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D. J WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
Vol. 6.
They donTt cost
too much. They
areready to put
on without a
wrinkle. You
have seen the
browns, olives,
green mixtures,
plaids--the swe:l
colorings of the
of the season: "
we've got them
here plenty as
pleat a fair. We)
show the ie
Base Ball.
New York, June 17"Althongh the |
Indians hit Meeking freely tuday, they
were unable to bunch their hits and
bad to be, content with a coat ot
whicewash. The features of the game
were BurkettTs batting und a running
eatch by Holmes ot TebcauTs long hit
to the left field. Score. New York,
5: Cleveland, 0.
Brooklyn, June 17"The Cincinnat-
ti made it two straight 1rom the Brook-
lyns at Eastern park this afternoon.
The home team game a poor exhibition
R-ds was perfect in every respect. The
Brooklyn club has sold Pitcher Kor-
win to Chicago. Score, Brooklyn, 1;
Boston, June 17"Tiie home team
wen another game trom Chicago, today,
the vis.tors being cutirely unatle to
keep up with the fast paoe which is be-
ing set by the Bosmus. Briggs was
pounded hard, while Klobedanz held
the visitors down toa few scattering
hits tor seven innings. xn the eighth
Sullivan went in and Chicago made a
CollinsT playing was again
Score. Boston, 19; Chi-
fow runs.
the feature,
cago, 7 |
Baitimore, June 17"Manager Dons
avav, of the Pittsburg club, has ac-
cpted the terms of former Manager
Rodgers; of fhe Louisville club, and
has ordered him to report at once. He
wili play third base. Hemming, who
was released yesterday, along with
Rodeers, may also be given a trial.
t nals shackled.
o! fielding, while the stick work of the |*
Ciicinneti, 9. ~
The last few days have been stormy
in all parts of the State.
A burglar enter?d a house in Con-
cord and when the occupant woke shot
at him three tes but missed. The
burglar was captured later.
There has been a custom in the
penitentiary to keep the worst crimi-
dent has ordered that ali shackles be
taken oft.
June 23rd is North Carolina day
at the Centenial. ~The
Contederate VeteransT reunion will be
neld at the centennial grounes cn the
22d, 23rd and 24th.
aagkey. B. W. Spillinan, Bapiist State
Sunday school Missionary, has just
returned from a trip cf 150 miles
through the Western North Carolina
mountains, traveling almost entirely by
prive conveyance. He found a county
nor barber shop, and in which there
were no animals for hire."Charlotte
Church S:rvices To-morrow.
Methodist church"Sunday-school at
9:30 A. M. Preaching at ll A. M
and 8 P. M. by Rev. N. M. Watson.
Morning subject, ~God Our Shevherd.�T
Evening subject, oTree Classes,�
Presbyterian church"Sunday school
9:30 A. M. Preaching atil A. M.
and 8 P. M.by Rev. J. b.
Morning subject, oIndividual
ence.� Evening oCharity
at 9:30 A. M.
Baptist charch"Sunday School at
Won Lost Per Cent
Baltimore 32 9 780
Boston 32. 12 727
Cincinnati 27. = 16 628
New York 23 «17 579
Philadelphia 24 22 522
Cleveland 22 21 $12)
Brooklyn 22. «22 a00
Pittsburg 20-22 476
Chicago 17 28 378
Louisvills 17 =. 26 399
Washington 15 26 366
St. Louis 8s 38 174
School C.osed.
The pudlic school for this district,
taught by Misses Appie Smith and
Lizzie Blow closed Friday afternoon,
Two prizes, one in each grade, weie
offered the pupil making the best record
of attendance. ~These prizes were won
by Miss Lela Tripp in the advanced
grade and Master Jimmie Evans in
primary grade, both having made a
p2rtect record for the term.
The school has been well attcnded
aid the young ladies in charge have
given entire satisfaction in their work,
~They are excelleat teachers,
A Nut to Crack.
A subscriber turns tha following
question in to the puzzle editor, who
submits it to the readers for solution:
A plank is 9 teet long, 12 inches
wide at one end and 6 inches wide at
the other. At what point must you
cit this plank to leave an equal num"
bor of square inches in either end?
1a big decline in activity.
9:30 A, M.
Dog Drowned.
Master Wiley J. Beuwn once Had a
pet dog, but nuw he hasn't any. Fri
dayTs rain filled the gutters and ditches
boy like, thought it would be fun to
see his dog swim. and pat the animal
around town full of water.
in the ditch in front of his home on
Dickinson avenue. It happend that
the current was too swift for the dog
and washed him under the sidewalk
the loss
bridge where he was drowned.
is considerably troubled over
of his pet.
Just Two.
The matrimonial market has taken
The Regis-
ter of Deeds was called upon for only
two licenses this week, one fur white
und the other for colored.
Last week two colored people weie
married out in Farmville township,
doth of them had passed 70 years of
age and their heads wer2 white as cot-
Charlie"DonTt you remember? It
was that day you borrowed five dol-
larsot me. Jack"I donTt recollect.
Charlie"But you paid it baek next
week. Jack"Ob, yes; 1 remember
that perfectly.
2 sooner sian Farha pa 2 HRTEM REL IAS RE
mn esttiniiie nod neisienncinttosis iilminmtindeetne Misti st
~Great E Reduction.
The new snperintensT
seat which had neither livery stable |
S a
Boks : kathy
{| 3
Energy, experience and hard cash -
win. every time. You are invited
to an early inspection of low priced
and very complete stock of
Gents furmshiae Gnd
Trade with us"it means sure
success in securing for yourselves
the widest range for selection.
