Daily Reflector, August 4, 1897

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

D. J WHICHARD, Editor and Owner,


MO enero

TERMS: 25 Cents a Month,




So Semtheneee ee moreeveren oe


No. 818

][28. p]noo




"_ SA Vo vi Fad Sey ""

Mudd §


~U9 UI osIUy oti ynd 9M oIOFaI0T}


Base Ball.

Brooklyn, August 2--New York
| won another game trom Brooklyn at
astern park tc day. Kennedy again
tried bis hand against the Giants but
in Joyce piayed a poor game
at thitd but SeymourTs claver pitching
and the New YorkTs
saved the game.
New York, 9.


timely hitting
Score. Brooklyn, 8;
Baltimore, August 2"'Lhe Cham-
piuns today won from Philadelphia in
a game ofno special interest. This
was the twenty-second consecutive vic-
tory for the Orioles over the Quaker
City aggregat'on, August 6, 1895, be-
ing the day of their
struggle with the Birds,
double play of Doyle and Jennings was
the only feature worth mentioning,
Scove. Baltimore, 4; Philadelphia, 2.
The Colonels
won a dull and slowly played game
from Cleveland today. Clarke was
taker out ot the box by Tebeau after
the third inning and Powell substituted
Outfieider Pickering has not been sold

last successful

Louisville, August 2"

to Syracuse as reported, but was given
his unconditional retease, Score, Louis.
vil'e, 5; Cleveland 3.

Washington, August 2"German
was wild, forcing ia a rua in the third
with a base on balls, in the second
Sweim then teok his place and

pitched in better form.

Score. Wash-
Jington, 9; Boston 7.

Second game" Washington, 3; Bose
ton, 9,

Cincinnati, August 2"-The Pirates
cou.d do ncthing with Breitenstem or
Dwyer today and the Reds won with-
vus cauch trouble. Three base hits in
~}the ninth by both Padden and Davis
and « single by Ely gave the visitors
their only runs. There was no regu-
lar umpire present. Ehret and Sug-
den officiated. Score. Cincinnati, 9;
Pittsburg, 2


Chicago, August 2"The Colts won

A lightning

For the alleetor. ]

On a spray of epple blossoms,
Rests a tiny minstrels feet,
lo nis mate in gladness singing,
Eden music, soft and sweet.

Perfume trom the due clad flowers,
Mixes with the trembling strain,

As the breath of Summer ruses,
Mingles with the Summer rain.

Like a mimic snow storm falling,
Showers of petais take their flight,
Making couches for the fairies,
Sleeping Tneath the young moonTs

See the airy Summer cottage,

Sheitered Tneath the cool green}
Looms have never haif so deftly

W oven as the wild bird weaves.
All day long those minstrel toilers

OTr the fields, and by the streamlets,
Through the dingle, glen and glade.

food, thei: haunts have

Gilded prison cannot fetter
One sweet syllable of song,

And each note this captive utters,
Pleads for freedom"chides a wrong.

Who would stil] the crimson pu'ses
Droop the silken wing, and crest"
Maim a sivless song bird, speeding
To its waiting mate and nest.

Greenville, July 8th, 1897.


Sr., father
Maine Congressman, is very 11],

Nelson Dingle, of the

SavannahTs first bale of new cotton,
fully middling, sold at auction Monday
at 10 cents.

At Wilmington, O., James Harvey,
wife murderer, was sentenced to life


And the price of our
Summer lothing has
~declined with the ad-
vanceofsummer. We'd
rather sell Summer
Clothes at a loss than
to keep them over.

Whatever vou want
we have probably got
it for less than cost. A
loss at this time is al-
most as good as a profit




fam both games today with but little effort,
= GriffithTs pitching was entirely toc} Playing ghost frightened Belle Win- | " a _ " » sete a
°° much for the Browns in the fti:st, their|sted, aged 19, at Rochester, N. Y., so
" =, solitary run at the finish being purely |that she lost her reason. t ry
re ® a gift. Grim bh wasy lor the locals} john O'Connell, a well known Red- i
o in the second, while Briggs kept his | wood Falls, Minn., politician, was i
Ss = hits well scattered. DahlenTs all-round | i}jeq by his wife while insane from
T = work in voth games ard AnsonTs field-| «uel treatmect.
O @ ing in the second were features, Score.| |
rent Chicago, 10; Sk Loule: 1 The goles miowers aah record [T
Second game"Chicago, 9; St. Luis by running from Sydney, N.S. W., to .
5. " sai "| Vancouver, B.C., in 21 days, some (: L
or je) '70U0 miles.
a, posed : Won Lost Per Cen JUST FOB FUN. =
== i Every Day is a Bar-
pene en ame © Reltimore 7 a pis Mrs, Blobbs"oOur cook rides a
"- : cee 7A a op wheel.� Mrs. Slobbe"oOurs doesnTt; °
5 : pre ehe ri . sik out sheTs a scorcher, just the same,� Salty day | at my
©, Philadelphia 40. 45 471| The modern fisher maiien is the
Pittsburg - 8744 457 |summer girl who fishes tor compli.
Chicaga $9. 47 453 | ments and gets all the young men on a /
Louisville 38 49), 487 | string. ! 3 Store.
Ss Brooklyn a4 47 420! The difference between a ca. anda
Sood « Washington 30 370] sentence is that the cat has its claws ;
St. Louis 22 60 253 las the end of its paws, while the sen~| A DICe lot of

tenceT has its pause at the end of its
Help Them Out. clause,

The Rough and Ready Fire Com-
pany of Greenville desire to send two


What a Whopper.

