Daily Reflector, June 9, 1897

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

D. J WHIGHARD, Editor and Owner.




Vol. 5.



~ Sl





They donTt cost
too much. They
areready to put
on without a
wrinkle. You
have seen the
browns, olives,
green mixtures,

plaids--the sweil

colorings of the

of the season: --
we've got them

here plenty as}

pleat a fair. We

show the best.|.



Betuet, N. C., Juae 8th, 97

Mrs. f. C, C. Manning, of Tampa,
Fla., arrived Sunday evening.

Mrs, B. I. Hassell, Sr,, of Colum"
bia, N- C., is visiting her son, Prof,
B. F. Hassell, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. W. J. iollins, ot Tar-
boro, spent Saturday night and Surday
here. a

Mrs. Levi Harris, and two daugh-
ters, of Mildred, are spending the week
iz and around town with relatives.

Miss Bessie James, of Pactolus, whe
Spent last week here, returaed home
Sunday evening, |

Mrs. D. H. James, of Pactolus,
speut Kriday and Saturday here, she
returned home Sanday evening.

H. T. King, of Greenville, was here

C. C, Joyner, of Greenville, and J.
S, Mocning ot Carolina, were here
Friday, their many frionds were glad
to see them.

D. C. Moore and son Thos. went to
Greenville Monday.

Ths Commencement excercises of
Bethel Academy (Prof. B. F. Hasseil,
Jr., Principal) took place Friday, June
4th, 1897. ~lhe address was delivered
by Prot. A.J. Manning, of Carollna
Institute at 11 oTelock, A, M., which
delighted the large crowd present. The
concert exercises took place at the
Academy at 3 oTclock, P. M,

The programme was quite along one,
including tifty-six pieces, consisting of
songs, recitations, declamations, &c.,
each and every studenc rendered his

part well. ~The entire exercises were

a grand success and reflected much 1

credit upon the pupils and their accom-
plished teacher (Prof. Hassell.) There
were six gold medals and three prizes
awarded as follows: Medals"Decla"
mation to J.C. Carson; Etocutiou to
Jesie Badger; U.S. History to Miss
Mary Badge.; Spelling and Defining
Tnos. J. Moore; Spelling to Allan
Turnian Moore; Panctuality to Miss
Lillie Barnhill. )

PRizes"Harrington graded speller
to Linwood Bailey.

Advanced class in N. C. speller to.

Clarence Barrhill.
Intermediate class in N, C. speller
to Seymour Bullock.

Thus ended a prosperous school year ;

of Bethel Academy under the manage"
ment ot Prof, B. F, Hassell, There
were seventy-five pupils enrolled during
the school year.

The average att.ndance being mo e
than forty. We hope next session
which begins August 50th, will be more
prosperous than the one just closed,

The University.

Is steadily growing in popularity,
p itronaze and efficiency. The enroll.
m2nt this year is the largest 1n 1ts his~
tory. We would like to aid some
needy boy to get its advantages of
scholarships and loans. See ad in
another column.


MoreueaD Ciry, N. C,, dune 8th.

Tn Atlantic hotel isin the hands
of the doctors. Not that it is sick at
all. for just now it is a most lively and
healthy looking place, Fully two
hundred ot the M. DTs. came down last
night"and there are others to follow
There are big dcctors, and little doc-
tors, handsome doctors and ugly doc-
sors, tall doctors aud short docters, city
doctors ard country doctors, in fact
~most any kind you could look for, and
asa passenger coming down on the
train with them was over heard to res
mark oibey are all in their Sunday
clothes for you canTt even detect the
smeli of medicine about them.

In such a gathering as this a chill,
tever, headache, or any other ailment
would hardly dare snow itself tor fear
of getting knocked out in the the first
round. The work of the Medi:al con-
venticn begins this morning and the
sessions will continue for three days,
Many interesting papers are to be read.

Thera are quite a number of applicants

for licenses to go betore the examining
board today, and nota few of them
wear an anxious look that seems tg say
o]'ll be glad when its over.�

There were about a hundred guests
at the Atlantic before last nightTs arn-
vals and the out!'ook is for a gay season
Everything about the hotel
looks new and tresh, and Manager G.
W, Blacknall bas a competent corps of
All is in readiness to re~
ceive the editors of the State Press
Association who will cone down .0-
A few stray editors cam? in



~ast night but they are almost lost
among so many doctors. However,
there will be enough ctf the oquill

OB next train to make their
) presence: felt.


GubENVILLE, N. U., June 9th, 797
Epicor RerLectoR"Li the vagrant
act is still in force"which we learn isa

fuct, there are more violations ot this
one law than any other on tie sivtue
bouks. «iow many colored and whites
could Greenvil'e send to the road gang
where sume gvod vould be gotten by
the county roads.

