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TERMS: 25 Cents.a Month.
Vol, 6.
Fancy Dress Goods,
Black Dress Goods,
Faucy and Black Silks,
Porisian Trimmings,
Autumn Gloves,
Impor ed HandkTrchiet
Fine Hosiery,
Beautiful Laces,
Piain & Fancy Ribbons
WomenTs Fall Capes,
Everything marked in
plain figures, quickest
facilities and best ser:
ed� pistol a 10 year old -colored -boy,
in Charlotte, shot and killed his six
year old brother,
A Raleigh young lady died of diph-
theria after an illnéss of one day.
The Superintendent of the peniten-
tiary has borrowed fifty convicts from
Union county and sent them to help
|house the crops on the State farms in
Halifax county.
A colony of 400 Pennsylvanians will
settle on the line of the Seaboard Air
Line neai Southern Pines.
The Record says the eleventh baby
in.a Greensboro family has been named
oFinis,� Mie aie
Salisbury Aldermen have decided to
aliow no fire-works in the city. A fine
of $500 is to be impased un anyone in
the city limits selling fire works.
~ountry procery store near Goldsboro,
was murdered Saturday night. A ne-
gro named Sam Wright, who bad been
about the store during the day, was ar-
rested and when searched had the dead
manTs watch and some other properiy
on his pers-n. :
A Good Showing.
There was « large attendance upon
the meet ng of tae Pitt County Branch
of the Farmers Mutual Fire Associa-
tion, hela in the Court House Monday
afternuon. ~The old officers were re-
elected, R, R, Cotten, President and
J: L. Little, Secretary and Treasurer.
The organization in this couniy has
been in effect two years, and the report
of the Secretary and Treasurer shows
a total of $387,005 insurance in force,
In the two years only five losses have
occurred, aggregating $955.09. The
average cost per year on $1,000 insur-
ance has been $1-23.
. Leon Briley, a son of Mr, J. A.
ie about 3 miles above town, died|
| Monday.
He wasa member of Pitt
County Rifles and the company went
out this afternoon to bury him with
military honors,
Only a Mr.
Though we wrote it right on the
proof the printer made us refer to Mr,
N. B. Broughton, in yesterdayTs paper,
as oRev.� All the same~he is as good
a talker as the best of the preachers.
Fresh Arrival"Citron, Cleaned
Currants, Chocolate, Driel Prunes,
Apricots, Apples, Raisins, Oat Flakes,
Buckwheat, Paper Skell Almonds
S.polio, at S. M. Shultz.
While playing with an old ounload-|
Mr. Lon Carr, who kept a small |
Bleached hair is dying out.
Baseball cranks drink root beer.
The oceanTis & good thing. Long
may she wave,
Some of the bicycle caps now worn
~are lond enough to explode,
It seems strange. that a joke isnT
complete until it is cracked. ,
The man who buys cheap shoes
shouldnTt kick if he gets stuck.
It is usually the fellow with the most
rocks who is often jugged.
The man who is riddled with bullets
*s usually an enigma to ths doctors.
The Meeting.
Rev. J. A. Hornaday, ot Weldon
who is here to assist Rev.N. M. Watson
lin the meeting in the Methodist churc},
preached to ® large congregation last
night. His sermon wa3a splendid one
and he impressed his hearers as a
preacher of force and ability. The
meeting starts with good interest aad
it is hoped will result in the conver-
sion of many souls, All Christians
should work and pray. to this end.
Services will be held twice eac1 day,
at 4and 7:45 P, M.
John Robunson Coming.
The Old John Robinson Circus, the
one that requires no introduction, will
exhibit in Greenville on Tuesday, Oct,
o6th. This show, always famous, is
this season enlarged, improved and
better than ever. It zeeds no hint to
the wise to say wait tor the big show,
Three at the Time,
Word came to us over the wire last:
night that three different circus adver
~ising crews were bi'ling Tarboro at
one time. ~Lhe people there will catch
crinks in their necks tooking up at so
imany pictures,
Miss Leonard Jackson, the young
American violmnist, bas just won the
much coveted musi: priz? known as
~the Mendelssohn Stipendium. She wae
~sent to Berlin by Mrs. Grover Cleve.
~land and other ladies, then in Wash-
ington, inT order to study music under
Joachim. This is the first occasion
upon which the prize, amounting to
(1,500 marks, has been won by ar
American. The competition aroused
the keenest interest, representatives of
a score of countries and of all parts of
T1Germany, taking part in if.
3 Great Specials,
SSSR ie"=-
Bay State Shoes $1.30 up.
Buggy Robes
from $120 up.
Moquette Rugs, 62x27, for
Other goods in proportion.
From head to foot"shampoo and af
They are the productions of the
best makers in America. Materials,
patterns, colorings, fashions, finish and
cannot de surpassed by swell custom tailors.
Nobby Clothes at popular prices, that show all. .
the tone,grace and excellenc of the ones costing twice
as much elsewhere. Our ambition is, to accomplish a
tremendous a tremendous business and nothing has been
neglected that might attract cagstomers beneath this roof. Come
and examine our stocks, make unbiased comparisons and we are
Hats, Neckwear, Underwear, Half Hose,
Gloves, Shirts and various kindred and rela"
ted lines are here inT immense quantities.
