Daily Reflector, May 8, 1897

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]


r and Owner,


TERMS: 26 Cents a Month,

Vol. 5.


No. 743


STROUSE & Bas Le :






~S SSk a








¥ ping ) Oey

They donTt cost
too much. They
areready to put
vo without a
wrinkle. © You
have seen the
browns, olives,
green mixtures,

plaids--the swe:i
colorings of the

of the season---

we've got them
here plenty
pieat.a fair, We
show, the ee

~and the game with St. Louis scheduled

Base Fa'l.
Philadelphia, May 6."The Balti~
more champions defeated Philadelphia
today in a rafber loosely played, but in-
teresting game, Taylor was decidedly
off in his pitening and aided in the

Clark started to catch for

Baltimore, but he was injured in
first inning and retired, Grady
also injured in the fifth iuning and
Boyle caught the remainder of the
game. Score. Philadelphia, 5; Balti-
more, 7.

Louisville, May 6."The Louisville
team was late in arriving hare today

for today will be played tomorrow.

himself by keeping the RedsT hits well

scattered and almost shutting them
ou ~The fielding otf boih teams was

yiltedge. Score. Pittsburg, 3; Civ-
cinnati, 1.
Boston, May 6."Nichols was very
effective today and held the Senators
down to five scattering hits. Mercer
also pitened guod ball. Hamil~on play-
eda great game for the home team,
while SelbachTs work in the left field
pasture was equally brilliant. Score.
Boston, 0; Washington, 1.
New York, May 6"At their first
meeting this season, New York and
Brooklyn played each cther to a stand"
still. The game was called at the end
of the tenth inning with the score a
tie. McMahon and oDad� Clark were
both hit hard and retired early. Score.
New York, 9; Brooklyn, 9.
Cleveland, May 6"With the excep-
tion of Lange, the Colts were unable to
touch Cuppy today. The Indians
through a ccmbination of good base
running, good luck and ChicagoTs poor
fielding, managed to roll up five ruus
ina yery slow and uninteresting game.
Score. Cleveland, 5; Chicago, L.
Won Lost Per Cent

BaltimoresT run-getting by four wild].

Pittsburg, May 5"Hawley redeemed , strap.

Original Observations.

oMen of mark� are the fellows who
canTt avrite.
It is the plow of time that m»kes
the furrows ot care upon the human
A drurken carpenter can never
carry his spirit level. This is a plane
he champion light weight in this
country is nota prize fighter bat a shore
ton of coal.
The ages of spring chickens and wo-
men are the most doubtful subjects on
this little earth.
Loving mother, Sunday School and
a trunk strap have been the making
of many a boy"particularly the trunk
An exchang? describe: a beautiful
young lady as having ~a face @ pain
ter might dwell upon. ~That would te
delightful residence.

The man who kicks against the pa-
pers, always mad enough to bite Tem, is

Where I in the.

the fellow who knows nvthing when
. 7
you goto him for an item Orange |

(Va.) Observer.

A $5,000 Cigar.

A rather expensive smoke, and yet
that is the price one thoughtless young
man paid. In him centered the hopes
of a man who made his money by econ-
omy and hard work, The young man
wus walking with his would be bene"
factor who had in his pocket $5,000
and the agreement which would place
that sum at the command of his young
companion. The youth asked him to
tarry a moment and then entered a ci-
gar store, bought and lita cigar, +nd
resumed his place, when he asked:
oHow much did you pay for that cigar?�
oTen cents,� was the reply.

_ ~The benefactor said: oI never burn
up in smoke 10 cents when I was struz
gling tor a position and a competency.
A man who does not regard econom
and practice self-demal in little things

Church Ssreices To-morrow,
9:30 A. M. Preaching at 11 A. M.
by Rev. N. M. Watson.

Episcopal church."Sunday-school
at 9:30 A. M. Lay cervices at 11 A.
M. by Maj. H. Harding.

