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ECT ry
0. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
TERMS: 95 Cents a Month
Vol. 6.
No. 852
pein nienen eter te
Wile Ei
We have the largest
and most compiete
s ock of Fall
and Win-
TRY 0005,
a� . C/ Cue) Pod, y)
ever brought to
We bought a_ large
stock aud there-
tore can sell
~~ S
If you want gooo and
stylish goods come and
see us. It is no trou-
ble to show goods and
we take pleasure in so
oa wy # Eee
Made by the Orange, Va., Ob-
Live people cfien get mad, bat dy-
ers get madder.
Why wouldnTt the gossipper make a
good teller in the bank ?
Water is musical, we presume, when
the fountains play.
Itis singular that a man will bolt
a ticket that lie cannot swailow.
lhe man who marries tor beauty
takes his wife at her face valae.
There is a great deal cf sole stirring
}inusic In a paw of squeaky shoes.
Some people would rather prey ou
on their
their neighbors then to prey
|own knees,
how to rake things in"that 1s if heTs
~drilled at all.
Some men will work harder and
longer to plug up the hole in anickel
than to earn a dollar.
The man who paves his own way to
tame has frequently to walk overa
rough and rugged read.
A oduck ota girlT must be very
closely watched, or ten to one she'll
y ,
go off and marry some quack.
In this selfish and sordid age virtue
laud merit are like deadhead passengers,
they go for nothing.
Now cemeth the season for repro-
ducing the worn out at the e'bow stove
pipe joke. Put it up brethren,
All men are cveatec @ yual, but it bas |
ben noticee that some can carry much
more liquor than other: without shsw"
ing It
was destroved by |
{t cost $5,000 |
and was insured tor $3,000,
The A. & M.
opened with 200 pupils.
aker, near Raleigh, w
fire Thurstey night.
at Raleigh
The toral valuation of the prcperty
in the State with the exception ot Wa-
railway and steamboat property is te-
ported by the board of equalization to
be $232,996,243, against $23,861,531
last year, an increas3 of over $2,090,
Two PrinterTs Ink Points.
Economy in adverterising"as in
eatin"~doesnTt consist in seeing how
little o£ it one can do and live.
The aim of all good advertising is
not to pulT Cowa somebody elseTs bus"
fess, bus to build up oneTs own,
~The tarmer certainly ougit to know |
The house of ex"Judge Spier W bit- | |
itruga county, inclusive of telegraph, |
Games Played and Standing of
srooklyn, Sept. 10"Brookl yn, 11;
Cincinnati, 4. 4
Boston, Sept. 10"oston, 10; St.
Louis, ~),
6; Chicago, 8.
Washingion, Sept. 1U"Cleveland,4;
Washington, 9,
New York, Sept. 10"Pittsburg, 25
New York, 2. Game called end of th
inning on account ot darkness,
9_. Louisville, 0;
Game forfeited to Bal-
Baltimore, Sept.
= - eee
| timore at ead ot 7th inning
decision of
" com
] y T * ry i
| Where You Can Worship Tomor-
Methodist church"-Sunday-school at
9:30 A. M. Preaching at 11 A. M.
and 8 P. M. by Rev. N. M. Watson.
9:30 A. M. Preaching at 11 A. M.
| Presbyterian chureh"Sunday school
and 8 P. M. by Rev. J. J. Harper.
Episcopal church."Sunday-schooi
iat 9:30 A. M. Lay services at bl A.
M. by Maj. H. Harding.
Baptist charch"Sunday School at
9:30 A. M. Preaching at 11 A.
and 8 P. M. by Rev. A. W. Sstzer.
oBurden Bearing.�
oWhat it Costs NOT
Mor.ing subject:
| Evening subjsect :
' to be a Christian.�
South Greenville Suuday-sch ool at
5 P.M. D. D. Haskett, Superint endent.
A Greenville Boy First.
In the appointment of new officers at
| the Bingham School, Asheville, Char-
~tie Latham, of Greenville, a son ot the
late Hon. L. ©. Latham, was appointed
first Sergeant, this being the highest
appointment among the new officers.
Charlie 1s well deserving of this honor
and his home people warmly congratu-
late him.
Dry Goods-:- and -:- Notions,
Boots, Shoes,
SBE i=
If you want to save money trade with us.
Agent for,George A. ClarkTs Spool C otton
Lime and Builders Material a Specialty.
i i j
ne Ci Laser cee MGS bel ote LG SR AN a
oat aA Nae ier Per Rs ah BIN Ate isl
| refusing to abide by the
the Umpire.
| Won Lost Per Cen
Baltimore 79-33 700
Boston 81 3a 698
New York 7D = AV 652
Cincinnati 65 47 o80
Cleveland aT 08 496
Washingtoa a2... 61 460
Chicago a2. 64 448
Philadelphia ol tH) 440
Brooklyn ol ba 440
Pittsburg 49 60 430
Louisville 49 68 419
st: Louis 28 88 241
Hats, Caps,|se
to. oNOS ITAA. SEN VY ast
oe ES
I have A special
i i i ee a
Mv line of clothing
is much more complete
I have more patterns;
and more bolt goods;:.
than ever betdre. In}
the latest colors bothj@u [can suit you in
plain and fancy. Trim-jc!av worsted, cheviots,
mings to match in and {auev plaids from.
braids, sets velvets./s3 00 to 15.00. Spec-
silks, and Jet. Hal ordcrs. taken.
Nn Ne Na a aN is
RAPP eee ete he!
lee ee ee ey
fw a att NaN Ne Meee a ie Me aS Ne Nh lh Na a gl lel le Ne,
Prices from .75 to
¢4. Hamilton Browns:
$950 ladies shoes:
arenteed. Mens $3.