Frank Wilsoo,
0) iT C) "" ¢) ~ pa 9 Fac\
hae er Naw Or Mt ae Sr fae
{is Now Very Watm Weal.
Voow'll need One of Gur
Handsome, cool,Freneh
Lappet Mulls
All the latest i and colors
suitable for Waists, Skirts and
Suits. A beautiful line of
for Trimmings. |
Also a complete line of up-to-date |
J. WHICHARD. Editor.
ORG x ihe i
Aldrich, resorted to a little
parliamentary trick to kill it, and
succeeded. He mcved that it be
laid on the table and the motion
was carried by a vote of 39 to 32.
Had Senators Morgan and Pet-
tus, the only democrats wuo voted
oe ea .
~"®usered as second-class mail matter.
nena movement meen
eal 0 . rear. : o : : $8.00
es wenn «§ 6 * « a
Pe weeks
2. 7. Delivered in town by carriers without
| advertisng rates are Ifberal and can be
a co ad on apptication to the editor or at
) wofice
a bores: soa
We desire a live correspondent at
*, gery postoitice in the covaty, who will
* " gaad in brief items of News as it occurs
fn each neighborhood, Write plainly
* © gad only on one side of the paper.
bod . , milli te AAA LAL cence OO
; :
SeTuRDAY, Jonge 19, 1897.
inet einioneeninince: AeA
(From Our Reg ular Correspondent.)
AV ASHINGTON, June 18th, 1897.
Mr. McKinley is a graduate of
the Ohio school of politics, and
few slicker individuals hold di-
; plomas fiom that source: His
*- trotting out-of thet new treaty
| for the annexation of Hawaii at
this timeis a very slick attempt
to take auvantage of the pop-
- glarity of the idea of annexing
Hawaii to distract public atten-
tion from his failure to announce
his Caban policy, in accordance
with promises made on his behalf
in, ~Uoxeress. Had the people
& not been clamoring for action
towards Cuba it is not likely thas
theTHawaiian tre.ty would have
been heard from before ext
winter, votwithstanding the
declaration of some of Mr. Me
KinleyTs friends that tt was
brought forward to assist the
Senators to intelligently dispose
of the tarifi
Althouzk it is well known that
* o
many of the Democratic Senators |
favor the ultimate annexation of
Hawaii very faw of them have
committed themselves on this
new treaty. Isis too important
+» a iwa'terto ba decided on the
spur of tué moment, and it will
@. not be sarprising, should the
oe Demoérats Oppose any attempt
to raitioad thetreaty through the
o* Senate at the present session.
Nothing will be lost by allowing
the treaty fo go cver to the regu-
lar session of Congress. Already
the question is being asked, why
do so wuch for Hawai, se veral
thousand miles away, snd nothing
for Cuba, which is suffering right
at our dovrs, 80 to speak. There)
is some talk about delayihg
action on the Hawallan treaty
until Mr. MeKinley agrees to do
something for Cuba, which many
think must also ultimately come
under the coutrot of the United
States in some form or cther,
Some Democratic Senators favor
holding a caucus to deciae just
what attitude they shell take
. towards ths Hawaiian treaty, but
nothing definite has yet been
determined upon.
Senator Tillman has proposed
an amendment to the tariff bill
that would do more than all the
recent attempts to restrict immi-
gration. It proyides for a head
tax of $100 on each immigrant
and makes it a misdemeanor for
any alien who does not intend to
become an American citizen and
_ oto ramain such to enter the Uni-
- tad States for the purpose of en-
gaging inany mechanical trade
or manual labor. There is a
_ provision that the head tax shall
gease to be levied as soon as the
United States adopts the free
cointge of silyer. ~
| ® anti-trust
offered by Sen-
might be adopted
sin charge Of the tariff bill
~which is more than many people
direct vote Senator Alle herd sum, and given fifty dollars
for the motion, voted against if,
it would have been defeated by
a vote of 34 to 33. and the anti-
trust amendment would have
been added tothe tariff bill. It
is but fair to state that Senators
Morgan and Pettus stated their
opp-sition tothe amendment to
be that it would create more and
worse trusta than it would injure
existing trusts.
Senator Vest gave Senator
Allison several blows straight
from the shoulder in a few rb;
marks dissecting the figures set
forth be Mr. Allison in place of
those submitted by Mr. Aldrich
when the change was made in
the sugar schedule. Mr. Vest
believes that each sugar schedule
has been a little better for the
sugar trust than the one it suc-
ceeded, nc twithstanding the pub-
lic howl against fayoring this
colossal monopoly. and he pre-
rgented figures to back his balief.
According to his figures, the
present tariff giyes a protection
on 96 degree sugar of 37 cents
per hundred pounds, the Dingley
schedule 41 cents, the Aldrich
schedule 46 cents. and the caucus
schodula, afterwards adopted by
tne Senace, 47 cepts. Thus it is
that the Republican Senators
who opposed the Wilson bill be-
cause they said it gave the sugar
trust too much protection have
put themsesves on record in favor
of giving the trust exactly ten
cents,a hundred peunds more
than the Wilsoa tariff bill gave
The ogreen grocer� is the one
who seils his goods on cradit.
Wealthis 2 purple robo ~bat
will nide the most kideous de-
oor {
We sappose that when mililiary
men go fishing they use arwy
worms ior bait. .
Whiskey i» reported steady,
are who drink it.
