Daily Reflector, June 24, 1897

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D. J .WHICHARD, Editor and Owner, TRUTH IN PREFERENCE TO FICTION. = TERMS: 25 Cents a Month.


Heine m a

* ~ , 4
. _
eee i Z

Vol. 6. GREENVILLE, N. C., THURSDAY, JUNE 24, 1897. | No, 783

BE A Washirgton, June 22,"TodayTs| THE GREENVILLE MaRKET. pide
was another slugging game, in which a ! Th | t L f
ITT both King and Fifield were knocked|J, N. Gormaa & Oo. Will Eniarge e argT es Ine O
out ct the box. German went in at| Their Factory About Double I's

Present Size, .

basis. This year there will be more

of control and five errors by tie visitors . Ss oN je
re done totorce Greenville ahead than mf at
gave the game to Pittsburg. Hawley bef Nearly all. 2 os |
. over befoie. Nearly all the " prize . 0
was batted hard, the ten hits netting aj ~ ° early P " = 8 a) ~a
o " houses that have been built in Green SV pee =
totel of 22 bases. Score. Pittsburg 7; , oOUS* . ;
4: ° vilte, in fact all except one were built os 7�
Chicago 8. Sanu atiats ae
Browns. The Jatter were unable to : ae
their own means in equipping tactories

wi ~ets j
hit Rhines. Score. Cincinnati 7: St. : Be :
Louis 3. ; for their own use. This shows very
q 5 z ve
sonclusively that th rentie re |/
Baltimore, June 22 "The Champ- © Bae af AY incase gentleman. pave \ de.
. confidence in the future of the market, |

the end of the first after five bits had
been made off King. Taylor replaced
Fifield in the tenth. The visitors

made a batting rally in the ninth, but . ;
og ake ; Each year sincs the first warehouse
ii the next inning German did not

, er was built in Greewville there have been
give them a hit. Score. Washington ~
sy ; added improvements which sradually
12; Philadelphia 1), . :
has placed the market on a more solid


mt ma

Pittsburg, June 22.~.KorwanTs lack

T oo
: . 9 om by the tobace warehousemen either, os
Cincinnati, Tune 22."Tke Reda cae fh
: . : directly ¢ ndirect y. This vear
won todayTs game easily from the 7. OF. Maire y his year

several of the buyers have invested

ions took todayTs game trom the Giants. \

; n a@ letter to (he wri - N. Gorman
It was a pitcherTs battle throughous, in ; ~ letter to the writer J. N G hove
& Co, say they will enlarge their tac-

hich Corbett had decidedly ~ ) ' th . |
1 ibe agin, The, fliyg |" Babe doves po sos @VEL SHOWN in the city. We
Fa! 7) ye a ~ ' x

. «tobe more ura e quote their
both sides was full of snap and fast~! be Sccurale we gu her

double plays were the feature. Score, | Words : oIn answer to yours will say ki t . d
Baltimore 4; New York 3. we shall add to our factory torty-five are ma IngT ex ra in uceé=
Cleveland, June 22 Peppallau feet in width and sixty feet in length
© 4 he hn i p

. _! +
pitched his first full game for the three storics making it about as large

* . . 6 i
Dowel, ay ae Wit he again as '! now is and we willadd one of t fi ht
Clevelands today and was hit hard. the Philadelphia TextileCoTs automat l ) 1en S or SU] ) } I ) ler welg S,
The feature of the game was the eithad akan enna
ci machines. This machines is one

throwing to bases of Crigar, who} " : ~ ~ ;

: . ; ich does not require the tobacco to Mm U U W nN
caught six men while trying to. steal. WANEH GO C t f t
Score Cleveland 6: Lousville 14 be hung, but it is fed to it on a belt or O �,� O sce S 1 O a
LS @ 9 we ¥) r)
Brooklyn, June 22."After scoring eae °
seventeen straight victories, Boston the other end it is dried and reordered reat bargains.
fell down before the Brooklyns at ready urbe packed) keeping order. @
Eastern park-this aftcrnoon. It was The writer will be in your city in the

by no means a model contest. and the | 2¢@? future and willthen start the work | - R N K VW I ; S ne
| ; t ~ i ;
Bean Eaters had several chances of | #8 We have already bought the brick | A : : { ; } \
sinning but let them slip by Score: for the building.� ;
Brooklvn 7: Boston 4 | This soends like business sure THE KING CLOTHIER.
a ~ T Py e a

,enough, It will be remembered that

apron and when it comes through it on

HOW THE CLUBS STAND. ' Messrs J. N. Gorman & Co. were the
Won Lost Per Cent | ftst tobacco bayers on this market to
Baltimore 84 419 739 | Purchase property here. This factory
| Boston 34 13 723 they bought in 1892, and since that
Cincinnati 29° «17 eso | tme they have been Fermantently
New York 7 «18 600 identified With the market. Mr. P,
THAT Brooklyn D4 93 dll H. Gorman resident buyer tor the firm
Philadelphia 24 98 430 | 8 this taarket is now in Europe look-
Pittsbug 22 94 478 |'%8 up business tor bis concern and
Cleveland 22.25 468 Whose who know PatTs capacity tor
Washington 19 296 429 | huetling business, with his all around
Louiavills 19-28 404 good looks and genial gentle inanners
Siroa 18 39 375 | are sutistied thas he will ~return prof-
St. Louis 10 40 200 itably repaid for his trip across the

Mr. William Pulliain,aged 90 yearty! Robbers held ep. train on ~tle
They donTt cost aid Capt. Henry Presnell, aged 93, Louisville and Nashville railroad, in
both citizens of Murion, died Friday Tennessee, and got away with be. ween

too much. They morning. They were both carpente:s $2,000 and $4,000.