Shoes guaranteed. A
» have hats trom .50-
1 $3.00 felt. ana
stiff, any style, crush,
a ee le
alpine, stiff, and broad
special line of babyjbrim. A big line of
shoes. jcapsa d Lamoshanter-
Give us a call and we will do our best to
satisfy you.
+, | * =
mae =a - :
A : *
eed. |
# D.J. ~WHICHARD. Editor.
aeneet ?
T ae ey mm eewigueminnc lag eet emtite
GearedT as second-elass wail tmatter.
One yeur. se - . . $3.00
(ine month, - «= - +
"Qne week. eo a
Delivered in town by carriers withou
o Advertisng rates are libera] and can be
had on application to the editor or at
| the office.
eine Se ements
~We desire a ilve corresponuent at
avery postoffice inthe county, who will
gend in brief items of News as it Occurs
«fm each neighborhood, Write plainly
and only on one side of the paper.
pe eee enna
pacing anrsnatenens bes
(From our Regular Correspondent.)
Wasuineton, D. C, Sept 10, 1897
Firealarm Foraker and Jebo
~Sherman conferring toyether
reminds one of the saying «lont
politics making stranz+ bediel-
lows. Althou:h thee two meno
have not always bee. clore
friends, they are now in the sa~ae
poat"bot!; are-compelleda ty cir:
cumstances to seem to dvsire the
election of Boss Hanna to the
- Senate avd to seem toT be work-
_ing toward that resuit, wheo
neither of them. waut Hanva in
the Senate. Boss Hanva would
doubtiess haye been editied, if
not pleased, if he could have
heard the conversation of Fora-
ker and Sherman at the lovg
conference, in the Secretary s
office at the State Dovattment.
Consul General Fizuagh Lee
is in Washington, but state D°-
partment officials declare that his
visit has no official si; nificancT,
and that he will return to Cula
aboni the first of October. That
is more, however, than Gen. Lee
has said.
Senator Gorman was at tbe
~~Preasury Department this week
and called upon Secretary Gage
for the firsttime. ~The newspaper
men who tried to interview Mr.
Gorman on politics met with the
usual result"he interviewed them
and found out what they kvew,
but didaTt tell them what he knew.
Whether Senator Gorman intends
to retire from public life at the
expiration of his present term is
a question that is still being dis~
cussed both by his friends and
his enemies, but whatever may
be his intentions about retiring,
there is no doubt about his ir-
tentions to regain Maryland for
the Democratic party, nor of his
confidence in his ability to ac-
complish that result. His expan-
sive smile when eiisting Re-
publican dissensions ix the State
are mentioned shows his satistac-
tion with the situation.
Rev. Sam Small left Washing-
ton this week for Kentucky and
Ohio. He will take an active part
in the campaign in both States,
making Democratic speeches.
He has few equals as an effective
stump orator. He recently had
a conference with Mr. Bryan, and
he will probably tell the Ken-
tucky and Ohio voters some of
the things they talked about.
Officials of the Marine Hospital
Service have taken stens which
they believe will preyent the
spread of yellow iever, which is
now at Ocean Springs, Miss.,
and a statement has been issued
_ Classing the yellow fever at that
_ place as a mild fourm of the dis-
ease, which is prcyen by the
small mortality so far"less than
two per cent"and by the fact
mauy of those attacked have
been slightly inconveni-
jcente, Sold and guaranteed to cura
While it is greatly known in
Weshington that Pension Com-
miesiouer Hvans has had several
wrangles with the Civil Service
Commission, because of his vio-
lations ct the civil service law
jand rujes, and that Secretary
Bliss bas made him feel bis
authority ina more. or less ha-
miliating Way, upon several oc-
casions, the rumor that. be has
become sufficiently . disgruntled
to contemplate resigning finds
few believers. Mr. Evans says
he doesanTt intend to resign, but
they always talk thet way. Of
the nineteen divisions in the
Pension Bureau there is only
one that has the same chief it
had when Mr. Evans took charge
of the office; the other eighteen
Senatcr Bacon. of Georgia, was
in Washington this week. He
thus sized ap the condition of the
| ocople of his State and section:
oTt you put @ man in a wilderness
be will ultimately get out of it
some of the comforts of life, and
so did our people, They ére now
waking a little;money ; not much,
but they are growing stronger
and steadily improving. Not a
bit of itis due to tariff legislation.
Things had to get better, for
nothing could get worse with
them. They had no credit and
were compelled to raise what
they consumed. Oat ofthis ad-
versity they are emerging and
will in due time become tha peo-
vie they were before they sark
al.cost into the depths of despair.
There has bevn some talkin the
North about the increase in the
price of cotton, There is no in-
crease thas we know of. Cottoa
stil remains at the same low fig-
ures. Ifthe increase in the price
of our crops would correspond
with the increase in the price of
wheat, the cutton growers of the
South would be delighted, but
there is as yet no indication that
there will be any great rise in the
staple which the Southern coun-
try produces.�
DonTt Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your
Lite Away.
+ et
If you want to quit tobacco using
easily and torever, be made well
strong, magnetic. full of new life and
| vigor, take No"To-Bac, the wonder-
worker that makes weak men strong.
Many gain ten pounds in ten days
Over 400,000 cureT. Buy No-To-Ba
rom your own druggist, who will
guaranteea cure. isookiet and sample
mailed free, Ad. Sterling Remedy Co
Chicago or New York.