Phenomenal values abound wherever you
pause. Everything was bought in abvance
of the recent rise add we give youthe benefit
ofour foresightedness. Iflow prices"pop-
ular prices"are any power in the art of trade
building ours will grow and grow and gTow.
Brilliant Fabrics
" TOM on
Two Hemispheres,
Dress Goods, Clothing, Hats,
The Autumnal Textiles are in radiant pro-
fusion on our counters. No store in the South
ever exhibited so much exclusiveness and ele-
gance, ~There are gorgeous groups of. stuffs
irom Paris, Vienna, Picardy, Roubaix, Glau-
chau,Gera, Bradford, Leeds, Glasgow and other
famous trans-Atlantic manuiacturing cities. We
selected the best that the makers of France,
Germany, Austria, England and Scotland have
produced, and you ate invited to examine
them while they are yet in their exquisite
state of freshness and beauty. There are mul-
titudes of plain makes in mono-colors, and an
ageregation of fancy effects in multi-colors .
showing designs and combinations that are too,
kaleidoscopic for any advertising pen to de- °
scribe. Price is no object with us.
sure that your calm reflection will favor our grand offarings. See ug.
No, 872
| mena aal
énwred. et secondelasa mail matter.
Ore yeur. 2 e © * $3.00
Ove month, - += ° * ved
Orie--weeks~ a tengo apenas iy
Delivered in town by carriers without
aera cost.
dm Avertisng rates are liberal ancl be
ori apptication to the editor or at
odentre & we colbekpdintiecit at
Hine postoffice In the covuty, who will
-gend in a brie! items of NEWS as it Occurs
fm each neighborhood. Write plainly
aad only on oe side a the Papers
Turspay, OcToser 5, 1897.
es .
The Plan to Combine Parts of
Michigan and Wisconsin in
a New Commonwealth.
Heretotore States have been formed
out of ceded territory, or out of former
terr:tories,and the last State admitted as
a sovereign one, West Virginia, was
created by the exigercies of the civil
war out of the territory of the State of
VirginiaT ~There are now two Terri-
toriés only awaiting admission into the
Uriion" New Mexico and Arizona"
atid the objection to both is that they
have population in a great pari more
suitable tu admission into the Mexi-
can republic than into the republic of
the United States. By the admission
ot Utah into the Union in 1896 the
last of the important Territories was
disposed of, and the last proposition
seriously made for the creation of g
new American State emanates from
those who propose a sub-division of
the State of Michigan, which was ad-|.
mitted into the Union in 1837, into
two States, by setting apart the
northern peninsula as the State of
Superior. The proposal is to take the
northern counties of Wisconsin and add
them to the detatched portion of
Michigan and include the city of Su-
perior, near Duluth. The population
ofthe new State would reach 500,000.
The northern counties of the State of
Wiscorsin, and particularly those that
border on Lake Michigan, have de-
cidedly more in common with that
State than they have with the southern
and prairie counties of Wisconsin,
The divisional line between Michi
gan ~and Wisconsin, between Green
Bay and Lake Sunerior, is entirely
artificial. The territory on the one
side is practica.ly the same ag on the
other ; the products are the same, the
interests are the same and the means
of communication with the outside
world are idencicai. A considerable
part of the population is of foreign
birth, there being a large Swedish,
Norwegian and Danish contingent and
some Dutch. The state of Superior
would be one of the richest parts of the
country in woods and ores, and, it
may. be, that with a separate State
government its macrerial interests
would be advanced more effectivery
than under the present conditions,
There are no political obstacles to the
propoeed establishment of a torty-sixth
State ot Superior, to be made up of
the north peninsula of Michigan and
some ot the northern counties of
Wisconsin. The whole territory is
strongly Republican and both States
are so strongly Republican that cutting
off this territory would not in any
respect affect them.".New York Sun
s ceneemmameeraienen eam d
& The Curfew Bell in Washington.
The latest of the many retorm
schemes suggested for Washington js
the one proposing the ringing of the
curfew bell and the enactment of
ulation requiring all children under
| | vant of age. to keep off the streets
9 o'clock in the summer and 8
a eel n the winter, The Rev, J. .H
; od, secretary of the BoyT and
GirlsT National Home and Employ-~
; ment Association, who lives here, has
| Matter� to the District" 5
are aes oe See i, ssi Y . ~i 4
| thing, bub, at present werd
ayithat they had cat yc cong |
: acht it might be .go
to-ety how far they Would feconiiiend
leg:slaticn. on this. line. Mr... Brad~ord
proposes to have an ordinance or police
Omaha, Kansas City, Lincoln, and
who are on the street afterthe required
hour must be accompaniea by or haye
been sent on some.errand by a parent
or guardian, Any others can be ar-
rested by the police and fined $5. for
each oftence, and any parent permit-
ting his children to run about at night
js to also be fined $5 for each offence.
The Home and EmploymentT Asso-.
ciation will have its eighth annual
convention in Indianapolis in Devem-~-
ber, and the subject will be fully con-
sidered there. ~The number of children
who run at larye in Washington alter
nightfall is very noticeable to'strangers.
Many of them are picked up hy the
police and held for~ their parents."
Washington Dispatch.
Color in Decoration.