and long-time residents of Marion.
(Queen VictoriaTs diamcud jubilee,the
are ready to put The Charlotte Observer reports a ' : de

celebration of which is in progress this
strange case. Monday night a man

| week, is attracting the attention of
ON WItHOUt Albroke into the hous of Mr. R. Bnet en ne oF the

. ; '}entine world.
neur Newell, and cut off the hair of
Y Ou

two, of his daughters. , The Dauntless, that has done sc

Mias Charlotte Rice, of Ohio, who much aNousterktig in behalf sag Cuba,
was captured ~Tuesday off Indian Key,
Florida, with men, arms and ammuni.
tion on board.


have ove the was visiting in Asheville, waa injured
browns olives ina runaway accident Saturday and
] T

died Sunday morning.

green mixtures,

No man has a good appetite if he| The old settler remembers well
plaids--the sweil can wait patiently tor his dinner, because there was ~ittle to remember,

colorings of the

of the season- --
we've got them

here plenty. as
pie at a fair. We

~show the best. MUS? GO.





ed ~



ee pte =

En wred as second-lass mail matter.

sis, cana aaa baker ne Ne OE pas oat Se ue

On Ae ee $3.00
ON. a te 10

One week. . � a

~~ Delivered in town by carriers without,

gxtra eost.
Avertisng rates are
ad on application to
the office -

7 : 48ve oorrespondent at
On who will

sory postoftice in the county,
pi in brief items of NEWs as it Occurs
in each neighborhood, Write plainly
gad oniy ou'one side of the paper.

liberal and ean be
the editor or at




TayRsvaY, JUNE 24, 1897.

�"� a.
see iemm

She Cut EryanTs Coat,
«When Mr. Bryan spoke in Lincoln
last fall,� said Mr. -T. G. Marsden, of
the Nebraska capital, at the Riggs last
night, ohe lost a piece of his coat, and
I donTt believe he kuows now how it
ocutrred, Ay any Tate, I. have never
ogeen the story in print. and but few.
4 o4
people ,saw the incident. As Mr
~Bryas left the platiorm a great crowd
pressed Srward to congratulate him on
his maghificent speech. In the thrung
there was a demure little woman who
was as eager to reach the candidateTs
side as any g} us
She was right in fro7t of me, and
Isaw a small pair of scissors jo her
hand. Visions of au attempted assar-
sination flogted through my mind, and
I was preparing to distinguish myselt
by saving Mr. BryanTs hfe. When
the little woman was within a foot of
Mr. Bryan, whose back was turned,
she reached forwerd itke a flash, aud
seizing the skirt of 4's coat,but off a bit
of the cloth betore you,could wink your
eye, 1 was ep a tonished I could not
speak, be did, uvt~paush to shake
Mr. Bryan'sT hand; but pushed her
way out of the crowd and disappeared.
I have always entertained a high
woman on ac-
count of her She doubtless
has that pieve of vioth yet, and values

ab w oe

opining of shat .


It uighly.�"-Washington Post.

oss sas eco

Faithtal Vato Death.
A pass nger wh» arrived nere over
aid Yadkin Valley

Greensboro, tells

bis Cape Fear

rulroad from un,

juteresTing story of a strange carrin
pigeon thatawhile fying ever the plan-
tation of Mr.o. E, McKnight, three
wiles north of Green boro, tell to the
The cerrier is believed

grouad dead

to Le one of tw nigeoms that were
recently sent oat from New Orleans to
Phiadelphia ca a When

picked up the waudcier was carrying


a bright metalic bund on one leg and
On the
bright band were the letter oT� and
the figures o14,527.� On the inside
ot the other band was the letter oP.�
"Cie bird Was, observed adout 6 o'clock
approaching fret a northwardly di-
rection. It cam uear the residence of
Mr. McKnight and began to fly about
in @ confused manner, apparently ex-

a brass one on the other.

from jong and continued
flight. The fuithtui little messenger
after some moments then suddenly
closed sta tired wings and sand down
to the ground to rise no more." Wile
mington Messenger,

LS eee
A Good Suggestion.

While the tariff fiends are at at why
donTt they put a high duty on im-
ported husbands for American mil-
lionaireTs daughters. Lhe unrestricted
impor tation of this class of raw mates
tial is certainly working a serious
hardship to the young manhood of
_ America, and it the Republican party
has any regard for our intapt industries
let 1¢ demonstrate ile fact now by ad-
| ding this item to the schedule of taxed
ae oC articles at once,"Durham

Kar thquake Shocks Revives a Body
oyn the Bands of an Uncertaker.

An undéftaker by name of Barthol-

tells a startling story of the earthquake
shock last week. A middle aged man,
whose rame is not given, for profes-
sional reasons, had been seriously ill
for some time, and about 9 oTclock
Thursday night he gasped once or
twice, and then to all appearances
died. Flynn was summoned and laid
out ihe body. He nad just finished kis
work when.a rumbling asx a_ heavy
wagon over 2 rough pavement was)
heard... The house shook and trembled
to its foundation, and the windows ard
doors shook and rattled. This vibra.
tion lasted perhaps 20 seconds, and es
it died away a tremor passed through
the limbs ot the supposed corpse, and
the man slowly raisedT himself to a
sitting position. [ke is now alive and
is recovering.