Baptist churc! "Suaday School at
9.30 A. M.
"Presbyterian ¢hurveh"Sunday school
9:30 A. M. Preaching at 11 A. M.
and 8 P. M. by Rev. B, H. Melton,

Bad Enough,

The misfortune hunters are predict-
ing that this is the year for the seven-
teen year locusts to comearound, We
hope none of them will strike this way,
a; potato bugs and tobace» worms are
post enough,

{the world,

Baltimore 9 2 S13
Cincinnati 7 3 700 |
Louisville 6 3 667
Philadelphia 8 4 O07 |
Pittsburg 6 3 G67 |
Cle cland H) 6 450
New York 4 a 444
Boston 4 6 490 |
Brooklyn 4 7 364)
St. Louis 3 7 300 |
Chicago 3. «8 278
Washington Poc4 222

Methodist church"-Sunday-school at |

';8 not a safe custodian tor my money.�T
| Wich that he tore to bits his paper, and
~yoit the impecunious youth who could
| burn up money to work his own way in

This story, true cf a New Yorker,

'C@onveys a moral {0 every struggling
| clerk, that economy, industry, perse"
| verance, the practice ot yvbich incans
rigid self-denial, are essentials to suc-


Pen Points.
The longes an animalTs horns the

jes one needs to fearT it.

The devil is satisficd with his due,
but the corporation ienTt.

When a man develops opinions it i


Wine, woman and song4 may ruin a
man, but it is the song that annoys the
n ignbors

When a woman lets the notes of her
voice go to protest there is bound to be
lots of trouble.

A mackintosh is better protection
trom rain than an umbrella, The rain
coat will not fit all your friends."-

an Ae

sie 4


Our stock Pee eT " thelatest in�"�

. , Lamas,
f + al
ae a Loa Laie ENTS
itt ~ Pa aly Kice.!

he i | atonal

JE. C sl |

White Goods,

i RH On


a sure sign that he kas given up his


_.Civilized World

Nobby sack and cutaway suit
of fine cassimeres, twe ds and
worsteds---good 3
that are so fash ,
ionable and
neat mixed ef-
fects. Co lor,
quality, maki'g
and fit ane

grees euarati-
teed. We ask

you to come

and let us show you some eu-
tire new ~veaves---see if we
donTt surprise you.
Seen the Neglige Shirts 2
Straw Hats are ohere, too.



oA Mrs. Hopkins Boy.�




e Have Them.
i Alu

Taffeta,Brocaded China
and Grenadine Silks
in all colors,
Satins, Laces,
Ribbons and Cniffons
for Trimmings.

aie nt ~@) 4
peat i»

34 32a pa BD °

94:65 8

p ¢ ea"
i�) a


Organdies, Swisses,
Lawns, Dimitys,
Brilliantines, Checks,
Percales, Suitings,
aud Cheviots tor
Waists and Dresses.



{A new line of Collars, cufis and Belts just rex�
ceived, Latest things outa :

"Centlemer donTt forget our"


The Low Price Merchant. 2


Boered as second"lass mail matter.
cs : aire

ert einaetti e stmcamemt me


Ao vie let
~Oxe month, : oi 8
~One week. * ig we - - .10

Delivered in town by carriers without
axtra cost. oe
advertisng rates are libera] and can

-had on apptiontion to the editor or at
the office

A """ '

We desire a live correspondent at
avery postottice in the covnty, who will
- gend in brief items of NEWS as it occurs

fa each neighborhood, Write plainly

aad oniy on one side of the paper.


Se eee uaunaaciey s

Saturpay May 8, 1897.

secant AAA OO,


sect ten

(From Our Regular Correspondent. )

Wasntncton, May, 7, 1897.

oKilled by an overdose ct tariff,�
may be the epitaph on the tosb af the
Republican pa.ty, if the tariff bill
which was this week reported to the
Senate is vot radically changed in
many of the schedules. It has siarted
a fight among the Republicans that
may result in killing the tariff bill as
well as the Republican party, although,
of course, the chances are that the
differences wi!l be patched rp in some
way and a bill of some sort put
through at this session of Congress,
That the fight is now raging is shown
by the opeu threats of the New
England Senators to stay in Washing-
ton all summer rather than see the duty
on hides, which the Senate finance
Committee bas put in the bill, remain
in the bill, and these Seuators are
already trying to Democratic
Senators to promise to vote with thei
to strike out the duty on hides when
the bill is voted upon by sections in the
Senators whe