The following area few exam-~-
ples ot color which have proved
successful in fairly large rooms:
For a drawing room--A wall
paper of a light. eoft blue, faintly
tinged with green, frieze to match
the color, melting into white near.
theceiling.. A square carpet of
bine gray Wilton pile toning well
with the paper, @ parquet border
round: the room. Curtains of
soft tawny brown: brocade, held
back by wide bands of the same
material. Arm chairs, sofas, etc.,
upholstered in brocade, velvet,
and tapestry, in pinks, soft
browns, and any other subdued
For a dining room"Wall paper
in a bold conventional design, in
shades ot red freize to match.
Carpet or rags in rich reds,
browns, and biues. to tone with
walls. Ourtains of dark gray
blue tapestry, with large designs
in reddish tints. Oak furniture
upholstered in old fashioned
tapestry, or mahogany, with red-
brown leather.
For a bed room"A paper with
cream ground, with graceful
baskets ot roses of fawn and
pinkish coloring. Carpet repeat-
~ing the shades in a well colored
pattern, in darker tones. Car-
tains in cretonne, cream ground,
and either roses or carnations in
natural colors, with foliage, lined
with pink. Bed hangings and
vallances tomatch- Portieres in
dull pink Roman satin. Furni-
ture inlaid mahogany.
in furnishing aud decorating
remember the long months of
winter, and ayoid all dull, unin-
teresting tints ; banish all strong,
crude colors, but do net be afraid
of occasional touches of scarlet,
Surely a wider interest in the
inteltigent study of color would
be the means of beautifying
mapy a home which is a$ present
depressingly ugly."Houselold
, onteniamennataliiniintst:tcineimmeseenomne |
Yellow Fever Germs
breed in the bowels. Kill them and
you are safe from the awtul disease.
Cascarets destroy the germs throughout
the system and maka it impossible for
new ones to form, Cascarets are the
only reliable safe guard for young and
old against Yellow Jack. 10c, 25c,
50c, all druggists.
A ladiesT mayazine lays down
the dictum that othe right ~kind
ofa wife makes the right kind
ofa husband,� If'this be true
then it would be equally true that
wife is a bad sort of wife, and we
all know that to be untrue, be-
cause some of the best woman on
earth are married to some of the
veriest brutes and raseals that
ever disgraced their maker."
Lingoln Journal.
commissioners. o hey informed Ro © ae
regulation like that in operation ix}
elsewhere. It proves thatT childrenT
a bad husband is proof that the.
cd Hip. F atherTs i oF 2
day� tiko)
years ago, in Wilkes county, and
placed in jail.
This morning he was takeno by
officers from: Wilkes county ; ~backy »
-will there-ve tried for-his- life...
Cheatham and, several other
moonshiners were carousing
together, in March, 1875, in
Wilkes, and were pretty full of
mountain due. Cheatham and
~his: friend (whose vame could
not be learned) gotintoa quar-|.
re! which resulted in ~he death of
the latter. Cheatham fled the
county, and the matter was for-
gotten except by the son of ~the
murdered mau. The ~father was
killed in March, 1875, the son
born the following. Jaly. From
the time the boy learned of his
fatherTs murder, he yowed to
bring his slayer to justice, and
eli through thé years hasT »ever
lost sight of that : determination.
Year efter year he bas scuyht
him, and at last succeeded Jv run--.
ning him down. He accempauied
the officers to Rock Hill to make
the arrest.
Cheatham was brought to
Charlotte in custody of Chief of
Police Culp and Mr. Stancie, who
made the arrest."Charlotte Ob-
ee me Say
Value of Eating Fruit.
An exchange in alluding to the
wholesome and valuable qualities
of fruit in general and the apple
in particular as aid» to health,
says: Nothing in all our yaried
and fascinating 1ange otf fruits
holds quite the quality of: an
apple. Aripe raw apple at its
best is digested 1n eighty-five
minutes, and the malic acid
which giyes to its: distinctive
character stimulates the liver,
assisis digestion and neutralizes
much noxious matter which, if
not eliminated produces erup-
tions of the skin. The more fruit
we add to our dietary the clearer
brains and the clearer skin we
are likely to have.
Weyler Recalled.
It is announced trom Madrid that
General Weyler has been recalled from
Cuba; that this action is taken to
mean a change of the governmentTs
policy in regard to the island, and that
Genera] Campos, whom Weyler suc-
ceeded as Captain-General, is expected
to become an important tactor in the
settlement of the Cuban problem.
All this bermonizes wit! the sug-
gegiion thrown out when the Spanish
ministerial crisis was precipitated,
government would offer Cuba auton-
omy. But, as we said yesterday,
enthusiastic and sanguine Cuban pa-
triots hold that Cuba has gone too far
to consider autonowy, and claim that
she is now in be.ter condition than ever
to fight tothe end for independence,
It this be true, and unless Spain is
prepared to concede independence the
end would still seem very far off. "
Richmond Dispatch.
rie Sateen ia anil
Yellow Jack Preventative.
Guard againstT Yellow Jack by
keepin z the 1 system thorougly clean and
tree from germ breeding matter. Cas
carets. Candy Cathartic. will cleanse
the system and kill all contagious
disease germs,
Agents Wanted.
I wish to employ 4 active intelligent
agents to sell the publications of the R;
H. Woodward Publishing Oompany, Lot
Baltimore, on a guarenteed salarv of
fifty dollars a month for six months.
