Daily Reflector, September 23, 1897

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0.3 WHICHARD, Editor and Owner,


Vol. 6.

} ae
: ake

iesesedainoa N. C. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1897.


Baltimore ST. bo 713. . ;
o ! nein ad 1D . . horesented che crse as strongly as he
W e have the largest Doston co od rd leontd, acd in the face o« the testimony
. ; New: York 73 40 6341 ot nad been introduced it would be , Ti . 7 7
and most complete © |Cincinoss 6853 tice to a atiztn ond 10 the] 'e lingering days of September are sul-
, los Paes | ears 7, dt) . fo Mantels ~ ae ~ ~ , | ° 4 o é
. ack nf Fall | Cleveland 64 9 z( ~State to undertake to press the matter try, but the YS ing aia ad doesnot inter-
Mm VUN YU - a Washinetoa oe 66 AGS: a ene . 3 |
= further and wWitudcew tlre prosecuul yy | Lary ery 4 b
, oe real rere with- the ole: 2
and Win- Brooelyn vs � 206) Judge Timberlike at once ordered the | @ Wnowsome Inte rest that
we Pittsb 1s oY bo 447 clerk to enter a verdics of hot ouilty. centers in our sain sé ellingT. We are daily
Chicago a+ 69 439} The entice testimony shawed eon" | *
ter | e entire testimony showed is upplyin ne aodsof b ,
Philadelphia od = 72 24 clu sively that Mr. Quinerly acted pire. | 5 the near future. All classes
Louisville jl 72 41jily in self detense, Langley having par of buyers are 5 caltytaits in our aisles. Men who
St. Louis 27-46 1g sued him for some distaner aud being ~have j us obre rnp :
| Hin the act of assaulting dim at the Gm» J tux ned from theit summer vacation,
_ 7 he s.rogk the fital stab.


GE | Weapen, oullty. _
~ fh: De Vanqaue"-Jaggers started cut; Sam Fiemning, ossault with deadiy FE ~ AN K V : Nj N
M last night ty cet bis triend tall He: weapon, euilty. a LLS mS ON.
~ thought he c # great head.� Sem Fler ing, creelty to animals, not

in ye ww) eid) 3

rw p

"-AND "

enter urnighings

ever bronght to


We bought «a large
ctock and there-
tere can sell

3 { *, � .
~sou want good and
sec us. It is no trou-

dle to show goods and
we take pleasure in 80


roods come and


| Manayuak F hilos: Ophermein solitice.T


me |
~Solicitor Withdraws Prosecution,
| the Court Orders a Verdict
of Not Guilty.

GamesT Played and3 Standing ot

: mmeeeatae emma eaiaiaee. a

Foston 12; Brook. W. Bz
last stabbed

Boston, Sept. 42 Quineily. who in February

lyn 0 dand killed Levi Langley,
New York, Sept. 22_New York ¢;)colored, was called before the Superior

Baltimore 4.
Philaselphie, Sept.

Court this morning on the charg. of
99 __ Phila 'el- : manslaughter.
The jury was empannelled and after
22"Pittsburg 8;'the :
State rested the case. The

put eight witnesses on the

phia 5: Weshington 4,
Pittsburg, Sept,
Cincinnati 4,

xyaination of three witne gses th:
d fense

Cleveland, Sept. 22"Cleveland 18; stand, one

Chicago 7. ~oi them being the detend nt himself,

| , ;

; land a'so rested the case.


i lige ace Sallie is Pe aaeers caret sasha

At tlits stave SOMCILOI Be: HAG APOS
1 ¢


vi ou Lost Per . . '
iaT d stated to the Court

that he bae


ne te

The defendant was represented vy

Messrs. Bond & Fleming and 2. G.

Shell SAM tertupin. James
pea Ce,

~Thani sziving is the next hol! day

eh A eh BITE LA A I A I,


et at

A few straw huis sill Pnger.

Cone on now, youse felers. evTybody.

' ~Cases Tried on Crininal Docket |
roo. fur Boson!


oAn honest man is a tool,� says the! .
: J | Josesh Mayo, assault with deadly


"~~L suppose he knew it this mora-!vuilty,
ine.� "" . ; ae
| daccb Hines, cruelty to animals,

Hoax"T suppose you've heard the) ailty.

* ' + , »

JOKG avout the sup bene arrested for!

J a Luk» Smith, larceny end
sp he rode with ;
oo, oo, pleads guilty, sentences
gitls. olig r, . Lai! .

scorghing,� Joak
the bloomer

ned 7om.� i.
hire wut,

NelimWhy did Madge marry that; Alex # bailey

a5 4! emlty.

y larecny ara receiving,

jUely Abr.

Mu [pilase f

é J
ie's poor

hhipece ia"? oafigs tb pig 25} 299 | yy A a im *
jcbur h mouse, foceliem-SheTs sue | Farner i Houmas, vumbling, gui ty.
stitious. She is sure heTl! have a lon ot|

mole on lus

Merrels Brown, lareeny 2nd recery"

morey seme time,TT that?� ine, hot zailty.

ofie hus a very large desse Smith and Joseph xigas, «f-

neck.� fray, Smith guilty: Biggs not guilty.

' The winter girlTs chirms may be s weet a
und extensive,
But we love the deat summer girl)


Wedne sday evening at 8:30 9Tclock
~at RountreeTs chureh, in this countT,
ieS8) Mg, H.C. Cannorand Miss Della K.
iCasman were married in the presence
Than chawpy and birds upon trast. of a large number of friends, Rev. J.