Spoosy 10]0

delegates to the State Vulunteer Fire
menTs Association which meets in Win-
ston on the 10th inst., and are asking
a small deration from the citizen, of
the town to help them do this. Their
company cannot be admitted into mem.
bership with the Stave Association un-
~ess they have the délegates present.
When our citizens call to mind the
good work these Rough and Ready

Wilmington, Del., August 2"Sam-
uel Barnes, of this city, returned from
Ocean City, Md., today suffering t:om
a paintul wound caused by a mosquito
bite. While sitting on a hotel porch he
was bitten on the jugular vein by a
mamuoioth mosquito. Blood spurted
from the wound in such quantities that
several handkercniets were saturated

and his shitt was oeted-s with blood.


Are being shoved out of the way at


to make room for fall goods.


| maid : 0»

, 5 3 boys do when thereT is » fire, We feel; While BarnesT companions rushed fr a r °
& 5. sure they will cheerfully contribu a doctor the hotel man applied a big These summer goods will not be carried OV er
bn small ; amount to help, defray. the ¢x-|poultice to the wount, which finally fn ~ on | ee
3 Qi ~| penses of the delegates, stoppea the flow of blood. , and y ou ¢an get bargains on chem. | I
So Nice Corn Mullets at E. M. Mc-| The price uf wheat has jumoed up in
al ey GowanTs Market. the last two days.




- RL, DAVIS, PresTt

cr ge e Mat : A + A Rory Pred.cusn. | ae :
Y ] RELECTO R It seems that the ewner of the ey R. A. TYSON. Vic-ePres. : ere
ee ee ~| money lost it from» closet of a " REORGANIZED JUNE 15th,"1896. .*
" a eee To |passing train und he had nO} fhe South may well rejoice in - a Eee . ;
_p. 3. WHICHARD, Editor. definite idea »s to where the|ipe prospect abead, for it will | =7 xe OF THe ;
ee -_"|jgcident occurred " ew York| share is this prosperity to 8 Th RB k f G AT |
EVERY AFTERNOON (EXCEPT SUNDAY). Mail aad Express. creater degree than ever before,| " e an O reenvi e,
er samme an aiid | During the last five or six years GREENVILLE, N. C
a : Richest ia the WirldTs Fustory | the South has been putting itself : oteed sie
Bnwred as second-lass mail matter. oo Be % ab At the Closeicf Business May 14th,{1897.
ey et : o iba: in shape, getting oul of ebt, RESOURCES. LIABILITIES.
"" Representative born, of | jearning how to produce its CropS} | oyns and Discounts $42,153 81 Capital stock paid in 233,000.00"
| | g{(RSCRIFTION RATES. California, whe has jong be6B] and manufacture its goods at aj Over Drafts 895,29 Hetcelt an Protits ie ey
tee eo a | interested inthe niwing business Due from Banks 8.772.463 Deposits subject Co Uneck 53,812.55
[Weyer et 6.0 nierested Inthe b.1uing yasiness,||ower cost than ever before. tt Harature and Fixtures 1,505.0 5 Cashiers Checks ortstanding 148.10 is
Qae mentli, 3 ~ . iC expresses the ODinIvL that the bat demonstrated the inherent | Current Expenses 1,812,045 Aue to Banks 508.15 ~ *
+ Ope week. Cre we thon [Old olwcoveries in te Klondi : : apn Cash Items 1,839.56 5 Time Certificates of Deposit 55.00
3 Delivered in town by curriers withoul ph se �,� : 53 | nee - ke strength of Me basinese and Premium on Stock 1000.00 3 - """e
ear: cos! will preve the greatest 1p _the financial interests; ib has 8¢�,�N] Cash on hand ¢ 28,088.18 3 Cotal $85,566.34.

Alvertisng rates are liberal and ean be oo |
ad on application to the editor or at

he 3° Ce

the beginning of a great south"
ward movement ef population ;
it has commenced to attract
world wide attention ~o the won~-

worldTs histo-'y. Ve does not
think the climate of Alaska 1s &©
bad asit has been pxinted and is |
of the opinion tbat the rich finds |

Total 985,566.34

We study carefully the separate needs of our patrons, and shall be glad to have
= your account, promising every accommodation eousistent with good banking, Vie}

""" srt reac
we gorresponuent at

5 ar esr

We desire a oe o . : ge os

ig ve int vaty, who willlin that territory will cause pros-/derfal 1 : ts fore

every postoffice inthe cor Uy, wW j Pt q 2 der a increase in i re gn ing

gand in brief items of NEWS 48 it OCCU"E| Yoong in all parts ofthe c try ae ak ok 4 Wehavealarge
pectors in al] parts ofthe country | trada and the development of its

fa each neighborhood. Write plainly

aad only on one side of the paper. to begin hunting for gold. Mines!South Atlantic and Guif ports:

in California which were deserted} Aj] of this adyance hee been
�,� é *s y . , ; :

io ago vat being re worked made deitog @ perio® ti avick

3Ccessi LV Will T rv : ; :

an a Ccessi ul Ye Stet ver the rest of the country has found

medern apparatus, elec rica and|;+ digenlt to hoid ita own Hay-


sida mamrraee ra Ad om 9 oar

aieaainaeninnesinenennit eases AC IS


Wepnespay,. ADGUST 3 1897.

