Daily Reflector, September 4, 1897

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

.iUHARD, Editor and Owner.


TERMS ; 95 Cents a Month.

: FPA SSI Caio eit a Oe en sendin Ls cpiploseie vba p schon



ee tem.

4 ee ert pi let: yO Raits sly


oDTve gotter go,� she said, ~anT see
It little BokTs tucked in;
He'll gic his death if heTs uncovered
In this colT storm anT winT.�
oOh, little BobTs all right,� said I,
~YouTve bin to tuck him in
Four times this eveninT, anT I wouldwT
Run Tway up stairs agTin�
Bat CynthTd worry, fret anT stew,
AwT raise a dreftle din;
oWy, I must go agTin,� says she,
o AnT see if BobTs tucked in,�

oWy, Cynthy, jest set down,� I said.

oAnT git some good er life,

A teller wants a chance to talk

Some eveninTs with his wite.�

Then she would take her, kmittinT out

Or work upon her spread,

Aw make bTlieve lisse, though she

Hear quarter w'at T said.

She wouldwT much more than gt set

~Tian jump right up again

awT say, oI musT run up anT see

It licti2 BobTs tucked in.�

Young Bob wus allus on the jump,
AnT filled tue house with din,

AvT kicked his quilts offewry night
~ast as she tucked himia., " 4g
tis laigs they went so fast all day.T
As long as ot was light,

AnT got up speed so they couldn't sop
AvT key a goinT all might.

So CynthyTd keep a gttinT up

AuT gittinT up agTin,
Pee votter look anT see � say she
oTt litthe BobTs tucked.�

She stood above the casket there;
She bent to kiss his face,

Po pat a stragglinT curl of hair,
Or fix a bot of lace.

Her heart was with tne

~That Bob, so reund and tat,

So full of pranks and fan should sicep

. Within a crib like that;

But still sheTd fx his little robe,

AnT then come beck agTin,

AnT take a Jong, last look anT see

Her little Bob tucked in.

That night 4 storm of snow ccmé on,

s did rave !

AwT how the winds
The snow fell like a coverlid
On little BobTs new grave.
oPm glad it snows,� his moather said,

o{t jcoked so hard and bare,


make fitting remarks,
have owinning ways.T

who obeggars deseriptisn.�

eyes Le can see a long weigh.



Beys should be taught to.throw dice
The taiior isa man who can always

oFortune smiles� -upon those who

It mrst be an extravazant wotnan
When the scales fall from a manTs

~The ex-ports of tiis country have
dwindled down to retired pugilists,

Until Eve's arrival Adam) was not
a gilt to the earth"he was a-lone,

Real glory springs. from the victory |

we gain over passion and tempt


~Tie difference between the fly and
the wasp is only im the fimtshing |


Farmers think they ee-real wealth

7 ; . - 33
in tre wheat erop"but ~tis a serial |

story"-beware of the denouement,

sweet kisses and hard squeezes at
tue gate won't buy the license, pay the

preacher nor fur.ish the house.

The country is filling up with «&

poor quality of preachers, while the
ranks of go d plowmen, are becoming

thinner daily, "Orange Va., Observer.





Methodist church"Sunday-school at
9:30 A, M. Preaching at 1L A. M.
and 8 P. M. by Rev. N, M. Watson.

Presbyterian chur oh""Sunday school
9:30 A. M.


at 2:30 A. M.
ann church"Sunday School at
A.M. Preachiaz at LL A. My
a 8 P.M. by Rev. A. W. S3teer,
Souih Greenville Suuday-school at
5 P.M. D. D. Haskett, Superintendent.
Freaching at 4 P, M, by Rev. B. HL |



So hard, go ciuel and so bleak,
I cried to feave him there.
But God has sent the blessed snow,
I think"anT Ttis nd sin"
Thai He has sent His snow to see -
That little BobTs tucked in.�
S. W. Foss.



Games Played and Standing of


New York, Sept. 3"Cincinnati, 3:
New York, 13.

Second game"New York, 1;
cinhati, 11. ,

Baltimore, Sept. 3"St. Louis, 1;
Baltimore, 22

Boston, Sept.
cago, 1 |


3"oston, 9; Chi-

Won Lost Per Cent

Brooklys 48 62
Washington » 46 «61

| The luscious grape is dropping imo!

439 |tew days....A.man in for some business
43g [at the Rervector office, Friday, had


Baltimore 7383 689
Boston 7584 688
New York G7. 38 638 |

~| Cincinnati 62 43 590
Clexeland » O45 Ol 514
Chicago 50 59 459
Louisville 45 62 441
Philaddphia 49. 62 441
Pittsbuig 2 47 = 60


Delighttul nccturnal pericds these

than ever.
Where You Can Worship Tomor- bargains 1 inthis line come and

" . -
es EN el Ra a OST i. aA

There wat a farmer had two sons,
And these two sons were brothers ;

One of them bought bis clothes of u...
Our neighbor aug!) the other.

And new the boy we titted ons
Is dapper, neat and cts tty;

The other"wwell, itTs hard. hut aril
He iooks a little oratty. T

Wire all in and the stv'es are
jhe prettiest ever showa here.
{ome and place your cy=s upon

the them, they will «.:ch you.

(I n
| ha) i , }

are all in and we are deter-
mined to sell more this season
If you want rare

see us

Are coming in dailyand you
should see them.

tox soporitic rejusenation !

It wouid be well for some of tliese
giddy cycling girls to take long runs
on their sewing machines during the
coming winter.