Senate. ~Lhe western
forced the duty on hides iato the bill,
bave informed the New Enoglanu
Senators chat they were net going to
stand idly ty and see that duly on
hides struck out of the bill, when they
coulu get even by combing with the
Dewocrats and adopun, un
ment providing for a horizontal reduc~

tion in ail cotton, woulun and steel
munutactures. Keprescutave Gros-~
venur, of Ubi, says of the bew vid, tur
that is whatit practieally is: osu tar
aa relates to tue Wool sclicdule, the
bill is unsatisfactory, and cannot be
passed. 1 do not believe it can puss
the Seuate; and I know ic canuot pass
the House. She sugar scheduls wil
be very gratifying to the Americas
Suga Refining Cv., and uasatistactory
tg the best sugar producers in the
country. Lhe New Kayland manulac-
turers are tally provided for. Tre bil
will probatly not reach the House in
the form reported fo the Senate, and
it it should it would meet with very
strong opposition, The duty on tea
will be very unpopular.� Those Re-
publicans representing districis having
large brewing interests are much
worked up over the increase ot 44
cents a barrel in the tax on beer and
will fichs it.

Senator Jones, of Ark., who is
regarded asa tariff expert as well as
one of the most careful political ob-
gervers of the tine, said of the present
situation: oThis tariff bill means the
aisruption of the Republican party:
"The taxes impoted by it will be resent-
~ed by the people. New England will
certainly go Democratic on the ques"
tion of a daty on hides, but the lesson
that will be teught by. this one item

omight be wpplied to every other sechon

of the country. oThe next House ot

i WTR Cy sepa

gery. large majority.� Senatoy
Jones, in reply toa question, said he
thought the debave on the tariff bill,
sh is to yegin on the 18th inst.

uld last until about the first of

ie hi

if ee i eee ba hg ak " nn ~ 1 me ve 4
At hs ral disposition in Oon-

into effect, and unless all the Congres-
sivnal prophets ave away off the date

assignments of Republicans to the com"
mittee vacancies made by the Kepubli-

whole thing in the Senate whatever he
way have been iu the campaign or may
-|be with the administration.
even get a chairmanship.
other Republicans left without chair -
manships are Pecrose, of Pa,; and
Dobee, of Ky., who took his seat this

down by the Republicans, He wanted
a place on the Finance Committee,
aud is doing a lot ot kicking because he
didnTt get it.

treaty ths week by a vate, of 43 to 26.
Everybody is glad it is out of the way,
~The Senate also passed the free hume-
stead bill.

sentatives will be Democratic byT

dentials authorizing them to negotiate
with European Governments in behalf
of itternational bimetallism, as nothin:
more than a pleasant summer junket
for those three gentlemen. Tuere are
not a dozen men in Ccngress who se-
riously think international bimetallism
more than a dream, concocted to stave
off an independent settlement of the
financial question by this country.

In place of the retroactive tariff in
the Dingley tazitt bill the xrepublicans
ot the Senate Finance committe have
inserted a clause making July 1st the
date upon which the new duties will go

will have to be changed again.
The fact was made very plain by the

san caucus that boss Hanpa 1snTt the

He didnTt
The only

~The Senate rejected the arbitration

Iustead ot increasing the issue of pits
M:. McKinley is curtailing it, much to
the disgust of the hungry horde. He
is keeping it back because he thinks it
will be needed to get the taritf bill
through, snd for the same reason he
has wot made the modifieauon in the
civil service rules thac he has decided

to make.

eens or cman

When bilious or ca: .73, eat a Cas-
caret, candy cathartic, care guaranteed
1Ve, 206


The Southerao Baptist conven-
tiov, delegates to which, laymen
aud clergy, from fourteen States
are now assembling in this city,
is no ordinary event, anu would
be no ordinary eyeut In great
cities where great events are ol
frequent occurrence. This conven-
tion represents the largest church
organization in che South and
einbraces within it some of the
best intellacts cof living Ameri-
cans. There are some whose
hairs have silvered or whiteaed
in the service of the Ma ter,
whose names have spread beyond
the continent, and others not so
long in the service but highly
~gifted and deyotedly zealous,
masters of the oratory which
captivates and the logic that con-
vinces- Bright men, able meu
brilliant men, deep, scholar!y men
are hera, men that any denomi-
nation, auy section Or any coun-
try might be jastly proud to call
its own.

With these are writers of books
and gifted editors, who through
their books, papers and other
periodicals expound the doctrines
of their denomination, defend
them when assailed, and carry on
from day to day the wcrk of edu-
cation so essential to the best
development and to the success
of any great church or other
organization, There are also,
though not of the clergy but with
them in spirit, men eminent in
other walks of life who have left
their impress for good on the
generation in which they live.
Of steb will be composed this
large convention; of a large and



tian workers.

