Daily Reflector, August 6, 1897

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D. J WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.

" neritic

Vol. 6. GREENVILLE, N. C. FRIDAY, AUGUST 6, 1897. No. 820





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Mls) 4

Base Ball.

Louisville, Ky., August 4"Two
games were to have been played here
today, but in the second inning ot tlre
first game, with the score 3 to 2 in the
home teamTs favor, Burkett called Um-
pire Wolfe a vile name, and was or-
dered out of the game. Tebeau refused
to put u man in to bat for Burkett, and
after waiting five minutes, Wolfe gave
the game to Louisville, 9 to 0.

The Indiats played as'it they did
not care whether school kept or not m
the second game; and the Colonels won
easily. In the ninth inning Burket
again insulted Umpire Wolfe, and was
ordered out of the game. He refused
to leave first bese, and the Umpire
ealled two policemen, and the IndiansT
lett fielder was ejected from the

' Right Fieider McCreery has been
traded to New York for Dad Clark
and a money consideration, and Pitcher
Miller given ten dayTs notice of his
release. Score. Louisville, 7; Cleves
land, 4.

Cincinnati, O., August 4"The Reds
and Pittsburgs played two games
today, Killen pitched the first game
for the visitors, and the Reds found him

easy. The scond game was called in

Raxeion, N. C., July 5th T9¢.
Eprror Rerrecror"Theie seems
to he great dissatisfaction in sume sec~
tions of our State in regard to the new
school law and the special tax to be

caused feuds and bad blood in some
townships cannot be doubted.

This is caused not so much on &c-
count cf the special school tax, but the
opposition is mainly against the school
management now in the hands of bitter
partizan committees and vicious and
incompetent Boerds and Supervisors,
1'o show the ammus by which they are
governed, the attention of the public
should be called especially to the res-
olution introduced by Mr. LH. Flem
ing berore the Wake County Board of |
Education. The resolution is as

oWhereas, it would be detrimental to
tu the public school system to appoint
colored committees to look efter the
interest of the white schools either
in whole or in part.�

It is therefore resolved that suci |
colored school committeemen as may be
appointed are expressly appointed. by
the Board to assist in looking after the
interest of the colored schools and it



voted on the 10th inst. Tlat it has |.



And the price of our
Summer Clothing has
declined with the ad-
vanceofsummer. We'd |
rather sell Summer

PROP ti iaalind

policy, they have promptly resigned or
failed to quality. ~Those who hold or
do so with the hellish intent of creating
disseptions and ill will and to retard
not only our educ tional interest but
to wreck and ruin organized society.

claim the victory. ShochTs two bagger
and GrimTs single, after Lachance flew
out, did the trick. Shoch was the hero
of the day in the field, white Anderson
and Grim shared in the batting honors. '
Score. Brooklyn, 2; Washingten 1.

Chicago, August 4"The Browns Men with anglo saxon blood in their
Bu? oo

closed their season here today by takirg veins should consider well before they vV Ee D ® B
a hard fought but loosely played game vote their hard earnings to increase Y y BF y LS aA AL-=
their power, by ..eans of more funds,
gain day at my

LS oJ e *
je} = the sixth inning, on account of dark- Clothes at a loss than
o) O ness, with the score a tie. is the opinion of this Board that such tok th
S e In the second inning Hurst had commirteeimes should not _interlere 0 keep OM Okay
O viven the Reds the worst of a decision with the control of the white schools ~
ar ° - , 4 ayy 2 p rry) 2 achers , at
= O and an irate rooter rolled a beer glass either in the employm 2at of teachers of Whatever vou want
. . + rn ~ erpw1se.�T
x x into the diamond. Umpire Hurst picked ouberwises ;we have probably got
Oe up the glass and threw it into RootersT! It is sluimed that the negroes were (s 4
arg my MCS Row, and hit John Cartuyveilles over only appointed to look after their own in for less than cost. A
© *oht eve. inflicti apy ; se S, £ y a 3 ermitted * + }
Yaa = the right eye, inflicting a serious wound. chools, and would no~ be permit ~loss at this time 18 al-.
~scenes ae A patrol wagen was immediately called under any circumstances to have any- ; 4
"J aan = and Efurst was arrested, charged with thing to do with white schools, but it beahee as good as a profit,
S v assault and battery. Red Bittman should be known among all our people lier
" , ° | ~eariler.
~a took HurstTs place as umpire. Score. that the Mongret Board, except Mr. wa
en 2 : =n Cincinnati, 14; Pittsburg, 3. Fleming of course, for ths county in . , a
~ e" " © Second game"Citcinpati, 4; Pitts- which is loeated the Capitol of the [ R A NJ K W | te, ») ON
| S ° burg, 4. State, gives it out officially that the "" . ) - hip
apa 7 =] 4 gve ¢é *¢)1 + 1 2 § _" be r
"" so = Brooklyn, N. Y., August 4A} | Bf groes shall have a voice in the man THe KING CLOTHIER.
=| = though the Washingtons arrived ut agement of white schools. It some
Sac ~ a . , e Qs, ; . . 4 ;
GS a cs = Eastern Park today but a tew minutes counties of the State T worthy, indus" ae A AS ars ne " : naan desesoeripettincareiinianaenge oa
sc: om Os before the time for play, their train trious and intelligent nezroes haye been
9 joconmaaramener! " our being late, they managed to put upa appointend as committeemen, but with
one! ~ e ~ j 2 } Ine ' rs} 1 . 4}
"_" a came that would be a credit to any un BES esdiles oo Superior 0 their |
" 4 club. It was not until the eleventh appointees, and seeing the disastrous 4 n |
. inning that the home team was able to | "sult which will tollow such a suicidal

trom the Colts. Both sides bated hard |

from the start. Callahan lost his game to succeed in thetr satanic purpose.
~n the ninth by presenting two bases | Many good oa who, under
and making a wild pitch. Lally shut tavorable auspices would gladly use
off several long hits by sensational | *e!" sp fluence to promote our public
catches. Scere. Chicago, 12: St. schools, wi'l scorn to do 89 under

MU 4


present environments.