The Verb ~To Jew.�
The earliest editions of Web-
sterTs Diciorary containel a
verb ~to jew,� and defined it oto
cheat,� oto play with,� etc. At
the request of a number of influ-
ential Israelites the word was
eliminated from the book. As @
matter of fact, however, the word
has no connection with or refer-
ence to the followers of the Mo
saic faith. It was derived from
the French ojeu� and ojouir,�
which means oto play with,� ~to
cheat� etc., but its orthography
had become corrupted to ojew.�
It did not appear in subsequent
Standard. ,
iceaatmeatnenemmmemnnne cond
Everybody Says 8o.
Cascarets Candy Cathartic, the
most wonderful medival discovery of
the age, pleasant and refreshing to the
iaste, act gently and potitively on
kidueys, hier and bowels, cleansing
the entire system, dispel colds, cure
headache, fever, habitual constipat on
pod biliousness. . Please buy atd try a
box cf C. GC. C, today, 19, 25,- 50
have either been raduced or re-|
editions of the work"Hebrew
The Rockridge County News, a
very sensible newspaper, prints
the following editonal: oEvery
farmer who has labored in his
fisids and has harvested good
crops has goue far to help along
the cause of porsperity, which
every one desires, and the in-
dustrious and prudeut deserve.
But when he has sold his crops
he has only partly done his share
toward helping those conditions
if he holds his money, provided at
the same time he owes any debts.
The usefal collar is the doliar
that circulaies. Those who wish
good bnianess conditions should
keep on the move whatever mon~T
ey reaches their hands. If more
people kept this in mind and se
goon as they receive a do'lar paid
up theirsmall debts, or big debts,
if they could, that money would
in all likelihood be quickly spent
by the man who receiyed if, and
thus help to keep the wheels of
trade moving and business lively.
The man who promptly pays his
bilis is putting money into circula-
tion that willindirectly he:p the
neighbor that owes him to pay the
bill to him. The full handed man
who has no debis and no pressing
demands for expenditures can best
help business by putting his mon-
ey. in bank. There it is safer than
anywhere else, aud the bank,
which, in taking care of it, 1s do-
ing bim a service, will add his
morey to its loanable funds and
be in a better condition to lend to
reliable business mep, who will
use it in busivess for the benefit
of others as well as themselves.�
eee nf
Three Drowned.
Word was brought yesterday
by the steamer Now Berne, of a
very distressing Crowning, three
liyes being last.
Lieut. Griffin, a well known
lawyer and member of Naval Re-
seryes, of Elizabeth City, whcse
family were visiting at NagTs
Head; intending to visit them,
and missing the regular sharpie
which runs doetween Fi lizabeth
September 3rd, anxious to reach
his family, started off in a canoe,
accompanied by a young man
named Wiodom, ard a colored
The party befoie getting across
the sound ercountered a storm,
and their boat was capsized. It
seems that the party were able to
got un top of their capsized boat,
as they were seen by some per
as an excuse for not rescuing the
the storm.
From the overturned boat the
an evidence of the struggle made,
the shoes of Mr- Gniffia were,
after the recovery of his body,
found to be worn clear through,
the boat.
The bodies were discovered at
the mouth of Alligator river by
persons living there, and the faces
being badly mutilated, they
could not be identitied, so were
buried on the shore where they
were found.
~The steamer Neuse went down
Tuesday, and brought the bodies
back to Elabsth City, where
they were buried. | 3
Mr. Griffin is reported to have
left a wife and seven children.
The accident causes profound
sortow in Elizabeth Oity, where
oeh patties liyed."Newbern Jour-
pal. |
ag Nea
bowels. Never sickén, weaken or|
gripe. 10¢.
Cit? and NagTs Head, on Friday, | {re
sons in a passing boat, who give;
imperilled men, the severity of| '
caused by his efforts to keep on!
_ Cascarets stimulate liver, kidney and| the.
sold fora
R. A. TYSON, Vic-ePres.
R. L. DAVIS, PresTt.
oJ L. LITTLE, CashTer
JUNE 15th,*1896.
The Bank.of Geee ville.
At,the Close cf Business July 23rd, 1897.
Joans and Discounts $50,273.62 ¢ Capital stock paid in $23,000.00
Over Drafts 1,580,183 Surptus and Profits | 503.19 -
Premium on Stock 1,000.00 Deposits subject to Check 48,289.50:
Due from Banks 2.630.553 Due to Banks 795.23
Furniture and Fixtures 1,505.00; Cashiers Checks ortstanding " " 153.12
Cash Items 1,278.15 ? Time Certificates of: Deposit , 55.00
Cash in Vault 14,528.54 "_"""
. watiichaaes Total $72,796.04
Total $72,796.04
We study carefully the separate needs of our patrons, aud shall be glad to have
your account, promising every accummodation consistent with good banking.
Wehavealarge . |
just arrived. Comeand
| fC & SI
ee te en
Jute iy as lus of cascarets, the
finest liver god baw) 1egu ator ever
qualitied as Receiver of the Green-
ville Lumder Cempany, for the purpose
of settling the affairs of said Company,
[ herebv offer for sale the real estate in
and adjoining the town of Greenville
belonging to said Company. This prop-
erty will be sold on reasonable terms in
lots to suit purchasers.
For further information see or [ad-
Receiver Kinsion, N. C.
three were finally swept, and as| V.
ing their yearTs supplies will tind
their interest to get our prices befere pui
u allits branchea.
Valuable Property for wale,
chasing elsewhere. Ourstock isco:apleta
We have ,wit received a new
hearse and the nicest line of Cof"
tins and Caskets, in weed, metal-
lic and cloth ever brought to
We ate prepared io {0 embalm-
ing in all its formu.