The Ocean that, but a few nillns


atk ae ie

soon becomes an indispensable

heavy enough to bear, in

that of all eugrossing care, which
never lets the mind rest for an in
stant. Sappose you do ohave
troubles of your own.� Can you.
cure them by worrying?
best effort to overcome the triais
and tribulations of this life is ali
that is demanded. If that effort
week. Boss Platt also got turned|/surmounts the difficulties, well
and good. If it tails, the fret that} just arrived. Comeand
see us.


worry that makes us hated by our
friends, the care that wears deep

mighty denomination of Obris-

distant, in grandeur rolls, is not
8 grand; the blue sky that
nds in azure beauty above us



ship of the sons and daughters of
God, whatever be their denomi~
nation, when assembled in His
name and doing his work. As

deliberately cultivates a disposi-
tion to throw care to the winds

person to his friends. Care is
wolry pure and simple. The
burden that causes us to worry is

probability, without adding to it


wears wrinkles in oneTs soul, the

furrows On the brow, do not help
one out of the slough of despond,
but rather bury us the deeper.
~he world gets very tired of men
and woman who placard thei:
woes on their faces and moan it
in their voices in hourly conver-
sation. But tha. world dearly
loves those peop!e who are merry
and companionable, ev.n when
grief is gnawing deep. We owe
something to society, to the
world of peonle about us, and
liave no right to make ourselves
public nuisances because the
clouds obscure our sun."Wasb-
ington Star.

setmeneenere a re ees tm en

Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoxe Your
Lite Away.

If you want to quit tobacco using
easily and torever, be made well

g, magaetc full of new life and
vigor, take No"To-Bac, the wonder-
worker thal makes weak men_ strong.


Many gain ten pounds in ten days
Over 400,000 cureT. Buy No-To-Ba
rom your own druggist, who will
guarantee a cure. Booklet aud sample
mailed free. Ad. Sterling Remedy Co,

Chicago or New York.

en el "

Attention Veterans.

ee tnt tae

The Bryan arimes Camp of Pitt
county Confederate Veterans will meet
at the College grounds near Greenville,
on Wednesday, May 26, 1897, to trans-
act Important business and to arrange
for transportation to the reunion at
Nashville, Tenn., June 22, 23, 24 and
Bring your baskets full cf some-
By order of

E. A. More, Com,
B. F. Suae, SeeTty.

Be Comfortable

Your choice of eight different Columbia sad
dles, Every requirement
is satisfied. Columbia
saddles fit everyone.


thing good,

Standard of the World

S100 to all alike

The new adjustable Columbia

perfect than ever. |

Catalogue free by calling.




: a PAU el

ie gO

| paints and tints the}
that bloom is pot more}
an this Obristian fellow-|

Wehave alarge~ ,


; : At;t lose usiness Maro ao
such we greet and mingle with I pire se eg oe SOR. Yee 1a
shristi ES. LIABILITIES, ~~
these Christian workers, and as|,_
EES ~| Loans and Discounts $41,761.193 Capital stock paid in $23,000.00
such Wilmington welcomes them | Over Drafts 133.2733 Surpins and Profits 2,839.68
within her gates and to_ her Premium on Stock 1,000,09$ Deposits sulject to Check 85,691.14
h Wilmin Due from Banks 38,567.54; Due to Banks 732,36 _ 2
omes."Wilmington Star. Furniture and Fixtures 1,500.00} Cashiers Cheeks ortstanding * 868.34 = ~~ _
Current Expenses 985,525 Time Certificates of Deposit 355.08
Cash Items 2,652.12 : """=
5 Care Kills, Qash on handT 95,875.38 Cota! $112,974,50
It is care that kills. One who Total $112,974.50





We study carefully the separate needs of our patrons, and shall be glad to have
your account, promising every accommodation consistent with good banking.


2 Phin wannt ti ae

Pe sae








(0. COBB & OO

fins 6nd Caskets, in word, metal-
lic and cloth ever brought to
Greenville. |

ducting funerals and bodies en-
trusted to our care will receiye
|every mark of respect,

invite con petition.

Baggy CoTs building.

Saas! g Ee



int CD copclesssen

We have .:t received a new: |
iearse and the nicert line of Cof-

We ae prepare.i vc Jo embalm-
ng in ali its form.

Personal asvention given to con!