naan ot



sn lohan pce estos tae te OO
dha ae ase ie) mr

Forn in Malice of FelT.
Since Rev- T. De Witt Tal-
mage came to W asbhiagton he has
heen contpelied more than once
to deny rumor?, apparentiy cir-
culated fcr a malicious purpusr,
that he is dissatisfied with his
position at the Firet Presbyterian
church, and in ends leaving it.
The story has again beea revived
by sce one who has apparentiy
taken advantage of Dr. TalmageTs
absence from Washington, and
the eminent divine has telegraph-
~ edto the Post a denial couched
in terms which | ave no possible
roow for doubt as to bis meaning.
His dispatch follows :
Spirit Lake, Lowa, July 22, 97.
Editor Post: I denounce the
lying coundrel who startea the
report that I am dissatisfied with
my Washington church and that
IT will not return toit. My con-
gregaticn and myself are in com-
plete accord. They have met all
their obligations to me. My va-
cation over, I wil! preach in my
puipit the second Sabbath in

other kinds, Judg: Puiiburn says,
and he predicts thet by 1900 more
gold will be mined in California
than was takea out in the golden
daye when the Stato became
famous. Judge Hiibern. who is
a Republican, adds ihe ovinion
that the production of gold for

the neat few yeara wil be so
~great as to cauze its demouetiza-

tion." Washington Dispatch.

prec csnamenne SIE� RNR wees AT

Goverament Finance

Washington, August 2"The
monthly comparative statement
of the government receipts and
expenditures for the mouth cf
July, shows the total receipts to
have been $29,027,264, aud the
disbursements $50,100,993, leay-
ing the excers of expenditures
oyer receipts $11,073,544. This
deficit is accunted for by abnor-
mally heavy ex) euditures inci-
dent to the beginning of the new
fiscal year. As compared with
June, the receipts were increased
by $2,442,656 and the disburse-
ments were increased by $27,165,-

ing accomplished this mucn in
such a period of depression, it
1s nowln a position to enjoy to

~the largest extent the genera

activity and prospertty of the
next few vears."ManufacturersT


ee ppuamveshcnararasiaiess """

One of those wen who lack
oaly experience and knowledge
to make them great editors said
to the editor of the Gardiner
(Me.) Reporter Journal recently.
oWe expect the local paper to
say all of these good things
about us. It goes in to help fill
up the news columns, and the
news is what we buy the paper
for.� oVery true,� szys the editor
editorially, obut did you ever
consider that the unpleasant
things the local paper might
truthfully say about you, but does
not, would sell ten papers to the
complimentary itemTs one? We
reyret thet human nature is built
that way, but it is nevertheless,
and the fellow making a lucal
country pewspaper in the litle

see us.


just arrived. Comeand



Lf, 8



Jenson J scion osh


We have ,ut received & new
hearse and te nicest line of Cof-
fins and Cesgets, in tweed, metal-
lic and cloth ever brought to

We ae prepacsd « {0 embalm-
ing jn ais its forms:

Persona! atiention given toco
ducting funerals ard bodies en
trested to our care will receiye
every mark Of respect.

Our vrices are lower than ever.
Ne do not want monupoly but
wavite COmpetition.

_We can be found at any and all
times in tbe Juho Flanagan
Bugey CoTs building.


Just try a itu. Lu. of cascarets, tne

finest liver

cement imines a


IL quaiitied as Receiver of the Green-

-y at

W. M. Bond.

J. L. Fleming

and bowel segu ator ever

Greenville, N..C.
Practice ion all ths courts.


Property for wale.




September. The last yearTs at- 914. ~ bailiwick where everybody is| ville Lum er Company, for the purpose} 3arb

tendance was larger than any The following statement shows | supposed to know everybody of gekillng foe an the real ostaio rbePrs.

previous year and many wore de | 80me of the wore important items |elseTs business better than his|and adjoining the town of Greenville AMES A. SMITH,
belonging to said Company. This pi op- NONSORIAL ARTIST.

sired to worship with us than
Could be accommodated. Every-
thing is satisfactory. Tkat evil
report wis bornin the very mal-
ice of hall and is one of a hun-

of unusual expenditures in excess
of June paymerts, which became
payadle duriag July; Mononga
hela river improvements, «3,600, -
000 ; pensions, ,$4,900,000 ; inter-

own, finds it muc, more difficuls
to determine what to leave out
of the sheet than what te put in
it. Thanks, awfally, for the
suggesiion; you mean well, but

erty will be sold on reasonable terms in
lots to suit. pui chasers.
For further iniormation see Or ad-




Patronage solicited. Cleaning, Dyeing
and Pressiug Gents Clothes a specialty

Receiver Kinsion, N.C,

dred falsehoods manufactured | °� $6,500,000; dehciency in| you donTt kncw.T"Newsvaper- C§RBERT EDMUNDS
against me during the vast thirty postal revenues, Fa 590,000 ; | dow. : �"�~, H FASHIONABLE BARERR, T
State agricultural colleges, $1,-| """""---" = | +

years, and all of which false-
hoods have onty enlarged my
work, as this will.
~~ nm)

Money Stcps a Train

200,000 ; bounty ou sugar, #1,-
100,060, rivers and barbors, $1,-
200,000; pay rubsiacence, ete, for
the arm: , $3,000,000,

As compared with July, 1896,

Cotten ana Peanut,

Below are Norfolk prices of coli
and peanuts for yesterday, 38 furnished
~by Cobb Bros. & Con:mission Mers
chants ot Norfolk °

Special attention given to cleaning

ee Ws. Gentlemens Clothing,


ser ae the receipts during the last mouth COTTON,
A few days ago av engineer of | ¥°"* increased by avout $10,000, | goog middling 8] : 1}
Boston aud Maine train, while 0U0, and the cis bursements Middling " 4
runving berreen Winchester and increased by abcut $8,000,000. ot Oates 6 15-16 a ; (a ue

T Montvale, with an empty engine, During the iast iionth, the} Tone"trm. .
: discovered what locked to be receipts from oustoms amounted PEANUTS. ,
a money whirling in the suction to $16,966,801, AD..MOPEasa;: 8 Prine 2 The nex: session of "the school will
. caused by the locomotive drivers, compared with July, 1896, Of} Extra Prime 24 ppen on
. says the Boston Herald. about $5,000,000. ~Lhe internal ne, 6 7 : :
~ He dtépped the machine, ran revenue during July last yielued cla soouteds bes 76 MONDAY SEPT. & boob
a back a tew feet and picked up a $19,767,831, us comoared with aid contisailice (0 chontta. |

$50 bill. Near bey were two $10

$14,305,532 for July, 1896.