It is not so much what we have
as it is what we expect that makes
us happy.
lf the whole truth were known
the world would be full of people
with hanging heads.
Fish are said to make seocllon'
brain food"some people would
have to eat a whale to do them
any good.
Many ef ths osound money�
shouters of last fall would now
be delighted to get poor, despised
58-cent dollaT s.
McKinley savs we must Lave
patience. ThatTs the cry of all
quack doctors who are drumming
up trade for the undertakers.
Now pic-nics in the meadows
fair fill all the woods with fun ;
two forms within one rustic chair
" four lips that meet as one.
There is a line in this life far
above the common round of exis-
tence whose pathway is marked
only by the feet of angels and
the truly good ot earth."Orange
(Va). Observer. |
It required just five hours to
try, convict and imprigon an Ohio
postmaster who was %525 short
in his accounts, says the Wash-
ington Post. Had he stolen a:
oBhaneigtaT we thet, Jost i,
compromised by returning ~half
million in civil life he would have}
The New Tax Law.
Sheriff Smith, to whom all
things return, asks the Observer
to call the attention of tax payere
to section 52 and 53 of the new
ax law pasged by the last Legis-
lature, which makes a failure to
pay taxTs a misdemeanor. The
section reads as follows:
~Section 52"That 1t shall be
and it is hereby made the duty of
the sheriff of each county in the
State to make diligent inquiry
and report tothe joudge at each
term of the Criminal Court heid
in the county following the time
when the ticense tax and taxes
provided for in schedule A, B and
OC of this act should have been
paid, as tu. whether or not such
license taxes and other taxes have
been paid by ail persons or co-
operations liable for the same,
and to make out a list of all de-
linquents. And it shall be made
the duty of the jadge io submit
the list of the delinquents to the
solicitor to the end that such
delinquents may be prosecuted
for such defalcation inthe man-
ner provided in the next section
of this aut.
oSection 53"That such person
or Corporations who are liable to
pay the license tax or taxes pro-
videu for in schedules A, B end
C of thisvact and shall fail to pay
the same as provided by- law
shall be guilty of a misdemeancr,
and punished vy @ fine not cx-
ceeding five hundred dollars or
luprisoned noi exceeding six
months, and the sheriff shall
be allowed by the judge such
compensation for making such
report a8 he may deem just ard
proper, to be paid by the county �
"Chariotte Observer.
a TT
ciurct, candy cathartic, cure constipa-
The report ot Grand keepar of
records and seal of the Koigats
of Pythias snows that there are
now 71 active lodges in the Stute,
eight having been instituted and
two forfeiting their ckarters the
past pyeur. ~Lhere ig an active
nhiembership of 3,909, 428 having
been ini~iaTed the past year. Ip
sick and funeral benefits the sub
ordinate ledges had paid out
$4,151.80 the past year. and ip
douations $1,111.48, a total of
$0,263.28. The total asseis of
subordinate lodves are $25,964.80
Iu the endowment rank there are
56 sectionsin this domain with
J34 membery, and an endowment
of $1,994,500,
DonTt Tobaceo Spit sud Smoxe You,
If you want to quit tobacco using
easily ~and torewsr, bo made well
strong, magnetic. full of new life and
vigor, take No"To-Bac, the wonder.
worker that makes weak men strong,
Many gain ten pounds in ten days.
Over 400,000 cureT, Buy No-To-Ba
rom your own druggist, who will
guarantee a cure. Booklet and sample
mailed free, Ad. Sterling Remedy Co,
Chicago or New York,
Statistics of waurder in the Uni-
ted States show that 10,652 mur-
ders were committed in this
country Jn 1896, and that there
were Only 122 legal executions.
The offensice machinery of the
law intended to protect society
agains! crime and criminals seem
to be in need of repair. The
murderers have the uppér had
in the Oourts, and with the a
a ae eae ees aly ys ek
* a aes ~ : ane tfe
aid they can buy, are making
Be a wae oe ot eal
ins 30 ek a hen eh aes
chy ure. a
er ee ee eo Ms
ee | seieneieneiie as: ania te od . ~
a % ~
the absence of ~Senator:
my charity."Asheville Oiti-
2 a a
10, 25c ei can
é } ;
+ ' ' i ,
rarer oe mee Y
~ ae oe ria :
Fr OT 4
just arrived. Comeand
When bilious or costive, eat a Cas | aoe
i." fg
* shat © te
fie ty ae %
When bilious or oostare, eat a Ca -
R. A. TYSON, Vice-PresTt.
We study carefull y the separate needs
R. L. DAVIS, PresTt.
J. L. LITTLE. CashT?
_ The Bank of Greenvyile,
. Atthe Olose cf Business May 14th, 1897.
~ 2.153 81 Capital stock paid in $23,000.00
soar aban . yi 99 Surpius and Profits 9.04.54
Hue from Banks 8.772.463 Deposits subject to Check "_ 58,812.55
Furniture and Fixtures 1,505.00 Cashiers Uhecks ortstanding 148.10
Current Expenses 1,312.04) Due to Banks . 508.15
Cash Items 1.839.56 5 Lime Certificates of Deposit 55.00
Premium on Stock 1,000.00 n wee can ar
Cash on hand 98.(188.18 Votal $85,566.34
Total $85,566.34 es :
of our patrons, aud shall be glad to have
Vour account, promising every accvummodation cousistent with good banking,
MI ie Wile RR _ OOS
Wehavealarge *»
see us.
