr, 99 made weil
strong, magnetic, full of new life and
vigor, take No-"To-Bae, the wonder-
worker that makes weak men strong.
Many gain ten pounds in ten days.
Over 400,000 cured. Buy No-To-Ba
rom your own drugyist, who will
guaranteea cure. bookiet and sample
mailed tree. Ad. Sterling Remedy Co
Chicago or New York.

The state superintendent of
Public instruction, Mr. Mebane,
has issued a letter to the teachers
~of public schools urging them to
unite in the formation ofa teach-
ersT association in each county in
the state.

oOur teachers, eoth pablic and
priva~e,? he writes odo not make
themselves felt as they should, as
aclass of men and women in
their respeciive counties. ~oo
many of our teachers are 1ndifter-
ent as t2 what public sentiment
is on the subject of popular edu-
cation. Too often they sit in si-
lence while the pcliticiansa ound
the court nouse and the school
committeemen squander the pub-
lic money. ~The county associa-
tion may not only create pubic
Sentiment in fayor of popular
education, but it may be the
means of securing school men for
school committeemen instead of
men who will do the bidding of
the court house politician. It
may be the means of making the
public ; school money the most sa-
cred, which it should be, of any
public money in the county. It
may make the schools, instead of
a farce and a subjext of ridicule,|
a power and -a blessing to each

When bilious or cosfzve, eat a Cas-
caret, candy cathartic, cure guaranteed

10c, 25e) é



ernment an

BAPTI5i"Services every Sunday,
moring and evening, Prayer meeting
Thursday evening. Rev A. W. Setzer,
Pastur. Sunday school 9:30 A, M.
C. D. Rountree, Superintendent.

CATHOLIC"No regular services.

EPISCOPAL"Services fourth Sun-
day, morning and evening. Lay ser-
vices second Sunday morning. Rev. A.
Greaves, Rector Sunday schoo! 9.30
A.M. W.8. Brown, Superfintendant.

METHODIST"Seivices every Sun-
day, morning and evening. Prayer
meeting Wednesday evening, Rey.
N. M. Watson, Pastor. Sunday school
9:30 A. M, A B. Ellington, Superin-

_ PRESBYTERIAN"Services " third
Sunday, morning and evenirg. Rev.

J. B. Morton, Pastor. Sunday school
9:°0 A M. E. B. Ficklen Superinten-


A. F. & A. Greenville Lodge No
284 meets first and third Monday eyen~
ivg. J. M, Reuss W. M. L. I. Moore,

I. 0.0. F."Covenent Lodge No. 17
Meets every Tuesday evening. J. V.
Johnson N.G. L. H. Pender, Sec.

K. ot P."Tar River Lodge No, 93,

meets every Friday evening. H. W.
Whedbee, ©. C. A. B. Ellington K. of
R. and 8,

R. A."Zeb vance Couucil No. 1696
meets every Thursday evening, W.b.
Wilson, R, M.R. Lang, See.

K.of H."Insurance Lodge No. 1169
meets every Friday evening. John
Flanagan, D. Henry Sheppard, R.

-A.L of H, Pitt Council 236 meets
every Thursday night. J. B. Cherry
C, W. B. Wilson. Sec.

Everybody Says So.

ce RR

Cascarets Candy Cathartic, the
most wonderful meaital discovery of
the age, pleasant and retreshing to the
iaste, act gently and positively on
kidueys, liver and bowels, cleansing
the entire system, dispel colds, cure
headache, fever, habitual constipation
and biliousness. Please buy and try a
box cf C. U. C, today. 1M, 25, 50
cents. Sold and guararteed to cura
by all druggists.

cal ite hie Se

(sreenville Market.

Corrected by 8S. M. Schultz

Bucter, per ib id to 2
Western sides 5t to 6
Sugar cured Hanis 10 to 124
Corn 40 to 50}
Corn Meal 50 to 60
Flour, Family 4.75 to 5.75
Lara » 5} to 10
Oats 35 to 40
Sugar 44 to 6
Cotfee 84 to 20
Salt per Sack 65 to 1 £0
Chickens . 124 to 20
Bees per doz a 124
BR .wax.per 0
(«ton Seed,per beshei 10 to

Cctton ang Peanut,

i: ow are Norfolk prices of cotta
an. vseanuts for yesterday, as furnished

by vobb Bros. & Commission Mere
chants of Norfolk

Good Middling a
Middling 5
Low Middling 4 15-14
100d Ordinary 4}
co LONne"stead y

Prime : 2
oxtra Prime at
ancy "24
spanish b07tO 75






Offers his -services to the 3p
citizens of Greenville and the &
public generally. .

Spouting and Stove Work,
a specialty:

Satisfaction guaranteed or
no charges made. Tobacco
Flues made in season. Shop
on Dickinson Ayenue.