RTCA cw racer CED


DonTt Tobacco Spit and Smoke You
Tate, Away.
If you want to quit tobacco using
easily and torever, bs .nade well
streng, magnetic, full of new lifes and
vigor, take No"To-Bac, the wonder-
worker that makes weak men strong.
Many gain ten pounds in ten days.
Over 400,000 cureT. Buy No-To-Ba
rom your own druggist, who will
guarantee a cure. Booklet and sample
mailed tree. Ad. Sterling Remedy Co,
Chicago or New York.

Seen aE
Full of Woe.

Mr. J. H. Nunnelee, of the Selma
Times, having been mentioned fcr
soige office in the gift of the people of
the State, takes the sound journalistic
position that he already holds an_ office
supe ior to any that can be given him,
and that political office is full of woe to
its possessor. He says: oWe have
an ambition to be independent, and of
all the servile, ignoble
creatures on earth, is a man who has
once held an office, kicked out by the
people, and then going around telling
avout how badly he has besn treated.
Such « man, having oace had his bead
in the official crib, .is incapablo ot
making aliving thereafter, and sings!
his little song of woe until Ceath
comes and puts an end to his prating.�


Mobile Register.


es ae _

When bilious or eci-s#e. ent a Cas-
earet, candy cathartic, cure guaranteed
1Uc, 25¢

amare 2 aa

What It is.

oTt seems terrible,� he said.

oWhat does?� she asked.

~This account by a physician of the
way bicycling affected him.�

oWhat does he say?� she inquired.

oHe suys,� he explained, othat after
along ride he experiencea paraesthe-
siae in the fourth and fifth fingers, with
impaired sensibility, and paresis in the
interogsel, Jumbricales and the auduc-
tur pelicis.�

o] donTt see why it is,� she returned
in her superior way, othat a man canTt
say he had that tired feeling without
making so much fus; about it.T
Chicago Times Herald.

When to Stop Ycur Paper,

| When you are convinced that a
paper is dishonest and deceitful, stop
it, When convinced that it is unclean,
stop it. When it lacks enterprise and
fuils to give you tke news, stop it.
But donTt stop a paper you believe to
be honest, courageous, enterprising and
clean simply because its editor has
written his own sincere views instead
of yours or somebody elseTs; for if
you do, you are putting a premium on
~insineere jou m and serving notice.
on an editor that the way to succeed is
to write what he thinks will best please
his readers instead of what he honestly
believes the truth."Springfield (Mass, ,
Republican. |

Just try a 10e, bux Of enscarets, the
finest liver and bowel regu ator ever

omew Flynn, of Watertown, N. Y., kKinley ias sent the tollowing personal

people the prolongation of a_ reign
illustrious and marked by advance and
science, arts and popular well being.
Oh behalf of my countrymen, I wish
particularly to recognize your friend-
ship for the United States ant your
desire of peace exemplified upon im-}

your personal Virtues.

you haveT been called to rule.

President McKinley's Letter ~o
Queen Victcria.

Lonpon, June 2]."Presideni Mc:

l-tter to Queen Victoria, which was
delivered .o her by Mr. Whitelaw
Reid. special envoy ;

oLo Her Majesty, Victoria, Queen -of
Great Britain and [raland and Em-
press of India:

oGreat and Good Fnend: In the
name and on behaif of the people of
the United States, I present the sins
cere felicitalions upon the sixtieth
anniversary uf your majestyTs acces-
sion to the throne of Great Britain.

oI express the sentiments of my
fellow citizens in wishing for your

portaat occasions,

oItis pleasing 10 acknowledge the
debt of gratitude and sespect due to
May your li~e
be prolonged and peace, honor and
prosperity bless the people over whom
throughout = your
empire, under your just and equal laws
and your government continue strong
in the affections of all who live under

oAnd I pray God to have your
majesty in His holy keeping

Your good friend, |
By the president,
Secretary of State.

~Done at Washington this 28th day

of May, A. D., 1897.�

liberty flourish

= ae Es eres BS
A Househoid Neowssity.
Cascarets Candy Cathartic, the most
wonderful medical disvonery of the age.
plearant and retreshing to the taste,acte
gently and positively on kidneys, liver

and bowels,cleansing the entire system, |}

dispel colds, cures headacho, fever, ha-
bitual constipation and _ biliousness
Please buy and try a box of C. C. C.
pay 10, 25, of cents, Sold and
guaranteed to cure by all druggists.


pratt a

Lo Be Despised.

The man who will so far forget
that he isa man as to speak a
slanderous word and stab with
inuendo, or witha shrug of the
shculders, or a toss of the head,
carries with him, and aboat him,
the cdor of sulphar.

He who wilfully lies about his
fellow man and causes strite be-
tween friends 1s next of kin to
his Satanic Majesty.

A man who tel!s a falsehood
about a woman, with the inten-
tion of injuring ner reputation, in
order that he may carry iis
point, will find that even in the
deepest hell he will be despised,
andthe imps of darkness them-
selves willshun him, aud Satan
will be so afraid of him that he
will chain him iast in the darkest
corner of bis illuminated realm
and place a guard about bim with
pronged forks io preven bis
escape."Daurham San.

When bilious or cosuve, eat a Uas.
caret, candy omhartie, cure eonstipa-


The New York Times publishes tie
replies of over twency Clearing House
presidents in various parts of the coun-
try to theinquiry: oDo you, in your
business relations, see evidences of the
coming of good times?� In the main
the answers are extremely hopetul and
encouraging. There is undcubtedly
increased confidence in the future, and
a slow but substantial improvement,
People have been practicing economy:
This helps. There is a oproepect of
fine crops. That also is a breeder and
harbinger ot good times," Philadelphia


R. A. TYSON, Vice-PresTt.

R. L. DAVIS, PresTt.

JUNE 1th, 1896.