It is the duty of the polices officers to
inform themselves and when any mud
or woman is seen standing idle day at-
ter cay making no effors to du anything
and no visible means ot support, they
should be arrested and tried and put on
the reads and rid the the town of their
pieseacs. These worthless vagrants
have to eat, and we know of many who
are constatt loungers around the mar-
ket square and streets using boisterous
language sometimes, very frequently
blocking the side walks and rendering
their very presence obnoxious and ine
We dare say there is more
idleness in Greenville by men and boys
thap 1n any town in North Carolina,



No, Maude, dear, oThe Watch on
the Rhine� has notnmg te do witha
darkey ina watermelon patch. You

-are mixed in your dates.

+ tan ett tei teint




LS Nw Vt

Youll need One of Gur


spatter ss amp ace pe ne Sete ge

Handsome, cool,French

Lappet Mulls,



All the latest styles and colors
suitable for Waists, Skirts and
Suits. A beautiful line of .*


for Trimmings.

9 4


year, . . .
: AY

aa mnt :
One week. ge 10
Delivered in town by carriers without
tra cost. ae

dvertisng rates ate liberal andean be
on application to the editor oF at

. office : | ,
"we desire a live.eorrespondent at
: postoftice in the covnty, who will

pnd in brief items of NEWS as It OccuTs
fo each neighborhood, Write plainly
d only on one side of the paper.

es isnmetnaclonngeicenscnannccstntte

oWepyespay; JUNS 9, 1897.

8 nl

ct einen ae OA

Won Himecifin a Raffi.

aa "

ee {encountered the Strangest
e man I ever knew while 1 was
| P*doing some government work in
oMissouri,� said the retired con-


__. Mtractor, according to The Detroit
- Free Press) oHe sas smart
enough, so jolly that every one
me *) iked him, acd apparentiy in the
Po best of health Bat he made a
a wofowdad deals, had toT mortgage
*» some of his property, and just
* geémed to throw up bis hands,
~ (Heyowed that he hal ceased to
be his own man, and would drift
Estill he found out what the world
wanted to do with him. "
ee oWhen he had disposed of the
- faulily clock and there seemed to
peinothing left, he coolly an-
+e meunced that the next day he
© wonld raffle bitaself-� He didnTt
KkoQw whether the boys would care
: to buy chances, bat he meaut
4] business and would work faith-
" ©� ~fully for the man who drew him.
oo" Tickets sold ~for good figures, but
ves there wore. tw left, and ne laugh-
-»-- ingly said that he would take a
~ couple of shots at himself. When
ee came off he held the
~lucky number.
*-- gWell, sir, the fellow turned
loose and went to making money
+ bend oyer hand. Hebecame one
of the greatest hustlere in the
west, paid off the. morgages,
bought everything there was
money in, and is as rich now as a
river bottom farm. When
drew himself at that rattle he
made up lis mind hat he was his
own man agaic, and besides he
had agreed to do his bestfor the

re *

Winner. it wasa strauge case. |

=" ae

ere aa

' He Got His Answer.
As the train pulled out of Chi-
~cago ® quiet, gentiemanly look-
ing man entered the buffet car,
and, ensconcing himself in a com-
fortable chair, drew out a long
cigar and entered deeply into his
- paper. Heremained so quiet and
retained his seat so long that an-
- other: passenger, whose bearing
distinctly stamped him as 4
commercial traveling man, one of
the kind fuli of chatter and cus
riosity, could no longer restrain
himeelf. Adaressing the quiet
gentlemap, he inquired, oTravel-
ing east 2� :
Slowly removing his cigar, the
gentleman turned and looked at
big questioner with slightly ele-
~ -yéibed- eyebrows, replying, oYes.�
: oNew York?T
ee " te
Eo, oPeeoreT�
oYos and no.�
oGreat place, New York. Eyer
been there before?�



~Vn going home this trip"New
York, you know.� :

oThe gentleman made no reply,
but resamed his paper. After a
Tittle: the eommercial man


the. & Oo. on Brond-


he |

~Tt you drop in |
noverthe city�,
oThank you, it will n
necessary!" t�"�S

what you're going to New York
for ?� Oe

By this time most of the other
passengers were interegted. The
gentleman, who was extremely
annoyed at the drammerTs curios-
ity, laid down his paper and ex~
claimed: "

~ITm going to New York, first,
because the train is taking me
there, second because ITye got
lots of money and can afford it,
and, last, because if I like the
place [ intend to buy it.T

The commercial man subsided
amid a roar of laughter."Phil-
adelphia Times.