A eet


You may never,




Mey. Gee Te ee Eee Pere Pewee et

e) \






But should you ever Ge

Want Job Printing
"=- Come to see US, ="

PPP IL LPL SLIPS NP My ee eee ee ee nn Oe Ye) ~

Anything from 23@==


A naman


What Is It ? BekIbeIG

It is a picture ot tae celebrated =


Best in use The outfit ot no business man is
complete without one.

The Reflector Book Store

has a nice assortment ot thc3e Fountain Pens
also a beautiful line of Pearl Handle Gold Pens
You will be aston ~shed when you see them an
earn how very ch: apthev are.


CMe POA ROA AON AOR AR AY i ane gore

hecar I rin Of it,

Kora vy f

E21] Sheet Pos er,


3 /The Eastern


The Daily Reflector.

Gives the home news
every afternoon at the
small price of 25 cents a

seriber ?
oucht to be.



Are you a sub-
It not you

Is only $la year. I
contains the news every
week, and gives. informa,
tion to the farmers,� oS
pecially those growing
tobacco; that is -worth

the subscription prife.

times more than


bered Amon : :
= en ares OE eesaceal , President McKinleyTs protection A P 4 } | 8
Weather Bulletin. pra iders do not include the ~1banksgiving ) , lit
see A. K. Umstead returned fiom Dur-| *rkey.

It Greece had only won that war she Ages 5 to [2 Years °.

might have had a piece of Turkey for ;

~her Thanksgiving day. Boys, Listen |

Do you want to earn a Pair of Fire
Shoes for yourselt ? This is how you»

Fair to-night, Thursday probably ham Tuesday evening.
loudy, warmer. Mrs. A. H. Taft returned Tuesday
o ) evening from a visit to Elm City.

Sianniientenrsanoniless: cence tee ie

Uppers"oITm not altogether bed; I

J. A. Dupree left this morning for
admit I sometimes pawn things, but I

Williamston to spend Thanksgiving.

gue. , =
A Mixture of Small Bits for Bishop and Mrs. A. A W ; ~ get them out again� Jiggers"o Weil, een do it: Commencing with Monday,
Thanksgiving ~ pan sy ae atson ter | thatTs a redesming feature, of course,� November 22nd, we will run this ad"
__ jon the morning train for Washington. wees, vertisement for six continuous days in"
Finnivus--oI tell you a man never cluding Saturday, November 27th ; and

Miss Martha Wiggins, of Kinston,
who his been visinnz Mrs, M. H.
Quinerly, returned home Tuesday even-

the boy bringimg us the greatest num
ber of this advertisement, neatly clipped
from this paper, will be entitled to @

appreciates his wife till he gets into a
trouble.� Cynnicus"oThatTs 80; itTs PNR ca)
a big satisficatian to have some one to ce

Weeding today.

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day.

s ;

Remember the poor and the orphan/ing. blame for it.T"Lite Pair of Fine Shoes, Free of Charge.
somone cama oo DonTt depend on vour own paper for
: the advertisement, visit your neighbors

oAttend to This Please oRemove his chains!� cried Blanco.
The captured Cuban spy wept bitterly.
oNo! not that!� he cried; otortue my
flesh if you must, but do not wreak your
vengeance upon my innocent bicycle.�

and friends and get them to give you
our advertisement trom their paper.

Remenber, it is a Pair of Fine Shoes for one weekTs wor, 80 you must hustle.
You can afford it. The prize will be awarded Monday, November 29th, at 4
-Tclock P. M., at our store. Now, Boys, be there on time and get the Shoes trees

Poor turkey ! he was stripped of all

his armor in the battle roday. A number ef subscribers now owe

The birds pill stand a poor show to. for ~HE Rrrvector. To each of them
morrow, to the woods will be full of{the amount may seem small, but the

aggregate to us means considerable.

hunters. 0
First Prospector (at Klondyke)"~~I
understand Nuggets has been arrested.T
Second Praspector" ~Yes ; the darn
Y . . "e1a ; Laan ¥en) } Fy
accounts, and we hope this reminder fool persisted ~n neaping gold in frout
ot his eabin and blocking the trail.�"

hiladelphia North Ameri an.