Personal atiention given to co
ducting funerals and bodies en,
truated to our care will receiy
every mark of respect.
Our prices are tower than ever.
Ve do not want menupoly but.
«avite Competition.
We can be found at any and all
times in the Juhu Flanagan
Buggy CoTs building.
W. M. Bond,
J. L, Fleming,.
| Greenville, N. C.
Practice in all the courts.
"_" eran nnn teh ee
Can be found below Five Points.
next door to Reflector office,
Patronage solicited. Cleaning, Dyeing
jand Pressiag Gents Clothes a specialty
Special attention given to cleaninés
Male Academy,
The next session of, the school owil
open onT
MONDAY SEPT. 6, 1897
and continue for 10 months.
The terms are as follows.
Primary English per mo. 82 00
Intermediate ~* ~* * $2 50
Higher i 83 00
Languages (each) ~$= ** $1 00
The work and diselpline of the schoo}
will be as heretofore.
We ask a continuance of you past
liberal patronage.
~Tcbacco, Snuff &c,
we buy diroc) from: Varwactun. en
ling you to
cle stock of
uvajson han and oldat pret
buy at ore profit, A eoul-
ri : : ee lice onl
a | : i n lL SS CUR. his
2 _ For an) i "
having no ish fos
lose | o be '@
Svea vlle No
eT a
* s a bi 5 *) i é
i oe se : i : @
Brett sag ; : ¢ is (
: ~ Atlantic Coast Line. One Effect of Adyedtisick. DIRE CT ORY. ) -
The business man who adver-
pected ha WaiteT tises, in his search for favcrable| ~ CH RC ree ; ,
NORTHBOUND. points in-his basiness to announce
Z* : *s into the habit of iucreas :
DAILY No 48"Passenger"Due Meg- | 9008 8°°8 In | ae ee :
9.35 a.m. nolia 10.59 am. Warsaw 11.10| ing the number of these favorable| BAPTIST"Services every Sr one
a m, Goldsboro 11.58 am, Wil H moring and evening. Prayer meet ng)
son 12.43 p m. Rocky ~ ount points. He becomes mor ¢Cour-/ Thursday evening. Rev A. W. setzer,
1.20 p m, Tarboro 2.58 p m,|teous and accommodating ~o his agai Buaday on Se A. M.
; ~sbur - : ae ntree : ont,
Weldon 3,3) p m, Petersburg| gastomers. He Jearna to give iid nig ord |
5.F4 pin, Xichmond 6.50 pm, : : 7 ae ae
nate de Se. Washing. them jast as mach for jas*as little CATHOLIC"No regu.ar services.
ton 11.10 pn, Raltimore 12 53| money as hea can. He gets in'O | EPISCOPAL"Services fourth Sur-
am, Philadelpnia 3-45 a m,|the habit of studving his custom- day, morning. and evening. Lay ser-
New York 6.53 am, Boston] o-g? interests as well a- hia awn. | Vices second Sunday morning. Rev. A.
OS Oi)? @-O@ eo
ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED te.care any case or constipation. Casearets aro the Ideal Laxn
tive, never grip or gripe. but cause easy natural res
ple and booklet free. Ad. STERLING REMEDY CO., Chicago, Montreal, Canes orNew York... 917
: 00 p mn. He unco 4 Greaves, Rector. Sunday schooT 9 30 ee gay
nsciously vets into tho . i OK AOA Ae oy if A
DAILY No 40"T'as-enger-"Due MOG | wae of anie » this in tha little A.M. W. 38. Brown, {Superinter.dant Futocle ala dlacloslaclecbolalababobabalohelsab: \s 2 a $5 .
Pag Sg oGold 66 M010 9-10 things as well aa in the big. | METHODIST"Serv'ces evere Sun-| JR mo Tting st 3. "j mel © wt =
Pm, Goldsooro 20.10 p mM, This -the self educating effects "| day. morning and evening. Prayer . S Sa! i Oey Bo = WL, oo 2
Wilson 11.06 p m. Tarboro] - . es x ee | meeting Weduesday eveving, Rev. ° O3.2 CaERS i : ee
6.45 am. Rocky Mount 1157|18 One reason why. a~lyertisin g N. M. Watson, Pastor. Sunday school Ee a7 = c ty © 5% by " i rie &.
| pm, Weldon 1.44a m, Nor"! pays. 9:30 A. M.A. B. Ellington, Superin- a oa = Ce ge a. == by : 2S
: folk 1.0 a m, Petersburg " _ -endent 3 BEBS po Z co " com
i 3 24am, Richmond 4.26 a m, , . x a Se te 2 3s Oa oe de
Washington 7.41am, Balti,| The White Men Must Unite in | prespyTERLIAN"Seivices third Ts Fao Se, Ben QE -
more 95 4 m, Philadeipnia North Carolina. Sunday, morning and evenirg. Rev. Fe ze Si & na Pale & bo 4 = BS
11.:5 am, New York 2,02 p J. B. Morton lastor. Sunday school Sy ~es SE = = - 3.3. pare bel os i.