Select Female School.


The terms are as follows.

| bills. The engineer then started a
~s for Winchester, and the eazi A NegroTs Palace Amoux Society.
Serna tl tb a Amr os =| nein cm mit SAM, MM, SCHULTE merce oe
begin on ; ~ iow
when a large bill book, wide The people of Peachtree street, ANS th OF SEPTEMBER : ) | Intermediate o $2 50
open, was seen beside the track. AtlantaTs street of fashion, are i : * | PORK ~SIDES &SHONLDER Higher open $3 00
~ted by the cinali The terms are as follows: : Lani hye 3
Ber Che ne Yee. NOONE 906. the excited by the publication of | primary Engish, per month | §? 00) FARMERS ANI) Fe amen e: cay iil a
ovat captured. It contained pee say ey phechite to rent ho deka i � $2 30 - ing their yearTs supplies sg hk work and disclpline of the seaoo!
valuable pa er handsome residence to H gher T $3 00 | their interest to get our prices befere pvi |W as heretofore.
papers and the name of onry a $1 00 | chasing elsewhere. Ourstock is coraplete

the owner. The money and
papers were returned to the
hroper person with not a cent
A few hours later the man
whcse property had been restored
by the honest engineer made his


Rucker, the newly appointed
revenu3 collector for Georgia.
Mrs Smythe is the wife of Major
William H. Smythe, who was an
applicant for the office of internal
revenue collector under Mr. Mc_
Kinley, but the office was given

Languages (each)
Music including use of nstrument $3 00

No deduction for ioss time except in
case ~of sickness of as much as one
weeks duration. |
~The. instruction is thoreugh in a'l its
branches. ~I'he moral tone and intel-
lectual influences are unsurpassed, The
discipline is mild but positively firm,

For further particulars see or addreas,



uallits branches.

We ask a continuance of yourT past
liberal patronage. \ :


neem een () een ewieale

, You can be treated at fe

appearance and handed a pack- | the negro, Rucker, largely MRS, ALFRED FORBES, : ones |
age to the knient of the throttle, upon signatures obtained from] July, 21, 1897, Greenyille, N, C. Tcbacco. Snuff, &c, } ise
| we buy diroc) from Mauufactuars oh bihs permanently eure} 1 15 to


fained a half pint of cheap | !eadets of fashion in Atlanta.

ling you to buy at one prot, A eoul-

08° m8 price nndersme UL T

iy bie oe come hero wa Wi!l ecatract

whiskey. Railroad men who| Mrs Smythe remarked that as TTIWRE
eae tah Ca iy : * i. i. t stock of - IrGm r ytcl bi ith

heard of the case are wondering | 8°�"�° of her neighbors seemed to Lon oa ged era eer eury, hackdp oe you bre kaa mer

8) hae while | E HAvE ESTABLISHED A} FUJR RE. apne med cy beds

if sad whiskey is the proper prefer him as collector to her W Lumber ~ard at Greenyille with| » FU RNITURE Pimples, Copper Cotored Spots Mais ce
yeward for honesty, Some of huabana she wanted to see|W. R. PARKER as Manager. Orders) 1... on hand and soldat pl ee out in nthaSyphilitie BLOOE POsSON tat

mm claim that the offering of| whether they would appreciate rarer rig age aay " " be the ihe by or : areall bought and nate ~o2se8 and Shailonice the. we a.

fiquot to an engineer is an insult|bimas highly as a neighbor) HINES BROS. LUMBER 00. | S0ld pegogps ag age aps nai baified ~of the most ominent Phys:

e san not be overlooked. j Atlanta Dispatch, August lst. gene ene, Ny © 8. M@ RCHUL'SZ, ville N. U Gone! garam. A aint reno a non





Conucnseu ocnedule

TRAINS GOING cOUTH. manTs indiscreet letter and ifs
» ren ""-"- | still more indiscrest pub tation,
Dated 18 B | Japan has agreed to seiile is
vay 2, E Z| troubles with Hawaii by arbitra-
LOT bg (F mm *
aia | |__ canning tion.
JA, Me | A.T | Theseare signs showing that
ueuve Weldon | 1. £0) | . we ag
At. Roeyk Mt | 12 52 | _ jthe world as becoming civilized.
"- nee oe ~~ | War is becoming ebselete. Men
iv Tarboro 12 1: | have learned at least that there
a , SCti«dY�St*« gq {ore better, more ~rational, more
Ly Rocky Mt | 12 62 | § 45 ae . 7
Lv Wilson 2 08 6 20) erviliz-d and much cheaper ways
AivSelma =| 2 0} * | ot settiing international disputes
av Fay'tteville) 415) 07 b tie told aniiion
Ar. Florence | 6 45 than by spending untold millions
nasa eae etinaneee EE "" "- jof money in the destruciion of
fon] *
- untold thousands of lives.
Fa bo Commerce, education, entight-
| |p, Me ia.M lenment of mind apd practical
uF Wilson 2 08 4 common sense baye united to
Vv Goldsboro 3 10 . Be to
Lv Maygolia 416 e {bring about this resnlt Wita
Ar Wilmington) 5 i Hi ° the appreach cf sarother century
ler o| We bave every ieasou to hype
- au imperfect work thus far
rRAINS GOIK+) NOYTRH. tha the Imperfect Wor
...jaccomplished by there forces
Dated Oo, 3 +, | will be mace . perfect work. We
May 21th, sat Ss 4 \33 have eyery teason to hope that
'S8S7, v | . é . *
sieneeseapen i sans eer ian al __/ ~AR jenlizhtened nations will submit;
Ly k a ee | themselves~ as enlightened men
hi¥ T'iurernce BY a ~ _ a: at
Ly Fayetteville) 1110/9 40, | ~oug ago did"to @ reigu of Jaw
iy ame . 37 ng 4 iu jleu of the rule of brute force.
~lisen 20/4 Bd =
ie ned "Nev York World.
+ f 1. NEE
| A Bey Freezes ts Arm
A. M. 'p M. . "
-g¥ ilmington 3 00 7 00 Jersey City, N. J. Aug. 9.
~Lv Magnolia il 50! 8 30!_ Samuel W f . ,
y Goldeboro | 1 00 9 36) eau olf, a confectioner,
at Wilsen 100) 10 27| this afternoon offered a disk of
~i vy Tarboro 1 42 ee
ee apnatieeciesaaeas nail EN ice cream to tae boy who would
ee Bes held his arm the I-ngest time in
es | 0% a2 ice cream freezer. A pumber
"S OS eee of boys who were around Wolff's
poe aM. "| oP. My] . :
WvWilson =f 1 42 1 Pqo st sae) contested for the prize, but
~ariscokyTMt » 233) |__| 11 16] Willie @iockwood cutdid adi of!
Pe ip Cr , e
ArDarboro |, 400 ir | them. Although suff. ring excru-
~LviFarborc lig tiating pain, he held his arm in
bw Roeky Mu i, 3 17 : : the'freezer foar minutes. When