The Bank of Greenvile,


At the Olose cf Business May 14th,°1897.)


P d Discounts 2,153.81 $ Capital stock paid in $23,000.00
Geet ~Drafts a "395,29 § Surpius and Profits 3,042.54
Due from Banks 8,772.46} Deposits subject to Cneck 58,812.65
Furniture and Fixtures 1,505.60 Cashiers Checks ortstanding 143.10
Current Expenses 1,312.04 Due to Banks 508.15
~Cash Items _ 1,839.56 § Time Certificates of Deposit 55.00
Premium on Stock 1,000.00 vont eeanionten
ash on hand 28,088.18 Cotal $85,566.34

Total $85,566.34 ;

We study cer2fully the separate needs of our patrons. aud shall be glad to have
your account, promising every accommodation consistent with good banking.

e ao be nea TATARSTAN SEN

Wehavealarge ®



just arrived. Comeand
see us.

(0. COBB & Ul

ne ene



eatin aath, Denim




We have wt reveived a new
hearse and tize nicest line of Onf-
fins and Caskets, ii weed, metal-
lic and cloth ever broughtto
Greeny ile, .

_ We ato propaisd -
Ing in aii ibs forms.

Personal attention given to con
ducting fuzerals and bodies en-

trusted to our care will receiye
every mark of respest,

Our prices are jower than ever.

_ We do not want monupoly but
Invite Con petition.
We can be found at any and all

times in the Jokn Flanagan
Buggy CoTs building.


{0 ombalm-

FLOOD poison

Primary, Sec.
A SPECIALT Y cnasry artes
mtiary Syphilis permanently cured in 16 to

35 days. You can be treated at home for
the same price undersame guaranty. If
you prefer to come here we will contract

cbarge,if we failto cure. If you have taken mere
cury, iodide potash, and still have aches and
ains, Mucous Patches in mouth, Sore Throat,
imples, Copper Colored Spots, Ulcers on
any part of the body, Hair or Eyebrows fallin
out, it isthis Syphilitic BLOOD POISON thai
wo guarantee to cure. We solicit the most obsti-
nate cases and challenge the wor:d for a
case Wecannotcure,. ~i'his disease has always
baffled the skill of the most eminent physi-
cians. 8500,0C00 capital behind our uncondi-
tional guaranty, Absolute proofs sent sealed on
application, Address COOK REMEDY CO.
307 Masonic Temple, CHICAGO, ILL.

to pay railroad fare and hotel bills,and no _

W. M. Bond.

J. L, Fleming,


Greenville, N. C
Practice ia all the courts,

ri. Dr. Talmages «The
Earth Girdled.�T or his famous tour
around the world, a thrilling story of
Savage and barbarous lands. Four mil-
lion TalmageTs books sold, and *oThe
Earth Girdled� is his latest and grand-
est. Demand enoromous. Everybody
wants thiagamous book, only $3.50. Big
book, big commissions. a gold mine for
workers. Credit given, freight paid,




ing their yearTs supplies will find.
their interest to get our prices befere pua
chasing elsewhere. Ourstock is coraplete
un allits branches.


a oeeeaaet ©)


| Tobacco, Snuff, &c,
we buy diroc} from Manufactu.T 3 en

ling you to buy av one prodt. A eom-
che stock of



on | hana
a wee 4


ways on hand and sold at pricesto suit
os eee a Our senihvonght and
pag gh ge ager soto. ga Wberal
ao TZ Greenylle N.(.

ontfit free. Drop all trash and sell the
king of Yooks and make $300 a month.
Hotta for outtit and territory, The

Mominion Company, Star Buildiug. Chi-


' 3arbders.

Patronage solicited, ~leaning, Dyeing
and Pressing Gents Clothes a specialty

| coe a

Special attention given to vieaning
Gentlemens Clothing.

J. A, Burarss, Mgr.
Washington, N. U,


This Hotel has been thoroughly reuu
vited, several new rooms added, elec,
tric bellsto every room. Attentive ser,
vants. Fish and Oysters served daily
Patronage of traveling puvlic solicited�

Male: Academy,

The next_session of the school wil)
open on

MNDAY SEPT. 7, 189°°
and contiuue for 10 mouths.
The terms are us follows.

Primary Knglish per mo. - 2 00
Intermediateo 4 $2 50
Higher -- $3 00
Languages (each) ~~ =~ $1 00

The work and disclplipe of the sahoo!
Will be as heretofore, sn

We ask a continuenee of your pts:

J. L. LITTLE. CashTr

si astra trina resem ae

eee as ef maton ac

se a ee ae
TaeBinae nes

gay e
- 7 " atm nine ah creer amt ni reset memes cnet annette tte ime i, FES Tes : iy : = moo
WILMINGTON & WELDON R. R |To Sieep Wel Fat Pefore Retiring. Sincere areal. so a oo oFROM FROST TO F a :
[e , ND BRANCHES - al Some wise body has been discov and peanuts for yesterday, as furnished ins ~ TiN 9
AN meine a A light supper ast fore re- ering that public singers are freer by ~Cobb Bros. & Commission Mer- alitornta I Xt
~st: FLORENCE Rau RUAD [tiring is usually of adyantage.| from throat troubles than any other | chants of sigge pene 2 a
+ nvengea penedule Baby and brute avimals are usu-| lass of human beings. The reasor| | Middting ; 7 Both are such desirable o
, So assigned is the constant exercise of| 4i").0 : Te jective points for a Winter
os oe ally'somnolent bedi wen vem! the voice, giving exercise to the} Low Middling 74 trip that itTs perhaps hard for
TRAINE GR Biers achs are weil supp-ied with food,T uscles of the throat. At which a| Good Ordinary 6 9-16 you to decide where to go.
a ~~ |the activity of the +'-mach!clever man suggests that the mu-| Tone"quit.
| ated Xm I-" ithdrawing the excess of blood! sical and medical profession join PEANUTS: bee "
ads ks a |--= siden ac whére it is not| hands and substitute glees for gar- Sila � 7 ; Let us Help You to
ee St oye ee : gles, chansonnettes for. cauteriza- | Extra Prime oes las 2
oa A.M.� a. m[Meeded during sleep. On the tion madrigals for mustard plasters Masi ss 6s 44 a Decision,
uenve Weldon | 1. 50\"- other hand, peeple who are verv) oq choruses for croton oil, He con- Peas Kk tip via Now Ofenek acd
vr, Roevyk Mt | 12 ba __._|_____ | hungrv usually find it very diffi-! tinues that tenor songs may be pre- oo the Southern Pacific to either
| |-"- | ~{eult to sleep. And then a habit) scribed for tonsilitis and ballads for |� 7 Mexico or the Pacific Coast 18
Ly Tarhoro 12 lyj-v of sleep at a regulated time and) bronchitis. In time, perhaps, a mu- Greenville Market. one you will never forget.
tops? (7 pz |durize proper hours should be jgical medico hospital may be estab- Corrested by & M. Schulte. :
lw Rocky Mt | 12 52 5 45 | ultivated in case this habit has lished, with special songs written | GTifey, per Ib T wo: | JtTs a Transition from
re eg , ~ ae 6 2! been lost. Tn accomplishing this! to suit special cases. Of course this | Western Sides Ci 6d t0 6 - ie
Ly Fay'tteville 436 : the attainment of a favoranle ig all very pleasant sounding, but Sngar cured Hams artes. Frost to Flowers.
Ar. Florence | 6 35 state of mind is of great impor-| when the neighbors are taken into | ©or sea) 15 %6 ee .
sseneisadinamnatentt eaand ane aneal ""~-""~ |tance. Sleep cannot be euforced| consideration it is doubtful if the ea Family ©4950 6.7 And the service is so laxuti-
. |S2j_ by a direct exercise of the ill, | o1q methodsare not to be preferred. | Tard ~ 5} to 10 ous that people who ,, have
ee The ee of ue walt 0! "Chieago Times-Herald. _ Sune e reo erie suns bias call
sans "-'""" | COMmmand sleep 18 enough to ren: SURE ag It Incompar .
ipod A.M |der its attainment nugatory | co Sack i i. pcecee ; ee
LV Wilkon 2 US v |The mental state to be encour-) o Coaekens a 10 to 25 Ifyou are Thinking OL
Lv Gvdsboro | 3 10 i xged in One of quiescence, one of (| R ECT O RY. Eggs per doz 7 to 1 : :
re + eine ; i | 9 45|indiference. w fering that the, ees WAX.DEL *| Going, Write Us.
MM. A.M ;Yecumpbent posture is a preper, ovement reeor eer .
ra one for rest, avd that if the KAA RAIA BRAN SARNIA 2 We bave a book. entitlid
ithoaghts aie disposed to continae: CRURCAUES. ty oThrough Sroryland to Sun-
TKACNS GOING NOFRE. active they may be safely allowed. sot Saas,� a handsome volume
to take their course without any) of 205 pages,efully illustrated,
Dated m3 +, | effort toward control. This state | |e Ue which we will send on cig
,.. May 27th, / S i= of wind and thought 1S next akin: B APY IST"Services every Sunday, C 8 T 9 of 10 conte 1h Staui ps by Otis
HHT. ZR) A AA |to dreams, and dreaming is DEXT woring and evening. Prayer meeting | ge PRACTICAL fe): postage. We also huve @ oe
seers mae rca momen me | enim | mmm to sourd sleex."Medical Record. ~Thursday evening. Rev A.W. Setzer, dc PP lightful little guide to Mexi-
nthe lA. M. P.M. . ~Pastor, Sunday school 9:30 A, M. @ 1 which we will send on
LuV Pivrerce 8 45) aa - - ami ravae 'C, D. Rountree, Superintendent. go lit AN} CHT IRN ; receipt of 4 cents to cover
ay a Ayctteviile 3 a7 From the number of towns in theT CATHOLIC"No reguiar services. | fe D4 cost of mailing.
Ar Wilson 1 20.11 388 State that heye voted tor local prohi_| PISCOPAL"Services fourth Snn. {a WORKER.
nao nina rae (77 | bition recently it would seem that the| seo. mmoening oand evening. Ey oH Onin ey ceoinns to the You Really Ought to
, Nh cern thes are many Gnerves, Rector. Siniay schoo m vs a0 citizens ot Greens and the Op Read them Both.,
ee ce a en Co Ps ve « o oSAL M. W. B. Brown, Superinte: dant. | 4 = pablic generally. . |
A. M,| P.M. | Whe question the wisdom of prohibition | _ $0 ROOFING, GUTTERING, | Shall we put you down for a
ovy, ilmington| 9 00 7 00 lin small towns who would vote tor it} METHODIST-~-Serv ces every ee 0 ~5 reine and Stove Work, copy? If so, or if you waut
Lv Magnolia | il 50 & 3 |, ~day. morning and evening. Prayer | ppouas ny special information, 1%
Ly Goldsboro 1 Ov g 36/08 a broader seale, So after all the) meeting Wedoesday eveving. Rev. aC a specialty. ster 5 fully fornishea
Wileor , ali N. M. Wetson, Pastor. Sunday sehool | Ye Hediniian on eed or will be cheer ully farni a
ar Wilsen 1 vd 10 27' number of places that vote for local) N. M. olington. Superine |: Satisfaction guarantee by addressing
Ly Taneoro ed A prohibition do not @ive a good index (0 a M.A. BR: Bllington, Sup o no charges made. ro ae | y a :
~ " a | Ce ee jengen. C Flues made in season. Shop Ope
es be ithe temperance sentiment in ihe state, | PRESBY FERTAN 5 oe thira RO Plhes enue and 10 cent nth : S. F, B. HORE,
x acy | Stay it 3a creoatar : sty . : Zin ove ning vl wening. Nev. x 9 63 f i¥e ;
Zo oe for " 18 Breve and stronger he cE ee torian. taxtot. Sunday� school o . General Passeoyer and Ticke
signage Sa sued are jenulentea by local prohibition."Seot- i544 A.M. E. B Fieklen Superinten- Agent.
LY Wisou . 1 42 | 10 3. \dund Neck Commonwealths ~uent ' _ , _
Ar kooky Mt | 2 33 |_| 1) 16 nn LODGHS. re
emt Se cnn nen | nem! ten emnee a
a Tarboro 40H); i " JaninTs Advios, ~y You may Beers eee a -
vy parvore , 1c | eae | Onegaya rich but 1H natured maz, ! AF. & A. M.=Groenville Lodge No. But should you ever e= ee
Ar Weldon ~ | 4 | avho made sad havoc of the French |... meets tirst and third Moaday even"