No expence grertinn Fy ~Any persons
desiring to be employed in the above
capacity will :please call at ~Hotel
Macon� on spears october 9th, |
Heat he m, white wan! wr-
pda pear , 8. C., yeuter- |
Mog fo the murder of ape
man" a. fellow.. moonshiner"22)- ¢.:
~waa brought nere last aight and |T
to the scene of the crime, and}
which suggestion was that a Liberal| :
ced a b
). - pie sas , 4
ATI i ~
ATION me sah 0
lot 3
RAL. DAVIS, PresTt. *
R. A. TYSON, Vic-ePres.
aiveat: """ THE LIVER
ABSOLUTELY GUARANTERD totes a Soy eckempte le a
pleand-hooklet free, Ad: STERLING REMEDY tréal, Can., oF New York.� 917.6�
J L. LITTLE, Cashes
- The Bank of C Greenville, ! I
| Atithe,Closeiof Business July 23rd, 1897.
Juoans and Discounts $50,273.62 ¢ Capital stock'paid in $23,000.00
Over Drafts 1,580,18 Surpius and Profits 503.19
Premium.on Stock 1,000.00} Deposits subject to Check 48,289.50
Due from Banks 2,630.55 § Due to Banks 795.23:
Furniture and Fixtures: 1,505.00 Cashiers Checks ortstanding = 153,12
Cash Items ce 978.15} Time Certificates of Deposit, 55,00
ash in Vault 14,598.54 a Ot FURR 99
esuniheaabilamn Total o= $72, 796,04
Total $72,796.04 "wapere Hg {
We study carefully the separate needs of our patrons, and shall be glad to have
your account, promising every accommodation consistent with good banking. ..¢;
Wehavea ~urge
STOv.s uf
just arrived. Comeand
see us.
their yearTs supplies will find
their -tneavest to get our prices befcere pu
chasing elsewhere. Ourstock is complete
n allits branches.
Tobacco, Snuft &c,
we buy diroc) from Manulactur, » en
ling you to at at ore profit. A eoul-
cte stock of
~always on band and sold at BEG pres to suit
~the times. O bought and
tra for Cast hasiog no 1lisk
ran ciipe
ree oars: WN. C
an |
aan @ Haney
We have jut t received a new
hearse and the nicest line of Cof-.
fins and Caskets, in word, metal-
lic and cloth ever brought to
We ate prepared to do embalm-
ing in ail its forma.
Personal attention given to co
ducting fuaerals and obodies i
treated to ourT care will recei
every mark of respect.
Ne do not want monopoly but
sivite con.petition.
We can be found at any and all
times in the John Flanagan
Buggy Co's building. r
ode SED icin
Can be found below Five Points.
next door to Reflector office,
'|Patronage solicited. Cleaning, Dyeing
and Pressiag Gents Clothes a specialty
Special attention given to cleaning
Male Academy.
The next session of;'the school wil}
open on
MONDAY SEPT. 6,5 1897°
and continue for 10 months.
The terms are as follows.
Primary Knglish per mo. $2 00" *
Intermediate ~o* o $2 50:
Higher a 93 0!
Languages (each) ~* =o $1 00:
will be as heretofore.
We ask a continuance of bp
liberal rere)
elle B. RAGRU ALE.
Onr prices are Jower than ever.
The work and disclpline of the sehodl: } ;
� : : - : ; ;
bd 5 é . 4 feos | ae
Atlantic Goast Lins | | Seaton an by the pons | DIRECTORY. lk Hy rene, CA
dsbstaeades PAM M Fo oh ; res ee 2 G. 1, CHERRY iy font oS end | any hast Bieber
ak ab sibs = L bi 4 * Vac Treaary Deiblgubld a todd : pe byt a | UARIEAL: _Mioimom $10,000 Maximy 36 a p,000,
E Schediife in Effect Aug. 16th, 1868). giving a trial to a pew machine for}
Departures from Wilmington. sealing envelopes. The Treasurer's
~ NORTHBOUND ey (YP office today had 27,000/fiiterest checks
DAILY No #8=pPassenget"Due Mee! | to send ou., and it wasin the sealing
440 8 Bie cd ae Sone tt sega. Wil of the enyel-pes tor. these that the
801 wilde rity! «oh Spent ~machine was given @ trial. If the
sang aster Manche prove aun my be
put into regular use throughout the
b.F4 ph, Righmond 6 60 pm,
The machine is not complicated.
BAPTI51"services every Sunday,
moring and evening, Prayer meeting
Thursday evening. Rev A.W. ee
Pastor. Sunday school 9:30 A, M
C. D. Rountree, Superintendent.
CATHOLIC"No regu~ar services.
EPISCOPAL"Services fourth Sur-
day, pray and evening. Lay'ser-
vices second Sunday morning. Rev. A. b
Greaves, Rector. Sunday ~schoo! 9 30
Ts Bank wants your tiniendship anda shar.
if not.all, of your business, and wll grant
every favor. consistent with safe and sound.
anking.. We.invite i (9 ea ot @ Bi
Norfo:k 6.05 p m, Washing-
ton Le 210 pm, Raltimore 12.53
@m,; Philadelphia 3:45 a m,
New York 6.53 a m, Boston
500 p m.
DAILY No 40"Pas-enger"Duc Mag |
7.15 pm. nolia 8.55 p m. Warsaw 9.10
p m, Goldsboro 10.10 p m.