For ice cream ard sda are much

"_" 8 Tingle performing the ceremony.
Our rew Pattern Hats will ve readyT The couple will make their home in
the) Greenvi Ite, Mr, book
ladies are invited to call and see thems | ki eper for the ~Tooaeeo
We have a beautiful line of bate aud) Warehouse.
other millinery. | The Rerrector joins a host ot
Mrs. J. S. Tunstaty & Co. aia in extenting congratulatioas.


38 Great Specials.

Bay State Shoes $1.30 up.

Handsome Buggy Robes
from $1.20 up.

ee a Rugs, 52x27, for

Fs 75...

sig a Other. goods i inT proportion.

for exhikition on Thursday and Connon being



1° Truth.

19 four months

iv jail with leave to Commissioners to!

seamiiaaeanuatenemaniecaaaaniiiiie mie Selene anil: yi

(Men and Boys
Fine Clothing.


Know the

men whe are preparing to travel, boys
who are entering school, young fellows
who are going away to college are con-
: ~spicuous among those who come here to secure
~the choicest and best things in Suits, Hats,
Underwear and Furnishing Goods. Ideal styles
in Clothing atiow prices arethe attractions.



Alten Oe Si I i tin

i have 4 special

PPL ls een NPL PALA LALA lle et eel, el te ie ee eet



i have more patt erns; My line ef clothing
admore bolt goods}.
:iS much more comple
than ever vefore. In} apiete

the latest colors bothjan Lean suit you in

plain a d faney Trm-jclay worsted, cueviots,
mings� to match * injand faney plaids trom
brads, " sets velvels,; $3 00 to 15.00. Spee-
|silks, and Jet. ~cial orders taken.

Eva an ate at
fn on ee a LEANN ta Wty Ayal ee NA Nt


Prices from .75 to{ have hats trom 50

$4. Hamilton Browns?+

$2.50 ladies shoes! i $3.00. et ae
cuarenteed, Mene $3,; till, any. style, crtish,
Shoes guaranteeT. . Aj alpine, stiff, and broad
special Ime of bor jbrim., A by. line of
shoes. CAPS | and Tamoshanters

te eh ee A

eI ee LP

GivyT us a Call nid we wil a oul dest, to
ass you,



month, - ~ - Ps nit)
a 10

One week. +
Delivered in town Wy carriers withouT
axtr: ens". ®
advertisne rates are Hberal and can be
" adcn application to the editor or at
he offie
"" a
i +e desire a S1V¥2 correspondens | vt
ave: y postoffice inthe cormty, who wi
--gend in brief items of WEWs 23 if seen
to each neighborhood, Write plainly
vad oniy on one side of the paper.

canine tities nett ete Ot
ee cmmanenel


se cael

~Turcrspay, SEPTFMBER 23,

Fo a sce BERNER STE am

Murried people Jive longer than the
unmarried, the temperate and indus"

trious lor.ger ~han the gluttonous ard

idle, and eivilieed naticns lorger than
the uncivilized. Tall persons enjoy *
yreater longevity that short ones.
There is @ hospital for colored pede
ple at Savannah, which is whellv sup-
ported by colored people. Connected
with it is 4 training school for colored

People of all nations havebad habits,
which are acquired by a certain per-
centage of the population and which
are by maoy carried to a point where
| they become vbnoaious and dangerous
evils. In many countries there are
about as many of these bad habits as
there are classes of people. The be.
ginning of them with the :ndividual is
more often through the foree of ex-
periment. ~The Chinaman Joves his
opivm pipe; the Russian peasant
drinks bas vodki, a cheap alecholicT
stimulant, almost us he would water ;
the Frenchman 's fond of his absinthe,
a deeply insidious draught ; the En -
lishman 18 ready to acquire almost any
kind cf a bad habit witha little novelty
abuut it; the Indian loves to pour
down any sort of cheap liquor until he
cannot swallow another drop; the
negro delights in craps and policy, and
cannot. get enough of either until he
plays one (oo many times and vets the
eon.entsot another negroTs gun, and
the American buy, sad to relate, and
tco oiten the American adult, goes
down from the effects of the cigarette.
All the circumstances considered,
there are few of these evils which are
more insidious or more far reaching in
results than the cigarette habit. Jt is
to the cigarette that much ct the mvod-
ern degeneracy inay be attributed. It
there has been a decrease in the mer"

easily and torever, 29
ag, § ~umber of well trained e 2 ow .
nurses, and a p tal force and powers of the American strong, magnetic. tull of new life

Read the Ads.

It pays to read the ads.
Advertisements are necessary to
assune the sueceas of any papers

Ii 1s hardly necessary to call the
attention of the reader to the first
ot these two statements, It does |
no harm, however, to repeat thie as-
sertion. Many a housewife has found
that a regular perusal of the GneukeL
ments will show her where to trade to

advantage. :
~The second statement, however,
needs to be emphasized. Some

reeders are prone to complain if they
think too many advertisements are
crowding out regular reading matter
and do not hesitate sometimes to tell
the publisher so. Such readers forget
that the saall price they pay for the
paner pays for only a part of the
expense of printing, and that few papers
could auceced trom their circulation
income alone. The
in the field today have
through the agency of

great putuber of
newspi pers
becn made
adverthing. So donTt complain if
advertisers seem to make too generous
a use of the columns of your paper."


eee at oc

Don't Tobacco spit ang Smoxe Your
Lite Away.