Teacher" Willie, you doaTt appear
to know yeur grammar.� Willie"
I, thought I ought to, Tcause every
time I g to see her she gives mea

She~ Who is th.t millionaire 7�
He""HeTs from Chicugo, and hasnTt
had his millions long.� oHow do you
know?� oWhen he speaks of his
yatcht he makes it rhyme with ~hatch-
et.T �

Johnsing-"o What does yoT call yoT
mule, Mistah Jackson?� Jackson"
oAw calls im Stonewall.� ~Arc-r de
great gin'ral ?� oNot Tzackly. Mos'ly
kab née am habd toe move, anT wTen he
~am moved he gits rocky.�

Gold is Circulating.

It is getting to be not-so unusual to
see a gcld coin asin the recent past,
We se¢ it stated that a bank in Kin.
ston has bee paying out gold the. last

two $20 gold coins along. He only

St. LouisT 27, 82

948 left one of them, however.

Beautiful line of


that are selling low down. Handsemist line of


in town. We st.ll havea few Summer Goods
that are going at sacrifice prices.

If you want bargains that.are bargains


miss this chance.

No. 845


inet 3


mae d

ae ; :
Admer «' as second-class mail matter.

aati atime



Wa We et de
oe en, Oe
One weer Soe ge eS ae

Delivered in town by earriers without
extri cos'.

Advertisng rates are liberal] and can be
* gad on appticat~on to the editor or at
he office

Ve desire a live corresponuert at
avery postofice inthe county, who will
gend in brief items of NEWS a8 it occurs
in each neighborhood, Write plainly
aad oniy on one side of the paper.



. SaTuRDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1897.



' (From our: Regular Correspondent. )
oWASHINGTON, D. u., Sept 3, T97.
It has always been considered
the proper thing to make support
of the National platform uf a po-
litical varty the test of a manTs
loyalty to his party. The plat-
form 2dopted by 4 party ip
Naticnal convention is the only
authentic declaration of the prin-
ciples of that party and 1ust be
so considered until another
National convention meets and
adopts another platform. These
facts are so self evident that
wention of them seems almost
unnecessary, yet cbjection is
bsing raised because Democrats,
are insisting that the platform
adopted by the Chicago conven
tion must be accepted as the
privciples of the democratic
party. To do anything else
would be a radical departure
from all nolitical precedents.

There is a clash of authority in
the Interior Department between
Secretary Bliss and Indian Com-
missioner Jones that may end in
a big rowamong promuent Re-
publican. Mr. JonesT present
assistant is Mr. Thomas P. Smith,
who is a Democratic holdover.
Mr. Smith has made a tip top
record and Mr. Jones would like
bim to romain in bis office. Boss
Hauva directed sometime ago
that one of his Onio proteges"
Tawner, by name"who has beer |
garvivg as the private secretary
of Secretary Bliss, should be
appointed Asst. Commissivner,
acd the appointment was about

~tobe made wnen Commissioner
Jones heard about it and notified
Secr+tary Bliss that he would not
have ~lawver for hia Assistant,
hen there was a high old ~ine
in tue cflice of Secretary Bliss,
and the relations between him
and Commissioner Jones ate
very much stained, but Tawn«r
has not yet been appointed. Of
course if Boss Hanna insists he
will te, and if Jenes doesnTt hke
it he cun resign. Itis a custom
to consult the wishes of bureau
chiefs in selecting their assistants,
aad upon that custom Commis-
sioner Jones } elies.

Republicans who rather not
tilk about the deficit of about
twenty six million dollars shown
by theofficial figures of the gov-
ernmentTs receipts and expendi-
tures for July and August, the
first two monthTs of the aew fiscal
year. We have already done too
much talking about the surplus
that the new tariff was certainly
going to produce.

Senator McLaurinTs success in
the 8. ©. primary election, which
means his nomivation and elec~
tion to the Sevate, was the source
of no little pleasure to his numer-
ous Washington friends, He has
already shown that he will make

_ Senator of whom his State and

, -bection will be proud.


dleaid: oOur farmers are this

year blessed with ubundant crops
ard the wheat producing coun-

~|tries on theT other side of the

ocean have short crops. In other
words, the demand for American
wheot is almost grater than the
supply; hence tha big
which the speculators are just
now getting. I amsorry to say
that will not always continue, for
next year the demand for wheat
by reason of good crops On the
other side may ba only normal,
in that event our farmers will not
receive any more for their wheat
than formerly. Let the mints of
the United States, &ngland,
France and Germany be opeued
tomorrow to silyer, and you
would see the price of the white
metal rise steadily until it reached
ths levelTof gold. Why would it
rise? Simply because of the
demand"just the same. as de-
mand has raised the price of
wheat.� Mr. Graffenreid ex-
pressed hig opinion strongly of
those who are constantly decry-
ing the tour hundred willion
standard silver dollars the coun-
try now has, and ended an
interesting chat by saying: ~The
Only solulion of the question is
to open the mints to silver the
some as gold. Permanent pros-
perity will never come through
the further contraction of tho
currency, which the gold bogs
are trying to bring about by
discrediting our stacdara silver

is More money. That will ba the
issue in the next campaign, and,
in my judgment, the dsmocrats
will win upon 1t.�

Mr, Juha Russell Youug, the
new Librarian of Congress, is
now having a hard wrestle witb
the more than seyen thousand
applicants and their friends, who
were disappointed when he, this
week, ennounced the appoint-
rents to ten-of the best positions
at his disposal. He still has
forty or filty small places to dis-
pose of aud although they only
carry small salaries the pressure
to get them is something awfal
to contemplate.

Don't Tobacco Spit ana Smoke Your
Luts Away,


If you want to quit tobacco using
easily and torevsr, do made well
strong, magnetic, tull of new life and
vigor, take No"To-Bac, the wonder-
worker that makes weak men_ strong.
Many gain ten pounds in ten days.
Over 400,000 cureT, Buy No-To-Ba
rom your own druggist, will
guaranteea cure. booklet and sample
mailed free. Ad. Sterling Remedy Co.
Chicago or New York.