Billville councilTs out oT sight!
Had a meetinT tTother nightT:
ThinkinT that it wuz their station
Jest ter run the whole creation!
Left the people in the lurch"
Turned the preacher out 0� church,
Jest because be talked of sinninT ;
Sent the judge anT sheriff spinninT!
Then, trom cff the whole plantation
Chased the board oT education !
Funniest thing you ever seen"
Swept the town anT county clean !
Rung the bells in every steeple:
«Darn the country anT the people ?�

WurnTt no basis fer their action

TCept give Tem satisfaction ;

AnT the idea seemed to seize Tem

World warnTt goinT rounT ter please
"em !

so they sorter thought they'd like

To tell the lightninT where ier strike ;

Change the rumble oT the thunder

AnT make all the people wonder !

ThatTs jest what they thought they'd

Change the country

While the clouds wept tears (of. dew)

AnT the very sky looked oblue !�

through an

Now we hear the people sayinT

It they iet that conncil ssay 10,

Théy will put heir heads together

Aw dish out the wind anT weather!

~Tell us when ter reap anT sow,

Make the crops stand still, or grow ;

Run this old terrestrial ball" .

(Lord have merey on us all!)
~-Atlanta Constitution.

A cmaamannna rte atnbi nna nana a

A Mean Trick.

At the State Medical conven-
ltion in St. Louis last week. Dr.
Donelan, of St, Joseph, told the
reporter of the Globe Democrat
the following story. He said :

oAfter the adjournment of a
conyention a few years ago, Drs.
Knight and Riley, of St. Joseph,
started home in a sleeper. They
had the lower berth end the
weather was intensely hot. ~Dr.
Knight was a very small man; in
fact a boy in stature. Dr. Riley
was big and fat. Knight was
given the inside ef the berth and
went to sleep. Riley, with his
load of avoirdupois, sat on the
edge of the berth and fanned
himself. At Herman a lady en-
tered the car and asked for a berth.
She was told that the car was full
ont she insisted saying that she
had set up with a sick daughter
for five nights, and had to have
sleep. Suddenly an idea struck
Riley. oTake my, berth,T he said.

oThere is only nim little boy in-
side.T Knight was sleeping

peacefully and the lady ogladly |

accepted RileyTs offer. About
an hour later Kuight awoke and
made a remark to whom he sup-
posed was Riley. ~Neyer mind,
little boy, said the old lady,
soothing, ~pappy will be back
pretty soon.T A jittle later Knight
~again began to talk and the old
lady again attempted to lull him
to sleep by promising pappayTs
early return. But the little doc-
tor thistime awoxe. The scene
that followed it would take some

tume to relate.� !

oExense me, but mrght I ask

ot be


Some Witticism "
; pe
Ware *, =

ie eect canes cr

~The man who always pay cash
for what he buys seldom rnns the
risk of being called extrayagant-

~This world will be considerably
happier than it is now when 16 is

possible to build the kitchen fire
successfuliy the night before.

lt is so much easier to write
poetry than it is to sell it!

How do people know that there
is plenty of room at the top?
Very few of them have been

All men may be born free and
equal, but they don't retain their
equality ten minutes.

The man who boasts seldom has
any cause for it.

A girl, though engaged, isneyer
completely happy until she has
somé idea how much her engage-
ment ring cost.

The wheelbarrow is a godd
thing, buta man 18 lucky if he
gets two dellars a day for push-
ing it along.

Pretty socn the summer sun
will say oWilt thou?� and all of

us will wilt-

Some people who try to model
their lives on those of great mer
only imitate the great menTs

It doesnTt pay to worry, and it
doesnTt pay, either, to make oth-
ers wcrry.

Woman can ao almost anything
with a hairpin, except to keep
her hat on atraight."Somerville

a |

What She Wanted to Be.

All the children except Nonie
were going to play omenagerie.�
Nonie wanted to sleep, but the
others wished her to join in.

Jack was to be a lion, he said.
Tom wanted to represent a camel
and the others all made choice.

oNorie, what do you want to

Nonie drowsily answored, oOh,
I want to be a"aT"

oWell, what isit?� impatiently
yelped Jack.

And faintly came the answer,
oIT want to be a"a"sleep.�"
Pittsburg News.


Fowl Was Dead.

The editor of the Danyille
Breeze is a devoted poultry fan-
vier, and what he knows about
poultry would compare well with
what Horace Greeley knew about
farming. A subsrciber sent bim
the query recently: oWhat ails
my hens? Every morning I find
one or more of them has keeled
over to rise no more. oThe reply
was: The fowls aredead It is
an old complaint, and nothing
can be done except to bury them.�

Be Comfortable

Your choice of ~eight different Columbia sad

dies, Every requirement =e

is satisfied, Columbia
saddles fit everyone.

$100 to all alike.
The new .adjustable Columbia

bandle-bar is stronger and more
ene perfect than ever.