Ar Weldon

Trali. on Scctia ii Neck Braneh Roa
-eaves Weldon-4£0 p, m., Halifax 4,98
$). ,, arrives Scotland Neok at- 610 p
«@,{ Greenville G27 p, m., Kinston 7.55

» ©. Returning, leaves Kiinston 7.60
t+. M2.) Greenville 8.52 a. wm. Arriving
tfalifix at 11:20 2. m., We'don 11,40 am
diaily xxvept Suuday.

Jraias on Wasknigton Branch Jeny
Washington 8.20, m., and 1.00 ;p. m-
azrives Rarmele 940 a. m., and 340 p
@.,~Tareoro 9.45 a. m., returningleaves
Parborag.30 p. m.,. Parmele $0.20...
and 6.20 p. m,, rrives Washington
11si0.a..ut.,and 7.0 p. m. Baily -ex-
epi Suagey. Connects with trains.on
Seeitland Neck Braach.

Tian laaves saroeru, N C, bia Alao-
wate & Kwieigh R.k, daily exaept Sin-
day,@t:5 Kp. m., Sanday 40 P. a;
artine Plyuouth 7.40 P. M., 6.80 p.u0,
Retusainy saves Plygcouth daily exeep'
Sunday,7.50 a. m., Sunday 9.00 a w,,
arrive farbero 10.15 a.m and dl. 44

Traiw@n Mélland Nv, branch koavell ourselves .then.
times under foot audary to hold

Atold3buso daily, except, Sunday, 6305 ay
i. arrinigg Soithtield #30 a. in. Bet
(5urning deaves.tiaithtiele 8.00 a. m,. ars
gives at Geldsbers 9.30 a.m.

Trains oa Latta braney, Florence B
£., ~eave Laitu:B.A0 p m, airive Dunbar
750 pm, lio 8.05 p wm. Returning
leave Clioté.20 ann, Dunbar 6.30 a m,'
ate Latta 7.60.4 m, dailyexcept Sua-

Train ouCiintox Branchileayes War-
saw for Clintam cally, exeapt Suuday,
3000, 10. and 8.46 p, m- Returnirg
-vaves Cinton a�,�7.00 a. m. and$,00 1, m,

Train No. 78 takes close eannection
.¢ Weldon forall points daily, allwail via
siichmone, alse af Ravky Mount with
Norfolk and Carolina RK for Nenolk
¢ ne all points North vie Norfolk,

General hap:

'y. M. EMERSON, rate Manager,
4d, R.AKENLY. wenT Pogeger,


Sigas ot Civilization.

Greut Britain agrees to nego-
tiate with us on the sealing
qyuestior. This in spite of the

irritation created by Mr. Sher-.

he withdrew it the arm was
frozen stiff. Thetboy was taken
to the-city hospital, where, it is
said, thot it will be necessary to
ampuiate the arm. .

: es

seenreenrenes= th tet san Soentnetocaeenetsiteisdiensa ieee enn

Gvod times are mot here, nor
may we expect them under the

party gives, put we can «nake
times better if we obut tiy- The
louder-#e cry and the less we do,
the more we will feel .\hard .times
and thecharder they will become.
It is nataral to cry.eut when the
reptile is-sapyping our life blood,
but if we.do nothing to shake it
from ve, «when the dast drap is
gone it will be too jate to defend
Simp hard

them dows. Work te.the end .af

~making them better."Winstan


Jt is stated. that no one should)

| @ucestors. 250 years ago, 10 shil~

tny his luek in the Klondike:
nagion without a thousard dol-
jane. The possessor of a thous-
and doliars haying 4 prospect to
inerease it by andustiy and thrift
at hame would be very foolish to
risk bis mOney with thé added
chaues of freezing or starving to
death in search fer gold in
Alaska !"rhiladelphia Reeord.