; ~ G @
|Janguage calied upon Jules Janin, eog, WM.King W. M, L. I. Moore, Pri i ti} t
| the famous French critic, and began | Sec. . an

frait.ou Seotla i Neck Branch Roa | @ tirade upon some trivial matter in, Toor _tloveneet Lodve No. 17
- gaves Weldon 4.10 p. m., Halifax 4,08 execrable French. After MSROTE eri orale very Taesdav evening. D. W.
¥ j Tan Ta) ¢ ay ff i . . os . ioe aa is . ~ ; ~ ~ o, y ; ~an
oGteonville 6.5? pe . ~Kinston of politely for some time fan av last ~Bardee N.G. L. H. Pender, sec. ~~ Come to see us, Ga
es 4 - ov ® 4 ea he ete " + : © isit + By in. 1 ;
2m. Returning, leaves Kinston 7,10 | 26Plied to his visitor im Le K. ot P."I'ae River Lodge No. 93,

y+ + i ly y; F 40) j � ®
&. Ws, (dreenville 8.52 a. m. Arriving oWhat do veu mean, M. Janin? ~meets every Yriday evening. H. W.

NNN Ned i gl ela Ne Ne NN NL Nal alt



} i Ons


' CF
| va
a) b,
nie eee, i cee
be) od) OO) bY WOO WOOO pt?

ee Y 7¥

~ * H or na . 4 BA, ye I a
Hali®ix at 11:20 a, m., Weldon 11.40 ain{ demanded the man angrily. ~~f Whedbee, C.C. Frank Wilson. hk. of : s
dally -xcept Sunday. donTt understamd you. I canTt speak p. and s.

, cary ' . ?
4rdinson Washnigton Branch leave | Latin. te \
Washington 8.20 a, m., aid LU p.m,T oTry, sir; try!T cried the greaé

| KR. A."Leb Vance Council No. 16961 4
s ameets every Thursday evening. W.b.)4
rege patiate 9.10 a, oe and ia P.| ovitic. ~You could not speak it wij.on, R, M.&R. Lang, Sec. j
., Lorporo 9.40 a. m., reburningleaves sa ths ' � |
Tarboro 3.30 p. m., Parmele 10.20 a.m, | OFS? EEL Rot | K.of H."Insuranee Lodge No, 1169) oe
aud 8.20 p. m,, arrives Washington
11,40 a. m.,and 7.20 p. m. Daily ex-

am iweets very Friday evening. John
. nefits of Kxercise. wieriS every : J
ee ~Kiunagan, D. Henry Sheppard, R.

N . ~ ~ ° a . , a , aval it happen |
ept Suuday. Connects with trains on Piano Maker"How does i | . " ee | ae
scotland Neek Branch. that in this house the pedal is bro- A.L of ee Pitt Or poe . oe Anything from Ore :

every V scduVv nivht : - w~herry
: ke week? lewory Vhursdav night, : oC�
Trai leaxes warporu, N ©. via Albe- h every . CO. W. B. Wilson. See. » te
akitie © halelyh KR, daily except sun.| Servant"Oh, our young lady rides, Wisitin ZS C2 Ek

diay, ab 5 OW yp. m., Sunday 405 P. M:| @ wheel."Fliegende Blatter.
aliive Piytaouth 7.40 P, M., 6.00 p.m. | =

Returniny eaves Plymouthaaily excep: | : Ee" y | "Cana If Lem PS eat TP ED
Sunday, 7.50 a. m., Sunday 9.0u a Whe | GOO OOOH ILLS SIIDLLODGDDOILDODIODOOOS $ 1} a tee oSt or.
uwrive'larboro 10.15 acm and 12.° 4% :


TO A ""

Train on Midland N. C. branch leaves
Goldsboro daily, except Sunday, 6.05 a
m. arriving Smithfield 7-30 @, in. Re-
turning leaves Sunthtield 8.0u a. m,, ar-
rives at Goldshors 9.30 a. m.