The northern papers. in com.
menting on the large number of
Southern merchants making
purchases in the various cities,
should not attach too much im-
p rtance to that, as an indication
of prosperity. It is not the facil-
ity with which bills are made, but
the ease with whick they are paid
that indicates plenty of the
wherewithal. It is by no means
certain that this much buying is
a good thing in the end. One
mistake the people of this coun-
try have maue already is buying
toomuch. While it is unques-
tionable that affairs are mending,
let oar people remember that
newspaper welcomes to the gcd-
dess of plenty do not extinguish
debts, at this fag-end of the cen-
tury, Ifthe citizen will keep his
expense account at the hard
times notch for a while yet, he
will find good times much more
inclined ~o abide with him. The
practical application of a few of
oPoor RichardTs� homely maxims
would be no less efficacious than

Representative De Gaffenreid,

dollar wheat and ten cent cotton

Texas, 18 in Washington.|in putting the country on ita feet

king ot wheat ard silyer he|again." Greensboro Telegram.



dollars. What the country needg


Twelve Pointed Paragraphs. ;

Most people are like eggs, too
full of themselves. to hold any-
thing else. :

please the man who is well pieas-
ed with himself.

Yoa never see a bankrupt at a
charity soup houge. ThatTs
where his victims go.

Politeness is an investment tkat
is often overlooked, but it yields
big dividends. :

Che milk of haman kindness is
not very heavily enameled with
cream. i

If the tombstones were reliable.
the deyil would ss0n be wearing

Tne charity that begins at home
is often so discouraged that it
never gets any farther.

Trutk is eternal, but Time chan-
ges it from day to day sothat its
own mother woaldnTt recognize it.

[fthesun had nothing to do
but shine on the righteous, it
wouldnTt have to rise so early.

Men and watches are judged by
their works, both have wheels.

Some men are born great and
some have to be elected.

Some men are like dice, easily
rattled, but hard to shake.~-Min-
neapolis Journal.

~Around the World in Thirty Days.
The Railway Age says: oA
Continuous railwey line across
America, Asia and the continent
of Europe was dreamed of long
before Alaskan gold set people to
planning railways to the Arctic
circle. William Gilpin once
governor of Calorado, elaborated
the scheme of building a railway
through British America and
Alaska to Bering Straights to
meet the then proposed oRussian
Pacific railway,� and thus secure
connection with the railway svs-
tem of Europe. ~The route across
Russia shows on his map cor-
responds in the main with that
over which the Trans-Siberian
line is now being conttructed aad
the Alaska section as proposed
was nO more impraciicabie than

~Ithe road through the Klondike

which arenow being so numer-
ously constructed on paper.
Meantime, although no railways
are actually being built to Bering
Strait from either side, the Trans-
Siberian railway will in a few
years be completed across Asia
to the Pacitic at Vladivostok, and

will have becc me a possibility.


The Philadelphia Times is not
far wrong when it says that
othe calendar and customs not-
withstanding, the New Year be-
ging not ip January, but in
~September. Iu September, the
schools start, the theatres open,
libraries are once more pecpled
with returned readers; art breaks
from its chrysalis; music poises
its wings for a new flight; the
churches apply themselves with
renewed yigor to the work of
saving souls ;T and so forth and
so forth, and so on. It is even
so. And down here merchants
burnish up their stores, and
cotton buyers hold their ears to
the ground for the sound of the
rumble of the first cotton wagon.
People of all occupations prick
up their ears with the advent of
September, and it ia in a large
sense the beginning of a new
year."Charlotte Observer.

oo crease

Cascarets stimulate liver, kidney and
bowels. Never sicken, weaken or
gripe. 100.
Three women served as judges at
the recent city election in Wallace, Ida-


Is hard for anybody else to|

then ajourney around the world |
in alittle more than thirty days; pe

R. A. TYSON, Vic-ePres.



Loans and Discounts $50, 273.62
Over Drafts 1,580,18
Premium on Stock 1,000.00
Due from Banks 2,630.54
Furniture and Fixtures 71,505.00
Castrltems 1,278.15
Cash in Vault 14,528.54

Total $72,796.04

R. L. DAVIS, PresTt. | re |
ae oe JL. tii rk Caster -
-- REORGANIZED JUNE 15th, 189°. ,

The Bank of Greenville,


At the Close cf Business July 23rd, 1897.

Capital stock paid in $23,090.00
Surptus and Protits 503.19
Deposits subject to Check 48,289.60-
Due to Banks 793,23

Cashiers Checks ortstanding 153,12
Time Certiticates of Deposit, 55.00
Tota! $72,796.04.

We study carefully the separate needs of oar patrons, aud shall be glad to have:
your account, promising every accummmodation consistent with good bankiwg. a.





just arrived. Comeand
see us.



A Peni


OC) nconiees




cexsiiceatins 4, sconces onins

' We have ut reveived new
hearse and the nicest line of Cof"

lic and cloth ever brought to

We ara prepi_r- -
ing in ai. 163 fora.

Personal atiention sziveu toco
ducting funerals and bodies en
trusted to our care will reveiye
every mark of respe;.

Oar prices are 1ower than ever.

Ne do not want monopoly but
sivite Con petition.

_ We can be found at any and all
times in the Joho Flanagan
Buggy CoTs building.

10 ow Dalm-

6. Cl


Juve uy Io. bu of cascarets, the
finest. liver and bowel 1eguator ever

Valuable Property far sale,


ville Lum er Company, for the purpose
of settling the affairs of said Company,
{ herebv offer for sale the real estate in
and adjoining the town of Greenville
belonging to said Company. This prop-
erty will be sold on reasonable terms in
lots to suit purchasers.