8. E PENDER & 00.



~~ Catalogue free by oallinge +.

nk of Greenvile;

At the Close cf Business May 14th, 1897.

sa) a
+ ee


Loans and Discounts $42,153.81 3 Capital stock paid in $23,090.00
Over Drafts 895,29 Surplus and Profits 8,042.54
Due from Banks 8,772.46} Deposits subject to Check 58,812.65
Furniture and Fixtures 1,505,003 Cashiers Checks ortstanding "-148.18,
Current Expenses 1,312.04} Due to Banks ~~ 808.15
Cash Items 1.839.586 5 Lime Certificates of Deposit 55.00
Premium on Stock 1,000.00 :

Cash on hand 28.088.18 Cota! $85, 566,34

Total $85,566.34

We study carefully the separate needs.of our patrons, aud shall be glad to have
your account, promising every accommodation consistent with good banking,


Wehavealarge *




just arrived. Comeand

see us.




(6, COBB & ool


pean @ Saaeonny





We have ut received & new
hearse and the nicest line of Cof-
fins and Cesxets, in wood, metal-
lic and cloth ever brought to
Green\ illa.

_ We ara prapicod
ing in als its foros.

Persona] attention given to con.
ducting funerals and bodies en-
trusted to our care will receiye
every mark of respect.

Our nrices are lower than ever.
_ We do not want monopoly but
invite Con. petition.

We can be found at any and all

times in the John Flanagan
Buggy CoTs building. .


{o embalm-

LOOD poison

Primary, Seo

A SPECIALTY cnsaryzize
Syphilis permanently cured in 15 to
a5days. You can be treated at home for
the same price undersame guaranty. if
you prefer to come here we will contract
to pay railroad fare and hotel bills, and no

| charge,if we failtocure. If you have taken mer- {

ecury, iodide potash, and still have aches and
eye Mucous Patches in mouth, Sore Throat,
imples, Copper Colored Spots, Ulcers on
any part of the body, Hair or Eyebrows peel
out, it is this Syphilitic BLOOD POISON tha
we guarantee to cure. We solicit the most obsti-
nate cases and challenge the worid for a
case wecannot cure. ~his disease has always
baffled the skill of the most eminent physi-
cians. #500,000 si marae behind our uncondi-
tional guaranty. Absolute prose sent sealed on
application. Address COO REMEDY CO.
307 Masonie Temple, CHICAGO, ILL.




, 3a a *
* P . 2
# o3 ~
- het
+. ail be A +

: Shear a
gob tee, Ke




bd? at
= Ss. ¥
rte oe Aa wary 38
reg. : ty s
+ Stee


fa, at
a are ~ oie A
aM os re \ * 2 .
~ Er t.: bs a
5 ree hi i
coe a as eR AL ; :
a v5 es ee r. A T
ae oe ae



PS qed a ree
re ae Fj ;



ing their yearTs supplies will tind
their interest to get our prices before pu
chasing elsewhere, Ourstock ts cataplet:
n allits branches.



Tobacco, Snuff, &...

we buy diroc) from Manufactuy. 3 en
ling you to buy a one proilt, A eord-
cle stock of


ralways on hand and soldat. 8 to suit

the times. Our goods areall bought
sold for CASH cr =

wo run we sell ata close margin.
- ®& M SCHULTZ Greenville N. ('.


W. M. Bonu, |

J. L. Fleming.

Greenville, N.C.

Practice ip all the courts.
G28 (Dr. Talmages
Earth Girdled.�T or bis tamous tour
around the world, a thrilling story of
savage and barbarous lands. Four mil-
lion TalmageTs books sold, and **The
Earth Girdled� is his latest and grand-
est. Demand enoromous. Everybody
wants this famous book, only $3.50. Big
book, big commissions, a gold mine for
workers. Credit given, freight paid,
outtit free. Drop all trash and sell the
|king of books and make $300 a month.
| Address for outtit and terriory, The
Vominion Company, Star Buildiug, Chi-

A PA A a a AA 8S NN


be ighaes A. SMITH,
Patronage solicited: (leaning, Dyeing
jand Pressing Gents Ciothes a specialty



| s .
Special atteution given to cleaning


my !Gentlemens Vlothing

J. A, Burexss, Mgr.}
Washington, N. C,
This Hotel has bee u thoroughly reno
vated, several new rooms added, elec,
tric bells to every rom. attentive ser,

vants. Fish and Oysters seryed daily,
Patronage of traveling puvlic solicited

i ae

The next session ot the school will
open on " T

MNDAY S&P. 7, 189

and continue for 10 months.


The terms are us follows. .

Primary Knglish per mo. @2 00
Intermediate 6 ~ ~ 82 50
Higher as a $3 00
Languages (each) ** o $1.00

The work and disclpline of the sehool

will be as heretofore.