It you want to quit tobacco using
soude = Weill

and |

sick bed attendants have been + aught] people, in any degree, and such | vigor, ~ke No"Lo-Bae, the wonder-


Penne ee)
aie -

~Lhe smallesi of all the Statee, Rhode
Island, has the Jargest population per
aquzre mile, or 218,44 persons. The
figures of the Jast census show that if
the whole Union were as densely pop-
ulated it wou.d cortain 945,766,800


The cfiicial commissions of some
European uations are cariying 6n ex"-
periments with the pith cf cornstalks,
which is now to be put to unique use
asa vacking between the inner und
outer shells of war vessels, When
pierced with a projectile it will absorb
water and swell so rapidly as to close
the opening betore the vessel has leak-
ed to a dangerous extent. ~Lhe outer
rim of the cornstalk, ground up, is said
to make a fine and palatable ~ood for
cattle and horses, comparing favorably
wth the corn blades, timethy hay and
wheat bran, and #t ean be mixed with

apy ground grain.

on onesies nih ci Bin cm
The State board of iax equalization
hes completed the summary of the
returns of property values, as follows :
Number ot sees of jand 27,763,852,
value $110,463,977 ; town lots 82, -
" uy i 1 fe fe Y wo
993, value $44,586,685 ; horses 172,-
708, value $5,547,920 ; mules 125,052,

value $4,786,976; cattle 594,382,
value $4,175,656; hogs 1,280,140,
value $1,582.87 6; ; Sheep 384,28),
value $317,496 ; bieycles 5,892, value
$128,561; unenumera~ed property

$58,715,100 ; bank stock $2,789,846 ;
foreign building and loan stock $146,-
201; state building ana loan stuck
$134.808 ; doss $4,184; total $234,-
142,594. ~There turns out to be no
increasé in the total over las: year.
The falling off is in bank stock, $480,-
000. Mecklenburg county taled to
report any, while last year it reported

A prominent grape grower from

reporter today that the sale olf erapes
this season was far less vhan of late
years, This gentleman attributes the

decreased consumption of this trait to

the fear of appenderitis, oDo ycu
know,� said the gentleman,

yi once did, and I attribute this to

oph fear of contracting

Eastern North Carolina tola a News

a othe

market North has been glutted all this
season ? Not becase there was over.
T r edu ction, but simply trom the fact
~the people are not eating the rruit like

charge has been made by several sociv-
logists, there is no doubt that it can be
atuributed in tart to the cigarette.
While none believe that there has keen
a general deterioration of intellect, or
a deterivration among any considerabie
portion of the people, there have
doubt}ess been many minds stunted in
their youth anu had their full growth
cut off by the noxious cigarette.

In the State of Gaorgia it is unlawtul
to sella civarette toa minor, In Ten-
nessee not unly the sale but the giving
away of cigarettes to anyone, no matter
how old, is probibited under a penalty
of fine and imprisorment, ard the
result is cigarette smoking in that
State is confined almost entirely 0
visitors who bring their supply with

them, Georgia uafoctunately permits
the sale of cigarettes to any one except
minors; but as the law stands, it

should be enforced, and any person or
persons found selling cigarettes to
parties under twenty one years should
be mude to suffer the penaltv. In
spite of charges made by judges and
grand juries, in spite of grand jury pre-
sentments, in spite of indictments and
convictions, the negro policy playsr
will play policy ; the
courts, it would a»pear, giye him much
attention, to the neglect of other classes
of violatiuns of the law; Unless the
policy business 1s going to be brox~n
up. which has not yet been the case it
might be well to give ths policy ne zro
a breathing spell and pay s me litle


a.tention to tae cigarette law."Savan-
nah News,

ceeeemmneemnhiinimeieainnasttthesttitdtna thet

Everybcdy Says So.

Cascarets Candy Cathartic, the
mozt wonderful meui al discovery of
the age, pleasant aud retreshing to the
laste, act ger tly and poritively on
kidueys, liver anu bowels, cleansing
the entire system, dispel colds, cure
headache, fever, habitual congtipat.on
and biliousness. Please buy and try a
box cf C. & C, today. If, 25, 50
cents. Sold and guaranteed to cura
by all druggists.

Always remember that no one can
debase you but yourself. Slander,
satira.: falsehood, injustice--these can
never rob you of yeur manhood. Men
may lie abeut you, they may denounce
you, they may cherish suspicions man-
itold, they may make your tailings the
target of their wit ot cruelty"never be
alarmed, never swerve an inch trom
tue line your judgment and conscience
have marked out for yon, They can
not, by all their efforts, take away
your knowledge of yourself, tae purity
of your motiyes, the integrity) of your
zature. while these are lett, you are,
ofs point of fact, unharmed. "Durhan

worker that makes weak mea strong.
Many gain ten pounds in ten days.
Over 400,000 cureT. Buy No-To-Ba
rom your own drugyist, who will
guarantee a cure. isookiet and sample
mailed tree. Ad. Sterling Remedy Co.
Chicago or New York.

A Pointer for Cierks.
A writer in Hardware says: I
once had two cle ks. Hames w
ting $:2 a week, and Robert $19.
Kames asked jor a raise. I told bim
shat his services would not, as yet,
justify it, and that the busing covld
not afford it. He was not satistied,
even afier I told him I would do better

wus get

by lim just as roo ae I could.

A tew days afterward, Robert had
yecasion to criucise his assuciate for a
very apparent lack of interest in the
jov in hand. Eames answer d, Well,
I ,uess I do it wel exough fer $12 4

It was in that spirit bis work was
done. He was getting onty $12, and
was determined not to eara more util
paid more. aobert, cn the other hand,
put in his best efforts, ¢nd
make himselt more valuable with every

tried §=to

diy tuat passsed.

Lam.today paying Robert $2,100
per year, while L was compelled to
discharge Eames at the end of his

first. year.