For further information see or ad-


Receiver Kinsion, N. C.




ing their yearTs su,plies will tind

chasing elsewhere. Ourstock iscompleto
n allits branches.



qualified as Receiver of the Green-| ~~~

their interest toget our prices befere pui |


W. M. Bond.

J. L. Fleming.

Greenville. N. C

Practice in all the courts.






Can be found below Five Points.
next door to Refleetor office,


Patronage solicited. Cleaning, Dyeing
and Pressiag Gents Clothes a specialty



Special attention given to cleaning
Gentlemens Clothing.


~ale Academy,


The nex, session 9% the sod

The work and diselpline of the schoo!

will be as heretofore.

We ask a contiauance of yotr
liberal patronage.




Tobacco, Snuff &c,

linz you to buy at eve profit, A eou-
cle stock of

8. M SCHULZ. Gre rvilleN


we buy diroc) from Mav .lactu.. en |

always on hand and soldat \ce to suit q
the times. Our goods areall bought and
sold for CASH.t re, h no disk
to run we sellata close margin. .

4 jet

f a Maen

in mouth,

Savadury or

Ste cases and chy 1
fat : 4
ny ans es

? witb our ©) r ,
ecg _""
oari ~ | ust i
a te ei , 4 ~ae |
T ¥

fins and Cesgets, in werd, metal-

open on*

MONDAY SPU. 6, 1897 nt
and continue for 10 months. '

The terms are as follows.

Primary English per ino. a2.00..
Intermediate ** ~| * $2 50,
Higher he Jd ye : $3 00
Languages (each) ** = *T ee | 00 :

ornare enema econo

soe ato trees tacla rent nvereeses tacenieh rc toseaglemer arene


neh py noe F


sata ica saat asin aet ah Soi ycetat

sian al







Atlantic Coast Line.

Schedule in Effect Aug. 16th, 1868,
Departures from Wilmington.


DAILY No 48"Passenger"Due Meg.

9,35 a. m. nolia 10.59 am. Warsaw 11.10
am, Goldsboro 11.58 am, Wil
son 12.43 p m,. Rocky ) ount
1.20 p m, Tarboro 2,58 p m,
Weldon 3,3) p m, Petersburg
6.f4 pm, Richmond 6.50 pm,
Norfo.k 6.05 p m, Washing-
ton 11.10 pu, Raltimore 12,53
am, Phi'adelpnia 3:45 a m,
New York 6.53 am, Boston

500 pm.

DAILY No 40"las:enger"DucTMag
7.15 p m. noiia 8.55 p m. Warsaw 9.10
p m, Goldsboro 10.10 p m,
Wilson 11.06 p m. Tarboro
6.45 am. Rocky Mount 11.47
pm, Weldon 1.44am, Nor-
folk 1U."0 a m, Petersburg
3 24am, Richmond 4.26 a m,
Washington 7.41 am, Balti,
more 9'5 4 m, Philadeipnia
11,:5 am, New York 2.02 p
m, Boston 8.30 p m:

DAILY No 55"Passengor Due Lake

40 p m. Waccamaw 4.55 p m, Chad

bourn 5.40 pm Marion 6 43 p

m, Florence 7.25 p m, Sum-

te: 8.42 p m, Columbia 10.05

m, Denmark 6,20 a m, August

to 8.20 am, Macon 11.30 am,

Atlanta 12.15 p m, Charles-

ton 10.20 pm. Savannah 2.4)

a m. Jacksonville 8.20 a m,

St... ugustine 10.30 am.Tam

pa 6.40 pm.


DAILY No. 49."Passenger-"Boston

9.40 P.M. 1.03 4m, New York 9.00 pm,
Philadelphia 12.05 am, Balti-
more 5,50 am, Washington
4.30 am, Richmond 9.05 am,
Petersburg 10.00 am, Nor-
Weldou 11.50 am, ~Tarboro
12.12 sm, Reeky Mount. 12.45
pm, Wi'son 2:lz pm, Golds-
boro 3.10 pm, Warsaw 4.02,
pm, Maguolia 4 16 pm,

DAILY No. 41."Passenger"Leave
9.30 A.M, Boston 12.00 night, New

York 9.30 au, Phitadelphia
12 09 pm, Baltimore 2.25 pm,
Washington 3.46 pm, Rich-
mond 7,.:0 pm, Petersburg
8.12pm, Norfolk 2,20 pm,
Weldon 943 pm, Tarboro
6.01 pin,
am. Leave Wilson 6.20 am,
Goldsboro 7-01 am, Warsaw
7.538 am Magnolia 8.05 am.

DAILy No, 61"Passenger-- Leave
except New bern 9.20 am, Jackson-
Sunday yille 10.42 am. This train
12.40 P.M.arrives at Walnut street.

DAILY No, 54"Passenger"Leave
12,15 P. M. Tampa 8.00 am. Sonford 1 £0
pm, Jacksonville 6 35 pm,
Savanna 12,50 night, Charles-
_ ton 6.83 am, olumbia 5.50
am, Atlanta 8.20 am, Macan
9.30 am, Augusta 3.05 pm,
Lenmark 4.55 pm, Sumpter
40 am, Florence 8.55 am,
Marion 9.35 am, Chadbourn
(10.35 am, Lake Waccamaw
11.06 am,

Train. on Sectland Neck Branch 2ca
eaves Weldon 4.10 p, m., Halifax 4,28
P. m., arrives Scotland Neck at 5.10 p
m., Greenville 6,57 p, m., Kinston 7.v0
2-m. Returning, leaves Kinston 7.10
& m., Greenville 8.52 a. m. Arriving
Hali x at 11:20 a. m., We'don 11.40 am
daily except Sunday.