m, Boston §$.30 p m. ; . 9:30-A. M. E. B Ficklen Superinten- sg gen ES Bers Q ea,
SOUTHBOUND, A few days a70 in convarsation | gent . @5 el omy oe b = ~So
DAILY No 55"Passengor Due Like| with W. 1). Pruden, Esq. of GE nee wo Re =o Ve m 8
40 p m. Waccamaw 4.55 p m, Chad | Edenton. he recalled an ined ont LODGES. Ds = & ae eee "_ 2s
pont 5.40pm Marion 643 p|.in the famous political pe of a eee opt FF = =
m, Florence 7.25 p m, Sum-| 1376 jn Edenton, in which Vauce 7 re : 2 i
: a x Us ~ yO) J
re: 8.42 pm, Columbia 10.05 | -oduemed the State from the Re- A. F. & A. Greenville Lodge No. AA ; | 5 7
m, Denmark 6,20 a: . ; ~ ;
to 8.20 beg tate are publican valtures An impndent | 284 meets first and third Monday even-
: ~
Atlanta 12.15 p m, Charies-| begro, a osmart Alec.� 1uterrapt- jing. J. M. Reuss W. M, L. IL. Moore, :
ton 10 20m. Savannah 2.4)| dq Vance when bg was speaking. Sec, ? y) ,
a Mi. Jacksonville 8.20 4 �"�,; He turned te the negro and sait:| 1.0.0. F."Covenen: Lodge No. 17 . S Hy EB il HA I : pr h) )
St. 4 ugustine 10.30 am,.Tam V. . . I
oTam not addressi:g you. JI sm! Weetsevery Tuesday evening. J, 1
a 6.40) . eo Ae ~ . Ny
AGhIV TA aan WILMINGTON speaking to the white mcn who Johnson N.G. L. H. Pender, Sec.
FROM DHE NORTA - have the fate cf North Caroliuva K. ol P." Tar River Lodge No, 93,
4 in their b 3 pare in ths ats every-Friday evening. H.
DAILY No. 49."Passenger"Boston in their kauds. They are meets every y g
: : jori an coutrot you.T| Whedbee, C, C. A. B. Ellington K. of
9.49 P M. 1.03 tm. New York 9,00 pm,|@8Jotity sud ¢an cyntrof you R. phe 8
Philadelphia 12.05 am, Belti.| Pbe times then and now are sim-
more 6,50 am, Washington |ilar."Hlizabeth City Beouomist.| RR. a.":eb vance Conucil No. 1696
4.30 am, Richmond 9.05 am, meets every Thursday evening. W. Bb. bara ahaa What Is It ? el
lTetersburg 10.00 am, Nor- Wilson, R, M.R. Lang, Sec. \y)
Weldou 11.50 am, ~larboro
c f h t 2S " : S s
12.12 m, Becky Mount 12.45| | H¢ Moral of the Outrages K.of H."Ineurance Lodge No. 1169 It is a picture ot tae celebrated �"� "
pm, Wison 2-1z pm, Golds- cmnaaed uests every Friday evening.
nore ott pm, Warsaw 4.02,| Tt is fully apoarent that the |¥!nagan, D. Henry Sheppard, R. i a os
gat owe ARNO eke pm, epidemic of negro outrages has! 4 J, of H. Pitt Councit 236 meets :
DAILY No. 41,"Passenger"Leave deeply stirrea the race instinct |every Thursday night. J. B. Cherry
9.30 A.M, Boston 12,00 night, New . the | Cy W. B. Wilson. See.
York 9.30 am, Phitadelphia j Of the whites throughout
~ q tang A an Lae) 4 a
Ri ae TTS, ce ei) Bo ae
+2 OF pen; Balt tnoore 2.26 nen, tk Poli ehitee iw tak iBest in use The outfit of no business man is
ashington 646 pm, Rich- # moral o 8 W"'l15es Is :
mond 7,30 pin, Petersburg tnev. must Gombine to keep the complete without one.
$12 pm, Norfolk 2.20 pms! negro party out of power here- COLLEGES.
Weldon 943 pm, Tarboro
6.01 pm. Reeky Mout 5.45 | #Eter 5 and for the negroes, that The Reflector Book Store
am. Leave Wilson 6.20 am.|their leaders must take efficient | ~~-~ PRADA RAPALA
Goldsboro 7-01 am, Warsawjs:eps to control their humbler ! °
7.53 am Megnolia 8.05 am, followers, or be prepare | to see a has a nice assortment ot these obese Pens
DAILy No. 61"Passenger"-Leave |the ecuntry uite in restricting Pe AGE also a beautiful line of Pearl Handle Gold Pens, |
Sunday ville 10g) gay My Jackson- |the suffrage."Fayottéville Ob- You will be astonished when you see them ana
2.40 P.M. arrives at Walnut street, | 8�,�rver- IN STITUT A EGiald LaJies| AYN OW very chean they are.
FROM THE ITH. aealianenate") aleigh, N. C. ~
DAILY No. ope as A YearTs Pension Busines. Excellaut buildings and beautiful
12,15 P. M. Tampa 8,00 am. Sonford 1.60 sieve grounds in a Healthful Location with
aplendid climate. Stands at the very} YOU may never,
pm, Jacksonville 6 35 pm Washington, Sept 9 "The an- + Kem: . Thar
3 pt da ; T 2g : front in Female Education. Thorough y Vv , ad
con bas Went tine a nual report of the Auditor of the|in its Courses. High in its Standard But should you ever tis
am, Atlanta 8.20 sm, Macan Interior Depar'ment shows that|Unrurpassedin I'S INTELLECTUAL
9.30 am, Augusta 3.05 pm,|the amount paid for pensions dur Be eater s NEUEN eS aise Pa e
Lenmark 4.55 pm. Sumpter |ipg the last year was $140,477,626. Veryretionable prices. Send for eat an O Tin lng |
40 am, Florence 8.55 am. | ; ery i¢ ptices. :
Marion 9.33 am. Chadboary | L2@ Rayweats ou vebsious ac-|alog:: 0 Jas. DINWIDDIE, M. A oT
10.35 am, Lake Waccamaw | COUnt for the tiscal year, 1896, was
11.06 am. $138,722,127, and for the fiscal) : "=yCome to see us. ==
Tratt on Seotisud Neck Kranch 2oa | Year 1895, $140,058.641, 1894. $437,- 0 ,
eaves Weldon 4.10 p. m., Hatifax 4,28 | 119, 501, and for 1893, $154.502,214. RINITY COLLEGE. anne wees ~
®. m., arrives Scotland Neck at 6.10 p|'[The cost of the service last year 90.22 DADA AOA AOA AOAOAA ROA ARCADE AOA AOA OK A) ~
®., Greenville 6.57 p, m., Kinston 7.55 was $3.99 per $1,000; for 1896 $4.- bo | SERS INNO OONOOCHS NOG A-BABA NA SARA OO@l@® AANA
2m. aoturning, inves Kinston 7.60 U7: far 1895, $4 00: tor 1894, $3.77 Next Session Opens September 8, | 240 ~Se
&m., Greenville 8.62 a. m, ivi an) Od, T » BIA,
Hali x at 11:20 a. m., Weldon pte he and for 183, $3.05. ~Lhree full courses of study, Large LJ
daily except Sunday. number of electives. Two full chairs in Tit ae
I'rains on Washaigton Branch lenv " English. Women admitted to all classes : i 6.