Juir izy & We. Lun OF cascarets, the

finest. liver and bow.i regu ator ever
Making, us Out Small.
The New York Sun gays: The

population of Yonkers at the last
Federal census was 82,033.
are five States which at that time had
but one city in ex ess cf 32,000 popu_
lation, ~That city, was Charleston,
which hus now a population of 55,000,
The five States are Noita Carolina,
South Carolina, Klovida, Alabama aud
Mississippi. "

~The largest city of No th Carolina
is Wilmington, which has tie same
population as Xchenecwdy, Rale.gi,
the capital of Nosth Caroling has as
much popuation #s Saratoza Spriage,
no moe, and less than West ~Troy
and Mcunt Vernon, N. ¥. Asheville,
Charlotte, Newbera and Durham are
snall places in North Carolina"vil-
luges ~they would be called ~in the
north, Outside ct Charleston there is
no city ot even the third class in the}
Palmetto State.

Cascarets stimulate liver, kidney and | the


grive. . si ll

" . ae Fate
25 ne 50 % ,

ple aeit boo and booklet free. Ad. STERLING RENEDY


ABSOLUTELY CuK RAR tg Pipe so peer sca aeiti: Cascarets are the Ideal Laxa-g,
tive. vover zrip or yripe. but cause easy naturalresults, Sam

�,�o., Chicago, Montreal, Can., or New York, 917.


R."A. TYSON, "ViceePres.



Loans and Discounts $50, 272.62

R. L. DAVIS, PresTt.

i L. LITTLE, CashTer


The Bank of Greenville,


Atithe Closetef Business July 29rd, 1897.

Capital stock paid in $23, 0.00

Over Drafts 1,580, 18 Surpins and Profits 503.19
Premium on Stock 1,000.90 Deposits subject to Cneck 48,289.FO
Due from Banks 2, "30.5 $ Due to Banks 795.23
Furniture and Fixtures » 1,505.1 0° Cashiers Checks ortstanding 153.12
Cash [tems "4.978.152 Time Certiicates of Deposit 55.00
Cash in Vault rramee "U4 B28,54$ See neers
na Total o2 $72,796.04

Total » $72,796.04 Ho ~ a

We study carefully the separate needs of our patrons, and shal] be glad to have
your xceount, promising every aceummodauon cousistent with good banking. «

Wehavealarge *;




just arrived. Comeand
see us.

AMG he





h ing their yearTs buyphes will dad
Le Te ae yur prices belese pu.
chasing elgewhere. Our stock is prapiete
uallite braoches.


Tobacco, Snufi &c,

we buy dirac) teom Man jiactua. th
ling yor to bay at one pratlt, A evra -
cle mock of




to sult

always on hand and olds
bought and

the times. on

eper ny as

bowels. Never sicken, weaken oF | to



re, bay g no Sis

at Ao




an @ Een

We have jut received @ new
hearse 9nd the nieest line of Cof-
fins and Caskets, in wooed, metal-
lic sno cloth ever brought to

We are preperod 10 £0 embalm-
ing iz sii its forme

Versonal giivutionu alven toe
dacting funorals and bodie:
trusted to oor care will rece
every mark of respect.

Our prices are lower than ever.

Ne do not want monupoly but
waVito competition.

We can be found at any avd all
times in the John ilanagan

|Buggy CoTs building.-

oe CREE te & CO.



ab. PENDER, 1

rm :


Can be found below Five Points.
next doo� to Reflector office,


oatronnge solicited, Cleaning, Dyeing
and Vressiog Gents Clothes a specialt¥

~a beets EDMUNCS.

Special attention viven to cleapins
Gntlemens Clothing


¢ Academy.

The nexe session of (the school wilt
open on§ sa
MONDAY SEP. 6, 1897
and coutiuue for 10 months, |
The terms are as follows, He
)Primary Boglish per mo. 92.00,
Intermediate * o | $2 50
iigher oS WM +09
Languages (each) ** ** 42-00

The work and diselpline uf ued schoo)
will eg as heretofore,

& MTCHUL TZ, Grecrvilen |

Fae ana eH DA nH AE ROT SERA ene ee BAG SO

arse so wenn sere ic Pans Piviibe ors

sis coats

cht Ranta poeta ont

ToS aetin tn ar Vino (AE GnAg Baek: Prout ths War.) ~ Lay ee
uitantis (44g) Line. arenas ah a DIREC a oRy. R. R. FLEMING, Pres, 98, Cashie
a ae In 1861 Mr. K. A. Mills, of this one 164, oue emo : ascot ¢

Scheduie in Effeet Aug. 16th, 868, | epreped che Coulederate service, joinine

rae sr res from VW ilming bi
D Be on owe ei eohymuy 183; Capt: Woud'sT conrpany, | conta : | Oteahiied Tote 1st, 1897.

: . Which Was co canized at Rowan Mils BAPTI51"services every Sunday ( :
DAILY No ~8~Passenver"Due VUrg-|}. : norin | Prayer fr ing e an Q itt ounty
~ ee : gt : A uh Yeur, £3 as sehed ¢ .; moring ind evening,T Prayer meeting
9.35 a. in. Nolia 1.59 an. Warsaw 11.70 oy that year, cud was attached to the Thursday evening. Rev re Ww. setzer, |. o.
: am, voldshoro 11.58 am WH] Pourth Rexment of North Carolina Pastor, Sunday school 9:30 A, M. GREENVILLE, N. Oe� :
ae 28) p wi. Kosky" Oune hong: Mr. Mills romaii he |. D. Rountree, Superintendent me
12'p m, farbero 2.58 p mp, es acide S romaiaed in the} ~7. ). trot hy SPN PELE OOH S.

a ~

tf vo 13) 0 mm. Petersburg setvice til about the clos of the war,| CA'THO)IC"No regu.ar services, ce Bank wants yourtriendship anda shar
if not all, of your business, and wll grant

SOP Se eee et

Nortoik 6.03 pw, Wishine- hii, hie Wis captured al Mid: lletown EPISCOPAL"Services fourth Sun-
ton TLT) po ~ Raitimore 12 33 Md..and placed mo prisoo ét Eli irw dav, MormM ag and phir de Lay §et- every favor consistent with safe ana sound

um, Philadelphia 345 a miy y sabia tech de een ,, | Vices second Sunday moruing. Kev, A.