_ Five acres of land in Lordon,
owned by Lord Salisbury, are
worth millions, They cost his

gy |
i wity Newsnaner in| Greenville Market.
TORT ASP R CT ee eeters stom
. Buiter, per lb " 15 to 25
Nori Carolina, | vescern sice Bt 208
aa OM 8 TT Ra Ah Sugar cured Hamy 10 to 124
ba A Corn Meal ~ 45 30 60
es Family ~ 425 raring 8
me | | Lar ) mee
The Only sive-Dollar Daily Sop ! "Boa
* * rf Co , ea 17 to rs
its Class intheState:. . i Gack. ss, S878 to1 40
Rl os 000 ORIG WOe ding 1 «1B 7 ate Lgl po 10 to 21
Ph OL titted ob Canteenecliaigy) | «if CRO ROO NOB. fu ~idscne
: WB, PRENARD ; me (Beeuwax.ner o4
MTT oh TAT TER W [7280 antes Sesoe :

Paes ee eo

ha 4 ; :
ha = mh F aey ded Oe
«e \ i




BAPTIST"Services every Sunday,
moring and evening, Prayer meeting
Thursday evening. Rev A. W. Setzer,
Pastor, Sunday school 9:50 A, M.
©, D. Rouutree, Superintendent.

CATHOLIC"No regu ar services.

EPISCOPAL"Services fourth Sun-
day, morning and evening. Lay ser-

vices second Sundav morning. Rev. A.
Greaves, Rector Sanday schoo! 9 30
A.M. W. 3. Brown, Superipter dant.

METHODIST~Serv ces every Sun-
alay, morning and evening. Prayer)
meeting Wednesday eveving, Rey.
N. M. Watson, Pastor. Sunday school |

9:39 4. M. A. B. Ellington, Superin-|

PRESBYTERIAN"S.-rvices " third
Sunday, morning and evening. Rev. |
J. B. Morton Pastor. Sunday school
9:30 A.M. I. B. Ficklen Superinten-



ae oa tome

ALF. & A. \ "Greenville Loage No
284 meet; first and third Moaday eyen-
ing, W M.King W. M, L. I. Moore,


J. 0.0. F."Covenent Lodge No. 17)
| Meets every Tuesday evening. D. W. |
L. H. Pender, See.

K. ot P."Tav River Lodge No, 93,
meets every Friday evening. H. W.
Whedbee, C.C. Frank Wilson. K. of

| Hardee N. G,


R. and 8.

No. 1696
W. b.

RK. A."xebd vance Coaucil
meets every Thursday evening.
Wilson, R, M.R. Lang, Sec.

K.of H."Insurance Lodge No. 1165
meets every Friday evening. Johr
Finnagan, D. Henry Sheppard, R.

A.J. of H, Pitt Counci! 236 meets
every ~Thursday. night. J. B. Cherry
A W. B. Wilson. see.

ANenqeionerer tyes sat ynteindirinte es


Pntnaie decile


The University.



(Summer School 158), total 549. Board
188.00 a mon'h, three Brief Courses,
daree Full Courses, Law and Medical
Schools as@ School of Pharmacy.
Graduate Oourses Open to Women.
Summ-r Sehoul for ~Veachers. Schol-
~arships and ¢.oans for the Needy.



i eR,

Chapel Hyil,

North Carolina

vicious rule the Republican) College ot Agriculture
and Mechanic Arts, | °:

Will-open Sept. 9th. 1897,

nical courses. Experieneed Spr cial-
ists in every department.

Eixpenses;per session, inelading board.
~For County Students $ 93 00
For ali other students 123 00

Apnly for Catalogue ta
Raleigh, N, C. President.


Next:Hession Opens September 8.

~SLhree full eourses of study. Large
~number of electives, Two fell chairs in
English. Women admitted to all classes
~One Hundred and one Thousand Dollars

added to the endowment daring the

present year. Only male literary college
in Nerth Carolinu that is loeated ina
~The best business course offered in
the state. Send for album and eatalogue.
Address JNQ.C. KILGO,
: Durham. N.C.


Ld AD ld for Young LaJies
IN ST [T UTE Raleigh. N. 0.
Excellent buildings and beautiful
grounds in a Healthful Location with
splendid climate. Stands ut the very
froptin Female Edueation, ~thorough
in its Courses. ~High in its standard
Unsurpassedin If'S INTELLECTUAL
~'wenty-une officers and teachers,
Very reasonable ptievs. Seid for cat-
alogue to JAS. DINWIDDIE, M, A.

The State Normal
and Industrial School,

Offers the young women of the State
thorough prof ssional, literary. clussi-
cal, scientific and industrixn] education
~Annual expenses 890 to 8130. Faculty

} of 25 members. More than 40 n gular

sturents, Practice school of 126 pupils
for teachers. Morethun 1,209 matricu-

| lates re presenting every county in the

state except three, Corre-pondence in-
Vited from those desiring competent
trained teachers, To secure board in
dormitories all free tuit;on Apobeatons
st. or}

| must be made before A ogust

o4atalogue and information; add¥fees

vw, Cle

* ~

President CH ARLES, D, MelVER.

gs ate



LDPE D P D D Kep SDD I A DDS ol BD ES B-- ED D ep el wD


~Thercugh academic, scientific and tech- | 3

When bilious or cceme, ent a Cas-
| caret, candy cathartic, eure guaranteed

10c, 23e¢

40S 42

Atl SHL 3ivin65, ee

ooly JOT Food pur apd


Spouting ard Stove Work,� ;
a specialty
Satisfaction guaranteed or ):
no charges made. 'Tohacco 3S
Flues made in season, Shap 8
iniear of 5 and 10 cent store. 3

3 So TIM fl aes
3 | | 4C | %
: x WOKKER. = 3
: a rw

3 Se Offers: his services to the :
: ie citizens of Greenwille and the

3 od public generally.

Fi ©




jase peanzua £
-UXU'Y [Uopy syj eis SJosvIse,) *uoipeaIsuOs JO as¥D Lut Gand oy


@-meg *4)








4 Shi



a |

®@ SEE THAT? Wie

abusia What Is It?T gysaav

It is a picture of tae celebrated ne CY


Best in use The outfit of no business man is
complete without one.