Louie, 13. . , ;
The Board ct Education of Wake is
HOW THE OF.BS STAND. a'fair sample of those in other counties.
pond Won Lost Per Cen | It was given out thas all Supervisors ,
=) ston 58 26 g9y {should be men who were practical A nice lot of
Baltimore 53 27 6G3 | teachers und were professionally pre-
| f ? Cincinnati 53-28 654 | pared to perform their duties. Instead CLOTH w N G SH OES
Oo New York 49 81 613 | of that we have broken down, bi.ckwood i e 8
a Cleveland 4k. 39 536 | populist exhorters, notoriously incom-
~ ~ : . ~~ | petent and far interior in intellect learn- 9
es colores ee| LAWNS: AND DIMITIES
Pittsburg 88 40 458) who appear hetore them for examina:
bd Chicago 40 48 455 | tion. tee |
O Louisville 40 30 444) It maybe said that prominent men Are being shoved out of the Way at
Brooklyn 35 48 | 422\ are nite eae ae _ canvassing
ieee 53 349 |tor this special tax. ohis istrue: but
O ideconin ile - ch it shoul! be observed tuat they select
oF St, Louis 2 auch counties as are dominated by men
rq) met ot high standing, whose Board of Edu: fi , . :
| } cation and Supervisor are broad gauged ) re
Q bad Mrs. Sarah Walston, of F oP: and liberal minded und have only the tO. MaKe. LOOM tor fall goods.
=) township, sent the RELECTOR @ chick- public good in view, On the other r Regt. ~ r
= E. See ee ey Woked ike heh ral) hand no efor is being ma in Wake These summer eoods will not be carried over
: tl d had fourteen | #94 °% er,counties where greedy fustion- | ) ~ Sa ain ot |
a+ o had grown together ang 22°, {ist pie hunters conirol.. It thure is an and you can ret bargains on them.
| : toes. : honest populist or white republican, in
a P P
ey | wen "pera the Biate, out of . office, who. is not liu 0 hy
e Gudae amed:
fa) AS, ~| Inspector General Royster was her? | #8 ot the whole damnable busi- , AT. ae
eo eek. et she Pits, Const Dp: ness. thea he is to be pitied as an enemy | 4 Ne
a DO today ~saansperh th? itt, County, Bi-! (his racd~and country. RK. W. J. ie i | ; | a
o t J : A ai , 7


ue : . set



re i

oo wane amet

a D. J. WHICHARD. Editor.

/ ilirida


a tenrnmcnnttt

Gowred as second-class mail matter.


es WeKT, Ge $3.00
mee gent, oe
One week he ee eed

oDe ivercd in town by curriers without

e@xtren cos!.
A~lvertisng rates are Hberal and ean be

nad on application to the editor or at

the office

We desire a live correspondent at
avery postofiice in the county, who wi 1
gend in brief items of NEWS as it occurs
ta each neighborhood, Write plainly
gad oniy on one side of the paper.

nn mnie

cetaceans Gene a ET 1h
anlincie pts ete CN NE

Fripay, ACGUST 6 1897.

Epared for a Worse Fate,

oTheieTs u poor devil I sympathize
with.� ~The head of the firm laid aside
his paper wud turned to bis partner,
says the Deticit Free Press. oite was
engaged to 2 young society Woman,
introduced her to his most irtimate
male friend and threw them together a
good deel because so tond of both,
They eloped and were married, He
tollowed them up and shot his false
friend.� .

*You donTt cluia that he did right?�

oJ do claim thai heTs better than the
man he shot, and if be neeas money to
make a deferse, he can have it. I
donTt know him, but I know just
what he went tbrough, When [wes
23 my fiancee and I were within two
months of eur weading day. The
man I kad roomed with for four years
in college and whom I loved as David
did Saul, ¢: mo to visit me. I would
have trusted him with my life, fortune
and reputation. He handsome
and tascinating, she was briliant, beau «
tiful and had all the a:ts of croquetry.
Two weeks beture the day fixed for
our marriage the, disap peared together
and were mode man aad wife by a
ccuntry Justice. Do you think tt was
possible for me to sit ealmly down and
figure on what duty demanded? Do
you think that the promptin,s of out-
raged love and pride could be silenced
by the etill, small voice of conscience f
I armed myeelf, followed them like a
them = in


Nemesis, caine up with

Venice rusaed upeo him without a
word, jammed my revolyer against his
temple and pulled the trigger.�

~Horrible! And all these years |
have rever knowa you Were a mur~

2m not, The
explode and they dragged me away.�

oAre you sorry you falled 2�

oNo, but he is. She has led him
a lite 1o make any man wish he had
di:d young.�

Te eel


A Maiter cf Education.

cartridge didnTt

1 was sitting ow a keg of nails in a
West Virginia mountain store watching
a native dickering with the merchant
over atrade ct a basket ov eggs for a
calico dress. After some time a bar-
gain was clused, the nasive walked out
with the dregs in a bundle under his
arm and I followed him,

he felt real sorry tor me. Then he
grinned and patted. his, herse over
felose (o me.

oT reckon.� hk» whispered,
casting furtive glances toward the
ainTt so much



store, ohis eddication
moreTn mine ez you thirk it is.
dorTt krow how many uv them aign is
spiled. anT {do,� and h» rode away
before I evuld angus fusther." Boston
Herald. i

eee tENe et SED
' -s


A Georgia tatmer employed the
poet of the viluge to write some oiton
ary verses on the death oi his brother.
He gave the poet all the points at his
command, and the latter began as
tollows :

oHe lived this life ofipain anT strife,
Paid all thas he did owe,

AnT seid one day : T jest canTt stay :
I reckon I must yg.�

oPhatTs just what he did say,� com"

mented the turmer, 0 om �T

oUpon the skies be sot his eyes"
The Christain brave anT bold;

An~ then he took the beavenly priz2"
A crown anT harp of gold.�

oStop right thar, Jolin,� exclaimed
the old man; ostep right thar anT
change that. le wuz fer silver ter
she Jast 1�


Saw Through His Nose.

serene eR

Several authors of the sixteenth
century mentioned the existence of a
man who, having lost his evesigh:
could see through his Th:
story, much doubted at the time ana
pronounced fabulous by physicians, is
nevertheless, true if the researches « ¢
Kk. Doaliot prove correct. It seems


ihat the victim had lost (his right eye
early in life, and Jater on, while
climbing on a cherry tree, tell upon a
fence, the pickets horribly mutilating
cheek und the noss- The
called in considered the eye entirely
destroyed, sewed vp the wound and it


healed in time, forming a large scar
the eye A year
later the man, then counside ed stone
blind, laid in the grass, when he sur-

where had been,

prised himself hy discovering that he
could pererive through the cayity ol
the nose the sky and the color cf the
flowers on the meadow around him.
From that time on he practiced for five
whicn to bim became gradually the
He vradually be-

came wore proficient in seeing in shis

or six years to sce with nose,

organ of vision.
way, and could see anything beneath
while he remained quite iasensible to
the light froin above.

Vhe condwion of this man can be
Although the
lens of the eye had been torn from its

explained scientifically.

socket by tie fall of the optic mem-
veane and the nerves at the rear of the
cavity of the eye had retained seme ot
When the eye had
healed together a smell hole in the

the seelng power.

bone of the nose must have formed,
which acted as a lers in the same way
as a pinhole can be used to take a
photographiépicture. This also proves
that the retina of the eye acts like a
caméra obscura where the objects
trom the outside become visible after
passing through a small opening."

Philadelphia Record.

Ae ee a ee


«Jt isnTt any business of mine,� J
said, obut I was watching that trade, |
And was surprised to see you let the
eggs go for the dress,�

oWhat fer?� he asked, in astonish-
ment, as he mounted his horse.

oHow many eggs did you have?�

oBasket fuil.�

oHow many dozen ?�

oDunno. Cen'tcount.�

oThat's where you miss the advan-
- tagesof education. With kcowledge,
you might have got two dresses for
oRut I didnTt want two dresses mis~

stgued, " es
not, but that wags no

a 4a aes have paid two
ue ae ee

T, out.�

|a missionary made an address. After

~oPmore, I can very well spare..a, little

Mark [wain once attended a mis"
sionary meeting in Hartford at which

hstening to the agonizing story of
suflering, Mark Twain said to himself:
oKor GodTs sake, send that plate
around, so that | can pour my sym-
pathy into it. ITll give yeu these four
$100 bills, ardif I can get..a piece of
paper, I'll write a check for something

money for a cause like that.� But the
lecturer went on talking, andi las ) he
talked Twain's enthusiasm calmed.
oAnd when the missionary had beon
talking for halt an hour,� he continues,
oI bad sayed one of those bills, and
when he had talked five minutes more
two of those bills were mine again,
~and when he had been talking an hour
I bad won all four back, and by gosh,

ochant got the) when he finally did serd that plate} iets

around, I borrowed 10 cents of it to

| Puy wy car fare hume.�

oHe looked at me tor a minute, as. if}


~that he was a calvaryman.

Legs Les; in Battie

oI can tell almost to a certainty
to which branch of the sevice, he
belong d when I see an old
soldier staiking around on one
leg.� said Col. Lamar Fountain,
of Mississippi, the, famous ¢on-
federate scout and poet, who was
at the Lacleds yesterday. If the
left leg is missing then I am
pretty certain he belonged to the
infantry, and ii be 18 minus the
right leg,then I feel safe in betting
either case the absence of the leg
proves more conc'usively than
the writtex record that the man
who lost it was fighting like a
soldier when wounded. oThe
reason the infantryman loses the
left leg in battle is this: Tofan-
trywen are drilled to. place the
ieft foot forward when fineg in
order to palaucs the bady go that
steadier aim can be taken. This
naturally acte as a protection to
the right leg, which, of course, ig
more or Jess concealed. Conse
quently. the bullet of the enemy
is much more apt to find
lodgment in the left leg than the
iight. Now the cayalrymaa uses
a pistul nearly altogether. Itis
handier and less cumbersome.

The pistolis held in the right
hand, and this causes the caalry-
man when firing to piace his
right foot forward for support.

In this way that side of him 18
much more lhkely to suffer than
the left. Bu~, as I have said,
either case is conclusive evidenca
to me that the soldiers thus
maimed were facing the enemy
when snot. The loss of the log
indicates almost to a certainty
that the sufferer was standing in
military position ard not crouch
ing or running.T~St. Louis

NT Lamipeumenl

It may be observed that while
the New England cotton mills are
closing every day, for one reason
or another, and for !ouger or
shorter periods of time, the North
and South Carolina cotton miils
are paying dividends right along.
Richmond Dispatch.

The United States government

ha~ sentan expert to Klondike to
investigate and oiamine the gold




seeinen eqn naseint iene aI ea A

Cotton anc Peants,

Below are Norfolk prices of cotto
and peanuts for yesterday, as furuishee

by Cobb Bros. & Commission Mer
chants of Norfolk -
Good Middliug 8}
Middling on.
Low Middling Tk
Good Ordinary 6 15-16
Prime "
Extra Prime nv
�"�ancy 24
Spanish 60 to Th


a =

Select Female School.

The next session of this school will
begin on


The terms are as follows:

Primary Eng ish, per month "$2 00
Intermediate ** iy $2 50
Higher. a3 00)


Languages (each) $100
Music including use of nstrument 33 00

No deduction for ioss time except in
case of sickness of as much as one
weeks duration.

The instruction is thorough in aT! its
branches. ~he; moral tone, and intel-

lectual influences are unsurpassed, The:

discipline is mild but positively firm,
For further particulars see oraddreas,
ny Greenyille, N, C.
July, 21, 1897, TT y

"t ei ie

\ I oval | Bye i crown ~with
W. R. PARKER as Manager. Orders
for Lumber, Rough or Dressed can be
Kinston, N. C

f Aa cs a R. Sie DAVIS, PresTt. s 4 ; a
R. A. TYSON, ViceePres. J L. LITTLE, CashTer


The Bank of Greenville,


At the Close'cf Business May 14th,°1897.