Oar prices are iower than ever,
We do not want monopoly but

We can be found at any and all
in the John Flanagan


nallits branches.


handle-bar is stronger and more |


eae at 3 ~) SD f
a BK BU =) |
Primary. See

A SPECIALTY onicsvocse:

me iary BLOOD POISON permancntls
m cured in 15t035 days, Youcan betreatcd aj
Se ome forsame price under same guaran:
sweeee by. If you prefer tocome here we willcon:
"_ 7 tractvo pay railroad fareand hotel bills,and
nocharge, if we fail tu cure. If youhavetaken mere
cury, iodide potash, and still have aches and
ins, Mucous Patches in mouth, Sore Throat,
imples, Copper Colored Spots, Ulcers on
any pari of the body, Hair or peyehsowe fallin
out, it is this Secondary BLOOD POISON
we guarantee to dure. We solicit the most obsti-
- e canes and Ena en ee 0 ola one fora
ase cannot cure. sease has always
bafiied the skill of the most eminent physi
cians. $500,000 capital behind our uncondie
tional guaranty. Absolute pe sent sealed on
application. Address COOK REMEDY CQO,,
802 Masonic Temple. CHICAGO, ILL.





ing their yearTs supplies will tind
their interest toget our prices befere pua
chasing elsew here, Ourstock is coraple'�,�

eee Oa

_Tobaeco, Snuff, &c,

18 not more beautiful ; the genial



op 4 Primary Rnglish per mo. $2 00
we buy Giroc) from~) Wanufa tur. § en} aw) i
linz you to bay at one pro it. A eo U- wap mmans : hie
at j Higher | és y aay $3 00
Languages (each) ** $1.00
| Tne work and disclpliae of the school

. :

around the world, a thrilling story of
lon TalmageTs books sold, and **The
Ka:th Girdled� js his latest and grand-
est, Demand cnoromous. Everybody

(took, big commissions. a gold mine tor

outtic tree.
king of books and make 8300 a month.
Address for outfit and wrri ory, The


Ivated, several new rooms added, elec.
tric bellato every room. Attentive ser,

r. ~Talmages *[he
arth Girdled.�T? or his jemous tour

avage and barbarous lands. Four mil-

wants this famous book, only $3.50. Big
CreditT given, freight paid,
Drop all trash and sell the

lominion Company, Star Buiidiug. Chi-

Schaar se AER ST, ERE


Patronage solicited. Cleaning, Dyeing
aud Pressiag Gents Clothes a specialty

re "


Speeial attention given to cleaning

Gentlemens Clothing,
J. A, Buranss, Mer.
Washington, N. C,

This Hotel has been thoroughly reno

vants. Fish nd Oysters served daily.
Patronage of traveling puvlic solicited

er ee


ae Academy,

The next ge:sion of the &c-hool will
open on

MNDAY SEPT. 7, 189¢!§

qnd contiuue for 10 months.

The terms are as follows.



/ ~~Gauenseu penedule - - .
tices Se ~
ay 4 ; =
iw Clk
Leave Weldon | 11 &0} 9 14
Ar. Rocvk Mt | 12 52/10 9 :
LvTarhoro | 12 12
Gv Rocky Mt | 12 5210 5 45
Ly Wilson 2 08/11 6 20
Lv Selma 2 50
Ly FayTtteville|} 415) 1.7
Ar., Florence 6 35
(i P.M, A.M,
Lv Wilson 2 08 0
LvGodsboro | 3 10 5
Lv Ma; Solia 4 16 0
Ar Wilmington 5 45 9 45
P. M. A.M
Dated wim j
May 4th, | 63] 04 6s
OHi, ZA 1A 1 Cy
" A. M.iP,M.!
Ly Fivrerce 8 45, 74°)
Lv Fayetteville! 11 10) 9 40
_ Lv Selma 12 87,
4 Wilscn 1 20/11 38
eepo{ yo
AM, P.M.
Ly Wilmington! 9 25 7 00
div Magnolia | il 50 8 30
uv Gold2poro 1 00 9 36
ar Wilsen 1 00 10 27
Ly farboro 142)--. :
Re; fo
oz 4
yee) hea
2. M. P.M,
Ly Wilson 1 42 10 32
Ar Rocky Mt | 2 33 __.| 11 15
Ar Tarboro 400 re M
Ly Tarborc 48)
Ly Rocky Mu | 217 ae
Ar Weldon

rain on Seotie 21 Neck %ransh 2oa
eaves Weldon 4.10 p.m., Halifax 4,°8
p. m., arrives Scotland Neck at 5.10
w., Greenville 6,57 p, m., Kinston 7.55
2m. Returning, leaves Kinston 7.10
a. m., Greenville 8.52.a. m, Arriving
Halifix at 11:20 a. m., We'don 11.40 ain
daily except Sunday.