Wilson 11.06 p m,. Tarboro
6,45,a m, Rocky Mount 11.57
pm, Weldon 1.44am, Nor"
folkT 10.30 a m, Petersburg
3.24 a m, Richmond 4.26 a m,T
, ties 3 Sunday, morning and evening. Rev.
arte Lok Haxonig into a receptacle. The machine is i J. B. Morton Pastor. Sunday. school
11.°5 am, New York 9,02 p| bY @ small dynamo or by a pedal like} 9:30 A.M. E. B. Ficklen Superinten-
' dent.
m. Boston 8.30 p m.
DAILY No 55 "Passengor Due Lake
40 pm. Waccamaw 4.55 p m, Chad
bourn 6.40 p.m Marion 6.43 p
m, Florence 7.25 p m, Sum-
te: 8.42 p m, Columbia 10.05
m, Denmark 6,20 a m, August
to 9.20 a m, Macon 11.30 @ m;
Atlanta 12.15 p m, Charies-
ton 10.20 pm. Savannah 2.45
a m. Jacksonville 8.20 a m,
St. Augustine 10.30 am. Tam
pa 6.40 pm.
DAILY No. 49."Passenger"Boston
9.45 P.M. 1.038 pm, New Yark 9.00 pm,
~ Philadelphia ~12.05 am, Balti-
more 6,50 am, Washington
4.30 am, Richmond 9.05 am,
Petersburg 10.00 am, Nor-
Weldou 11.50 am, ~Tarboro
12.12 m, Rocky Mount 12.45
pm, Wilson 2: ~14 pm, Golds-
boro 3.10 pm, Warsaw 4.02,
pm, Magnolia 4.16 pm,
DAILY No. 41."Passenger"Leave
9.30A.M, Boston 12,00 night, New
York 9,30 ain, Phitadelphia
12 09 pm, Baltimore 2.25 pm,
Washington 8.46 pm, Rich-
mond 7.20 pm, Petersburg and deep drawn sigh ever issued." pew are orto rices of cotton jearn how very cheap thev are.
8.12 pth. Norfolk 2.20 pm.) Pet 7 und peanuts for yesterday, as furnishéd 4 \ .
eh 943 pm, 2.20 pty an Peculian by Cobb Bros. & Commission Mer ' {) ~
6.61 pm. Reeky Mount 5.45! Of the tuture we know aothing, of | Chants of Norfolk - | You may never,
acinenae ns bon ee the past little, of the present lesa ;' the .. COTTON, But should you ever =
7.53 am. Magnolia 8.05 am, mirror is too close tu our eyes, and our| Good Middling at 6g .
at ake fia ate own Wh ding "Lanbes HH si Want Job Pri ntin;
~N92 am, ackson" -6 4
unday, : ville 10.42 am. This © train ) Good Ordinary . - 6 l 7
40 P.M.arriyes atT Walnut street. ! one"dul ~
DAILY No. 64--PasoengerTeave Corrected by 8. M. Schultz | pune wes Come to see us. "_ v YB e.
12,15 P. M. Tampa 8,00 am. Soenford } .60 Bitter, per lb 15 to z6| oxtra Prime 2} ba vi
4 a]
pm, Jacksonville 6 35 pm, : . ancy. 24 ROT
Savanna 12,50 night, Charles. Western Sides at 6 Spanish 60 to 75 = �
ton 5.33. am,( olumbia 5.50 Pg cured ilams a to m4 Tone"qulete an
oam, Atlanta 8.20 am, Macan orn UO 6 sista
9-30 am, Augusta 3.05 pm,| Corn Meal 45 50 60
Lenmar a 55 pm, Pumpter Flour, Family 4.25 to 5.73 Shingles! tt Shingles ! y
am orence 8.55 am , Fi
Marion 9.35 am, Chadbourn pein + ~ seart ~Hand Made Cypress Shingles!
10.85 am, Lake Waccamaw Ont LO 40) $8.15 per thousand delivered.at Green-
Tratn on Shia Neck Sranch 20a pip rt ae J.T aoe :
eaves Weldon 4.10 p, m., Halifax 4,28 Coffee . cS + Hh BR bee Be i
P.m., arrives Scotland Neck at 5,10 » Salt per Sack, 15 tol £0 ea ae Lbs
eerren ine 6.57 p, m., eset 7.55 | Chickens 10 to 20 JO
2 m eturuing, leaves Kinston 7.50] fous per dos 7 to 16 ween Rit
. a nM te 8.52 a. a Arriving Becawax per . LUMBER, : Paget Catt.
allT Xx at 11:20 a. m., We'don 11,40 am " . E HAVE ESTABLISHED . AISNE ie Cv
daily exeept Sunday. - W Lumber Yard at Greenyille . sD Anything from [je SEE SG
I'rains on Washnigton Branch leav W. R. PARKER ~a8 Manager. Orders
Washington 8.20 a, m., and 1.00 p.m|W. M. Bond. J. L. Fleming. | fot Lumber, Rough or pian canbe
rives Parmele 9.10 a. m., and 3.40 p
m., Tarboro 9.45 a. m., returningleaves
farboro 3.30 p. m., Parmele 10.20 @. m.
rd 6.20 p. m,, arrives Washington
1.40 a. m., and 7.20 p. m.. Daily ex-
ot Sunday. Connects with trains on
eotland Neek Branch.