Trains on Washnigton Branch lenv
Washington 8.20 a, m., and 1.00 p.m
arrives Parmele 9.10 a. m., and 3.40 p
m., Tarboro 9.45 a. m., returningleaves
Tarboro 3.30 p. m., Parmele 10.20 a. m.
and 6.20 p. m,, arrives Washington
11.40 a. m., and 7.20 p. m@.
ept Sunday. Connects with trains on
Scotland Neck Branch.

Train leaves sarooru, N UC, via Alve-
warle & Raleigh R. RK. daily except Sun-
day, at 5 60 p.m., Sunday 405 P. M;
artive Plymouth 7.40 P. M., 6.00 p, m.
Returning izaves Plymouth daily except
Sunday, 7.50 a. m., Sunday 9.00 a ".,
arrive Tarboro 10.16 a.m and 1). 46

Train on Midland N,. ©. branch leaves
Goldsboro daily, ee Sunday, 6.05 a
m. arriving Smithtield 7°30 a, wn. Re-
turning leaves Smithfield 8.00 a. m,, ar-
rives at Goldsbors 9.30 a. m.

Trains ou Latta branch, Florence R
4., leave Latta 6.40 pm, aarive Dunbar
7.50 p m, Clio 805 p m. Returning
leave Clict6.10 am, Dunbar 6.30 a m,
pike Latta 7.50 a m, daily except Sun-


Train onClinton Branch leayes War-
saw for Clinton ecaily, except Suuday,
'0 00 a, m, and 8.50 p, m- Returning
~gaves Cinton at7.00 a. m. and3.00 1 m,

_ Train No. 78 makes close connection
at Weldon forall points daily, all rail via
sichmone, alse at Rowk ount with
Norfolk and VarolinagR R for Nonolk
He all points North via Norfolk.
; JOHN F. Payable E,
ba ¢neral Supt.
T, M. EMERSON. Tratie M \
J. R.AKENLY. Gen" Mander

Rae desi

aby Ne aspaoer te:

Rud, af acoidua.

The Onl iive-Bollar Daily
__ |e Ulugs inthe State


Ricky Mou it 5.45!

Daily ex-.

RamTs Horn Blasts.

Work is more than mere activity.

Inielligence is not gained by a mere
act ot will, ,

Nothing wiil upbraid you like unus«
ed faculties.

Happiness is lost by being intemp-
erate in its pursuit.

Reflection isa key that uniccks the
treasures of the memory.

Better a litile understanding then
much useless knowledge.

Selfishness is cften so refined that it
is deeply wounded at the least remons"

Act without thought, and you area
fcoi; think without act end, you ae a

No waiter in what part of the world

he lives, the man who loves Christ
hates sin.

Every one may be a co-worker with
Be ery ° . . ®
Christ who is willing to begin by doing
small things.

Courtesy and etiquette are flowers:
the one has its reots in the heart; the
other. 1m the intellect.

An in.eresting murder trial is
Dow in progressin Chicago. The
wife of a wealthy sausage man.
ufacturer disappeared, aud he was
charged with murdering her and
destroving her body in an acid
vat. When the vat was examined
Only a bone and a hank of bair
remaineu. The question to be
determined is this bone of he?
bone and hauk of her hair. He
says xbe has disappeared and is
now in Germany, where he is
hayiog search made for her, but

ed ber and melted her body in the
acid vat. The firet report was
that her body was ground up in
a sausage mill.


A Machine for a Coffin.

Mr Corn, of McUonne!! & Corn,
undertakers, yesterday swapped a
coffin toa Singer Sewing Ma-
chine agent fora machine. The
agent insisted on his buying a
machine. He said he didnTt have
the money, but neTd zive hima
coffin in exchange. The swap
was made. Mr. Corn thinks the
Singer man got the vest of the
trade, as he knows fie has a dead
sure thing."Charlotte Obseryer.

ae "

Everybcdy Says So.


Cascarets Candy Cathartic, the
mo:t wonderful meai~al discovery of
the age, pleasant and retreshing to the
laste, act gertly and poritively on
kidueys, liver and bowels, cleansing
the ertire system, dispel colds, cure
headache, fever, habitual constipat on
and biliousness, Please buy ard try a
box cf C, u. C, today. 1M, 25, 50
cents. Sold and guaranteed to cure
by all druggists.


The Peonsylvania Stats Democrat.c
Committee by a vote of 53 to 26 fired
W. F. Harrity from the National Com-
mittee and puta Bryan man in his

Central Missouri farmers areT lament
ing because they sold their wheat for
70 cents a bushel.

Greenville Market.
Corrected by 8. M, Schultz.
Bucter, per lb 15 to 26
Western Sides 5t 10 6
Sugar cured Ham» 10 to 124
Coru 40 to 5(
Corn Meal. 45 to 60
Flour, Familv 4.25 to 5.75
Lard : 54 to 10
Oats 35 to 40
Sugar 4 to 6
Coffee 17 to 20
Salt per Sack » 16 to 1 60
Chickens 10 to &
Eggs per doz 7 to 16
Beeswax. per oi,

his neighbors believe he murder-'!


CHURC (43.

BAPTIST"Services every Sunday,
moring and evening, Prayer meeting
Thursday evening. Rev A. W. Setzer,
Pastor. Sunday school 9:30 A, M.
C. D. Rountree, Superintendent.

CATHOLIC"No reguiar services,

EPISCOPAL"Services fourth Sun-
day, morning and evening. Lay ser-
vices second Sunday morning. Rev. A..
Greaves, Rector Sunday schoo! 9 30
A.M. W.B. Brown, Superinterdant.