cecinca sinha andiiemernndineneeteneneiioee a ee RR rea ee Y

Gives the home news
every aiternoon at the

Trains on Latta branch, Florence R
., leave Latta 6.40 pm, airive Dunbar
7.50 pm, Clio 8.05 p m. Returning
seave Cliot6.10 am, Dunbar 6.30 a m,

eeeece cc + eoeoe


OO 6 ' © 9GOSBO+ ~ " 00039

arrive Latte 7.50 am, daily exept Sun-!9 _ : & ALL smal] price of 25 cents a
yf 25¢ $0 tical | DRUGGISTS .
Train onClinten Branch leayes War- ABSOLUTELY GUARANTERD © cure any case or constipation. Casearets are the Ideal Taxa mM onth. Are Vou a sub-

ew for Clinton caily, except Suuday, le and boatlet free. Ad STERLING REMEDY G0. Chicren Mont. Can, gn ag snp : b 9 If

19-00 a.m, aud 8.50 p,m R burning ple an le pane a. STERLD IME *. uz0, - Can,, or! o?, MI% Ser! er { not you

leaves Cinton at7.00 a. m. an¢3,00 1. m.

: ougl e,
Train No, 78 makes close connection up 1b 10 b
vat Weldon forall points daily, al) rail via | :

Kichmone, alse at Rovky Mount with id
Norfolk und CarolinaR R for Noeziolk ROEDER SHE TH AT ? WOES
¢.ne all points North via Norfolk, ae
General sup.

T. M. EMERSON,?iatie Manager,
J. R.KENLY. Geol Measger,

j ear ~ :
ak Teme \

~tf Sat tA ~ : oot
deo Sealy iegaerit site TO APARKER
i t ag iy} 7% dea Pas ae Late ~ ;

~ .


THE MORNING STaR|Wa¥ehy . What Is It P fahbhtebT
The Oldest . It is wolonibs ot tae calebrateltc~

say Newspaper in| PARKER ,

North Carolina.

Bur |

ee wv
The Eastern Reflector.

| | a
JUNTAIN PEWS a aaa Ga a 3

| contains the news every "
Rest in use, The outfit ot no business man is week, and gives informa-

| -gaaace tBu

complete without one. el de tion to the farmers, es-.
The Reflector Book Store | = ="="_ scl thw storing
~ {te Class inthe State has a nice assortment ot these Fountain Pens| | ) iN

| line of Pearl Handle Gold Pens, oMany times. more than-
| Xow: onished when you see them and| " the subscription price.

The Onl Five-Dollar Daily

«WH. BERNARD = 'Jgarnhowvery cheap they are.




enamine eds

Creates many a_new business,
Knlarges many an old business,
Preserves many a large business.
Revives muny a dull business,
Rescues many a lost business, .
Saves many a failing business.
S2cures suceess to any busine s

. .a

To oadvertise judiciously,TT use tne
columns of tu. REWLEOTOR.

Kesping Constantivy at it Brings Specess


in Pri ces in


tram going
Going Soubh,

Passenger and mal
Nevth, arrives 8:52 A, M.
arrives 6:57 P, M

Steamer Tar River arrives from Wash-
inzton Monday, Wednesday and Friday
ieaves for Washington Tuesday, Thure.
day and Saturday

adies and.



em ET sb ae

Occasional thunder storms tonight


Sd ae

They Go and Come in {arch of a Coo)
Spot, but Find « Not.


Joe Jocobi left this mornir g.

Miss Anise Jones
morning from a vigit to Criftom.

returned " this

Miss Rosa Hooker returned this
morn-ng from Morehead City.

Mis, Zeno Moore and child returned
home Wednesday from Whitakers,

Mrs. F, C. James, of Bethel, arrived
Wednesday evening to vistt Mrs. D, L.

Mre. 8. D. Lev lett this mormiuag tor
Macon, Warren county, to spend th

Wednesday trom a visit to
Mount and Wiison. |
'Mrs. H. @. Wilson and childrer

who have been visitiag here, returned


home Wednesday evening.


Weekly Crop Bulletin.
The week ending Monday, June
2ist, was generally very tavorable for
farm work, especially haying and har-

vesting, and for the growth of crops,

Ex-Sheriff W. M Kitig retry ied |


All Summer Goods
Under the Knite.


We are slashing prices on all Summer
Goods for we are determined to clean them
jout. No reasonable price refused. Come before
it is too late.

and Friday,

Sr Sere


at AOS od

' Which have improved materially: Tie

weather was very warm aud dry up to

the Mth, with maximum «temperatures |

ee ae

ThereTs Always oMeat� in Them.



above J0° everywhere, and abun?ant |

Good fullcwed,

Which were extremely beneficial, Some |


~sunshine, showers

severe local s~orms occurred.

Hard nes"Telegraph Wires.

Got it in the nech"AdamTs apple.

t .
A man may have the reputetion of

otaking the cake,T and yet never bea

00,000 people daily drink Carico}
Blend Tea. buy it of S M. SCHULTZ.

Lemonade, Milk Shakes and other
summer dripks at StarkeyTs,


A a Teena

oSilver Dollar� Fountain Pen, Fark
er make, at Reflector Book Store.

Ladies $2.50 Slippers,
Reduced to $2.00.


Ladies $2.00 Slippers,
Reduced to $1.65.

oe ee

FOR SALE"A nice lot of school
& desks, apply to ALrrep Forbes.
Se ee

Salesman"oYes, this piano has a
rich tone,� Custemer"Well, the
price sounds high enough.�

Supply of uew box papers, mourning
puper and note paper at Reflector Book
Store, "

A large number of Greanville Ma-
sons went to Grimesland today to ats
tend the celebration.