6 ee

Loans and Discounts $42,153 81 Capital stock paid in $23,000.00
Over Dratts 993,99 Surpms and Profits 9,042.54
Due from Banks 4 8,772.46 Deposits subject to Check = 58,812.55
Furniture and Fixtures 1,505.00 Cashiers Chocks ortstanding "_"~148.10
Current Expenses 1,312.04? Due to Banks 508,15
Cash Items 1.839.568 Time Certificates of Deposit: 55.00
Premium on Stock 1,000.00 as xpar Ba
Cash on hand § 28.088.18 _Votal £$85,566.34
£.: yr etter ESSE
Total i * $89,566.34

We study carefully the separate needs of our patrons, aud shall be glad to have
your account, promising every accumme dation consistent with good banking. CH}






just arrived. Comeand
see us.


| �,�, COBB SON

Just try a iGc Luo or cascarets, te
finest liver and bowel 1egu ator ever






ttt SE,

en ee te nen es ae

We have jut reveived & dew
hearse and te nicext line of Cof-
tins and Caskets, in eed, metal-
lic and cloth ever brought to

We ana prepasted «
ing in aii its forms.

Personal attention given toco
ducting fucerals and bodies en
trusted to our care will receiye
every mark cof respect,

Our prices are lower than ever.
Ve do not want monupoly, but
wavite COmpetition. h

_ We can be found at any and all
times in the Joho Flanagan
Buggy CoTs building.


{o embalm-

W. M. Bond.

J. L, Fleming


Valuale. Property far Sale

qualified as Receiver of the Green-
ville Lum er Company, for the purpose
of settling the affairs of said Company,
I herebv offer for sale the real estate in
and adjoining the town of Greenville
belonging to said Company. This piop-
erty will be sold on reusonable terms in
lots to suit purchasers.
For further iviormation see or ad-

Greenville, N.5C.
Practice io all the courts.




Patronage solicited. Cleaning, Dyeing
and Pressing Gents Clothes a specialty


o ince awn


Receiver Kinsion, N.


Special attention givca to cleaning
i Gentlemens Clothing,


Vale Acadeay,

The vext session of ~the school will

open on~

MONDAY SEPT. 6, 1897"

and contiuue for 10 months.


ESTABLISH) 1879. The terms are as follows.

Primary English per mo. 32.00

SAM, M. SCHULTE) time nt
Languages (each) eM $1.00

ing their yearTs supplies will ti ne
their interest to get our prices befere pui
chasing elsewhere. Qurstock is coraplete

nallits branches, T

The work and diselpline of the setido!
will be as heretofore. ee

We ask a continuance of vow pasT
liberal patronige. aan


een ageete Ch win


wo AnspALE

Tobacco, Snuff, &c,



rae a

~ eri Pe he ~yi He perms iw: hat aa :
we buy diroc) from Manufactu.. en Ree) dare: nn a be rent ey tor
hie . ,thdBameE price vores oe :
ling you to buy at one proilr. a eo : poaproterin come hers o1 Bem ae

cie stock of to PCY ratlpoud fare and hos. demas ne


er ifs ofelltdcure. If you have t.)\ eas

~ : ig cury, loc polash, an ai Dave (Yara

Sram eng oe ches in month, sore ~Wr at,

: ' imples, Copper Colored spots, : on

a ccecie MenwtearemitiencGuD. o Spree

always on band and sold at prices to Suit waprusrantec tocure. We weber: abeti-
the. times, Our goods areall bought and roe oe an eesti di cuss Rod Blecags
| sold for CASH. therefore, having no 118k bated theski tiie most eminent Paya:
run we a close margib. or 8500, 0 eanttal behind our ndi-
8.M SCHULTZ, GreevlleN.0 Som ee
« . aia ay , a ~

39% Dade ote. Bele, pees






i -

| & M., Greenville 8.52 a. m.

édaily except Sunday.

WLMINGYION & & ELDJN R, . By Hes Ness, Krow Him.
ae yeas csi , 1. Doret marry a man whose nose
ANTy FLORENCE RaiL RUA | Shows any naturel deformity/or twist-
: ing; ~there will invatiabiy be some
Coaurnsean penedule / |eorrespording flaw in his moral char-
[sO acter, .
TRAINS GOING SOUTH. 2. Vo not marry a min wacse
a nose coms out ot the big fe: bead in
2 (ead oe : elmort a straight line, tie typo of nose
May 27. a = | often reen in slatues following Greek
1897. A | models. Such a nose is invariably
i lathe wii Vets "~|""" | accompanied by extreme willtulness,
A. M. | A. �"� |seTfishness and sometimes cruelty.
~wave Weldon | 17 50) | Nero had such a nose, and so did
oAt. Roovk Mt cline 1_. |__| Mary Que«n ef Scotts.
ee lie (8 | 3. Do net marry a man with a
Lv Tarhoro ib ee sharp pointed nose, he will have sharp,
ee since | """ "-" | uucumforteble character. He will be
iv Rocky Mt | 12 ey 5 49] hard to please ; there will be acidity
Ly Wiison 205. : 6 2U). ,. i
Lv Selma 2504! in his nature, : Co
yv Fay'tteville| 4 i8| oy, 4. ita man telis you he is an artist
Ar. Florence 6 44) , jor writer and has a nose that is net
anata sermons mile | ee ""i"""- j refined at the Up do not believe him.
ie There 18 great valve in the aesthetic
2s tin~sh of the tip oi the nose in wen of
ieee edu """-'..---. | these two claszes.
(P.M. A.M o. If you want a husvand who will
Lv Wilson Z 68 0 | make his way in thTs world aud probe
Lv Goldsboro | 3 10 5 ably gain power or money, take oue
Ly MapSolis 426 . whsess pase is broad mdeed end promi
Ar Wilmington) 5 5 9 45 Cn nae cermin Oe beeen
P.M. A.M | bent and bears a ooderate hump, in
: tfits upper helt. df hie is a wide headed
a steih oavee cae, jaan as well, be will lisure you your
ft} wash. And be will be a b-ave fellow
| . ; iprysieally as well,
May 21th, | o2 | : se 6 Ifyou waut a husband who. wiil
1897, za | i Zs be ulways hopeful and buoyant, take
sine sir sons apis ae 1 tain, | Saimin jobe with a tip tliied nose, but not too
eas iA. ri short, for afit ce that you will fird him
vreLc $9! 0 siV
Lv Fayettevite| 41°10, 9 40 p OEE EIDE EE. ,
Le Melia {19 37, , 4 Aud one more I say, do hot
ar Wilscn -"PR0/11 85 janarry aaan witn a long, drooping
a i se. = Besides being gloomy and sec~'
a | \ pretive, he will probably oe critical aid
a jtaultiinding,
oe bse nee Be een. 3, ff you want a husband in whose ~
WA. M.| (pb. yy. 4 heart you will -bold undisputed sway do |
ig ¥ ilmingtes 200) 7 O04} Bel marry a man with these three!
Lv Magnolia | i) net 8 Z0h-sivus, tatal to faithtulness: A nartos
ae Goldsboro | 1 00) 9 364 eye, almond shaped, or with straiyht'
ar Wilsen 1 00) 10 27 ix we
tv Tarboro 1-43] ledye-under lid; ang upper lip fall at
~atone ""j""-|_ |} the center and red and moist ; a paim
| Bah ao d-Which.shows on the mount of Venus
£8 | ae (the tabi dieshy part otf the (Lumb)
mikicg acct jee | ~Hinany well cat.lines crossing at right
1D) ML | Ip, m, pangles.
Ly Wilson || 1:42! 10 £3) paige
Ar hecky Mt |). .2 3B) __ Ins ore
; : ~A Sermon
Ar Tarboro |, 400! I -M ( svete
Lv Tarborc | | 2 i . .
Lv Rocky Mi | 3 17) (| -& colored .exhorter enlarging