We ask a ~continuance ef pul 4

fink, eee,


: deal WeldonT ree
uk sha! bd 2 ~ i wh
ur + Parhbro 12 12
Ly Rocky Me | 12 52/10 «6 4
- Ly Wilson i 9 ORI 1� 6 '20
iv Selma A 2 50 :
ee a Be a8 1 ft
. Florence .| 6 Z
: Gb
ye OF
: 4 jp ey, A.M
uv Wilson 2 08 0
Lv Goldsabero $ 10 5)
Lv Magtjolin | 4 16 0
Ar tel wre ce 5 45 9 45
P. M. A.M
Dated OO ae ae :
May 7th, | eal oa
i897. On ae as
A. M.IP. M.
Ly Fivrerce 8 45) 7 40
Ly Fayetteville} 11 10| 9 40
uv Selma 12 37
Ar Wilscn 1 20)11 35
Ke Pee
A. M. IPM,
iy Wilmington] 9 00 i 7 00
LLY Magrolia il 60 1 8 30
Ly Goidsboro 1 0 1 9 36
ar Wilsen 1 00 1 10.27
Ly l'arbero 1 42 ~
; * a
ye) 3
~ bg M. f. M,
Ly Wilsea 1 42 1 10 82
Ar Rocky Mt 2 33 il) 1b
Ar Tarboro 400 A ul
Lv Tarborc re
Lv Rocky Mv | 217 r
Ar Weldon

Train on Scotian Neck Branch 2oa
eaves Weldon 4.10 p, m., Halifax 4,98
p. m., arrives Scotland Neck at &10 p
w., Greenville 6,57 p,m., Kinston 7.56
.m, Returning, leaves Kinston 7.60
a.m., Greenville 8.52 a. m, Arriving
HaliT.x at 11:20 a. m., We~don 11,40 am
daily except Sunday.

Trains on Washnigtou Branch leave
Washington 8.20 a, m., and 1.00 p.m,
arrives Parmele 9,10 a. m., and 5.40.p.
m., Tarboro 9.45 a. m., returningleaves
Tarboro 3.30 p. m., Parmele 10.20 a. .m,
and 6.20 p. m,, arrives Washington
1140 a. m., and 7.20 p. m. Daily ex-
ept Sunday. Connects with trains on
Scotland Neck Branch.

Train leaves surporu, N C, via Albe-
«parle & Raleigh R. R. daily except Sun-
day, at 550 p. m., Sunday 405 P. M;
altive Plymouth 7.4) P. M., 6, 00 p. ua.T
Returning 2aves Plymouth daily except,
~Sundsy, 7.50 a. m., Sunday 9.00 a ~m.,|
arrive f'arboro ~10, 1b a.m and 1, ie

Trainon Midland N.C. branch leaves}

Gold3bero daily, oes al Sunday, 6.05 a|
m. arriving Smithtield 7:30 a, m. Re-
tarning leaves Smithfield 8.00 a. m,, ar-}
rives at Goldsbors 9,30 a. m. 3

Trains en Latta branch, Florence R
ah, leave Latta 6.40 pm, aarive Dunbar
7.60 pm, Clio 8.05 p m. Returning
feawe Clioté6.10 am, Dunbar 6.30 a m,
~" Latta 7.50 a m, daily heii Sun-


Train onClinton Branch leayea War-
saw for Clinton caily, except Suuday,
1000 a. m.and 8.50 p, m: Returnirg
leaves Cinton at7.00 a. m. and 3,00 1 m.

Train No. 78 makes close connection
at Weldon forall points daily, all rail via
Kichmone. alse at Rovky Mount with.
Norfolk and Varolinak R for Nonolk
ene all points North via Norfolk.

General Supt.

T. M. EMERSON,Traffiv Manager.
J. R.KENLY, Gev'l Meneger,


The Oldesi

Baily Newspaper in|

oNorth Carolina.

The Only Five-Dollar Daily}


*Wwilmiaion N o

re Ligon oe

oay wire.


arers of organs in the United

a Statos bas made an assignment,

While standing in a door iv his
home in South Macon, G-. dui-
ing an electric storm, Sunday.
night, Thomas Welch wa3 struck
by liehting and instantly killed

Snow fell yesterday at Orange

N.J., but the flakes melted as
{they strack the ground. The
[squall at~racted general attention

as few residents here had ever

before seen snow in June.

A freight train and a work train
collided on the Omaha road neai
Hudson, Wis. Fiye men were
killed and aiterward burned iu

/ the cara an. several were injured.

Both engines wire demolished.