METHODIST"Services everv Sun-
day, morning and evening, Prayer
meeting Wednesday eveving. Rev.
N. M. Watson, Pastor. Sunday school
9:30 A, M. A. B. Ellington, Superin-

PRESBYTERIAN"Services " third
Sunday, morning and evenirg. Rev.
J. B. Morton lastor. Sunday school
9:30 A. M. EK. B Ficklen Superinten-


A. F. & A. }.."Greenville Lodge No.
284 meets first and third Monday eyen-
ing, J. M. Reuss W. M. L. I. Moore,

I. 0.0. F."Covenent Lodge No. 17
Meets every Tuesday evening. J. V
Johnson N.G. L. H. Pender, Sec.

K. ot P."L'ar River Lodge No, 93,
meets every Friday evening. H. W.
Whedbee, C. C. A. B. Ellington K. of
R. and 8,

R. A."Zeb vance Conucil No. 1696
meets every Thursday evening. W. b.
Wilson, R, M.R. Lang, Sec.

K.of H."Insurance Lodge No. 1169
meets every Friday evening. Jobr
Flanagan, D. Henry Sheppard, R.

A.L. of H. Pitt Council 236 meets
every Thursday night, J. B. Cherry
C. W. B. Wilson. See.




| for Young Ladies

IN STITUT y Raleigh, N. C.

Exceli3ant buildings and beautiful
grounds in a Healthful Location with
splendid climate. Stands at the very
front in Female Education. ~Thorough
in its Courses. High in its Standard
Unsurpassedin Its INTELLECTUAL

~~wenty-one officers and teachers.
Veryretsonable pices, Send for cat-
alog 2 o JAS. DINWIDDIE, M.A.

Ne Ne!


~Lhree full courses of study, Large
number of electives. ~Two full chairs in
English. Women admitted to all classes
One Hundred and one ~Thousand Do'lars

in North Carolina that is located ina
he bess business course offered in

Durham, N.C.


ee "

Cotton and Peanut,

, Below are Norfolk prices of cotto. |

und peanuts for yesterday, as furnished
by Cobb Bros. & Commission Mer-
chaps of Norfolk -

Good Middling 84
Middling 8
Low Middling i
Good Ordinary 6 15-16

Prime T
Extra Prime 2}
oancy %
Spanish 6 10 75

Select Female School,

The next. session of this school will
begin on


The terms are as follows:

Primary Eng ish, per mouth $2 00
Intermediate ~ . $2 50
Higher My wat $3 00

es $l 00

ener ey (eachT
Music including use of nstrument $3 00

No deductioa for joss time except in
case of sickness of a8 much as one
weeks guration.

The instruction is thorough in a'] its
branches. ~The moral tone aud. intel-
lectual induences are unsurpassed, The
discipline is mild but positively firm,

T For further particulars see 6r addres,

MRS, Al aee hee a
Saty, 21,199.
! """"


Next Session Opens September 8. | §

added to the endowment curing the | % "
presens, year, Ouly male literary college | @

the state. Send for album and catalogue. .



lo ¢

a *
@ Pe


o¢ Oe

tive. never grip or srive, but cause easy natural resalte,

ple and booklet free. Ad. STERLING REQEDY Co., Chivazo, atontreal. Can,, or New York,


ABSOLUTELY GU ARANTEED to cure any case of constination. Cascarets are the Ideal Laxa-b

oanusAy Wosulysiq, uo




i We


Es ood

OOO c =

i 3 aes ""4 einer l bo

Boz SOESE rae :
ee a

gS & Sek ae f= 5==

he ee gS Sams & *,

eee BOS ori ow Pe

- Sars g Oa Q

Ss" 4aogSes bd "
eee. ""

2enGodT 83} name

Ses =s4 34. foes fash tne

2' 35924 827: 3S of:

P42 8s SP gb

Bi oy oud we » :

gf SE 28 * ee

2E% 32 -. sa) ee

382 2a &F

3764 a. ® © a ee


p29)ueiuad eins ~anireyieo Cpuvd ~19109
-SWL) B Tes £94.439 FD 3NOITIQ Us


capt | al| "hires.
i oWe

sora An? ie 4 .


complete without one.

+ Redector Job Prioting Ot

FA 209. cu voc ag a uae ao a dg gg uu vaguely
Anything from 23@===- , |
~~ Card


You may never, "
But should you ever}@===-

Want Job Printing

"" Come to see us, ="


LT at al Neg a tl Sage



""TO A""

ae SEE THAT? Weagy

bhahhhh What Is It? yeahhh

It is a picture ot tae celebrated -�"� "

Best in use The outfit ot no business man is

The Reflector Book Store

has a nice assortment ot these Fountain Pens
also a beautiful line of Pearl Handl:: Gold Pens,
You will be astonished when you see them ana
varnhowvery cheavthey are.



Full Sheet Poser

The Daily Reflector.

Gives the home news
every afternoon at the
small price of 25 cents a

month. Are
seriber ?

ought to be.

or men

The Eastern Reflector.

s only $1 a Year.


You a sub-
It not von:



contains the news every

week, atid gives infornia~

tion tv the farmers, :es-
specially those growiny
tobacco, that is worth
mapy.times. more thar


~v« subsetiption sprite:

Lhe ob



Vides | fn te

y ns ene ae os = "| - Rights and Lefts" Some of the
| -Wearers.


Mrs. W. J, Cowell is sick,

: at the



- peates many a new business. = W. T. Barnhill went to Bethel to-

| ~gnlarges many ai old business, day.
veeserves many a large business

3 es ON NIN LS on Ve i oN /
fa P. ie ~ } A i
x. [ f

J. W. Wiggins retuned io Tarboro

bevives wapy a dull business, today and W 4 nter
Rescues many a tost business, | :
Saves many a failing businese. C. M. Bernerd I+ft this morning for

Secures success to any business Williamston.