Ar Weldon

Train. on Scotiand Neck Branch 2oa'
eaves Welden-4.10 p. m., Halifax 4,99
?.m., arrives Scotland~Neck at'5.10
»., Greenville 657 p, m., Kinston 7.68
2m. Returning, leaves Kinston 7.40

Halifax at 11:20se. m., Weldon 11.49 am
/'rains on Wasknigton.Zranch leay |
~Washingtow 8.20.4, m., and 1.00 p.m:
~arrives Parmele'�,�.10a. m., and 3.40 p'
bm., Tarboro 9.45.e. m., regrningleawes:
~Tarboro 3.36 p..m,, Parmeie 10.20 a. m,
wand 6.20 p. m,, arrives Washington;
~411.40 a. m., amd 7.20 p. ma. Daily ex-'
rept Sunday. Connects wits trains en
Scotland Neek Branch. |

Train leaves wareoru, N C, via Albe-
anatle & Raleigh ROR. dailye xcept Sua-|
day, at 5 60 p.m., Sunday �,�05 P. M:)
~artive Plymouth 740 P. M., 6,00 p, m.'

Returning ieaves Plymouth deily except
~Sugdey, 7.50 a. m., Sunday 4.00 a ~n.,!

~Txain on Midland N. C. bragch leaves
broldsoro daily, except Sunday, 6.05 a
@..arviving Smithtield 7°30 a.,un. Re
aurning leaves Snaithfield 8.00 @. m,, are
gives ut Goldsbors 9.80.4. m.

Trajns on Latta brauch, Flomonce R
reel Latta 6.40 pm, airive Bunbar
60 pu, Clio 805 p m. Retzrning


AITiviny: |

{on the impossibility of rich men,
~getting into. heayen said;

ooTatherus: oben he waz on.
de airth he ax Diwees for de
Lerumbs dat~fall frum his table.

tee what; did-Diwees do ter hinf?,
iHe calls his dos. Moreover,
en sick fim on: Latherus. Lebherus
oput up aspurty good fight, 'bat-de
tdog heked: bim!. Deu Diwees wus
Leo mad dat he took a fit en cied
~en when he.wakewp he fiaT himself:
~tm hellfire, eu he look treo de!
tkylight en -see Latherus en,
itather Yibrabam in a bugginT
watch enhe call ter Lathorue ter.
turn on de water. he'd pay de sill.

in what did oLatherus say? He

des lean over de banister en
~h@ler out: .Go. Yong, man, -en
shet yo mont. De water wuz cut
affon de tenth. Milk en haney

, worl?
earnive Tarboro 10.16 a.m asd 11, api '8 le bes I got!

ee ee

We see by the newspapers tibet
eertain yeryrrich men have been
funming a syndicate to rob ~the
farmers by putting dewn the price
ot beef and reb the consumers py
patting the price up. We do mot.
care what charcnes they attend,

'R. and 8,

| Wilson, R, M.R. Lang, Sec.



BAPTIST"Services every Sunday,
moring and evening. Prayer meeting
Thursday evening. Rev A. W. Setzer,
Pastor, Sunday school 9:30 A, M.
©, D. Rountree, Superintendent.

CATHOLIC"No reguiar services.

EPISCOPAL"Services fourth Sur-
day, morning and evening. Lay ser-
vices second Sunday morning. Rev. A,
Greaves, Rector. Sunday schoo' 9 30
A, M. W. B. Brown, Superinte: dant.

METHODIST"Serv ces every Sun-
day, morning and evening. Prayer
meeting Wednesday eveving. Rey,
N. M. Watson, Pastor. Sunday school
9:30 A. M, A. B. Ellington, Superin-

PRESBYTERIAN"Sasrvices " third
Sunday, morning and evenirg. Rev.
J. B. Morton Vastor. Sunday schoo!
9:300A. M. &. B. Fieklen Superinten-


A. F. & A. \..-Greenville Lodge NoT
284 meets first and third Moaday even-
ing, WM.King W. M. L. I. Moore,

{. 0.0. F."Covenens Lodge No. 17
Meets every Tuesday evening. D. W.
Hardde N.G. L. H. Pender, Sec.