SPOON ERPS Or ee a eee
tn AY
We have x: 6 reveived a new
hearse and ihe nicest line of Cof-
| fins and Ceskets, in word, metal-
lic and cloth ever brought to
Greeny ills,
We are prepacod 6-
Ing it Gis its fortay
Personal atventiou given to con
ducting fuzerals and bodies en
trusted to our care will receiye
every mark of respect,
Our orices are lower than ever,
_ We do not want monupoly but
Invite competition.
_ We can be found ak any and all
times In the John Flanagan
Buggy CoTs building.
~9 embalm.
pj 000 poisoN
A SPECIALTY cnassy o:er
tiary Syphilis permanently cured in 15 to
35days. You can be treated at home for
the same price undersame guarauty. if
you prefer to come hereT we will contract
re iE }
MM +o pry railroad fare and hotel bills, and no
charge, if woiailtocure. If you have taken mer-
cury, iodide potash, and still have aches and
pains, Muccus Patches in mouth, Sore Throat,
Pimples, Copper Colored Spots, Ulcers on
any part of the body, Hair or Kyebrows fallin
out, it isthis Syphilitic BLOOD POISON tha
we ruarantes to cure. We solicit the most obsti-
nate enses and challenge the world for a
case We cannotcure. ~his disease has alvays
baficd theo shill of the most eminent physi-
cians. #%500,000 capital behind ,our uncondi-
tionnieguaranty, Absolute proofs sent sealed on
appliestion, Address COOK REMEDY CO,
307 luiasonic Templo, CHICAGO, LLL,
vidi be
oe .e..,
he " ~ed Pes
tat ~ a
~ fal I mph
we. ithe 4 * a
~ ¥ T.
Bi ata 2 1 tee '
» ivy . o
Py! ee Pape Spee k �"�
"Aa? ei aes at a *
seen os Bae 4 ~ Oe AR ahaa i
(PMs : gy, ie Tal A ry
fh ey ede! Lae hs acy)
rie fee i a reLaly Mea 0 SAT EY
Fee cman te RE RA Rus ae ~ ie
A ia iw Ss . «
1 oy oti yi ~wren witainiigl� 1
} online, oF a een ete
ts ~% A
aE tin ort o ~
PES, ge 7 OIL a ine,
otoe we,
NE ating. eR
oS . ON ie dae
eas **
ESTAFLasbkD 1475.
ing their yearTs su, plies will tind
their interest toget our prices befere pu.
chasing elsewhere. Ourstock is coraplet
nu allits branches. :
can een concen fh
- Tubacco, Snuff, &c,
we buy diroc) from Manufastu. . 3 en
lins you to Duy a; one prolr, A eou-"
cie stock of
i ie: |
© Site | py creenr EDMUNDS,
| We ask a continuan
cat Re kale Eee ae oe
W. MM. Bond,
J. L, Fleming,
Greenville, N. C. -
Practice in all the courts,
ony, oo
- ;
CLE Dre Talmages «The
Earth Girdled.�? or his txmous tour
atound the world, a thrilling story of
Savage and barbarous lands. Four mil-
lon TalmageTs books sold, and ~The
Earth Girdled� is his latest and grand-
est, Demand enoromous, Everybody
Wants this famous book, only $3.50. Big
book, big commissions, a gold mine tor
workers, Credit given, freight paid,
outfit free. Drop ajl trash and sell the
|King of books and make $300 a month.
Address for outtit and terriiory, The
_Ointulow Company, Star Buildiug, Chi-
i Cago,
| sarbers.
| Patronage solicited, Cleaning, Dyeing
iand Pressiag Gents Clothes a specialty
Special attention given to cleaning
; pe wad 'GentlemensClothing.
J. A, Burexss, Mer.§
Washington, N. C,
This Hotel has been thoroughly reno
vated, several new rooms added, elec,
tric bells to every room. attentive ser
Vants. Fish and Oysters seryed dailyT
Patronage of traveling puvlic solicited�
ale Acade
o~The next session ot the school will
open on:
MNDAY SEPT. 7, 189
and contiuue for 10 months.�
The terms are as follows.
Primary inglish per mo. 82 00
Intermediate ~* ~* % $2 50
Higher wo 93:00
Tangpapes (gach) a0
The work and disclpline of the sahoul
will be as heretotore.
"gh ae Ge,
sent ~past
: , . Ls RAGSPALE.
ad ae ge : ne |} ° Cotten ang Peanct, _ a es ean ee
.. ne : : : 7 . oo oPROM PROST LOWERS.�
WILMINGTON & «EUDIN R,R| . Some Georgia Philosophy Di RECTO RY . Below are Norfolk pricex of cous |» "NOM YRUET to FeO
: Paeat N Hi : ares oe : . and peanuts for yesterday, as a * fake yo ae 9 eo
SD iekHAN ws. : : Ip ee : |e
rat ha inh a ap lio le Base "- mca fine Comair er) (linia gr MRC?