Train leaves warporu, N C, via Albe-
marle & Raleigh R. R. daily except Sun-
day, at 5 50 p, m., Sunday 405 P. M;
artive Plyinouth 7.40 P, M., 6.00 p. m.
Returning leaves P lymouth daily exept hae , NORTH CAROLINA. grounds in a Healthfar oLobation with Th ?D | R nil ao oe
rival 50 a. m., Sunday 9.00 a ~m., Sigs on Southern Railway, in spJendid climate. T Statkts oat thé very 1e ai y e ector ~ oF vy a RE
errivé Tarboro 10.15 a.m and 11. 46 Piedmont section; very best water; | front in Female Education. Thorough i) WwW yi
Train on Midland N. C. branch leaves thiest locality, property of ~Chiris- in its Courses. : High inT itsT Standard Lida dacs Bick ie
Gold®boro daily, except Sunday, 6.05 a fe church, non-sectarian in spirit and U neurpassed in I's INTRO ECTUAL OFT
m. arriving Sraithfield 7°30 a, wm. Re-
turning leaves Smithfield 8.00 a. m,, ar-
rives at Goldstors 9,30 a, m.
Trains on Latta branch, Florence R
t., leave Laita 6.40 pm, atrive Dunbar
7.50 p m, Clio 8.05 p m, Returning
Jeave Cliot6.10 am, Dunbar 6,80 a m,
arrive Latta 7.50 a m, daily exeept Sun-| Bis. Bion coun NrGi month. Are you a subs
dav. Hi: Next Session Obetis: ~Biptember 8, g erib er ? I { t ad
Train onClinton Branch leaves War-| 7 te'7*-7 ~Turee fallT courses of ,gtudy.-, Large nO you
saw for Clinton caily, exeept Suuday, | 28% A ATER | number of electives, Tween chairs in ought {o be, | i
10 00 a. .m. and 8.50 p, m* Returnirg | jac NOR? | English.) Women admitted to all classes La
~eaves Cinton at7.00 a. m. and3,00 1 m, |~ 8 One Hundred and one Thousand Do'lars
Train No, 78 makes close connection | ¥ added to the endowmenp, using the ~
at Weldon forall points daily, allrail via | se present year. Only male literary college tf 1"
Riehmone, alse at Rovky Mount with | �,��,� 2% in North Carolinw that. 4s Wocated sin a 1 Smet ~
so and nt: Pe omy be oe ean ao Lil ) apa ak snail ;
ne all points North via Norfolk. aC ~ee i, id WR Ty *| The best usiness Co offeredT 2 she Maarten
Ladies Hietey « PRACTICAL 4 the oe foo for be a AAG cate catplogne,. ee ~liao wh nel
General supt. | % it fia
T, M. EMERSON, Traffie Manager.,
~John Fiske,
It works something like a printing
p'ess. The envelopas are ted in..
rollers, one of which is moistened frcm
a small trough of water through which
is revolves, A small tolder closes the
envelope, which then passes through
two other rollers and is "essed, falling
u sewing machine. . It is claimed that
the machire will seal 250 envelopes a
minute when the operator becomes
expert," Washingson Star.
Yeilow Jack Kalled.
Cascarets, Candy Cathartic. kills
Y llow Jeck wherever they find him
No one who takes Uascarets regularly
aud systematically is is danger from the
dreadful disease. Cuscare,s kill Yel-
low fever germs in the bowels and pre-
vent new ones trom b.eeding. 10c,
25e, 50e, all druggists.
Gems ot Thought.
Half the cruelty of the world is the|�"�
direct vesu't of stupid incapacity to put
oneTs self in the other manTs place.".
A weil-plumed song has a market
value in excess ot the mo.t weighty
Greenville, N. C.
Pravtice in all the courts.
eo te eit
hing, hi zhest moral tone, elegant
uf ding, halls. laboratories, ete., facul-
tet specialist. co-educational, curri-
uttins equa! of best male college, three
degree courses, musi liberal terms, best
advantages, catalogue on application.
ress J. ~), ATKINSON, Chairman,
sonal interview to that en
mjday, morning and evening. Prayer
N. M. Watson, Pastor.
9:30 A. M.
f log 2 0°
A.M. W. B. Brown, [Superinter.dant.
METHODIST"Services everv Sun-
meeting Wednesday evening, Rey.
Sunday school
A B. Ellington, Superin-
PRESBYTERIAN"Services _ third
A. F. & A. b.."Greenville Lodge No.
284 ineets firat and third Monday even-
ing. J. M. ReussW. M. L. I. Moorg,
I. 0.0. F."Covenent Lodge No. 17
Meets every Tuesday evening... JaiW.
Johnson N.G. L. H. Pender, Sec, |
K. of P."Tar River Lodge No,
meets every Friday evening. W.
Whedbee, C. C. A. B. Ellington "Kok
R. and 8.
R. A."Zeb vance Counucil No. 1696 |
méets every Thursday evening. W. Bb.
Wilson, R, M.R. Lang, Sec.
K.of H."Insurance Lodge No. .1169
wets every Friday evening. Johr
Flanagan, D. Henry Sheppard, R.T
A.L of H. Pitt Councit 236 meets
every Thursday night. J. B. Cherry |
Cy W. B. Wilson. See.