K. of P."Yar River Lodge No, 93,
meets ¢very Friday evening. H. W.
Whedbee, C. C. Frank Wilson. K. of

No. 1696

RK. A."zeb vance Coaucil
meets every Thursday evening.

K.of H."Insurance Lodge No. 1169
meets every Friday evening. Johr
Klinagan, D. Hexury Sheppard, R.

A.L of H, Pitt Council 236 meets
every Thursday night. J. B. Cherry

Cy W. b. Wilson. See.

The University.


(Summer School 158), total 549, Board
#3.00 :a mon~h, three Brief Courses,
three Full Courses, Law and Medical
Schools and School of Pharmacy.
Graduate Courses open to Women.
Summ:tr Seciocl for ~ieachers. Schol-
~arships and Loans for the Needy.
Chapel Hill, N.C.

nee: nme,


North Carolina
College ot Agriculture

and Mechanic Arts,

Will open Sept. 9th, 187,
~Thoreugh academic, scientific and tech-
ical courses. Experienced Syecial-
ists in every department.
22 xpenses per session, including ~board.
~Ror County Students
For all other Students
Apr y for Catalogue to
~Raleigh, N.C. Presidente

123 00


Next Session Opens September 8.

~Three full courses of study, Large
number of electives, Two full chairs in
Engksh. Women adinitted to all elasses

6 93 001 op
Anything from 2.@===-
Visiting Card

""TO A""

EF'ull Sheet Poster

& Jdsu *ean

tS me
ab ae
{3 ap :
ta oe eA
tr 4 a
(225 peat


When bilious or cceese, cut a

earet, candy cathartic, cure guaranteed :

10c, 25e :




Offers his services to the |
citizens of Greenville and the

vine Agua ostite jny *adiia 10

*y404 0 10 *oURg "[reaqUDE oOSE aTYD

oBXUY [topy oy} oe SjasuosTp oUdTZdITSUOD Jo asve Luv aNd 03



public generally.

Spouting ard Stove Work,� |
a specialty



C ;
Se Satisfaction guaranteed or
we 00 charges made. ~Tobacco
© Flues made in season. Shap
SG iniear of 5 and 10 cent store.


ahhh What


The Reflecto

has a nice assortment

You will be'astonished



IsIt? payhays

It is a picture ot tae celebrated ~


Best in use The outfit of no business man is
complete without one.

r Book Store

ot these Fountain Pens

also a beautiful line of Pearl Handle Gold Pens,

when you see them and

varn how very cheap thev are.

You may never,



But should you ever}@=

Want Job Printing

age (Come to see us. "


b P : |
"be, Vv ¥ * oa wy ar "4 ; oY * *@ * OW Py

~One Hundred and one Thousand Do!lars
added to the endowment during the

The Daily Re



Jeave: Ciint6.10 am, Duabar 6.30 a m,
" e~Latta 7.50 a m, deily except Sun-

Teain .anClinton Branch leaves ® ar-
saw for Clinton caily, except SauJay,
10 00.4..m.end 8.50 p, aa* Returning
waves Cinten at7.00 a. m. ana3,00 Lm,

Train No. 78 makes eloae connection

ipresem year, Oaly male literary college

or what collages they endow,T
is located in a

they are no better than highwag| tog Caroliau that
robbers anc if we had the power)� ine nest business course offered in
everya@ne of them should be sea-) the state. Send fer album and catalogue.
tenc.d to hard tabor 10 years ta Addre-s JNC. C. KILGO,
State prison for:the first offence, Durham. N.C.
and to Stete prison for life for|""

Gives the home news
every afternoon at the
small price of 25 cents a

st Weldon forall points daily, allrail gia | the seeond."Geerge '[. Angell in fo oWee,
tiienmone. alae at Rovky Mount with |Our Damb Anichale : . PEA month. Are Yuu a sub-
Norfolk andarolinaR B gor Nouak i seriber? I[t not
ine all points Hons via Non~olk, iI ce cee WENTTMN Eitoe ¥ Or YOU
HN F. DIWINE, Gci the Wreng Le \ or Young LawJies )
4 Pee | i the Wrong Leg IN Si] I TU r ar Seung Lest oucht to be.
1. M. EMERSON, Traffie Mavager. | A Georgia drummer had a castomer pointes i; ~ Healthfu l a aeameital ,
a, R. KE NLY. Cant Meneger, | whose hamé was Legg. The latter splendid elimate. Stands at the very
oe filed in busemess and the drummer |frontin Female Education. Thorough
49 Be ""~"""*| who happened to be on hand at the in He Powe § pialiwralT het abn
sr M i i : nsurpassed in 5S a és 4 CTUA
THE MORWING STAR |! ~clecraphed his firm - AND SOCIAL INFLUENCES. B40 op °

oLegg has broke,�

The firm plaged the wrong construc.
tion on the telescam and replied :
~Surry. Sve @ physiciaa, and keep

suet ___. |. |The State Normal
Greenville Market. |and Industrial School,
Corrected by 8, M. Schultmys) | | ~GREENSBORO, N. C.

~I'wenty-vne officers and teachers.
Very reasonable ptices. Serd for cat-
alogue to Jas. DINWIDDIE, M. A.

othe Adest The Eastern Reflector.