i FLORENCE gad: BUAD | ons Ef dey wos, de traio. would CHURCHES. _ re, Both oh deaviilerob |
De abe wer: jump de track more frequent. ret wading Hy jective pointe for a Miter
a 7 pe Eile aay See SAM wos 7 Suntay (ee ¢ oid| trip that itTs perhaps hard for
'RAINS GOIN SOUTA, / : a 141 BAPTIST"Services every Suntay, | Quad Ordinary 9-16 . ;
wu : ' ;
ae ee : de wisest pied au yit ms UZ moring and evening. Prayer meeting | Tone"quit. you to decide where to go
ise orate : _ leternally gittiaT married! Thursday Arias SiGe eet ey lion
Aten. a) ro o3 Pastor, Sunday school 9: . M. re
May 27, Pe aoe -| Some peoris ican b'liev » deyTs ©, D. Rountree, Superintendent. | Prime = Let-us Help You to
snipe altel ig oe eee Se Wor: 20 W)C prnoicatongianite (ae 1 13tla Decision,
pipeline oni raet nomena Te ihn, hard anh . LIC"No re ~services. -
A. M.jiu \. M |dey calls de deg en goes buntinT CAT 8 Spanish! : go to 7h | & e ~ :
r 4 \ ( es ey ie enn | . ,
pe ae ieee fer it. BP A ee ote gael Tone oui Oe ce A trip via New Orleans! nd
dr. Roeyk Mt | 12 52) day, morning and eventing, y se oer CS Na
nin ee a | ee be f ksi ll ix on de: vices second Sundav morning. Rev. A. the sc athern Pacific to either
eek ae R Sunday sohoo! 0.20) ille Market Mexico or the Pacific Coas: is
~ " y . ; 'es store Sant se oe 10 : .
Liv ~Larroro 12 raliu fubjecT of whar hell is, but de Nw S. Brown Superinter.dant. Teenville Market. page ill never forget
~ ee base wisest man is de feller who doan| ,) Corrected by 8. M. Schultz.g? = CRG YOU Witt DS set.
ee ee | emmmmnememnenen| F : L J es .
tocky Mt | 12 52) 5 45 : : ST~Services everv Sun-| Butter, perlb 15 to 2h 4 ,
ir Wilson 0A ssler ] 0 ag] Mame ler Balt gut, aay Noting aa Svante. Prayer Western Sides Ott a 6|/ItTs a Transition from :
2 Ai! rey ~ ~ Pere ing, y. | Suge. ~e to I:
rs Pectietite 4 a8 Happiness vomes by de pin! Hosen ee aay qveuing, : Fev. Saget cured Hams bee 4 Frost to ¥lowers.
Ar. Florence 6 58|"" measure, aisery ty de bushel-j9.3) 4. M. A.B. Ellington, Superia- | Corn Meal "49 45 . 66
ee od | eee bd Flour, Ramily a to at T ; 4 5 rt M { tis
so But some folks goes in fer de tendent, ie ° 34 ta ti Aud sitet e ge hi
33 bushel kase hit locks bizger. PRESBYTERIAN"Services " third Oats 35 to 4" ous sof eh ne call
An De mac who takes a contract'Sunday, morning and evenirg. Rev. Sugar 4 to 6 rested Sunser Limite lt� ca
een ene ai . ; _ iJ. B. Morton tastor. Sunday school! coffee 17 to 20 it incomparable.
P.M, |A.M. {ter build a happy home is got ter!9:30 A.M. E. B Ficklen Superinten- | 3,)¢ per Sack °75 toy 4
uv Wilson 2 08 0 . . Jeaident a Chickens 10 to 25! 5 i
Lv Go'daboro | 3 10 5 ma (2G het ae patie ue: LODGES. Eggs per doz to 10 Ifyou are Thinking o£
~Lv Ma, golia 4 16 0 |hght tp."Atlanta Corstitution. | eon Wak. ver � : ;
Ar Wihaington} 5 re 9 : "" Going, Write Us. ;
P. M. A. : en | po . . ee
eo EBUASN ON ASNGSS BY | si ~ ots i ; ee thir Mo vg ayer AA AAWANA SABAAA ae ite S: sisad 0 Bi 9
4 neet3 st ¢ - ~ * . she T * ig ; oryT + . * "
| Cpasarete Care outhartie. the at { re WT +e rong Sroryiand to Sun
TRAINS GOING NOWRH, j i Caseat ets Candy Cathartic, the 10st 1g. V M.King W. M, L. 1. Moore, sot Seas,� a handsome volume
wonderful medical disvonery of the age. Sec. of 205 page, fully illustrated, °
carant and cetresuirg to the taste,acis| , vx an o Bes, dere
Dated Le, & b pie and : " itively on kidneys liver | [. 0. 0. K."Covensn Lodge No, Vi which we will seud on rece! pt
May 27th, | ¥ 2 os la 1 hye ~ l Mean He r the antire ay cen ees oxy enue att see, o : ' T OFF ete ra
1897. ZA) Z ym | ANE DOWER, CICARSIES SYSeCD 1s Hardee N.G. L. H. Pender, Sec. 3 ! ow o bavea de-
SA |) dispel colds, cure? headachs, tever, ha-! | cha PRACTICAL postage oe als Wasi
IA. M. P.M 1 .-| bitual e natipation and " biliousness; K+ Ot P."tar River Lodge No, 93, qo p lighifal little guide to Mexi-
fv biocenee | 8 45, V4) j Plead. bay had trv 1 an of C C C ~meets cvery Friday events ~ AF - Se co, which we will send on
ie o| ease DO t BOI : oe vee. C.C. Frank Wilson. K. » a \ = o = gh
] LV Fayetteville; 11 lu)» 40 | ray 10 05 Bly eae'y Sold ond piel er Cc. c, Frank Wilson. K. o ac (2 receipt of 4 cents to .cover
uv Selma 12 37 i chine a . gabe BUGS, +: ~Sb cost of mailng.