at} : 1 ; apse , 1 ee 3 Y
Washington 8.20 a, m., and L400 p.m White Men And White Metal. One Hundred and one Thousand Dollars | § :
Pane added to the endowment during the WOO. Or
Tarbes eae ee Bw ae presené year. Quly male literary college UMN SAP Ain
* ~ .m., re ~ who : ~ ate
Tarboro 3.30 p. m., Parmele 10.90 a.m,| Lotravelling through Cumber- ue Carolitia that is located ina
and 6.20 p. tw, arrives Washingion|'and, Bladen aid Columbus | oie bes; pusimess course offered in Anything from 2 esc
{1.40 a. m., and 7.20 p. m. Daily ex-|countios we have heard many the state. Send fer album and catalogue.
ept Sunday. Connects with trains on : 8 }. KILG
Scotland Neck Branch. who voted the Populist ticket Adire-s JNO. C. KILGO,
aS fay if veting Durham, N.C. - |
Tram leaves rarootu, WC, via aive- | a8 Slection #87 that if voting ~2E101INnese Card
~» male & Raleigh &. 8, daily except Sun- 16 LF Opals 6 ts eg Ca Soe
day, at 5 60 p. m., Sunday 405 P. M; State to be turaoed over osnoui) " " a TO A
ertive Plymouth 7.40 P. M., 6.09 p.m, |aud gobble� to the Radical pariy, : ype "
Returning i2aves Plymouth dailyexcept|as it is now, they were done Cotton ang Peanut,
Sundey, 7.50 a. m., Sunday 9.00 a n., voting that ticket in tuture. Let} Beiow are Norfolk prices of ovlto. E*ull She et Poser
wrive Tarboro 16.15 a.m and 11. 45 ~ . daw :
. * alog e owhite meno and|]and peanuts for yesterday, as furnished
Train on Midland N,. C. branch leaves the slorsa 0 :
: � ; oie by Cobb Bros. & Commissiouog Mer- *
Gole*boro daily, except $ white metal� and victory 1* ours : -
m, arciving Smithdeld 7-30 ain Re_| wext time." Lumbertou Robeso- | o"auls of Norfolk e al y e ector.
athe: ane. Smithfield 8.00 a. m,, ar-| nian. ee G
riveag Q
hos oldsbors 9.208, m. amine Good Middling 74 ives the home news
~rains on Latta branch, Florence R Middiing ' ; { :
nee er e pm, adrive Dunbar (xyreenvl lle Market. Low Middling 63 every a ternoon at the:
ne io 8.05 p m. Returning }- = Good Ordinary " 5 16-16 lI i ~
are, _ ad 10 6 Banat As m, Corrected by 3, M. Schultz. _Pone"dull. sma price of 25 cents a
. * a Pp un- a * a
ae Siund wets 25 16 to 28 PEANUTS: month. Are you a sub-
Train onClinton Branch leayes War~| Western sides 5¢ tu 6 | Prime a jee
saw for Clinton caily, except Suuday, | sugar cured Ham» 10 to 12y | £xtra Prime 2 seriber ? [t not vou
tO 00 a. m. aud 8.50 p, m: Returning Aorn 49 to 61 | aney i.
ivaves Cinton at7.00a. m. and3,00 1 m. | 5 +o eq | spanish 60.t0 7 ought 10 be ss
a Train No. 78 makes close con very ie eae | tOne"quiet. oie
: Seip: BECHOD | your. Kamil 4.25 to 6.73
4 at WelJon forall points daily, allrail via | ©/0U. Family a ee a | Pig a=
Riebm ye, alae at Rovky Mount with | Lard 54 to 10 | ORC Se ee
A di a ad Ls i o1101k | Oats ' 35 to 40 CAEC Oe She T
A ;ne all points North via Norfolk. Poi Ties Ae Oe aC
: {OSES DONE Cathe ' to select Female School, 503 34
e 1. M. EMERSON, Triffe Manager. Salt per Sack 7HtolfO] hs is
| J. R.KRE VEY, Gan) Manager, Chickens \) to 20), Lhe next session of this school will fs;
is bezin on i ) ia i wi y
THE MORNING STAR|femsx00: vw "ospax.on orssereven, ,2@ Hastern Reflector.