3° [r)

OVERO ATS! May be you are read

to buy now, and may be
not. Makes no difference. You want an Over-
coat sooner or late. If you come now and in-.
spect our stock, the chanches are two to one
you will buy from us. Man, boy or child. donTt

, . We have a distaste for putting duas in ]*
The usual Wednesday evening ser- ~ . g quasi

yices in the Methodist chureh will not
be held tonight. |

print, but it is the time ef year now

when every one should be setiling his

Land owners pear town are complain | \{]] prove sufligient to cause all owing
and many of}ys ¢o come torward and get a receipt

~DouaTt put the matier oft or wait for us

ing about the hunters

them have posted tueir lands. .. . ; .
ow eo Mrs. Griggs"** Mir, WaltonT 13 cer-

Fresh Toray"Homisy Flakes, to hunt you up, but come to the office | tainlv a remarkable young man.� Mrs: :
small and large Hominy, white Beavs,|to see us. It it is notyconvenient 1or Grossmith" W hat makes you think care how large oF small, just 80 he nut ade
shredded Cod Fish, se eulters you to come send us a money order by | so Mrs, Gnges"-"Oh, | heard him | i | Pu) ae De | ¢ 1 ee OLE!
at Soe SCHUTZ: rail Of course every reader knows if|say last rignt that he woold just as a if ; V« % te . 4] i i |
aud this is|soon teach bis sister to ride the bicyele 1 a ») a My i :
; (S| | il car

he owes Tre REFLECTOR,

hanksgiving Day, Pir) intended only for those who are 1 idebt--|as any other

In keeping with oar annu }euston of
cirl.�T"Somerville Jour-

» Der oap will 1n- Jesnad | a7 .
DAILY RerLecTor will not be issu d led to us, We hove every one will res~| nal,

tomorrow. ond prompily ts this requ esi. eeeemunene- enter nats ap nant .
' s y ®


The rumber 6t wirkeys that hav:
been slaughtered today for the Thanks.


Se conse es a

At Washington, on Tuesday, 25rd9
at ¥ oTelock, P. M., Mr. B. L. Susman
and Miss Bertha Harding were married

by Rev. J. E. Underwood. They drove

giving dinner would make #n astonish
ing row of figures. | There are 71 railroads in North Car-
olina with a total cf 3,436 miles.

A uumber, of beys have erected a tent

on the.pren ises of Ar. W. R. Parker, Mr. D. G. Worth, one of Wilming"| to Greenville in the afternoon and lett .
in South Greenville, and will have fons most substantial business men,| here on the moruing train for New} a IN I ~
circus Thanksgiving Day. ~died Monday mgbt. York. Mr. Susman is well known in : Jackets,
_ " ~-| Dr. J, Uerry Smith, for JJ years Greenville and his many friends here Capes,
12 CU! Ham NO VAY i pastor of the First Presbytetian church extend best wishes. Collaretts,

en OLED S 5 el .

; . .
ThatT is the way all druggists ge]}) Cf Goldsboro, died Monday morning.

IC for Chili's, Fever and 1 forme of
Malaria. It is simply Iron and Quinine
inatasteless form, Children love it
Adults prefer it to bilter, naitseating
Tonics. Price, 5'e.

Kid Gloves,
Corsets, Hosiery,

in Dress Goods.

At Tarboro last mgbt gome party oF

The barns and stables on the farm of
Mr, F.
land Neck bank, were destroyed by fire
This toss was $600

P, Shields, cashier of the Ncot"| parties bioke into F. 5.

warehouse and stole 19 barrels of flour

a few nights ago. and 25 sacks ef meal.

/ - "" Mr. Hugh i arham returned trom

Raleigh Monday. He wae sightly
hd *

{teased when the shove� all ealted lim

opapa,� but he is proud all the same.T

Kinston Free Presa,
. é . a omT

the esr ie wl be oe VG SELLS CHEAP

Che Telegraph office will be ops nen LAN SELES HEAP.

Thanks, iving Day only from 8 to 10

A. M. and 4 to 6 Py M. """ "e"

. we 4 eats 4 Lar G vaT ie 7 "E eS . .

~ae business with the office are requ t _R. FLEMING, Pres,

Ives accordingly. | A. G. SOK, i Vico Pres.
G. 3, t HERRY, §

with this Thanksgiving week we
now receiving new creations 1n
every department tor the


available space enjoy Thanksgivin ¢.



eo HCN

Persons hav-| "7


ed to govern therse
Asst Cashic &}

The editorTs hous held is prepared to

A pair of tur- CAPITAL: Ulnimum $10,000; Maximum £100,600. ~

Two stores in one and every

crowded with things that are useful and orna-|kevs.@larve haw and a bag of ne

mental. desirable for presents and ones own |" potatoes from his aunt, Mrs. W.

every day use. To mention a tew weare show- R. Whichard, is abundant cause of

ing at th.s particular """" ~~~ thanktulress.

time may assist you in Sg

making your purchas- weave 7]

es. Beautiful a \\ aa
rh ~y i



Organized June 1st, 1897.