Irainson Washnigton Branch leave
Washington 8,20 a, n., und 1.00 p.m,
arrives Parmele 9.10 a. m., and 3.40) p.
m., Tarboro 9.45 a. m., retar ningleaves
Tarboro 3.30 p.m., Parmele 10.20 a. 1.
and 6.20 p. m,, arrives Washington
11.40 a. m.} and 7.20 p. m, Daily ex-
pb Sunday. Connects with trains on
Scotland Neck Branch.

Train leavex aarporo, N U, Via Albe-
aarle & Raleigh R. R. daily excepi sun
day, at 550 p. m., Sunday 405 P.M.
ative Plyweata 7.4) P.M, 6.00 pen.
Returain ys igayes Pl ymouth daily exeept
Sundsy, 7.50 a. Mi., Sunday 9.00 a m.,
wrive Tarboro 10.15 a.m and Ll. 45

Train on Midland N. C, branch leaves
Gold3boro daily, exeept Sunday, 6.05 a
mM. arriving Smithtield 7°30 a, m. Re-
turning leaves Smithfield 8.00 a. m,, ar-
tives ut Goldsbors 9,30 a. m.

Trains on Latta branch, Florence R

4$., leave Latta 6.40 pm, aurive Dunbar:

7.50 pm, Clio 8.05 p m. Returning
leave Cliot6.10 am, Dunbar 6.30 a in.
ave Latta 7.50 4 m, daily except Sun-

Train _onClinton Brangh leayes War-
awfcr Clinton caily, except Suuday,
10a, m.and 8.50 p, m: Returnirg

avesCl inton at7.00 a. m. ana3,00 i mM.

Train No. 78 makes close connection
at Weldon forall points daily, all rail via
Kichmone, alee at Ravky Mount with
Norfolk and Carolina R 4 for Noniolk
ene all points North via Norfolk.

ei fie General ~Supt.
T. M. EMERSON,Tratlic Manager.
J. R.KENLY, Gobh Manager, T


~The Oldest

Tally Newspaper in
North Carolina.

oThe OilyT Yive'Bollar* Barly

tte Olaae inthe? State

Figs and Thisties, 7

Every lie hns other sins hiding


beltind i.

livery crown bestowed, by the
worid rests on an aching brow. |
If good advice were gold, every
pocket would be ful! of money.
Hypocricy is a certificate of
good character who gives virtue.
The worldTs creed is, oHe is tLe
best man who wears the best


Gray hair and wrinkles may
come, but a happy heart 13 al-
Ways youbg.

Open the door of your mind to
good thoughts, a.d evil ones will
be driven out.

Try ing to look like a sheep has
never yet produced any woo! on
the back of a goat.

~The devil is tuo often the only
gainer when a voung man be-
comes his own master.

If we haye to do a certain work,
the best thing we ean do is to
best learn how to do it best "
Ram's Horn.


A Hous2hoid Necessity.

Cascarets Candy Cathartic, the most
wondertul medical dissonery of the age,
plearant and cetreshing to the taste, aci
gently and pocitively on kidneys, liver
nd bowels, cleansing the entire sys tom
dispel colds, cure headachs, tever, ha
bitual constipation and biliousness
Please buy and try @ box of C. C. Cy
todav; 10, 20,.d¢ cents, Sold
guaranteed to cure by ali Crugzists.

Same fivre

They told us in November,
oelect McKinley ard we will have
good times ar Once; Cuba will be
iecognized"a stop be put to the
slaughter of innocent Aruenians
"iu fact, the United states and
the balance of the worid, wil!
Witness the coming of the Mils
lenium.� If any of these things
have come to pass, the news
thereof has failed to reach this
office either by the through
freight or private cuble.--Orange
(Va.) Observer.