Wars}. an ae uta is a1 , CUOre hry 9 Cists. | ; © bs
any tee satranteed to cure By all Gragsists. | Av"ieb Vance Coaueil No. 36086 | ge WORKER.
ee ee eran oer mets every Thursday evening. W.i.!% sn rnraeaniticier ® | You Really Ought to
net | AvA ro mate Epitaph Wilson, R, M.R. LanTg, See. Offers his services to the =
ihe | K.of H."Insurance Lodge No. 1169 | 34 citizens of Greenville and the ¢ : Read them Both.
""" """-}| a ~meets every Friday evening. John | 36 public generally. Oe
' a M.| \p M. | The following lines liavVe besu K lanagan, "D. Henry Sheppard, R. ROOFING, GUTTERING, u ~ Shall we put you down for a
Ly Wdmingten! 9 00) "WN . | ie AVN TE ANN 4 » . :
bv Magnolia il xu 5 su carved on the tombstone of a A.L of H, Pitt Counci! 236 meets |: 7� Spouting ard Stove Work, | copy | M ne haba piri
uv Goldebore LO 9 36 | North Caroliua moopshiner: ievery Thursday oizht J. B. Cherry | ge a specialty. any Special 1D ~ ~sh *
ar Wilses | 1 gul 10 27 ae 1, W. B. Wilson, see. Satisfaction guaranteed or 2 will be cheerfully furoished ss,
uy arboro ] $2, . oKilled by a government """ a meinen oa charges made ~Tobacco by addressing, i
oe ei en a | ete | a | ; rhiskey oat of @vrn kee le bo ee |
ae 40, | inaking wihtakey , 1 } 0 Flues made in season. Shop S. F.B. MORSE,
ce o= grown from seed furnished by ae, 4, intear of 5 and 10 cent store. Sy
: 5 : - th ~ yom
AR peas , Congressman. "Atlanta Coucti--| ae General Passengerjand Tiek 3
"_ = M| | lp, tution. L SEA VAAN Azebl.
lan ° T a) é Ci
LV Wilsou lL 42 10 32: Cena Mi oNTS SRA Hed URRNNTEDS BRETT nee
Ar khocky Mé 2 33) _ | 1115 . | " nace Sete ae Scenic mma rmene
n nen ee ona """ """ 5 Moa Just try &@ avec Lo. oF cuscureta, (he,
ar authors 410) | finest liver and bowel segu ator ever, fi You may never, wide
uw barhore | 1 TG a ""#
LY Roeky Mu 2 7) *o made. | . . But should, you ever i@= oe |
Ar Weldon SACO NN ! Yeu want tha | : P �,� ti
| Best there | Wan YInctin
Eis Eye Teeth, ! Gest there is a f O 1 4
Pralo of Scotts i Neck Braneh doa T . Pica:
oAbner,� said the good wife, ~1 Coimbias are first choice the world over
aves Weldou 4, alif ost, , . moo Pe x ec
_ fd ae ae Re oe ~wish you would stop at the store | They are made of 5'/, Nickel Steel Tubing,
ree he Us o4 a + ae Pine . OS serial ever used in a bicycle. i cal m | De cell
H., Greenville 6.57 p, m., Kinston 7.55 |and git me a rubber ring for the | the strongest material eve ycle Co e to see us.
j-th. Keturuing, teaves Kin3ton 7..0) baby to cut his teeth on. cr) :
ih. OC., Greenville 8.52 a. m, Arriving | ~o~S'*posen you give him that there ,
+ ~ o , . 4 { o : 3 : |
daily except sunday. a . cote |
the farmer, with a grim smile. oIt}
frains ou Washnigtoa Branch leave worked ail right with me.T "Cin- |
Wastlupton 5.20 a, in, and Luu Pp. 10,! einnati Enquirer. | Standard of the World.
arrives Varoiele 9 i0a. m., and 4.40 p. wat
as: (@
" #
¢ Vey 7 * ms oe . " i q * ~ . . : 1 ta C)
a., Tarboro 9.45 a. m., returning ieuves Tn London alone there are More | Hartford Bicycles, second only to Columbias, § Cc
a Ne ot ied ue
wt Sicycles ALIKE. | 3a
t £5 j fk SP o100 ~ , MQ
nari ta p.m. ane eee 4. 0. ! than 100,000 young women between! , $75, $60, $50, $45. | | 2 WOH ees . wy ®
a - ,, arrives ~ushinyton . oe re : : | fy. sae ~atnloouie eypr jee . : 1 PRS ete WY VY V¥ VY VV
11,40 a. m., and 7.20 p. m. Daily " the ages of 20 and 35 serving behind | Handsomest Art Catalogue ever issued is free if you call. Or 6°32
ve ape .
ept Sunday. Connects with traing on | the bar. Of these 400 are the daugh- | FORYSALE BY
Seotlund Neck Branch. ters, sisters or nieces of clergymey, | S. E PENDER & CO., Anything from a ere
. . Of) or ~ aye Pap r 4 |
Drain leaves sarporu, N ©, via Albe-| o00 are the daughters of army ofti an
orain eae | NVILLEN. C Wigiting Card
aarle w Kaleigh £. 28. dailyexceptsun-| ers, While nearly as many are the SEN VILUE, N. © 1Siti1 v.
day, at 5 50 p.m., Sunday 403 P.M; daughters of physicians and. sur- }
artive Plymouth 7.40 P, M., 6,00 P.M. | veons.