~The terms are as follows:
Primary Eng ish, per mouth $2 00
| fhe Mdest ELON COLLEGE. Intermediate o * $2 50) : iS only $1 a year. It
, Higher $3 00
Tis wee YI eee Languages (eachT ~* $1 00 , tal ( ev
; ai) Newspaper ~itt ies ate aarti Music Paadhig use of nstrument $3 00 contains: the newsrever |
ek beg Situated on Southern Railway, in| No deduction for soss'time except in| | week, and gives inforinat
Yat de ( idan Piedmont section; very best water;| case of sickness of as much as one! re el PES Eg
SCAU. a Lot 0 ° healthiest locality, property of Chris- weeks duration. 10n. tu the: farmers, .es-
men aera alg em ~The instruction is barebones in aT) its P eciall ie nn eee ater
~het Samet nns «6 |!) Beaching, Highest Moral n°! branches, ~he moral tone-and intel- Ned hos growl ne.
The Oa (em altarTsDauky | arama etsitocet Seen [lesan aan are warped, Pe) me egg Af a .
Joi .ivée-moular \Da of spe -educational, curri- lin but poatively, fim, worth ©
wick toes Pon | eulnea equa? of best male college, three yo further particule ua eae, | st eget . Cyd 3 Me: fj wort vs
- oMRS, ALFRED FORBES, | eS moreathan
~ irs Class inthe ; oe. | degree courses, musi liberal terms, best
7 irs Class in the State + aden ntages, cotelogue on gpitediion � Qreenyille, N, C. ~ ;
WOH, aeRNARD _" ., [Address Jy, AKL +"" | |
| SON, Chairman,| jyty. 2 7.
oela Elon College, N.C. sad chs Ba enema tonted
~AJe extend to our
NV ~ friends and the
public generally, espe-
cially the ladies, a cor-
dial invitation to visit.
our store and examine
our =
Slow Stock a
which is the »
inthe town. The as-
gsortment of Fine Wool-
en includes a tull line
of staple and ~oup-to-
date� Novelties such as
1. ; 7 oFook Otto-
ran�. . De Chine,
fi. | | ~Henriettas
Seve -. ucyBrocades
and liain Silks and
bi.t.08 and many other
new and stylish fabrics
The line of
are beautiful andup to
date. Every piece be-
ing selected with the
greatest care.
The line of
arenew and stylish and
stylish and especialiy
desirable for Fall and
Winter wear.
i nenahidenmmtmnieniimenst
t our invition,
sa visit. It wil
6 us pleasure to
7 you through.
i a rea
: air tonight and Sateroay.
ena e ons
There is Gold in Some of , These.
Full line cf Laces at Cash Racket.
Eggs and chickens at 5. M. Sehuliz
Cheap line Dress Goods at Cash
Racker Siore.
About fifty bales of cotton were
brought to market today.[t sold for 62.
Genuine Faber and Simplex lead
| pvnciis at Reflector Book Store.
| Fruit ot the Loom te cents at Cash
Racket Store. |
Niee iine of V siting Cards just re-
| evived at. REFLECTOR office.
If this weacher continues the sum-
mer resorts Will take un new life.
Printed Points That Pertain to
People. ,
Dr. R. L- Carr went to Tarboro te-
N. H. Wouoitfield wenv to Kinston
Friday night.
W. H. Cox returned to Kinsten
Peidey ever ing.
E. B, Ficklen went to Kinston last
night and retu ped this morning.
Miss ditel'a Flemia,, of Middieburg.
arrived Friday evenin, to visit Miss
Nannie Wilson,
R. 3. Craig, of Richa.oad, has taben
a pusitioa here with TV. F, Dornin as
the Greenville Iron Works.
Catches Twenty Two People in
One Week.
~The wave of prosperity ust serely
have swept dswa this way, to judy
Put your advertisement in. the Rr- |
FLECTOR aid the people will read it.
Whea you waut anything in the
Jewelry line cail on the oash Racket
Ladies wanting cree stativsery can
find it at Retleeter 4ook. Store. Very
~atest styles,
A few ¢:pies ot W. J. BryanTs book
oTne Firet Battle,� for sale at Reflee-
tor Book Store
Pepsin Chewing Gum, 1 cent a foot.
Ta: Bell Cheese 2 tbs for 24 cents at
J. 5. Tunstalls.
New shipment celedrated Diamond
Inks, black and cols rs, at Reflector Book
Store. Ivis the best in& used.
This extreme warm weather is likely
to cause much sickness, and the peo-~
ple should take every precaution against
If your children need tablets, psper,
pencils, pens, ink or slites when they
stert to schuol come tothe Reflector
Book Srore for them.
~Two notices of eale are advertised in
in this paper, one by. W. H. Tlarring-
ton, Sherift, and the cther by J. A.
Lang, Commissioner.
Fresh Oysters received every day
and served in any style by Old doe
Forbes, the best cook in the State,
Restaurant near Market house.
If you want your laundry done right,
send it to me in time for WednesdayTs
shipment. Packages always ready for
delivery Saturday evening,
Agt. Wilmingtor Steam Laundry,
Register of Deeds Perkins and Dep-
ty R. W. Ward went out fora drive
anevening or two ago. Their horse
became trightened on the bridge and
runaway ard could notTbe che-ked un-
til nearly out to the cross roads. For-
tunately no damage was done.
South Carolina Tobacco.
As another evidence of the fruitful.
ness of Col. I. A. SuggTs trip to Texas,
he has today received a bill lading for
a hogsheud of tobacco trom Little Rock,
S. C., to bs sold on the Greenville
market. The Col, will tell the people
thut the great State of Pitt canTt Le
beaten inanything. Jt willbe sold at
the Planters Warehouse on arrival.
The Sick.
Mrs. R. Greene, who was very sick
tor several weeks, is able to be up.