's only $1 4 year. |
contains the news every


aly Newspaper in

. 5 ies h (iar li | Batter, per lb 16 to 26 Peal Aras eta ae of the Strate
| : si esol be orough prof. ssfonal, literary, cluasi- : :
uF Ul i aro ia. M4 "" : te, cal, scientific anil industrial pede week, ail d gives infornia-
a cured Ham» pal 3 Annual expenses 920 to $130. Faculty ti t th f 7 |
vag tb o.o0 [Cra members. More than 4:0 n gular 1on to the farmers, es-
Burr yk L stur ents. Practice schoo) of :126 pupil ns : :
| eat. Family Go | to ii ed teachers, tern 1,209 nistriets specially those gr OW}
a bee to, 10} lates representing every county in the eerie
The Only Eive-Dollar Daily} oss, : ab 0 4 state exespt three, Correspondence in- tobacco, that is worth
hie! ened ie. | ' had | rom esiring competent (ett eke ay a : ;
~i His eo gins OM | 1 Cotfee''* - 47 40:20.) trained oeachers, To: seeureboard in many més. '
3 ifs Class inthe State =: Balt pet Sacks a 4876 to 1 £0) dormitories all free falt~on appiioen ns : J u bi NOTES. thivi
Nabe gl bo tte ey | | CRM naaR ec JA 0.207 mast be made before A ogust Ist.T For tle subscription price
a) wh a ie) Te perides: | edi! Te 16 Satalogue and loformation, address | oe T
WB. PPRNARD Beeswax.per Neu uo *) President OH RLES D. MclVER. | i Moke
roy wil.
ey in tro, : : b / {!
iff i | ya ¢
yl A

jenhimndicoeT aigatu go m yen oat nnpaca anata

~wour ever : ms
- a Pee ¥ "" "_"""""" | Nothing About Him Here, But Many on | :
Ee : Other Peopie App 2ar. |
: ses
nite Prof. J, R, ~Tingle is in the city,
Cyreatestmany 4 new business. J. C. Lanier went to Hassells
Kularges many an old business, today. /
Preserves many a large business.
Kevives many a dull business, W. G. Lamb and son, Jobn, are in | :
Rescues many a lost business, the city. |

Saves many a failing business. ,
S.cures sucess to any business} M. O. Blount, of Pethel, was in

town today.

Ct, AD *

Vv. J. Lee, returned from Wilson

iTo oadvertise judictously,TT ave tN@ |r eg .
{columns of ti. REVLEOCTOR. ureday evening. UR MR. A.H. TAFT
: _| Rev. L. O. Wyche went to Ayden C) is in the Northern
2 "" Thursday evening. « Markets purchasing
K. vin Constantly at it Brings S0GCg8S} H.M. Hardee returned from the . S Fall and Winter Goods
© and in the meantime

nort» Thursday evening,


we are closing out ail

; Prof, Bert Adams, of Boston ] ass.


1 ~ lis visitng B. F. Patrick in South Summer Goods at great
" Greenville. ly reduced prices.


Pussenger atu Mall train ryoing

North, arrives 8:52 A. M. Going Soutl,| Miss Essie Murvay who has been

4 -
arrives 6:57 P. M pf ; .
Sieamer Tar River arnves from Wash- visiting Miss Irma McGowan, went to
inzton Monday, Wednesday ind Friday | Kinston Teursday night
TI, ; a hs : me ene i TOMS ee oaia a
leaves for Washington Tuesday, inure: OUOOGL CO OUBLEL OY
day wud oaturdayT, Miss Loraine Ho_ne, who has been AAA RY AVA
This will bean extra-| """_" "_-"", jatT Black Creek tor several months,

returned home Thur. day atterf-on.

ordinary bargain week
iong to be remember-
ed by wide-awake buy
ers and watchful shop: |... y..a.
pers as & momentous _"

: ee " ', WH. Bateman and family returne |

money saving occasion) rar:
A B WHAT THERE IS. today trom Beavfort county. Miss

Ada Fau! came with them to make a



Miss ~Louis? Jenkins who has been

T : r} 7 ac » 24 ey Fe 5 a ie 5 ~
Showers this afiernoon and tonight, vieiting Miss Bessie Patrick, retuned
to Conetoe, her home, this morning.

ane cnn ER

Wash Goods

Unmercifully cut.

1250 yards beautiful
Dress Ginghams to 20
at 6 cts a yd.

A big stock Light
Wash Material com-

Much or Little to;Tell" You Find visit here. ~

~ it Here.


R. R. E, B. HIGGS, Ca


G. }, CHERRY, \ Vioe Pres. AssTt Cashier
CAPITALT: Minimum $10,000; Maximum $100,000.

Organized June 1st,1897.

The Bank of Pitt County,


parte oF

"" Thursday Evening German. FLEMING, Pres.
in that beautiful and well lighted
Germania Hall, another one of those
lcasant dances of which Greenville is
noted, was given. It was led by KR.
D. Bo Cherry. Notwithstanding the
hot weather, quite a large crowd went.
Among those who participated were:
Miss Lillian Cherry with J. L.

More pleasant weather since the

shu wers.

New Mullets, Jream Cheese and But
erat S. M. Schuttz.

Genuine Faber and Simplex lead
pencils at Refizctur Book Store.


prising new colorings Peaches at 33 cents a peck at W.| Pleming, .
in Breezy Fabrics to be). tin. Mise Bettie ~T kanes pe Bank wants your triendship anda share
yson with George . . .
sold at 3C and 4c pert yd Ladies wantTng tice stationery ¢an Woodward. if not all, of your business, and will grant
up. ae mast hunery CAM | oiiss Winnie Skinner wich Charles every favor consistent with safe and sound
bn it at Refletor Book Store, Very | Miss Wuumie SMI TN banking. We invite correspondence or a per-
2000 yards of White lates: styles. Forbes. . . son l T | 7 W to that end
ol Miss Rosa Hooker with Edward al intervie .
Goodsat bargain pr ces The Charlotte papers say that Evan- Flanagan. . PLT ED LT SE
Ladies Ruffed Shirt golist Leitch in his meetings in that| Miss Hennie Speppard with W. A. |
Waist Setsall colors at|city draws comms equal to Sam} Bowen. LT A Bh \ Cr?S
Jones. Miss Becca, Worthington with

15 cts Sets.
In our

Ashley ~Wilson.

indebted to ; ~ _
Miss Bessi2 Jarvis with Jarvis Sugg.