Ex May:r Joha Tyler Cooper

ing fundsof the cvunty while
Seryiug us clerk to the board of

tercay to three months imprion-
ment andT $500'tine

A Perfect Baitk President.

accomplishment, no physical ad-
vantage which may not contribute
to the success of the head of a bank.
The friends he made at college a
generation back, his associations at
the club, on his. vacation, even in
his church, are factors used with
consummate skill and the native
courtesy which characterizes the
higher types of successful business
;men. There is no quality of alert-
ness or adaptability which does not
aidin the work of making friends
for the bank"i. e., depositors, A
perfect bank president should be
} onewho can hold his own with zest
and yet with dignity among the
roistering class of Wall street men
in their late suppers at the club, who
ean shoot with them, fish with
them, drive with them, and who
can also impress the staid and strait-
laced citizens who are his fellow
vesirymen as a pillar of respecta-
bility."C. D. Lanier in ScribnerTs.

The Cheerful Idiot.

oTwas in the front row at the
theater the other evening,TT said the
cheerful idiot, ~*and the bass vielin-
istTs aastrument got fast in the door
when.he tried to come out.�T

oDid he swear?TT.asked the shoe
clerk boarder,

oNe. He only said*fiddlesticks,
said the cheerful idiot."indian-
apolis Journal.

+ ae |

The straw plaiting industry of
England gives employment to abeut
50,000 wamen and 4,000 to 6,000 maa.

CEES ka® AD.

NPR A cnr tt the te

~of Atlanta, convicted of embezzl-|"

cCOMmIssiOUS Was sen enced yes"|.

There is no single sympathy, no,

ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED f° tive. never score

ple and booklet free. Ad. STERLING REMEDY C0., Chicago, Montreal, Can., or New York,

ie ie o ue ATaree-Wosths ( OM Pickaninny hat| :
3 - Wileox and White organ| 3 alks.
ym pany,one of tie largest manu-)

Nashville has a ~3-months-old
child that talks. The parents ere
Richard and Frankie Oleveland,
colored, and the child has been
talking since it was one week old
Hundreds have visited the little
wonder aad have lefc the house
completely myst:fied at what they

isagirl and differs only from
other babies in that it can talk as
pluinly and be understood as

a grown person. The voice, of
course, is naturally weak, but has

none of the baby prattle about 1¢.
In addition to tue child's talking
propensities, it seems to be- pos-
sessed of superior intelligence
and gives voice to utterances
most astounding, coming as they
do from one so yeung."- Nashville




BAPTIST"Services every Sunday,
moring and evening, Prayer meeting
Thursday evening. Rev, A. W. Setzer,
Pastor. Sunday school 9:30 A. M.
H}. D. Rountree, Superintendent,

CATHOLIC"No regular services,

EPISCOPAL"Services fourth San-
day, morning and evening. Lay ser-
vices second Sunday morning. ~Rev. A.
Grenves, Rector. Sunday schoo! 9 30
A. M. W. B, Brown, Superinter dant.

day, morning and evening. Prayer
meeting Wednesday eveving. Rey,
N. M. Watson, Pastor. Sunday school
9:39 A. M. A. B, Ellington, Superin-

PRES®BYTERIAN"Services _ third
Sunday, morning and erening. Rev.
J. B. Morton. Pastor. Sunday school
9:30 A. M.



A. F..& A. M.Greenville Lodge No.
ey meets first and thiid Moaday even-
ing. W @M. King W. M, L. I. Moore,

I. 0.0. F."Covenent Lodge No. VW
Meets every decor % evening. D. W.
Hardee N. G, L. H. Pender, See.

K. ot P." ar River Lodge No. 93,
meets every Friday evening. H. W.
Whedbee, C, C. Frank Wilson. K. of
R. ands,

R. A."Zeb Vance Coaucil
meets every Thursday evening.
Wilson, R, M.R. Lang, Sec.

K.of H."Insurance Lodge No. 1169 |
meets every Friday evening. John
Flanagen, D. Henry Sheppard, R.

A.L.of H, Pitt Council!
every Vaursday night. J.
©. W. B, Wilson, See.

W. b.



936 meets |

B. Cherry ©

ee PO ts it Tn TUE Die. OE ne?


. Cascarets are the Ideal Laxa
t cause easy natural results, Sam


or gripe.



bhbhbhs What


| It is a picture ot,

Is It? bbb

~tae calebratelt""

: Bost in Dee! oThe parey ot no Susineat man is
ye oh without one.

tor Book Store

Pi Claas inthe State ae has a nice assortment ot itiese Fountain Pens, |
so a beautifu: dine of Pearl Handle Gold Pens,

astoni when you see them and
pthey are.