The Bank of Pitt County,


deel PN the al el eal oN

mHIS Bank wants yourtriendship and a shar
L if not all, of your businesss, and wil grant
consistent with safe anda sound

woe sect nth CE POONA ea

N OT 4 C E ! The Public are

| warned not to cash or trade for Cheek
No 7643, amount $51.80, payable to C.
| R. Hardy or bearer, as payment of same
has been stopped at the Bank of
Grenville, said check having beer igst.
November 19th, 1897.




all etl a ll Mee



i }





every favor consl
banking. We invite correspondence of a per.


as Changeable:

.& COD


} 1 :
by UE ee Wy aoe
nyT) al

and Plain Taffeta, Hab-; Pha £Eae | ee sonal interview to that end.
ita and double Twilled; i digs ~a Chat ~ ani LS " FOR Q \LE neve snes te pe ne eh SAREE ORIN TIEN , =~
Surah, Moire Velour.) | 7K otess: eS | "" ELMWOOD DAIRY. Wehave a-arge
Brocade and Plain Sat- ; (i i Uae | He _
ins. &xquisite Bureau) f/})////) iti Lane Voi up " Omar
ee ACHAT Gant al ] peer) alld lp Til Our ; TC)! K
Washstands and Table; fh) mth | intel i, | ti V, We desire to return siucore Siete OF
Scarfs, beautifully em-} fji//// lh \ Aa et WE "" thanks to ali our customers for the
broiccred. ; Hii ! | WW) Ta | N Tuesday, the 7th day of Decem- liberal patronage they have given
. 7 ; ii bir i je beth we Ate ener at publts our Dairy, and also to inform them y }
5 Ve eae | son ESS snle the residence OF M&S. Ate fhe + arvi8 | that aa the wiuterjs now coming ~
B ya | N C: | in eryT and two adioining vacant lots, situated 5 ae cone fc 1.w |
PU SSe S e Wire , ; 7 in the town of G reenville, on the corner ed and iv expen® eee feast i
for the x Nec] IFE" For 8 long eel ee of Cotanch and 2nd_ streets near the be largely on ntvanc oche ~price of Hl
Lew 6c cwear een promising me.a Lice ; a rac Macon Hotel. necessary o advance th t i
Glov 1, . and some of thosa beautiful Rocking| ~There are several out houses on the} milk to 25 cents per gallon. | if
Chiko Handkerchiets, Chairs and J. B. Cherry & Co.Ts, new premises, | ; We as ~out e of your G OODS ll
non, Velvet Ribbon, I want you to go get them Sale to take place at 12 oTclock M. if e aSkK & COD lavance O} y i
and a beautiful 5 1-23 Hragin oWell. v k not sold privately before. | orders. Delivery of milk will cou- i
+2} Hesnanp." Well, you know times) Apply to HARDING & HARDING. | tinue to be made as heretofore. !

care hard yet and" Greenyille, N.C.

inch Hamburg Edge a
5 8 Wire." Yes, but they sell so cheap JAMES & WILEY BROWN. *
and their goods ave so reliable that you

» 1Octs yard.
never teel hard times when you buy cf

HALL RACKS, { them, HI ,
OMS "oP Wy

just arrived. Comeand

see us.
Notice. | 7

rons that I have this day withdrawn
from the pavtnership of The Greenville

Supply Co. and have connected myself
yayis & BrosT under the

with R. L,I

on Seana teins sro

j ghd ¥

L. Sideboards, Handsome! snnnnnneeee
~lRocking Chairs, Portiers, Lace Curtains, Win-
_e@ow: Shades, Rugs, Art Squares and beautiful


SA a DS AT a

=2dOBIDO OP" Nohases do hen you make your); _ ~ firm name of Speight & Co, and will
n a y purchases donTt fai] to come to see us, RGG ai NUTT pontine to bay colton it PN rank (
« 1 ry e under sa.a 7 a le ank:
Lugwhere youcan find a complete, fresh, new stock | ioe wy friends for their past patronage, | ere COL AY i :
a dj usefularticles. , : : 1 I assure them that their interests will .
"gill ) igs Bid Oe i" ! Phone No 10 always vue he careful er, 4
errant 4 ; . T 1] think r prepared onome 4
eit 978 @UTS ty; please, | Febink Cat bern aver peforo, and 60-
ltcit a continuace of their patronage,

This Nov. 16ti, 1897.





Daily Reflector, November 24, 1897
The newspaper was established in 1882, and was originally named the Eastern Reflector. It was founded by Julian Whichard and David Jordan with equipment they purchased from The Greenville Express. On December 10, 1894, it adopted the name The Reflector and began publishing every day. Cox Newspapers acquired The Daily Reflector in 1996. Creator: Daily Reflector (Greenville, N.C.) - November 24, 1897
November 24, 1897
Local Identifier
NC Microforms
This item has been made available for use in research, teaching, and private study. Researchers are responsible for using these materials in accordance with Title 17 of the United States Code and any other applicable statutes. If you are the creator or copyright holder of this item and would like it removed, please contact us at als_digitalcollections@ecu.edu.
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