~New Yotk 683 «1, Boston N.Y. He remained Mm pFsoa MMS Greaves, Rector Sanday schoo! 9 30 banking. We invite correspondence ot a per- "

00 pm. Wonthe, being released in 1860. On; A.M. W. 3B. Brown, Superimterdant. sonal interview to that end.

i DAILY No 40"Passenger"Duc Mag | hls ole se from prisoa Mr. Mills weut METHODIST~-Services every Sun-

~ 7.15 pm. nofia*.55 p m Warsaw 9.10] Batimoce and trevic there into West ~day, morning and evening. Prayer "
p m, Goldsboro 1010 p m | meeting Wednesday eveving. Rey.

Wilsom 1106 pom. Tarboro! Virgiiia, wher: bs vaileoaded tor a IN. M. Watson, Pastor. Sunday school | (Rete Rees T4 P Mat rafanteny
6.45am. Rocky Mount 11 47 tine. die was carried in West Vir- 19:39 A. M. A. B. Eington, Superin- & uy A a % uC ba
pm, Weldon 1 442m, Nor- . oy !

. a CeO en oer cendent.
folk 10.30 a m, Petershurg | gi8ia in 1868 and his wite dies in June,

3.244 m, Richinona 4.20 m,] 1590, j.aving no childeen, Mer. Milis | PRESBYTERIAN"Services " third
Washington 7:41 4 m, Bair, Kare morning and evenirg. Rev. i
oe more 9. 5 4 m, i hila: lei: 1 contunaed to live in W est V treinia, at B. Merton tastor. Sunday school .
11.75 am, New York 2.2 J pla. placs called Papaw, in Morgan Ip 9:80 A. M. K. B Ficklen Superinten-; " \ ane te oc A J
m, Boston §.30 p m. . : dent . . ieee
ccunty, and for the past nine years hus
_ SOUTHBOUND, eo P years

| orked ina tannery IDGES.
DAILY No 55"Passengor DueT Lule worked ina tannery. LO

oWp im. Wane eamaw 4.35 pom, Chad Up to 16 years ago Mr. MillsT rela- | hy What Is It ? |
. bourn 4.40 yp m Marion 6" yl aves pere hy are ivom him meee y : il

tri, i lorence 12M me, Sium- A. F, & A. b.."Greenville Lodge No.
i 8.42 pom, Columhi: $0.05) oul sleee then they had beard nothing 284 meets first and third Monday eveu-

» Denmar k 6.20 am, Angust | ay.) concluded that he was dead, His!iog, J. M. Reuss W. M. L. I. Moore,

08.3 Jam, Mneon 1]. BO ata, | Wen 2a ° ° a
Atlanta 1215 pan, Charies-| i. Cuts and beoih-rs aad sisters are all mee. = Itisa picture ot tae celebrated ;

ton 1020 nm. Ss iVattl ah 2.4 ) | Gead How but he nas two COUSINS living | I. O. O. F -"Covenen: Lodge No. 17

a m. Jacksonvil'e $20 a m,]. ~Meets every Tuesday evening, J. V.

: _ Sty ugustine 10.20 amy Tam |! Ouibesville " Mra, Creo, Henry andi Johnson N.G. L. H. Pender, Sec. Ve |
a a 6.40 pm. Suite 10 po] ne ©
: Aaa ies ; a icareer oe sie te Bily Mills. Ree sia, Mo. K. 6t P"far River Lodge No. 98,
: AME V er da mas ~ | Aiiils concluded to coz.e back to Ire=! meets every Friday evening. H. W.

DAILY No 49, "Pas enger--Bosten | deil tolouk up bis relatives, Saturday Whedbee, .C, AB. Ellington K. of

R. and 8,
$49 PLM. 1.03 .m. Sew York 9,00 aD, Haig tht ne came to Statesville at the ; on
Philatelphin 12.05 am. naltis| Henry Uvuse, wept by bis eousin and | &:A-~eev Vance Couucit No. 1696)Best in use. The outfit ot no business man ar

nore 6.50 2m. W; ; . meets every Thursday evening. W. b. \
more 50h am eo ler husband. Mr. Mil's diduTt kiow} Wilson, R, M.R. Lang, Sec complete with one.

4.30 am. Sichwond 905 am,

Vetersbur 10.00 am, Nor- either of them and bad no idea that he
y . ; ~ . ~ _ ~ A that he n . e 0. 1169
Weldou 91.50 am, ~larboro K.of H."Insurance Lodge N

| irae a yr YY i ix ins they » e yer j T ; i Wo Johr
L342 m, Re cky Mounr 12,5) ¥a* siopping with bis kinstolks, but|/meets every Friday evening
Mong 1, : . ~lanagan, D. Henry Sheppard, R. e
pm Wison 2 12 pm. Golds-| Mr. Henry soon recognized him and PAMDRRSN, y pheppare, e eC OY OO | COY e

boro 3.10 pm. Warsaw 4.02 . . ; A.L of H. Pitt C il 236 ts
» » . ~ i@ * 9 bed f 3} 1) * § " « a , eo kd 0 a itt Ounel T . mee 8
pm, Maguelia 416 pm, bw el Monship was expliined to the every ~Thursday nivht, J. Iie Cherry

; wae Moy at. 0" Bor "Teave | Brien oot Pou ' CO W. B, Wilson. Se has a nice assortment or these Fountain Pens
"York 950 as, Phiten, his bios Mr. MillaT first visit to | = =: =|also a beautiful line of Pearl Handle Gold Pens,