Rue, 4


« 5


have seen and heard. The child|*�"�an

METHODIST Services every Sun-| 3

E. B. Ficklen sSuperinten-

No. 1696 | 34

Pheer dP

by Cobb Bros. & Com
chants of Norfolk -

Good Midditug ~ i
paige 7 |
Low Middling ; 1.
Good Ordinary 6 9-16
Tone"qui: t. 2 yon
Pri PEANUTS. . ! Ms Aes
rime . IT 7
Extra Prime . 2+ Let ~us
cy a8
Spanish 60 to 7
Greenville Market.

Corrected by S, M, Schultz. |

Bntter, per lb 15 to 25
Western Sides bt $96
Sugar cured Hams 10 to 124
Cory 40 to 5
Corn Meal 45 to FC
Flour, Family 4,25 to 6.78
Lard 5} to 10
Oats 35 to 4!
Sugar 4to6
Coffee 17 to 20
Salt per Sack 75 to 1 5A}
Chickens 10 to 25
Eggs per doz 7 to 10

ees Wax.Der

of 205 pages,
whivh we will set




receipt of 4 cents L
cost of mailng. | :

You Really Ongntto.
ic them Both.

Shall we pat you acwa Oe .
copy? If so, or if you want

Offers his services to the &

40 citizens of Greenville and the ¢ »
q@ public generally. fe:
Spouting and Stove Work, 2

sate any special information, it.
ae aisicuane J will be cheerfully farnishea
Satisfaction guaranteed or by addressing,
no charges made. Tobacco 3 ~
dO Flues made in season. Shop Q S, F, B. MORSE,
2 intear of 5 and 10 cent store. a
Aesop aria ac he General Passanyer and Ticke
Agent, ~
You may never,
But should you ever qa

~Want Job Printing

"==w=Come to'see us, gp


~eve e\e,, AAA AAAAY @leke'e)

; *
~ 4
y°U.w- A oe,
AN PS A Ay o7 a
me |e} 1s
Hox (ey) 8,
Ss bs

ovine | from 23@=="

|'Wisiting Card

ee TO A ""

Full Shee Poster

The Daily Reflector.

Gives the home news
every aiternoon at the
small price of 25 cents a
month. Are yuu a sub-
seriber ?
ought to be.

If not you




is only $1 a year,
contains the news every.
week, and gives informa-
tion to the farmers, ¢
specially those growit
tobacco, that is w r

nice assortment in
feta Moire, Plain
feta and Satin and
slvet Ribbon. Ladies
mand something out

v0 pe a ladieTs neat

te My ian. and low-'
st prices Ladies and

is a kind of specialty
with us. We have the
leading shades in ali
~grades andsizes. We
havea line of

ens, Swiss :Muslin,

- Dimitys, Mulls, &c.,
which we sell cheap.


A good corset helps a

help you to Corsets of

-fortable and elegant.

ods on sale thor-|,
aghly standard and|
a ae


. wi oh 4 ~We have

ling. the kind that|

Organdies, India Lin-|
Checked and Striped)

good form. We can)

: the good kind solely, Bp.
~thatare shapely, com-|@

pereuse we :

ce ypu anatc: Se Hare hua Sac aio lr each ero tie EE, one
SS a oat 1 ee Pau Gene aug ; nia


Sem ene

Creates Many a new business,
Knlarges many an old basiness,
Preserves many a large business.

Revives many a dull business,
Rescues many a lost business,

To * bad vertine judiciousiy,�T
elumns of ti.

Soms Have Wings, Some DonT:"al!

Saves fuany a failing business,

S-enres sueeess to any business
use tne



Get There.

Oe ce

1 will pay cash tor your Beeswax.

S M. Scuvuttz.

For Hay and Grain go to H.C,
WhiteTs Feed Store,

Just received car fancy Hay at
WhiteTs Feed Store.


~Odd Fellows meet tonight.

Work in the second degree.

Lemonade, Milk Shakes and other
summer drinks at StarkeyTs.

oSilver Dollar� Fountain Pen, Park
er make, at Reflector Book Store.

Supply ot new box papers, mourning
paper and note paper at Reflector Book


Rev. J. J. Harper, ot Kinston, will
fill his regular appointment at the

Presbyterian church

next Sunday,

morning aud evening,

Ask any of my customers and they

will tell you the work done by Wil-

mington Steam Laundry is unsurpassed.
Next shipment goes forward Wednes-

day morning, returns promptly Sat
urday evening.

C. B. Wuicuarp, Agent,

The ladies of the Episcopal church
willgive a. moozlignt excursion next
Monday night and the public 1s cor-
dially invited.

The boat will leave at

8 o'clock. |.