A special from Washington to
the Buitiwore Sua says if has
been ~given out at Washingten
that the Administiation bas no
desire tu Outrage the sensibilities
uf white pespie in the South by
appointing negro postmasters.

wid |

This easternT section of North

|Carolina is beyord all question

ithe most desirable portion of the
State fora home. North Caro-
lina isthe most desirable State in
the Union fora home. Sbe has
all that could be reasonably
required as to soil, climate, heaith,
morals, education and retinement.
The recent storms which deluged
the best lands of other States did
her no material damage: and
seldom, if ever, do, except, per-
haps, the occasional destruction
of a few inferior wooden bridges
which shou'd never have been
bailt. The political upbeava!
which is still causing the citizens
of some other States to be ready
to fly at each other's, throat has
become 4 joke with our people.
Religion, education and_ social
conventions are being held, the
lawsre being enforced firmly,
but kindly, one man goes to his
farm, ~apother tu his work, of
Whatever kind"aTl cheerful ava
hopeful of the future.
forward !."Goldsboro Argus.





Eappy Again,

Johnson T Sharkey and his
wife, formerly of Buchanan coun-
ty, met in the streets of Roanoke
one day Jast week after having
been separated for sever. years.


of the terrible flood at Johnstown,
Pa. Each sapposed the other

Saved some money in the years
of their separation, they resolved
to return to their native county,
Buchanan, which they had left
Ouly a month before the great
flood occurred. They ieft Roan-
oke to begin life together again,
aud a happier couple than they
has net been seen in that city for
years."Orauge (Va.) Observer.

Just try a 1ue. bux of cascarets, the


ple and bhoklet free. Ad. SPERLING REMEDY


to caro any case of constipation. Cascarets are the Jdeal Sint

finest fiver and bews] regu ater ever
M ~
6): é
by 6
wae Was ALL jj;

Fripor gripe, but cause easy matural results, Sam-
CO.. Chicago, Montreal, Can., or New York,


mamas = What

IsIt? bepbaae

It is a picture ot tae celebrated



Restin/use ~The outfit ot no pusiness man is
complete without one. |

oe ie
; 3 eis * a te,
: reevider & ~
v4 Dek bits ews peers eens
ee \,* f iy
cae | ds ; ( . |
the or Hook Store
wlll hee ee i . iy el . - ~ k
4 : i r + hae


- » »

: ei ° oa w i '

When bilious or costve, cat a Cas|%
caret, candy cathartic, cure constipaq | 0

They last gaw each other the day | * 2

dead and. drifted back to the}:
vicinity of their old home. Neith- |
er had remartied aud as each hed}

4, pas Cotton ana Peanut a ee es
| Below are Norfolk prices of cotto, | TROM FRostiro FLOWERS.�
and peanuts for yesterday, as furnisheT} ., pp =, a
by Cobb: Bros. & Commission Mer Palifarnia Ol Marin?
chants of Norfolk - WOUIULIUG Ui UAW: °
| ioreont irks ieadad ee
Good Middling ~| . Both are such desirable ob "
cogs FO ~t] jeetive points for a Winter "
Good Ordlvcry 613-16] ~tip that itTs perhaps hard for
Tone"iirm. you to decide where to go.
Prine 2
Extra Prime 2#|Let us Help You to
cy 2 :
Spanish* 60 to 7 a Decision.
es A trip via New Orleans and
3 : the Scathern Pacific to either
Greenville Market. Mexico or the Pacific Coast iy
Corrected by S. M. Schullz. One you will never forget.
Bntter, per Ib 15 to 25 Sis
Western Sides it +6) ItTs a Transition from
Sugar cured Hams 10 to 124
Corn o40 to 5 | Frost to Flowers.
Corn Meal 45 so 60 a4
bate - aie Aud the service is so luxu,i-
Oats 35 to 4" ous that people who have
Sugar kin b tested oSunset Limite 1� cull
Coffee 17 to 20 it incomparable,
ae pat Sack 76 tol BF
ns 10 to £5 oe
fee at dis 712i. (Ifyou are Thinking of
ees Wax.Der 20 ° ° :
Going, Write Us.
20 AAA We Wo have a book entit)d
We £0) aprounon oThrough Scoryland to Sur-

: ' gst Saas,� abandsome volupe
of 205 pages, fully ilastrated,
which we will send on receiy:t

. ; ii oo. of 10 cantsin stamns te cover
. . 4 postage. We also bavea di -
PRACTICAL BL lightful little gvide to. Mexi-

co, which we will send on
recelpt of 4 cents to cover
cot of mailing.

You Really Ought to

Shall we put vou down for x
copy? If so, or if you. want
apy special information, it
will be cheerfully furnished
hy addressing,


General Passenger and Ticket


Offers his services to the 2&
citizens of Greenville and the Of
public generally. 5):

2 Spouting and Stove Work, 2
a specialty.

Satisfaction guaranteed or pe
no charges made. Tobacco Qe |
) Flues made in season. Shop ~Of

intear of 5 and 10 cent store.