The Reflector Book Store

has a nice assortment ot these Fountain Pens
also a beautiful line of Pearl Handle Gold Pens,
You will be astonished when you see them ana
varn how very cheap thev ars.

You may never, :
But should you ever}@===-

Want Job Printing

ag Come to see us. ="



a eh cs the te th







\ oi Nome

Anything from 24@===.-
Visitine Card

cee TO A ion

EF*ull Sheet Poste.


4" I

The Daily Reflector.

Gives the home news
every afternoon at the
small price of 25 cents a
month. Are yuu a sub-
scriber? If not vou
ouvht to be.


The Eastern R


's only $1 4 year, 1:
contains the news every
week, and gives informa-
tion to. the farmers, es-
specially those growin:
tobacco, that is worth
niapy times more than
~Le subscription price...

¢ et)



Nothing About Him Here, But Wany
Other Peopie App?ar.


Your every
# bad 3

a a :
poe COantsupp ied mere Henry Strause went to Henderson

at the . | Creates many a new business, today,
"| &nlarges many an old business, Elias Turnage, of Ormondsviile, was
~1, oe Preserves many a large business. ey
Revives many a dull business, :
; Rescues many a lost business, J. L. Foumain, of Falkiand, was in
Saves many a failing business. | tow) today.

S-cnres success to any business
Commissioner F, 'T. Carr, uf Gieene
county was here today.

ane ES

as 'To oadvertise judiciously,T use tne : ; egies
& ] exlumns of tt. REVLEOTOR. ; Miss Lizze Dail, of Snow HilT, is ©
: visiting Miss Rosa Hooker. ~a URMR. A.H. TAFT
- " - . a is in the Northern
: . oe Miss Wiunie Skinner returned home ac Markets purchasing
Kring Coustantly at it Brings Spccess | Tuesday evening from Chapel Hill ° Fall and Winter Goods
x :
at Ody | | see : . © and in the meantime 4
: J. W. Wiggins and P. H. Gorman :
TRAIN AND BOAT SCHEDULES. returned Tuesday evening irom Lar: we are closing out all ae
ne Summer Goodsatgreat 4

ly reduced prices.

gems OR

cP aeteu a mati train going! Mrs... M. Schultz and little son,
N th. arrives 8:52 A.M. Going South, '

Ml ar-ves 6:57 P. M , Alfred, went to Rocky Mount todav to
5 vamer Tar River arrives from Wasb- | visi? relatives.

in ~ton Monday, Wednesday and Friday

"_" eaves for Washington Tuesday, Thurs.
sy BAG HATURSE, The Lord never made a cow that

This hes be an extra eee ===. } gave milk punch.

ordinary bargain wee ;
long to be Jeep an ctitees Gecaty teow gil
ed by wide-awake DUY| Generally fair tonight and Thursd cae ee opie 10
a�,� a SUBY. inks ig * ij S ¢ =}
ears and watchful shop- y 3 J wae she ig sie but 1s unable to
= ay es make a match.
pers as @ momentous WHAToTHERE Is.
money saving occasion te
If men could become virds at will
"_""- o Much or Little to Tell"You Find | there would be a great many more
it Here. | buzzards than there are now. . .
| ash Goods oe ; The Statesville Landmark has R. R. FLEMING, Pres, E, B. HIGGS, Ca
Bars The street fcrce is at work aguin. eached 2 ay | A, G. COX, ~Vice Pres HENRY HARDING,
Unmercifuily cut. trie cay to oven a 10h reached the age of 24 years, Few) ), CHERRY, j Vice Pres. AssTt Cashier
1260 ee beautiful . whoaTa 78 13 open a tovacco mar- ns aaa to en tha age of the OAPITAL': Minimum $30,000 ; Maximum $100,000.
Vy , Landmat , anda Sth smaller number Organized June 1st,1897.

Dress Ginghams tO £0! kvenacolor blind man can tell |&Ve become near so good a paper.

at 5 cts a yd. when he feels blue. """" ~ The Bank oft Pitt County,

stock Light New Mullets,UreamCheese and But A Maine man who 1 ambitious to

a, Material com- erat S. M. Schuitz. bea postmaster feels that he is am- GREENVILLE.N. C.

Vising neq colOTings| Mr... Wine tal sv ewe oe i ranig «pay ena

in Breezy Fabrics to be | potatoes in market today. aes es aa n.anaging os 00") i Pa Bank wants your triendship and a share

soldat 3c and4cper yQ| hese daysare extremely hot but | farm ang, BARAEIE Se if not all, of your business, and will grant

up. the nights are quite pleasant. every ahaa consistent with ane and sound
: ) ; |banking. e invite correspondence or a per-

2000 yards of White| The moon is getting almost old New Phones. igonal i nape pe ripe ee sl ce .P
Goodsat bargain prices |eush for moonlight outings. Subscribers can make a nete of the panacea | =

Betore a great while the straw hat following new telephones.and add them

og Ladies | Rte ore at tl bors vette! ed loos, [ovis ae ~
E. B. Fickle. factory, No. 11. j AN Cr SS

15 cts Sets. Genuine Faber and Simplex lead dea
penciis at Refiector Book Store. A. J. Grittin, residance, No. 20.

In our Ice cream, soda waser, milk shakes, HB: Heese, aire Se Mid-Summer Clear anceSale

coco cola, sherbets, etc, at W, C.