*ovurning saves Piymouth daly except | owen esetnneteinns "_"_" -
Sundsy, 7.50 a. m., Sunday 9.00 a "U.,
E"ull Shee Poster.
arrive Larooro 10.16 aan and 1. 4b] 9 oee
. Train oa Midland N, C. branch leaves ~ : " Te ee nnn ee
~Golaivere daily, except munday G.u% ul 9 7 3 . ; :
@. arriving Smithtield 7°30. a. aa. Be. ° f : D | R fl L ~\
surning leaves Stuithtield 8.00-a. m,, ur- 4 fe) = ; The al y. e �,�C Or,
tives a& Goldsbors 9.30 a. m. ¢ : e § |
Treitis on Latta braneh, Florence R} ¢ . & a | | 6 TAS 1e°
leave Las O40 aie Duar] § OD ws es Vey Gives he home news
50 pm, Clio 4.05 p m. Returning | £ TRE 2A a. ? ys ~
jeave Clict6,l0am, Dunbar 6.30 a ef 5 CURE CONSTIPATION . easT: ms tel BoOu at the
rill Latta 7.50 a m, daily except Sun- } fig i p , ' Y small price of 25 cents 4
av , mS ~9 KOMEN
Ttath guCiinton Brangu leayes War- é 25¢ 50% SGULATE THE LIVE R DRUGGISTS ¢ month. Are Youu a sub-
saw lor Clinton caily, except Sunday to dare ile cane BE vies ite os mente? :
Lv 00 a, m. and 8.60 p, m* Returning ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED tive: neved aris br ctfpe at conse van cece ate pod senber ? If not you
Jeaves Vinton at 7.00 a. m. ane 3,00. m ple and booklet free. Ad STERLING TEMEDY CO., Calease. Montreal, Can.. oc New York, we
2 : db iidecbarinerndrimaeoren,
Train No, 78 makes close connection eae
at Weldon forall points daily, ati rail via A a aS
itichmoneé, alse ab Rovky Mount with
recat pone Sond axons TORS SHE THAT? Wassgg) PA
ought to be.
General supr,
T, M. EMERSON, Traffie Manage. onemmeiiia
» R.KENLY. Gen) Mansger, aie by nat ee 7
(THE Morne svanhbbhigh What Is It? ybhhdhl
é Wy
== It is a picture of.!tae calabrat3 1! nr The Eastern Reflector ~
Saily. Newspaper in p : KFA FOUN q ll PENS 4s only $1.4 year. It
oo © ite Mr coe Gd | contains the news every
Olina. pest in use ~The outit of np"business man 1s ee
He a F ae hey |
ihe idest
i oY
complete wit
tobacco, t
! Bah Hide
many tim¢s,
| Toe Only, Five
be} Prices in
hadies and
A SOI ceed
Ladies $2.50 Slippers,
Reduced to $2.00.
enema: Seca
~Ladies $2.00 Slippers,
Reduced to $1.65.
fhe", niece momen
Ladies $1.50 Slippers,
Reduced to $1.25.
et LA
Ladies $1.25 Slippers,
: Reduced to.90.
cee ete NRA
Ladies $1 00 Slippers.
Reduced to .75.
co cearnnencnre een
Misses $1.25 Slippers,
Reduced to .90.
Childrens 85c Slippers,
Reduced to 65c.
We have some beau-
tiful styles and now is
your chance to pur.
chase some rare bar-
t] b
eer bl mtt
Creates many «4 new business,
Enlarges many an old business,
Preserves many a large business.
Revives many a dull business,
Rescues many a lost business,
Saves nany a failing business. -
Secures suceess to any busine ss
To ~advertise judiciousiy,TT
ce lunrs of ti. REFLECTOR.
use tne
tee _" =
Koayine Coustantiy al it Brings Soecess
Passenguor aad mall train going
Nevth, arrives 8:52 A.M. Going south,
arrives 6:57 P. M
Steamer Tar River arrives from Wash-
ington Monday, Wednesday and Friday
leaves for Washington Tuesday, Thure.
day and Saturuag
seep Neamt tian a
Fair tonight, followel vy showers
a ER
ThereTs Always ~~Meat� in Them.
W hereisthatsummer weather ?
Nos 80 warm us it useter was.
The crowd in town was large today.
The wind had a ea shore whistie te
ii last night.
New Corned Mullets at &. M. Mec-
G»wanTs market.
Seyeral recruits to
wheelmen recently,
the army of
Best Vermont Butter on ice at M.
L, starkeyTs.
~The next two or three days wiil Le
the longest of the year.
The latesT salution is not: oHow
Thout yer ?� but. oBawair�T
Nothing equals Grand Master Ci-
var, Sold at M, L, StarkeyTs.
Lhe sweet girl graduate is settling
down into the ordinary summer girl.
The Home Visitor says Winterville |
wili celebrate the fourth of July on
Saturday, 3d.
50,000 people daily drink Carico)
Blend ~Tea. Buy it ot S M. ScHuctz.
~he Governor has ~appointed F. J,
Johuson, colored, of this town a Notu-
ry Public.
Lemonade, Milk Shakes and other
summer drinks at StarkeyTs.
Lost"~TravelersT Iasurance Com-
panyTs Rate Book, red binding, return
to RerLecror office.
M, L. SiarkeyTs groceries are new
and fresh. Give him a call,
Dark nights have come again and
with them evidences of poor street
The tax listers have had a busy time
today. Saturdays are their largest
oSilver Doliar� Fountain Pen, Fark
er make, at Reflector Book Store.