Mrs. C. A. White lias been sick the
last few days.
Mrs W. C. Hines is sick with fever.
Ex-Senator A. A, Forbes is very
J. M. Blow is oa the sick list to-
day. :
J. M. Moore has been sick the last
uy ee
the Register of DeedsT office. Vhis week
tew days.
trom the sudden increise of business in
he issued eleven marriage livenses,th. ce
i ~ |
tor white and wight for colured couples.
Marshall Elks and liattie Derdee.
Wilhe Pollard and Lala Jones.
John Bass and Annie Smi b.
Jordana Moore aud Emily Mills,
Henry invans and Caroline Harriss.
Grant Warren-and Mariha Cox. |
Willizm Branch and Estelle Taylor.
Borden Langley and Sallie Graham,
Henry Bailey and Pennie ~Tatt.
Joho Fortes aud Esther Barnes.
Peter Dudley and Martha
Land Sale. |
By virtue of the power veste] in me |
by a certain order made by KE, 4. Moye
clerk, ina special proceeding pending
~every favor consistent with
We invite correspondence or a per-
sonal interview to that end.
John KellyTs:
eh VE
ae i a el i i iid ON a
is the chiefendand aim
of exery business man.
;This is creditable when
~coupled with square
methods of dealings.
the ia Maly
are going to catch the
trade if our elegant
~packed by prices un-
~heard of before,has any
~thing to do with it.
We are not giving our
goods away, but we
buy low and sell low
the typicaladvantages
ot our Shoes, and we
can prove this to you
by a trial purchase,
Ricks & Taft,
R. R. FLEMING, Pres,
A. G. COX, bl vina Peec
G. 1. CHERRY, j Vice Pres.
E. B. HIGGS, Cashier,
AssTt Cashier
CAPITALT: Minimum $20,000; Maximum $100,000.
Organized June 1st,1897.
Bank of Pitt County,
LLP ee ee,
IS Bank wants yourtriendship and a share
if not all, of your business, and will grant
safe and sound
im Pitt county wherein J. L. Ballard et | ¢e,apon AAA SAAR AR
als are plaintiff's and John B. Worsley
et als are defendants. I witi offer for eg
sale before the court house door in
Yreenville on Monday, the 20th day of | 4©
September. the following described tract
of land to-wit. Situated in Beaver Dam
township, Pitt county, adjoining the
lands of Moses Joyner, Renbin Kinsaul,
Clemma Allen and others, and contai,-
ing 69% acres, more or less, which said
land is sold for pa' tition among the par-
ties to said preceeding
Lerms of sale, Cash.
August 16, 18.7.
a te
cece tee ntti en ag sus haa
Execution Sale.
Pits County.
Oallie Langston. (now Callie Joyner)
exTtrx. of B. J. Langs on
The Greenville Land and Improvement
Company and P. B. ~Talliaferro
By virtue of an execution directed to
the unlersigned from. the Superior
Court of Pitt County in the above enti
tled action, I will, on Monday, the 20th
In the Superior
day of Seotember 1897, at 12 oTciock M., | j
at the Court House door of said county,
sell to th: h'ghest bidder for cash, to
satisfy said execution. all the right, title
and interest which the said Greenviile
Land and {mprovement Comp ny, de-
fendant, has in the following described
ren] estate, to-wit. ~A tract of landin
Greenville township. Pitt Coun'y,
known us the William Moore tract of
land adjoining the lands of B. F. Pat-
rick, A. M. Clark, C. F, Manning and
others, and being the tract of land con-
veyed by deed from D. E. House to said
Greenville Land and Improvement
Company,and upon which the mill plant
of the Greenville Land and Improve-
ment Company was situated, being that
part of said land now owned by the
Greenville Lumber Compay and lying
east of Railroad.
This t e 20th day of August 1897,
Sherift Pitt County,
That is tue way all druggists sell
iC tor Chills, Fever and all forme of
Valaria. tis eimply Iron and Quinine.
in a Gasteless form, Children love it
Adults prefer it to bitter, nauseating
Tonics. Price, 50c. in
Shingles! Shingles!
"Heart Hand Made Cypress Shingles,
oa per ROvEANE, del vel ed at Green-
ville. | igi
ey ig APPHY TO
J. Rh. TH & BRO.
15 weit nncateiy BT sare i Avden, si c.
GO iw) wwe wry
VVV NING v' ~ Vy" VVY 4
ww Wy w
£ .
iC ©):
know eh are living
read. It will do your business good.
cincicestiey irate epee pein inidccetarinceencliaancalttaeeesnde "termi: Sinner eninnan a
is the fellow that will get the largest
share of this fallTs businese.
time to beginto hustle. Let the people
by putting a live ad
Now is the
the paper that they
School For Girls And
On Mondar, Sept. Gh, I will open
my school for girix and small boys in
the new schoo building on Mr- W. B.
WilsonTs Jot, in South Greenville.
Terms, etc,, made known on applica-
Fall Session Opens Sept. 14.
Instruction thorough. For terms, &c.
apply to .
| vet . MRS, L. G. BERNARD,
ar _ Greenville, N. C
Unprecedented Offer.
For 3 weeks cnly, I will paper rooms
complete, ceiling, sidewalls, and border
for $1 0U per ioom.
Hctel Macon, Greenville, N.C.
The only exclusively professional
paver haneerin Fuastern North Caro-
lina, Eighteen years practical experi-
ence in the paper hanging business,
perfect satisfaction guaranteed.
Lumber Yard at Greenyille with
|W. R..PARKER as Manager. Orders
for Lumber, Rough or Dressed can be
left withhim,
~| Ve, hatios, N° oC