Cotton and Peanut,
left with him:
prem al Now
~Rate sn. O,.
Excellent buildings ° Aid beautiful
T'wenty-one officers and teachers
Very etsonable piiées, Bérd ofor cat
Jas. i ae dian M.A
Duis N. C.
raceme ten Se eee
tte Rey
"== It isa picture ot tae celebrated i
Best in use The outfit of no ousiness man is
"" without one.
comme fi
The Reflector Boole Store!
""TO A""
ETull Sheet Pog
has a nice givortment ot these Fountain Pens
also a beautiful line of Pearl Handle Gold. Phe "-
You will be astonished when you see mf
a phases Card
Gives the home news
every afternoon at the
small price of 25 cents a:
The Eastein Reflector rei st
ne 78 Tg
J. R.I Shhh Geni peli od
wl TE Ee Bae oo :
: ~"" = | WORKER. §& |
ae : $ ~The Olde
yore kon anaes ert vi a Offers ys oh o8 rom | The: ) he 3 ig only $] a year. 7
tones ao� one ie i to.come here we | citizens of Greenvi ean the | eat ~ i
fc ie se ' ee ae seblicgentaaliyy oka Daily New wepaper. ~ AER d contains the, mews7ey
way 9 Faw bel tenes if | Soe BOOTH, ae oy Sau: - 34 Rail A strain Li i epikig Week, andg! ntorig
yy ~ eels prcepotseh and ~ ae « Spouting an oase ork, Se: ~Nort Catat fifa. -- Hf a aig
gi tyes Ulcers ouany S Prarie :§ Satisf; oh accel or | PsaeAtac oatte o tion ~to: the ~farmers,
yonrows. falling out, fs o2S S FLMary, | MO alistac ae foe, ~ j i
=: as eG ours.� We f @ Boehitit the mort obetinn | BO 0 charges made, he aed, = arn ar ons ies dhe n ie | Lig . pecially those fea gs 1 tae hee
annot enre. This tie § Wikibase has always a Fl season. He �- 4 hg. Be ogy OO Laie an
For MA Years we have N Means: ~a elaslaty ot | 3 4 sa tidipan Arete ~? g| The 0 Only oFive oer ~Dat Me ae : ak " tabagco, _ that, J 1s
St a |F nO ate Biter aeae Bs Pes vii + Milpny, times, Hy
i Miosenie Same, Cplenge, Heino. | ¢ DE Se sie he trae vy rT wa So ae Pe au we sega vy thieT opabsdtipt at
+ cuca one
Py? ,Srtond. to, gue
friends and the} ~~
c generally, espe-
dial invitation to visit
our store and examine
Sock d
vw hichfis the
inthe town. The as-
sortment of Fine Wool-
en includes a tull line
of staple and ~oup-to-
~date� Novelties such as
Silk and Wool Otto-
mans, Satin De Chine,
Silk LleanoT Henriettas
and Plain Silks and
Satins and many other
new,and stylishifabrics
The line of
are beautiful andup to
date. Every piece be-
ing selectcd with the
greatest care.
The line of
arenew and stylish and
stylish and especialiy
desirable for Fall and
Winter wear.
| ommieeneenaiaalitiidaand
Accept our invition,
Make us avisit. It will
_ give us pleasure to
__. }¥our friends,
: ~3
a Te a
oh ee il
y the ladiés, a cor|
: 7 - a "" | None in Thie Column, But a Few p
is Outside |
Mreates many a new business.
| enlarges many an old business,
Preserves many a large business;
Revives many a dull business,
Rescues many a lost business,
"Saves many a failing business.�
Secures sucnées to any business
To oadvertise. oudiciously,� use tne
columns of ti. RE*LEOTOR.
K:eping Constantly at it Brings Success
Passenger and mail train going
Nerth, arrives 8:52 A.M. Going south,
arrives 6:67 P. M:;, ra ali
Steamer Tar River arrives from Wash-
ington Monday, Wednesday and Friday
leaves for Washington Tuesday, Thurs.
day and saturdag
Fair tonight and Tuesday, except
shewers tonight near whe coast.
Caught of the ¥mall ~Things That
Colds are getting fashionable.
The dentists use Klondike fillings.
The marriage pace has started anew.
Kgs and chickens at S. M. Schultz.
The co ton market took a little ad-
yance today.
County Commissioners were 1n ses~
sion again today.
The dry weather continues and no
rain appears in sight yet.
The weather 18 cool and cloudy, bnt
| still the rain keeps atar off.
The swres of S, M. Schultz and M,
R. Lang will be closed tomorrow.
In today"Kresh N. XY. State But-
er aod Cheese at S. M. Schultz.
Tie tobacco warehouses had large
breaks today anu prises were away up
The Jewish day of atonement, Yom
Kippur, begins this evening at sunset.
~a hin jokes are hard to see through.
The coming circuses should make some
thick ones.