Shoe HinesT. Note the Change.
W. C. Hines has fixed up a niee Anyone contemplating going to Oc- ee OF _

racoke next Saturday will bear in mind

De artment place tox selling ice cream and summer :
drinks that the steamer Meyers will hereafter

we can fit both your] Ladies warting rice stationery can! ycuville at LO o'clock, ~nstead ot at

foot and purse. Gnd it at Reflects Book Store. Very!) welock Vs M. as during the last few es eo oe ;
latest styles. weeks. Consisting of Lawns, Dimities, Organdies,

: oy , { . i

Ladies Cait vai =o go.op.|__ Just received a nrg lot of Delaware Linens, etc. Also our entire line or is

Ladies Oxtord P th $9.00 | Peaches. Must be sold tomorrow. School at Ormondsville. |

meiosis gs ual to $1.65. M. H. Qoaene. A high school is to be established at SHIR ag W A } ty T &y , *

Ladies Oxfords worth $1.50, Good Tea, sold for 40 cents else- Ormondsville, in zreene county, with , ~7
Swept down to $1°25,| where, our price 25 cents to close out. | Mr. H. P. Harding, of this town as ; y

Ladies Oxfords worth $1.00. Z. Moore & Bro. |principal. ~The people of that com at greatly reduced prices.
Swept down to .75. munity have secured an excellent young

; t ~ W hat . . |
Misses and childrensT reduced aay what Jeb ane od ae man tor the head of their school. p)
in same proportion. ¢Is_it-hot-enough-for-you ?"� " crank L A


: appre ached him,
T The Circuit Grows L .
he days grow some shorter, but argor

esgna Aer ae beet they are hot enough to make up for any The Farmville braneh of theGreen-}| ~~ pee ee | me a
i, are adding to our already large deficiency in length, ville telephone exchange has been ex" ! , OA K RI DG E i NSTITUTE.

stock of eeasonable goods daily,| Other fruit is scarce, but the water- eae hey Uriah - Ralgecome county, | :
puch as melons certainly struck it right this At that point connection is made FORTY-SIX'TH YEAR.

j Tl bund d fi with lines to Wilson, Tarboro, Rocky
sac Ribbons, ao soba "|! Mount and Battleboro. Manager weuaty-two years under present principals. 224 students attended last year.
' 8 A High Grade College Preparatory School, with special departsments of

broideries, Handker- | Once inawhilethere is some talk} Atkins will arrange to give local | Book-Keeping, Short-Hand, and Telegraphy- ~rhe Largest and Best Equipped
Fitting School. in the South. Location healthful and beautiful. oTerms to suit

1 | : about opening Fifth street through : . VES
chiefs, Collars & Cuffs, Sheriff aa tonTs property, but as asia oe " 1 oe the times.� For beautiful new catalogue address,
Belts, Ladies Ties, Ho- ovale aaa tiple tion with those points. Profs. J. Av & M. H. HOLT, Oak Ridge, N. C

su yet it is only talk.
selry and ma . | ow Cars tue Guimax."Bieycle, Tri-
andsiylish things. Pas vie ey New Engine. NO CURE"NO PAY. |
yele, Veloscipede and ali other kinds Clever Engi George Smi.h, on ,
er Engineer lh eras ¢ That is the way all. druggists nell Ki) H ff (N MEATS

of Caps for ladies and children in all} i4:. pra: eh ot the Const Line, is~about | GROVES TASTELESS CAILL TON




Our stock of shapes, colors and prices just received F . IC for Oblils, Fever and all. forms of |

° . toduy at Mrs, Georgia JamesT. rigsund tome eateenes a wpa it Malaria, It is simply Iron and Quinine

Groceries Furniture road, and wears 43 proud a smile a8 8] in a gasteless form. Children love it |

Ket : T 4 As yat the farmers have not hai| boy who has just donned his first pair a ve, i bitter, nauseating ~
Hai dware, Cr ockery, time to grade much tobacco, hence the ) of pants. oAnd Captain George bas spoon al seniaanit We have placed a large Refriger-

breaks at the warehouses ure not very | good cause for this elation, He came ator in our market to keep all our

, : é : 2 ~ ;
and Gets Furnishings large. What tobacco is coming in is [in ~Tuesday evening holding the throt~ ELON COLLEGE. meats cool and free from flies.
When you wantfresh

ds farge-and complete and wel good quality and brings good | tls of u splendid new engine that hae. -. NORTH CAROLINA.
| pbk om geen ehat pbs wing | prices. just been turned out of the shops �,�s~ sna on Pospuage een AF in Bee f Pork .
. = hts : jon; ¥ at water} | or
Fon throsgh acd posting� YOU 18|" Excaninshae ten very_nuner- [Bes Mw rum TW new lO eae ral, one of, Cig] ie

a i + Remomber pow is the

~time and bere ip the place to fin ous from many of the larger towns in No, 106, ina beanty and cne ot thé) ian vhurcb, non-sectanan in spirit and

out hent di birt of be ie ease very best that the railroad company | teaching, highest moral tone, elegant | Send us your orders and you will
id eg hag ha ret of bargains. | the ang They became " nt ota out, The REFLECTOR rejoices building, halls, laboratories, etc., facul-| get something 2109, clean and
a T around Winston that the SentinelT says ccna out. fs : 8! ty of specialist, co-educational, ourri- | fresh eyery, time, Phone 41.
Ne the fuctory men are trying to stop with Capt. Smith and congratulates rn equa! of best tides roe ella ys ty A Oe Se a 9
: ; egree courses, most liberal terms, best
them becruse of interference with their the company on this improvement om sdrantages, oathlo ue on application. Weathine tan y Cuihrall,

our road. : J-Address J. 0, ATKINSON, Chairman,
" | | , , Elon College, N.C. |

Daily Reflector, August 4, 1897
The newspaper was established in 1882, and was originally named the Eastern Reflector. It was founded by Julian Whichard and David Jordan with equipment they purchased from The Greenville Express. On December 10, 1894, it adopted the name The Reflector and began publishing every day. Cox Newspapers acquired The Daily Reflector in 1996. Creator: Daily Reflector (Greenville, N.C.) - August 4, 1897
August 04, 1897
Local Identifier
NC Microforms
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