E. B. Ficklen returned from Kiv-
ston this morning. W


+ tress gods, hat

® a Ip
Hill tod: i, t* resuoe lis st d 1 4 i
j : * g udics at the
Passenger ht mal train yvoingT J .

This will be an extra. [Nevth, ree A.M, Going sonth, | University, Shoes, Notions, &C. 9 CC.

ordinary parg ain week Reo. E. D. Brown came over from |

3 vamer Tar River arrives from Wash-

jong to be Sia inzton Monday, Wolseniey ano Friday Kinston this morning and went outT to are in all and we ask you to call and inspect
ed b wide-awaxe bu leaves for Washington Tuesday. Tenre-| Paikland to fill his appo:ntment to- HT 4 yy | ar at £2. nc harcaantu
ors and watchful shop. casual buna w them. We bought large and offering bargams
pers as ,a momentous """""

¥fo ~advertise udiciously,TT use tne

J. &. Jenkins lett this m:rning for
columns of tu. REVLEOCTOR. ee ee sine


few days in Virginia,


ot . Miss Bettie Warren left this morn
Kraing Constantty af it Brings NHRRANY ing tor Washington to visit re'atives.

G. P. Fleming and tamily came over
this morning from Kinston to speid a

ir tmnt se) ahi tenettentt OPC: COONS, ~nin tenancies tan nnnccsiamnniss nail

" Charlie Harris retarned to Chapel


asain nc serena cenit aes tna samme naninnar se Cian atni (Catt RAO L IR,

: . 7 C. S. Forves returned Friday ever -
money saving occasionT "s- WE ATH) ing trom the north where he had been
" to purchase new goods for his tather,) ii
; F . A. Forbes. |
oair tonight and Suncay, except
Wash Goods sLowers on the coast, | Miss Fat Skinner left this morhins | SS
iF : some hy rom ~etur SU at Sale .
son ane ammmeiel i one meen "i . vem, Her! 2p ELEMING, Pres, aie nde Crole,
ae sind i NINTH INNING. mether, Mrs. Charles Skinner, accom» ; A. G. COX, i Vice Pres KENRY HA ot Gi,
Unmercifully cut | panied her gs far us Rocky Mount. G. 4. CHERRY, Joos� 7 Asst Cashier
1250 yards beautiful . CAPITAL: Minimum $10,009; Maximum $100,000.
Dress Ginghams to gO" September at the Bat and Makes Court at Williamston next week. / Organized June lst 1897
aca Banc T .
at 5 cts @ yd. | These Rans. Tablets from 1 cent up at the Ract- ® ee
Pe nck tat The Bank of Pitt County,
Wash Material com- Last night wis real fall dike. The RegisTei of Deeds issued only ;
rising new COLOTINGS, the schools all open Monday. two marnage ficenses this week, beth GREENVILLE,N. C.
~in Breezy Fabricsto be) gos an tour late Inst nizht.| colored couples. iipeiee eee
rain pearly an licur late last night. hh
sold at 3c and 4c per yd a Bee 6 Dea! suipperneng 20 juiey. aut av 6 Meets Bank wants youririendship anda share
_ if notall, of your business, and will grant

The wind raised a big dust today. ;
up. d raised a big cust Olay. | fin? � now supercedes oDat watermelon

Keos ane chiskens at S. M. Schultz | hanginT on de vine.�

Whit every favor consistent with safe and sound
2000 yards of White) i serie $149 Bie ak ike Backel panking. We invite correspondence or a_per-
Goodsat bargain prices Nice dne of V siling Ourde just re- ; ge, at the Racket] gqna] interview to that end.

Ladies Rufted Shirt ceived at REFLECTOR cflice. tore,
~Waist Sets all colors at! Nice lne Baby Caps, H-ods ard

In nine cases outot ten the line) = SC CSCSCSC~"~"C"sSS"~( FT!� eens ~

15 cts Sets. Cloaks, from 25 cents up, at the watermelons that ccme in late havea , KAKA WA
. . e bd ON th dh a f
t Racket Store. a cbill hid under the rind. OOO Ba ada Si eaatas
n our meee st - o: ns ! be ac ae
Genuine Faber and Simplex? iead Once more-"how about the Chember 4 De FALL 2

. " openciis at Refizctor Book Store. ot Commerce # Don't you think one}
S 10e ~ is needed in Grceuville?

Ladies warting reece stationery can . ;
Gnd it at Reflecter Book{Store. Very See the Laces from 1 to 2; e"nts

Department latest stvles. | per yard at the Racket ~store.

A Sorts Greenville Httle girl asked

Of: eg
© ~
a Ye a me ¢ Ae P
A H ©} 4 ) 4% se
T a wo or Se a a Se Weerw a Go
4 Vey io

It you want your laundry done right,

we can iit both YOurL) send it to me in time tor WednesdayTs farce ee doall the old moons

foot and purse. shipment. Packages always ready for jge When tle sew exes come ?
. delivery Saiurday eveniog. We canTt say that it being first Sat-
Ladies Oxfords worth $2 50 C. B, WHicHARD, day lad anything to de with it, but the
Swept down to $2.00-| Avt. Wilmingtcn Steam Laundry, " | crowd in town today was farger than
Ludies Oxfords worth $2 00, ae Se | ol.

Swept down to $1.65. |
Ladies Caters worth $1.50, © Boarders Wanted. If your children need tablets, peper,
~ Swept down to $1-25. Ihave taken in charge the Ricks pencils, pens, ink or slates when they

; House and am prepared to take board- . vet ear | OA AOROADADADAK BORCACACAOI BO
Ladies Oxfords worth $1.00. ers and farnish large and comfortable st»rt to schvol come to the Reflector) RARAgoadS 0

Swept down to 75. | rooms. Low pr.ces and satisfaction | Book Store for them.
Misses acd childrens reduced guaranteed.