A Case of Incendiarism.
oSome time ago,� says an insurance
man quoted the Philadelphia Record,
oa man asked me to accompany him
home as he had some things there to
be insured. When we arrved at his
house he showed me a hundred boxes
of egars, which he wanted insured,
There were 100 cigars in each kox,
making 10,000 ic all, and were valued
aut 10 cents each, so I insured the lot at
$1,000 A few days ago the man came
to me and asked tor the insurance
money. ~You've had no fire at your
house.T I replied. ~No, but ITve
smoked them.T says he, ~and, according
to the paper, I am entitled to themon-
ey, asit reads distinctly that if the
goods are censumed by fire, money is
paid on application. As far as tech-
nicalities were concerned, he was all
right, but I knoeked him cold about a
minute later by saying ina very stern
manner; ~All right, sir; you'll get the
money; but, according to your own
confession, I will proceed at once to
raake a charge against you for incen-
diarism.T ~Well, I'll be hanged!T was
all he said, and the room shook vio-
lently ufter he banged the dceor,� |
That is thelSwayT all ~druggists sell
1C ~for Chills, Fever and all forms of
Malaria. It is simply lron and Quinine
fn a tasteless form, Children love it
Burwell Riddick went to ~Suffolk to-
~i. F. Dornio lett this morning "for
D. J. Walker returned. to Kinston
last night.
J. L. Flem ng returned Monday ev~
ening from Goldeboro.
Adrian Savage and W. A. savage
went to Richmond today.
Miss Loraine Gorne returned Mon-
day eyening from Richmond.
Rey. E, D. Brown left this morning
for Littleton to atténd the Presvyterys
Ral Sugg left this morning for Nasb-
vlic, ~enn, to attend the centennial.
Miss Fannie Edwards, of Kinston,
artived this morning to visit Mrs. J. 5.
U. . Joyner left this morning for
Jefferson, Pa. to attend the medical
college there.
Rev. J, As Hornaday, of Weldon,
arrived wionday evening to assist in
the mecting in the Aiethodist chu.ca,
Mrs. Pattie Winstead, who hes beea
visiiny her parents at the King House
feft this morning for ber home in
Kocky Mount.
Shentt W, H, Harrington with dep-
uties J. W. Manning and D. ~is. House
lett this morning to take seven prison-
ers to the penicentiary,
A. H. Tatt, accompanied by J. G,
Moye, J. W. Higgs, J. A. Ricks, J. L.
Tait and Miss Addie Tatt, lett this
morning for Elm Clty where be will
tomorrow wed Miss Alice Hoover, of
that town.
Washington Marriage.
Mr. F. J. Berry and Miss Ella
Scott Frizzle were married in Wash-
ington this morning, and left for a
northern tour. The bride is well known
in Greenville.
Execution Sale.
NORTH CARULINA, {in the Superior
Pitt County. Court.
Callie Langston. (now Callie Joyner)
exTtrx. of B. J. Langston
The Greenville Land and Improvement
Company and P. B. ~Talliaferor:
By virtue of an execution directed to
the undersigned from the Superior
Court of Pitt County in the above enti
tled action, I wil!, on Monday, the Ist
day of November 1897, at 12 oTclock M.,
at the Court Honse door of said county,
sell to th: highest bidder for cash, to
satisfy said execution. all theright, title
and interest which the said Greenviile
Land and {mprovement Compuny, de-
fendant, has in the following described
real estate, to-wit. ~A tract of land in
Jreenville township. Pitt County,
known as theT William Moore tract of
land adioining the lands of B. F. Pat-
rick, A. M. Clark, C. F, Manning and
others, and being the tract of land con-
eyed by (eed from D, E. House to said
Greenville Land and Improvement
Company,ind upon which the mill plant
of the Greenville Land and Improve-
ment Company was situated, being that
part of eaid land now owned by the
Greenville Lumber Compay and lying
east, of Railroad.
This the 30th day of September 1897.
Sherift Pitt County.
re neem
Pure, sweet mi.k delivere.! at your
door, morning and evening, at 30 cents
per gallon, With ten years experience
in the dairy business in Greenville we
deem it unnecessary to say more.
Value Property far Sal
ualified as Receiver of the Green-
ville Lumder Company, for the purpose
of settling the affairs of said Company,
I herebv offer for sale the real estate in
and adioining the town of Greenville
belonging to said Company. This ig
erty will be sold on reasonable terms In
lots to suit purchasers. "
| Adults prefer it to bitter, nauseating
oTontes. Price, 500,
| Reoelyer} Kinsion, N. C,
~For further information eee or ad-|
1@n the Grandest
| Gighway that
Geads to Good
Every purchase made of us is &
stepving stone nearer the goal.
Every transaction is a bargain,
. Low prices, coupled with big
values, is the cowbinution, that
wins your trade in our elegant as-
s Ortment of :
Fa'l and Winter
in all the leading styles, consisting
& of
ee ee
Clothing, Capes, Dress Goods. Notions, Caps.
Our Autumn stock isnow ready and
surpasses any we have ever shown.
The Most Attractive Forejon Fabric
We :
Lead :
in lvou want the newest, prettiest and
D : most stylish
_- :The latest domestic novelties. No
Come ~other house shows such aline.
LaneTs Cash House.
* he ee
é ah eS
~ Aes
~ a ®
é ~
~ } ~se
08 '
2. ok ;
4 "? ~
ad eae * .
i l
We Met with Such Success
last season in handling this noted Heater and
have received so much encouragement
this season that we bought heavy and are go-
ing to make the prices accordingly. We will
have all sizes on hand all the time and we can
suit you. We have secured the services of Mr.
Walter I. Pender, an experienced Stove Man,
who will put them up and see that they give
satisfaction before leaving.