Ladies $1.50 Slippers,
Reduced to $1.25.

Ladies $1.25 Slippers,
Reduced to.90.

: e
oI may be no chicken, but ITv
been laying for you,� remarked the
detective as he nabbed the pickpocket.

Thirsty Thingumbob."oWot made |

yer pawn yer cork legs?� Hobbling
Hawkins"oDe doctor told me ter

souk me feet.�

Ladies $1 00 Slippers.
Reduced to .75.

We got out of temper and wonder
why we were ever born; than we get
into a good temper and wonder why
we ever have to die.

Misses $1.25 Slippers,
Reduced to .90.

ccna tin

Cn accuunt of the cool weather. the
hotel proprietors of Atlantic City are
sending up for paper hangers te till
their rooms with boarders.

- Childrens 85c Slippers,
Reduced to 65c.

Sa enema

Sustain che enterpris:s that already
exist 1 your midst, and use your bess
efforts to get new industries estab.
lished"then you are doing something
{or your town.

We have some beau-
tiful styles and now is
your chance to pur.
chase some rare bar-

Ask any of my customers and they
will tell you the work done by Wil-
mington Steam Laundry is unsurpassed.
Next shipment goes forward Wednes-

Salns. day morning, returns {promptly Sat
urday evening. :
C. B. Wuicuarp, Agent.
# o

_ Aeronaut Killed.
WednesdayTs papers brought the
hews that Walter Steele, an aeronaut,
Was killed at Lynchburg, Va., whii

*enembered here,

Milk 5 Cents Per Quart,
We have reduced the price of milk
to. 5 cents per quart, delivered from
our wagon at your door. Send us
your orders,

I OOOO OOOOOOO0 00000 aki 1 Ste
9 ~ 6 + VE ey ria akin sc si : Cl
dulayt baby! ~ ~ iy! pibtbsaeyhs. g a ba seus " oe t :
bos WENNER VOOM Er | made afew visits to Greenville and is)

is beginning to bloom in extreme south


Wheat harvest is about over. |
portions. A good crop of hay bas
been saved in the past two weeks.


~A very warm week, ending with
fine rains. Crops on high land suf:
fered first week from
drought, but all were improved by a
favorable season after the lvth, and

part of the

heavy rains or hail damaged crops uver
limited areas in Nash, Bladen, ChowT

are generally clean.

an, Camden und Brunswick counties,
Cotton is deing very well, though stil!

small. Corn is growing more vigor.
ously; some farmers through hilling it; |
tobacco slender and inclined te button
to early; ~ome leaves have been cured. |
Peanuts are growing fast. Oats beiug
cut: crop not good generally, Canta-
Joupes and watermelons blooming
Peaches and pears ripening, but crops
very short; June apples very anterior;
berries abundant.

nent ett i thinner tine. Se a


fill orders for Lauber, rough or
dressed, and mouldings o all kinds, on |

short notice.
Kinston, N. �,�,

Sonn |

For Sale,

A stock of goods, several sr-all tracts
of land, a saw and grist inill, a lot of
sawed lumber, a lot of standing timber,
log carts, oxen, log engine and track,

~he above property must be sold to
close up the business of J. H. Woolard
# Sonus. For further information ap-
ply to G. M. MOORING, Lrustee,

Whichard, N. C.

June 19, 1897,

Valuable. Property far Sap

ualified as Receiver of the Green -
ville Lum er Company, for the purpose
of settling the affairs of said Company,
I herebv offer for sale the real esiate in
and adjoining the town of Greenville
belonging to said Company. ~This prop-
erty will be sold on reasonable terms in
lots to suit pui chasers,
For further injormation see or ad-


Receiyer, Kinsion, N. C,

T 1 |

The weather tells you that, and I want
to tell you my Ice House is ready to
turni+h you with the wherewithal to
Keep cool. Car load of Ice just in and
I will have a fall supply at all times,
Ice delivered in town without extra
charge, , Out of town. orders.reéceive
pronipy Ak Ansigas Customers: cab, get

Props. Elmwood Dairy. '
; oe

|A. G. COX,

tickets on ion. Sundsy tours

7 to 1U »and 5 to7 P. M. nee
Frestt on ice every day. Call-on}-

Pt time you want Ice or Fresh}:

Kmporium of Spring Fabrics.


R. R. FLEMING, Pres, E(B. HIGGS, Cashier.

G. J. CHERRY, \Vieg Pres. AssTt Cashier,
CAPITALT: Minimum $10,000; Maximum $100,000.

Organized June 1st,1897.

The Bank of Pitt Co



We solicit your account. We offer ever'y cour-
tesy and accommodation consistent with sound
Banking. ,




at greatly reduced prices.

oLang Sells
Cheap. . -

re vin Nabe te ote e


andKeep Koo.

We havea complete
line of


= ' = we have the celebrated



a, * ry *
dot Me


White Mo
and oGEM�


Prices are lower than ever. fA complete line ot
Base Ball) Goods, Hammocks, {Screen Doors.

Fishing Tackle, &c. -



K: ay.

Daily Reflector, June 24, 1897
The newspaper was established in 1882, and was originally named the Eastern Reflector. It was founded by Julian Whichard and David Jordan with equipment they purchased from The Greenville Express. On December 10, 1894, it adopted the name The Reflector and began publishing every day. Cox Newspapers acquired The Daily Reflector in 1996. Creator: Daily Reflector (Greenville, N.C.) - June 24, 1897
June 24, 1897
Local Identifier
NC Microforms
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