0 a
2 Arriving.

} g « ha j 3i y I hi

n sawe proportion MRS. &. D. LAWHORN. Ask any business man who 1as Ne rs |
Ste apne i » | +"" | Job printing done atthe RerLecToR

: " ELON COLLEGE, office, and he will tell you w2 do only De AA AAAAAICA

: Adepleted stuck caunot supply NORTH CARULINA. the very best class of work.

: your wauls, revlizing this fact We) citmat d on Southern Railway, in Tha weather turning cooler will .

areacding to our alre adv Jarge|piedmort section; very best water; |increase the demand for fall govds. O AK RIDGE INSTITUTE.

. stock of seasuuable goods daily, | healthiest locality, property of Chris-| a7 01 honld look ~well atcsr thei | :

; such a Hing church, non-sectarian in spirit and | �"�ereHants shoud 109 well alter their , FORTY-SIXTH YEAR.

sua sheers tit Bt erie & see te advertisementa and lec the people know

1 building, halls laboratories, ete. "actl| what they have. ~ rs under present principals. 224 students attended last year,

: Laces, Ribbons, Em ty cf spzelalist, cev-educational, curri- y ven Gre : on pi Prontietory. ceboo) cith ~special depattaments ot

broideries Handker- | slut equa! of best male college, three | The man who has the reputation -} +-Hand, and Telegraphy-* ~the Largest and Best Equipped
TF ~4 . degree comiees, MMe liberal terme, best . Book-Reeping. Oe South. Location healthful and beavtiful. ~Terms to suis

: i eliable Fitting School in the
chiefs, Collars & Cults, eaves ) err Testa Costruan, . nee ae sane Aaa the sites.� For beautiful new catalogue address,
Belts, Ladies Ties, a 0 ah OR Collere N.C. ~lan investment that will slways give | Profs. J. A. & M. H. HOLT, Oak Ridge, N.C.

. . yood returns. He also bus a consider- ,
seca ie and many new NOTICE, abe start on his less careful brethren, . | | a) |
and stylish things. and is conscious that such qualines School For Girls And Ni) HIS (N MEATS |

NORTH CAROLINA, {In the Supe -

| Pitt County. rior Court. | are appreemted in ony condition of Boys. * !
Our. stork of topo Of |" On Mondas, Sept Ni NF (UR HARK 13
G ° aul | sav) ion for Divorce. eau a ce Oy Wits BN my school for giris and sm Ph 4 | yet i P
roceries, Furniture Mt - 100) i Rraitding on Me. W. B.
: ee NO CURE"-NO pay. . Srcma's Tek, in i Greenville.

~ Ala: dware. Crocker : att cutee cad UN I She ee N druggists ell! Perms, etc., made known on xpplica-| We have placed a large Refriger- :
T . Y) The defendant above named will tvke | GROVES TASTELESS ohth TON tion. MISS MYKTLE WILSON. | ator in our market to keep all our :

" | meats. cool and free from flies.

i ~1° notice that an Action for Divorce, #n-| (5 for Chills, Fever and all fortis. of
and Gents Furnishings titled as above, has been commenced to alark. t'is simply Iron and Quinine |
. TOE? } ) When you want fresh

is | che Buperle Cont of The Uovy, and jing gataens foam. Chie re 7 )

a large and complete and we|the sald defehian artherT take| ydults prefer it.to bitter, nauseating] " [if cela |

pa take pleasure in showing notice that she 1s required to appear at) ~Ponies, Price, 500.0 | 5 : saa oh oat i Ga

yon th pleas DZ | the next term of the Superior Court of} : | Mt | : Be ef, Pork or usage

| thrdpgh ~and posting YOU iD | sai County to be beld on the 2nd Mon- ee

prices: Remon! ir now 18 the day after tre 1st Monday inSeptember,) | php | : |
rape uber ie 1 a jem ro the complalé | 47 .: bre one HED. A Fall Session Opens Sept. 14. gend us your orders and you will

a . a. ;and answer or demur to the complaint | err ay one ann ated
if 7 49 ropteath of bargain in satd action or the plaintiff will a VY. ville with} . a een vag? iy aig 7
: ma fe cane {ply to the Court for the relief demand-) w. R. P 7 ager. Orders|"y be . & resh every time. Phone 4l. BO
a "ea t CeCe RL ft i j ou " ey Pd . Y ~al T 7, A a i TInetr uc ion thorough. For terms, ¢. j hie oak ae ie 4 ee ean the Mae ;
tb tad On mf! {led in eui® complaint. ~ tor oRough or» d.can be} ply to ~ghia aT EPS TR, eS we :
YW }} TEL} | This 27th day of August 1897. - defe-with Be em {REY spe 1. G. BRRNARD, Wea 1. i Canal,
an eee A BOTS, UMBER CO. ' oGreetiville, N. Ch ne
ii i» OT | Clerk buperior Court. | Kinsboa, ty: e aly gas : i
: A] : | ' ) ~3 ~ a sop is
WH ; a / : ~

/ ibe : i /
: ae

Daily Reflector, September 4, 1897
The newspaper was established in 1882, and was originally named the Eastern Reflector. It was founded by Julian Whichard and David Jordan with equipment they purchased from The Greenville Express. On December 10, 1894, it adopted the name The Reflector and began publishing every day. Cox Newspapers acquired The Daily Reflector in 1996. Creator: Daily Reflector (Greenville, N.C.) - September 4, 1897
September 04, 1897
Local Identifier
NC Microforms
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