Riverside Nurseries for some ot the

Mid-Summer ClearanceSale

. a finest peacurs we have seen this season. Miss Sophie Jarvis and Julius
Shoe They are very large and of excellert | Flesins-
flavor. Miss Pattie Skioner with W. J, OF
Corb .tt. ei _ oi

Cara Tue Ciimax."Bicycle, Tri-

. Miss Annie Foiey with J. 1. Smith.
cycle, Veloscipede and ali other kinds

Miss Blanche Flanagan with J. F,



we can fit both your|T Caps for ladies and children in all py) on wore.
foot and purse. a cr and ee just received) jig. Bessie, Patrick wit}h | Jehn oe Py

| today at Mrs, weorgia JamesT. Fleming. Consisting of Lawns, Dimities, Organdies,
Ladies Oxfords worth $2.50 Rev. W. S. Black, D. D., a promi- Miss Louise Jenkins with Ralph Linens, etc. Also our entire line OL

Swept down to $2.00. Ca oe ;

nent member and a Presiding Elder of | House.

Ludies aa il ee $1.65 the North Carolina Conference, died at Miss Betsy Greene with Will Tt
o6 . ~OO! Littleton on Wednesday. He wasa Bernard. SHIR : WAIS S

Ladies Oxfords worth $1.50,
Swept down to 91:20,
Ladies Oxfords worth $1.00.
Swept down to .75.
Misses and childrens reduced
in same proportion.

� | eae

S.ags,"L. C, Skinner, J. B. Light-
foot, J. C. Jordan, kR. C. Smith, R. D.
Bo Cherry and J. H, Adams.

Chaperons" Miss Helen Perkins,
C. J. OTHagan, Jr, Charles Skinner
and Henry Harris.

man well known and greatly loved

all over the State. at greatly reduced prices.



» itive . A book éase"a lawsuit over a nov-| Atl o'clock the dance stopped and
A deplete stoc' cannot supply | el. after bidding each other good night, oe en . aes pet S
* your wants, realizing this fact we | hee geal aying it was & very
: are acding to our already large| ~The scorchers are having some hot| ey wen saying 1b W
q stock of seasonable gouds daily, | times. ° nice dance. Xx. OAK Rl DGE INSTITUTE.
| such as ~
: The man with a big head usually FORTY-SIXTH YEAB.
Laces, Ribbons, Em has a narrow mind. e ate oo ned te arr Twenty two years " oe proce a ge edie chage
4 | e committee 0 e ) repara

pbroideries, Handker- At the seeshore needlework is usu-| pooay Fire C rn i yi : ug vs steaks, She vHend, i Dhinciaphe: ihe bargest and Best Equipped
i chiefs Collars & Cuffs, ally done among the soft zephyrs. y ompany who were SOle~ | Hitting School in the South. Location healthful and. beautiful. ~Terms to suit
. Belts ~Voidios Ties Ho iting funds to send delegates to the|the times.� For beautiful new pasion reg HOLT, Oak Ridge, N.C
4 T 3, O°) The man who has money to burn| meeting of the State Association at Prots, J. A. & M. H, HOLT, Oak DiOg®,
. selry and many new carries a crisp roll of greenba cks. Winston, on the 10th, made a canvass | " eel
and stylish things. Tho latear tad ta tarzbe full of mpee. (POmay And. Report, TRAE CHET still lack No CURE"NO PAY. )
: quito bites, ~They are something swell about $10 having enough raised.) 711+ ig the way all druggists vell K() HIS (N MEATS
; oDoanT git cxeited ober Klordike,� They renew their request to the viti- | GROVES TASTELESS CHILL TON |
, Our stock of i hy se ober Klordike, | ong to liclpthem in tlis matter and 16 for Chis, Fever a a Quinine
4 . . 2 t. } ° 6o ~fe ae ~ it 8&8 m
q (zroceries, Furnitu re, me 5 7 2 ins : scr na P"# | isk any others willing to contribute tO] in a casteless Foo ~ohildren love it fl (IR MARKET
son hub died wif de yaller fever. the tund t») leave their contributions Adults prefer it to bitter, nauseating ahaa

' Price, 50c. ae
Ronlehy ore We have placed a large Refriger-

lat the Rurixcror office by ~Saturday

om euanalll

HaT dware, Crockery,
and Gents Furnishings

Whitaker's Academy.

or Both Sexes. WHITAKERS, N.C.

eveningT The firemen ate deserving
uf this help and we hope the necessary
ainouns for them ~to ~send delegutes



ator in our market to keep all our
meats cool and free from flies.
When you want fresh

. grate a |
is | ree aud complete and we The 37th Season will open, the

pleasae in showing Lord willing, on the first Monday, Sept. Situated on Southern Railway, in

will bo raised.
: ; ~Piedmont section; very best water;

Beef, lTork or Sausage

you througl an posting you in| 6th. And close the last of May. Board
pri ) : r pow t9 the; can 9 ees from $8 to $10 per) "i nye healthiest locality, ig ly of AIM ,
__Himgaod hero i tha lace to $0 |S ns ton pli nvenc |g ot wet cade fay tine in| ia ebare, non solace Ate adn us your orders and you will
_ spar friends, pppspeneayt Cohen cg hangar ad ache ony ang|th'e bot weather ?'' If you want to look | building, halls, laboratories, eG, facul-| get something mice, clean and j
See fond (| Rearpay ext� No Touatinn made eat Nae ond lal. EOE Yo Graaf coctnmos, ot [fro arate Phone AL
; sickne Baby philnts PS a, PRA RA KARR NG "
arae Forfar parla og ot eg Wate thip- [ge courses, ost ber cote et] Haat biD tg) Citra «.
Cat ove . ty Co De HARD, advan ' A nh. Hil | Pe ~
a Ju'y 27th, 1897, abet " vse | Address bi ~), ATKINSON , Chairman, , wt : ° j
, j

We : Elon College, N, C.

| Agt. Wiimingtcen Steam Laundry,

Daily Reflector, August 6, 1897
The newspaper was established in 1882, and was originally named the Eastern Reflector. It was founded by Julian Whichard and David Jordan with equipment they purchased from The Greenville Express. On December 10, 1894, it adopted the name The Reflector and began publishing every day. Cox Newspapers acquired The Daily Reflector in 1996. Creator: Daily Reflector (Greenville, N.C.) - August 6, 1897
August 06, 1897
Local Identifier
NC Microforms
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