Celebrated Lion Coffee, the most
palatable drink put up ~in one pound
packages. JS. Tunstaue.
Nice line fresh Candies at M. L.
StarkeyTs. His Ckozolate Almonds are
Supply ot new box papers, mourning
paper aud note paper at Reflector Book
If all other business inte.ests mm
Greenville possessed the spirit of en-
terprise manifested by thus engaged
in the the tobacco industry quite a
cheffrence in the town would show il-
\ self, :
Ask any of my customers and they
~| will ~tell you the work done by Wil-
| mington Steam Laundry is unsurpassed.
Next shipment goes,forward Wednes-
urday evening.
| C. B. Wuicuarp, Agent.
ao ; ; :
" Well, if 1 were to sit behind it |
you mean thing! 1 wanted to go
day morning, returns promptly Sa~
mutant see oe
Spvt, bur Find it Not.
H, F. Harris went tc Scotland Neck
» ©. E. Smith :eturned from Newbern
this morning.
W. H Grimes returned Frid:y
eveniaz from Raleigh.
Rev. F. B. Ticknor, of Elizabeth
City arrived here Friday evening.
W. T. Lipscomb returned F:iday
evening from a trip through Virginia.
Rom. Hart, of Buykins, Va, who
was visiting relatives here, lef. today.
Mrs. W. N. Han mond, of Bethel,
who has been visitizg her parents here
returned home tod.y.
Rev. E. D Brown came over trom
Kinston this morning to fill his appoint-
ment at Falkland tomorrow.
J. J. Cherry and wife, Miss Hattie
Smith, J. G. Moye, Will Chery and
Jesse Smi-h lett today tor Ocracoke.
seni eaiparetne
Saying needs (-.eenville factors
does not get tuen, but all the same
they should be here.
oSay, Pa,� said Wiltie to his father,
got ripe quick, didnTt it?T
They Go and Come in Sarch of a Cool
who is prematurely bald; styour hai
Ali Summer Goods
Under the Knife.
We are slashing prices on all Summer
Goods for we are determined to clean them
out. No reasonable price refused. Come before
Emporium of Spring Fabrics.
it is too late.
coer arene ennai ee
A \cleoram came today tor Rev. L.
Q, Wyche announcing, tae death of !
Telephones have -een placed at
Elmwood Dairy, No. 14 and at Wiley
BrownTs residence, No.98. Add these
to your list.
oThe best thing to put your money
in if you are thinking of speculating,�
says tle Manayunk Philosopher, ois
your insid3 pocket.�
She"oHow you think my theatie
hat should be trimmed?T Her Biother
should say witu a lawn mower.�
Some awnings on the s:reet are most
too low. ~Today we saw a tall man
collide with the iron rad of a4 awning
and he came near losing bis"hat.
Husband"oHang it! PTve got the |
rheumatism this morning.� Wife"oO
out to-day, and thatTs a sure sign of
~Lhe Connecticot Legislature recen t-
ly passed a law requiring the use of|
only such inks on public records as
have been spproved by the Secretary of
the oie. One hundred dolars 1s the
pvetsy pruviced for violation of the
When a dog barks i. uight in Japan
the owner is arrested and aentenced to
work a year fer the neighbors who
were disturbed. The dog is kiiled.
Perhaps this accounts for the supersti-
tion that when a dog howls at night a
dvath will saortly occur.
fill orders for Lumber, rough or
dressed, and mouldings of all kinds, on
short rotice.
Kinston, N.C.
ualified as Receiver of the Green-
ville Lum er Company, for the purpose
of settling the affairs of said Company,
I herebv offer for sale the reul estate in
and adjoining the town of Greenville
belonging to said Company. This prop-
erty will be sold cn reasonable terms in
lots to suit pu: chasers,
For further injormation see or ad-
wveceiper, Kinsion, N. O4
~The weather tells you that, and I want
to tell you my Ice House is ready to
furnish you with the wherewithal to
Keep cool. Car load of Ice just 1 and
. wi have a full supply at all times,
Ice delivered in town without extra
cha Out of town orders receive
prompt atiention. Customers Cin get
tickers On application.. 5undsy bours
7to UA. M. and Sto? P. M.
Fresh Fish cn ice every day. Call on
me any time you want Ice of Fresh
his mother at ~lhomasville |
Value Property far Sal
Li ipninais BEEN APPOINTED and}
A Great Reduction Sale
Owing to the rapid advance of the season
and finding ourselves largely overstocked
we propose to inaugurate @ sale commenc-
ing this week and continuing for a month
"the largest reduction sale ever Inaugu-
rated in Greenville. We propose to CUT
prices on all Summer Stock. A coraial
~nvitation is extended to all to pay our
store a visit,and examine goods and prices.
~Lang Sells
Cheap. -
FLEMING, Pres, E, B. HIGGS, Cashier.
R. R.
5 . SOE ARY, VWic, Pres. AssTt Cashier,
GAPITAL: Minimum $10,000; Maximum $100,000.
Organized June 1st,1897.
The Bank of Pitt County,
solicit your account. We offer every cour-
hi and aecommodation consistent with sound
andKeep Koo
We havea complete
line off ¢
we have the celebrated
ea m
White Mountain
and oGEaM� N
cegare lowerthan ever. A complete line ot
ee vii - Goods, Hammocks, Screen Doors
ishing Tackle, &c. oe
B. |
Fish. ,
Great Reduction
FEE ane caer reraL ae aE enicieicaeiieiad
SL CESRR R Re L hn wg cena ea ares
sy tr eae