Moonlight Fxcursion,

oThe weathor prophet has been con~
sulted and promises a fine night for the
e:cursion on Friday of this week. In
consequence the moonlight excursion
which was to have been had last night

will be run on the above night.
Jacge and commedious ;Steamer Myers
in charge of Capt. Parvin has been
secured for the trip, and wili leave the


whart prc mptly at 8 oT clock.
There will be plenty of room, and an
abundance of ice cream, excellent music

lots ¢f fun and pleasure at a small costT |

The ladies in charge curdially invite ,

everyhody to go.

Young gentlemen lookout for your
girls or some one will be ahead of you.
Further announcement will be made


ie : [ro ~Bour Ones Named an This Lit, j


* fade French 18 here.

C, C. Vines, of Falkland, spent to-

day here.

Mrs. A. L, Blow, we are sorry {0
learn, is sick, ;
George Freeman, of Murtreeeboro,
is visiting the family of J. A. Dupree.

Miss Myrtle ~Taylor, of Kins~on,

passed through here yesterday on a

way to Grimesiand.


Knights of Pythias.
There willbe an unnual = meeting cf
the Knights of Pyinias on the 16th of
June, next Wednesday, at Ports"
mouth and the dedication of the Py-
thias Temple will take place on that
day. The lodge at Greenville we
suppose will go asa lodge and enjoy
this grand fete. ~bere will be a ban-
quet.and general good tellowship will
be the feature ~of the affuir. Railroads

will make rates for the occasion.

First Giaduate,

Beaver Dam township bas the first
college graduate tat she has ever turn-
ed out,in the persou of Johnson Nichols,
son of Thos, A. Nichols. He gradu-
ated at the University with honors last
All his fellow. students speak
in highest terms of Lim as being a
sp'endid young man and predict for
him success. We hope tu see him rise
high in the world a.d that we may be
justly proud of him as a Pitt county
boy. His father and mother are ene
titled toa great deal of the credit.

Good people they are.

Fun for Chuldren and Food for Grown

} People.

The ladies of the Presbyterian church
will give an entertainment at the Court
House on next Monday night. Some~
thing is promised both to the young and
the old, and when it is known that Mrs,
Gov. Jarvis has charge of the pro-
gramme every one is assured that there
will be no disappointment in promuses.
Later on full announcement will be
made of what may be oxpected. It
has been some time since an opportu-
tunity bas becn presented to our people
to attend an entertainment like this,
and we bespeak for those in charge a
full house.

The University.


~(nummer sehoul 198), tot: al 549, Board
' $3.00 a mou.h, three Brief Courses,
three Full Courses, Law and Medical
Schools and School vf Pharmacy,
Graduate Courses open tv Women.
Summer School for ~seachers.
arships and Loans for the Needy}

Chapel Hilljalh



and oGEM |


nae naan! emameattie


ok |

andKeep Kool

We havea complete
line of. )


we have the celebrated

aCe t S,

roe ag

we *
ley BsT ae & Aa i Wy MWe, r
i �"� Nt ; YY \ i
. ae
Pt !
iS 7 , |
} ~ i
b ~
4 y

A full line of staple dry: goods, con-

sisting of Flaids, bleached and un-

bleached Domestics, piece Goods,
Dress Goods, Prints, Pereales, ect. We
carry a fult line of low price MenTs and
ChildrenTs Clothing. A good line of Men's
Women and ChildrenTs Shoes.


Come see us.


Emporium of pane Fabrics. :
R. R. FLEMING, Pres, E. B. HIGGS, Caster, ] :
oat CHERRY, Wie, Pres. AssTt Cashier.

CAPITAL: Minimum $10, 000; Maximum $100;000.
Organized June ist,1897.

The Bank of Pitt County,



We solicit your occount. We offer every cour-
tesy and accommodation consistent with sound




Let me hear trom thee by letter

Lang Sells

When sweet spring across the hills
Sets the prisoned flow'rets free;

When the babbling of the rills
Joins with song birdTs symphony ;

Then, it seems to us, we ourhter
Turn our thoughts to soda-water.

For the balmy April breeze
Tells the sultry aays are nigh

When we Anger Tneath the trees,
And'our throats are hot and dry,

Then ShelburnTs soda fount "
Fattens up his bank account.

Oe al le tl lal Nel sche octal Aeiamee




p evelqucad 9
{ ryand id: Fancy Groceries.
Always fnd fresh Brel,

y o Sein aube nine) ut
@ nice '

Daily Reflector, June 9, 1897
The newspaper was established in 1882, and was originally named the Eastern Reflector. It was founded by Julian Whichard and David Jordan with equipment they purchased from The Greenville Express. On December 10, 1894, it adopted the name The Reflector and began publishing every day. Cox Newspapers acquired The Daily Reflector in 1996. Creator: Daily Reflector (Greenville, N.C.) - June 9, 1897
June 09, 1897
Local Identifier
NC Microforms
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