12 09 pin, ialtiavore 2 2.25 pin, | his here sines 186. he will fird many Cotten anc Peanut, You will be astonished when you see them and
Washington 6.46 pm, Riot | eng 5 sand very few people that he) Below are Norfoik prices of cotte earn how very cheap thev are.

mond 7.0 pm. . etersburg . , -
$12 pm Novtulk Oey pm. | | kiows. A number cf old seldiers who | and peanuts for yesterday, a8 furnished
Ww , a ame ~ . .. | by Cobb Bros. & Comunission Mer.
Veldou 948 pm, Tarporo;svel in the same regiment " live

Lo hapws of Norfolk «
6.01 he Ni eny Meu t5.45 1 round here and these will douttle:s i. " You may never,
am Leave Wilson 6.20 am | o0U» a o* COTTON, ene.
foldaboro 7-01 am. Warsaw! member hitn ."Statesville Landmart. | . But should you ever .
7.53 am) M- gnolia .05 am, «| Good dliddling bf
DAILy No 61"Passengur. Leave " ns " 63 Og .
except. New Vern 9.20 aa, Jackson- ; Foy Uf sOW MIG O-Nf ~ hed
Sunday yillel042 am. This team ~yreenviule warket, ae Orainny "4 an O YIN ln
2.40 P.M. arrives at occa street. Vouc"da!
PROM THE cae eel | orrecte diy 8S. MM, Schultz PEANUD ¢
DAILY No, 54"Passenger"Leave | arter, per Lo 'S (0 151 Prime � :
12,15 P. M. Tampa 8.00 am. Sonford 14.0 Western sides 54598] Extra Prime 24 """_9-" Come to see Us, """""
pm, Jacksonville 6 35 pm 10 to Ja) | ancy 28
Savanna 12.50 night, Charles: | eer Hits LG to Spanish B10 75
ten 5.88 am,Columbia 6.50 | , wo, Vone"gquiet. RANA ANNs ty
am, Atlanta 8.20 an, Macan Corn Meal 49 10 OU 2
9.30 am, Augusta 3.05 pm, | Flour, Family 4.25 t0 5.74 . .
Lenmarg 4.25 pm, Sum pter Tara 54 to 10 Shingles ! Shingles !
40 am, Florence 8.55 am. Oats 0s to 43 BA AVA DOAK AOR ACS ae fe ; RA RANK . v9 AC AdAA AA
pe: vt, Chadbourn Suoar ~Sos ; | Heart Hand Made Cypress Shingles, ie a: a rs itt a
ap um, Lake Waccumaw a i | 83 AAS per thot sand delivered at Green- ;
11.06 am, Coffee Tto 0! vine. Apply ~o \s
Trait on Scot. Neck Brinch Xow | galt per Sack iB to 120 J. R. SMITH & BRO.
éaves Weldon 4,10 p. m., Halifax / 8) Oniok hte on Ayden, N.C,
ps ass arrives Scotland Neck at v.10 | eon ene ; pay nt co
@., Greenville 6,57 p. m., Kinstun 7.65) Eggs per doz 7 to 1S On ao CONDO) OnOnor sores
m. qecturning, leaves Kinston 7.20! Beeswax.pe: : LU MBER. SAAALAAMLAAAA COORDS AAAS NAY
«, We, Greenville 8.52 a. m. a on Sen aET
ali ab da: Oe: 1 lileg Wo'don ae a \ i are dat Oe ie
4 dail 1X ~ent Simuday, 4uin er WGA reenyile Wit ° (Gaunt
| FNC. 7 W. R. PARKER as Menager. Orders Anything frow & "
ATaIng Ou Wostuipion Deanch deny : Ren CRORE ET Eames a tfor Lumber, Rough or Dressed can be
| Yashington 5.20 a, Mhyeend Lio p.m W. M Bone - Tk : left with him,
{ ~ 2M. ona. vw. Lis Fler Ing. + .
wrives Parprelc Qatha. in, aud 440 p " . HINES BROS. 1.U\ BER CO. ree wine laa
i m., Tarboro 9.45 a. m., ristaar dibs ave ON? & PLUSMING, Atustoa, N, Ww isi a ae) S Card
Tarioro 3.30 p. m., | Pariuele {0.08 a, i, foes
| Tate oe ee Muablnwton ATORNEYA-AT-LAW,
AL IDL. aid 7.20 I? i, ally ex Yoangillo «C ny i 8) yee
spt sunday. Conneets «ith trains on Greenville, N.C. PA A
, Scott nd Neck Uraneh Practice in all the courts. :

Trainipapin intioies 4 oh ato INSTITUT etic eis Eu) ShReet Poser

marle & Raloigh is. a. daily cxeuptour oe rede
: 50, m.. Sat 2-08 , Raleigh, N.C.
day, wt 5 50 Pe M., Stay 4 OB - aeign, N.C

: excell buildings and beautiful bd

Plymonth 7.4) POY. 6.08, x, t% ¥ : Excelisut g |

ahd PI bch hick i) eG pom ELON COLLEGE. grounds in a Healthful Loeatiox with 1e i Al a CC CY
Reuiroiny c2aves Piece iivdad ie ex oep ty! lonttel ald Stare

: o

; 9V ' oar NORTH CARULINA. splendid climate. Stands at the very
| shen Le e rv ae oS a th e front 1 Female Education, ~Thorough
a tr atin oh i dient N (, braach Te Situat'd on Southern Railway. in a4 its eee ea errors.

, fy Pielmont section; verv best water; usurpassedin [fs INT JECT is
rold*boroe daily, deosgn Sundry, 6.05 a yeh vee le! ie Leona ir ot Chris-| AND eo AL INFLUENCES. Gives the home news
am. arfiving Sielthdeld 7°30 4. ma. Re-| cian vhoreh, non-sectarian in spirit and| ~Twenty-one officers and teachers

turning eaves Sui ithtield 8 00 4-10.» UF | reaching, highest moral tone, elezaut! Very etionable pric-s. Send for cat every afternoon at the
rivas xt Goldsivors 9.30 a mn, building, halls laboratories, ece,, frenl-| flog i: 0 JAS. DINWIDDIE, M. A | ren. ~
Tralus on Latta braueh, Florence k ty of spesialist., co-edneational, eurri- es pee SEL small price of 25 cents a

&., eave Laity 6.40 p my airive Dunbar | culuns equaT of best male college. three

50) pm, Clio 4.03 poo. Keturctuy [degree com'ses, mos: liberal terms, best TP RINITY COLLEGE. month. Are You a sub-.

leave Cliot6.10 ain, Dunbar 6.30 a ma, 4 dvantages. catalogue on application.

arrive Latta 7 Oa ni, daily excent Sur ] J: ~), AT KIN SON, Conair man, ~ "1 \Y ; t

i day i fetuses Blon Cotiege, N.C. Next Session Opens September & SCI ther t [i no! YOu
: mn wii ~3 %

Drain ouCliuton tivauch leaves Wat - ~:uree full courses of study, Large ought {oO be.

caw for Clinton cally, except Suuday,
(0 00a, m.and 8.50 p, m* Returniry
waves Cinton af7.00a. m. and3.ai ym,

Train No, 78 uiakes close cenvection
t Weldon for all points daily, ailrail via
niehmone, alse ab Roky Mount with
Norfolk und Uarolinaii for Norolk
ne all points Nort! via Norlolk,


i General supe.
4 i EMiRSL ~ii.dra%e Manager,
j 1 R.KENELY. Geo Wempgur,

number of electives. ~I'wo full chairs in
English. Women admitted to all classes
One Hundred and one Thousand Dollars
added to the endowment during the
presens year, Only male literary college
in North Carolina that is located in a

The best business course offered in
the state. Send for album and entalogue.

Addre-s JNO. C0, KILGO

Durham, N.C. os The Eastern Reflector. F



$ att 14a iid | Ig only $I a year, lt

m: : contains the news every
aby Vig } ohee o}

: om HOUSE Or te hea week, and gives informa-

ola Careiga. tion ~to. the bein ial es-


oTn HT |

ac: vubli elt ath
gol Spouting and Stove Work,
a specialty. |
a Satisfaction ganehinedy or Oe
B ho charges made. Tobaceo. 3 ij
Flues made in season, Shap, §
fe ea venue,

Pl sie a

as pecially those » growing
the Uni Live-Dollar Dailv i fobaceo, that rg worth

irs Class in the State : many times. m FAA? Coe
W,H. eeRNARP | thei subscription. p rig ae





cS friends and the
public generally, espe-
-Cially the ladies, a cor-
dial invitation to visif
our store and examine

New Stock

The as-
sortment of Fine Wool-
@nincludes a tull line
of staple and oup-to-
date� Novelties such as

in theT town.

° uen q
. Silk and Wool Otto-
: mans, fatin De Chine,
Silk LleanoT Henriettas
and Plain Silks and
Satins and many other
new and stylish fabrics


The line of


are beautiful andup to
date. Every piece be-
ing selected with the
greatest care.

The line of


arenew and stylish and
| gtylish and especialiy
_ @esirable for Fall and
_. Winter wear.

ett a ra

Accept our invition,
fake usa visit. It will
ve leasure to

iow ~you ugh.


e extend to our

rand sorved in short

| splendid he of Hats fer Misses and


I ietneeeentemenneell *



eT @


Rain tonigbt,followed by fair Friday


You.See Your Face and Forget it,
but Your Name Can be Pasted
' Ce


Miss Olive Daniel is visiting in the

5s ESE LST IR a ae aa


None are Attached ~to Reading

We got some rain last night.

dggs and chickens at 5. M. Schultz.

Thes2 nights are suggestive ot blan-

Summer can take « long vaeation

Services in the Baptist church to-
n git.

\ * ( T |

Chewing Gum ve a package. Racket
take e

The street spon ster could

rest today.

A cheap line of giasswae at the

1 _
packet tore,

Tie latest in plaid Belts and Ties ai

{Mrs. M. D. HiggsT.
For nice fresh eysters, ia any style,

call on Oid Joe Forbes.

The need ct a Chamber of Com.-.

any fess yet.
* av

meres has not grows

M } ~el t ee Ga,
in today. Fresh IN. %. tate

ter nad Cheece et &. MM,

i! 3 ¥

There has rot been muek water ib

eur equingetial weather $9 jar,

Fresh oysters received cvery mght
W.C. Hings.
Babies Cloiks, bot: long aud short,

at Mrs. M. 7. HigesT.
Riverside Nurseries has commenced
shipping James grapes, Lut only have

a small crop.

Dute |

j country.

S. H. Abbott, of Kinston, spent tos
day ere.

Dan Quinerly came over from Kin-
s'on this morning,

H. B. Hardy left on the south bound
train Monday evening.

| E, L. MeGowen returned frem
Goldsboro Wednesday evening.

Mis. W, P. White and children, cf
Hobgood, arrived Wednesday evening
to visit the family of her brother, Kt. L.

mee Pee

Fothe Monument Committee.

I have been informed by Mr. Joseph
G. Moye, the Treasurer of the Conted-
erate Monumental ~Association, that
seseral ladies have written to him for

blanks for svbscirpt'on to the fund. I!

| will state lor the beneit! of all
finay keep a lise of the subserivers and

aat they

| ee
the amounts they pay and hand it in ts

j re i ; itt 7 ; ee
j bdr. Moye, w ho wili take great plees~

vrein giving the proper: credit. We

hops every lady on the commiitee will

eg at once to Work [0 secure at least

ten dollars Gach, oF as Muni More 4uB

hon cialis a

t Break? :
Weatherwise folks are baffled The barometer
gives no encouragement. When will it

turncold? We re waiting and

prepared. Thecompletest
and finest stock of

vnNe Al In (



for men, women and children ever shown be-
neath a southern roof. Anything, everything,
andat pricesthat surprise ail. Thevalues here


are larger than we've displayed during any pre-

ceding season.

a Ree PEE
Ute. i. hy Oe Fag) dees eee
a BR BS Ya fg eee SE te Oa

nossiide, as we wish te get the tuad

lraised by Jacuary Ist. Then che

}once locking to the aying of the cor

ner stoje of che monninent which we

hope will be on the 10th of nexé Alay.
| It is therefore important to burry ~up|
the coliection of subseription during the
falland winter. We hope every tru
patriotic man and woinan in Pitt coun-
ry will aid in every possible way to
raise this fund, It they will i; ean be
done very easily. B.K. Sawa,



In the seven yellow fever epidemics |

Te a ~~ |
that swept New Orleans between 1847 |
and 187 there were 27,247 deaths.

Brocace Sitk Dress Paterns,
Db) 7 . } * +t .
Roman stripe and Plaid Siks tor waisis

Mrs. J. &. Tunst ii & Co.


There will be a special meeting of
Hope Fire Company next Moncay


Ail members should be pres~

Brick are being hauled to the Ber-
nard corner in readiress for beilding
and grourd is being brokenT for foanda-}


We call special attention to our

Mrs. J». Dunstatt & Co.

Roman Silks and faney Braids, and
Uber novelties in dress trimmings at |
Mars. M, D, HigesT.

My falls ock of Millmery and nov--
eltics is the prettiest and most styhsh
Tever hed. Prices very low.

Mrs. M. D. HicesT
oUhereTs where extremes meet� a
man remarked as he saw Capt. Swilt
Galloway and wir, J. M. Blow shak-
ing hends.

Tothe Ladies
Tf you have lace curtains that need
laundering send them to me, Price
Goods sent off every
and returned

50 cents a pair.
Wednesday morning,
Saturday evening.

Agt. Wilmington Steam Laundry,

More Cisterns and Hose.

The Town Council held a special
meeting, Mondav night, and accepted
the steam fireengine recently shipped
here, The Council also decided to
spend $1,000 in building more cisterns
and purchasing additional hose for the

Busy at Train Time.
Agent J. R. Moore says he will ap-
preciate it if people will not call for the
depot phone within fifteen minutes of
train time, Just then his entire force

i (I TUZo friends,

\answer the,phone. He does not wish

is very busy and. no one has time to

to seem discourteous in not answering
a.call, but while the last work for the
train is being made up it is often im-


-betere the war represented

building committee WiLL fake secps ab)

ere me

JF. Dobson has been appointed

postmaster at Goldsboro.

Dr. Geo W

merly State auditor

Rev Sanderlin,, fore}

and during the
last Clevelung administration an audi-
tor in the treraury department at
Washington, is in-an asylum in Baulti- |

more, having suffered a nervous pros"

this atate
in the United States senate, was Setar -
day eavried to the hospatal at Morgan-
affected. for

ten. His mind bas been

some time, but bis health and aype-|


tite sre good, and he taiks nearly ail

the tame avout sOimethimy to cat.

A correspondents uf the S.atesvilie

Landmark writes that Mr. Asa doner,
of Ashe county, haga peach orchard
The tree® are


are loaded with peaches this year. Mr.

that 1s something new.
svafts on wild degvood stacks.

Jones suys thet they hardly ever tail
to bear fruit and that the life of the
tree is several years Jonger than the |

; 4
ordinar 7 tree.

eee ae are


That is the way all druggists sell
iV for Chlils, Fever and all forms of
Malaria. Isis simply Lron and Quinine
inatasteless form. Children love it
Adults prefer it to bitter, nawseating
Tonies. Price, 60c.

Valuable. Property far Sale


qualified as Receiver of the Green-
ville Lum der Company, for the purpose
of settling the affairs of said Company,
1 herebv offer for sale the real estate in
and adjoining the town of Greenville
belonging to said Company. This ag 2
erty will be sold on reasonable terms in
lots to suit purchasers.

For further information see or ad-


Receiver Kinsion, N. C,.



Pure, sweet mi.k delivered at your
door, morning and evening, at 80 cents

per galon. With ten years experience

General Thomas L. Chagman, who





oe CHA.

We Met with Such Success

last season in handling this noted Heater and
have received so much _ encouragement
this season that we bought. heavy and are
ing to make the prices accordingly. We will
have all sizes on hand all the time and we can
uit you. We have secured the services of Mr.
Walter I. Pender, an experienced Stove Man,
who will put them up and see that they give
satisfaction before leaving. PS i

¥ + : '
ety : q : ; ~i \ Lyi eed
woe] i an 4 eyita ite

in the dairy business ia Gieenville we

possible to do so,

deem it unnecessary to sey more.


Daily Reflector, September 23, 1897
The newspaper was established in 1882, and was originally named the Eastern Reflector. It was founded by Julian Whichard and David Jordan with equipment they purchased from The Greenville Express. On December 10, 1894, it adopted the name The Reflector and began publishing every day. Cox Newspapers acquired The Daily Reflector in 1996. Creator: Daily Reflector (Greenville, N.C.) - September 23, 1897
September 23, 1897
Local Identifier
NC Microforms
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