Youmay never, "
But should you ever}@==.

Want Job Printing

""_- Come to see us,~oa"

la ach ta

\ : ay Ny J , ,
( |
ye ~
. 4


from aj@sa:
Visiting Card
| "T0 A""

EF°ull Sheet Poster,

peter dasiemeee ae

The Daily Reflector.

Gives the home} news
every aiternoon at the
small price of 25 cents a
month. Are you a sub-
scriber? If not you
ought to be. |

she teealieniliechasnamsopamaier ares ee eee EL TE

a |
a A Ch { ¢
vee Ae oe
* ay La yey





is only $1.a year. . It
contains the news eye;

oWeek, and gives informa:

The Eastern


tobaceo,: that Js wo

~specially ~those _Stowing
~ | Many times ~more! than
the subscriptiog. pile.

aes .¢


_ We want that money
- ~because we have a fair
- equivaient to offer for
it. Our goods are the
right kind atthe right
price. : :
We havejustreceived
a new stock of the Cel-
- eorated and Famous


for Menand Boys, in all
tne newest shapes and
colors, for Spring and
Summer. Our Ox bloods
are beauties. Every
pair guaranteed.

A beautiful line of sty-
Bolisn, neat, durable
and elegant


tor ladies, fresh from)

the factory made speci-
ally tor us, The latest
newest, nobbiest and
prettiest styles.

Remember we have
also received anew sup-

ply of


Just a perfect substi-
tute for Linen, only 10
centsper yardoneyard
wide, the cheapest and
best thing made for
Embroidery and

Drawn Work.

Beautiful, fancy


Neatandnice. Justthe

a to please the

oHamper Baskets, Fan-
cy Work, Scrap, Key
and Toy Baskets. Come

to see them. |

We can please both
-- youand your purse.

ey every day
rings us som

new and om the; thing
you want.

Come and inspect our
Mammoth Stock of Dry
Goods, Notions, Shoes,
Hats, Groceries, Hard-

ware, Crockery, I



ture and House Fur
nishing Goods. , hey
are desirable newT anc

heart cheering.

Beautiful Hall Racks
ee intie
Remember we oper-
our store nadeter-



ay eee ~
Bierce ke ay ~ :
Eeect ap Nota eage at ¥ ; :


Creates many a new business,
Enlarges many an old business,
~ Preserves many a large business.
Revives many @ dull business,
Rescues many a lost business,
Saves many a failing business.


clumps of ti. REVLEOTOR.



Passenger aod mail
arrives 6:57 P. M.
instou Monday, Wednesday and Friday

diy and saturday


ict cpr


ene ES

Fair tonight and hotter Sunday.



But There 1s Much to be Picked Out
of Them.

High winds last night.

This has been a pretty day.

There was a large crowd in town
Cheap Baby Carriages, at S. M,

Vessels make the most knots when

they are with the tide.

A fellow may be green with envy
and still feel blue about it-

Lemonade, Milk Shakes and other
summer drinks at StarkeyTs.

oSilver Dollar� Fountain Pen, Fark
er make, at Reflector Book Store.
Greenville is behind in one respect"
nobody here has eeen the airship.

The man who is shortest in his ac-
counts usually weais tae longest face.

Corned Shad and "arrings tor sale
at Steamboat wharf, J.J. CHERRY.

For SALu."A fine road horse with
good qualities. Will be sold cheap for
~The near approach of the green ap-
ple season brings joy to the doctor's

During these cool nights cut worms
are playing have with corn and cabbage

Rev. N. M. Watson will preach at
TrippTs Chapel, Sunday afternoon at 3
o'clock :

Ex.Gov. T. J, Jarvis will deliver the
closing address at Winterville Acade-
my, May 2I1st.

We hear that some bears have been
seen in the pocosin not far trom the
County Home.

The freight train going north now

than formerly, arriving about 9 a. mM.

C, B. WHicHaRD.
Agent Wila.ingtonT Steam Laundry.


ia Naval

oA colored

the machinery and killed.

caused only a few minutes delay.

That is better than some peopie do,

Szeures success to any business

To oadvertise judiciousiy,�T use tne

"easing Constentin et it Brings Socces

train going
Nevth, arrives $:52 A.M. Going south,

S:eamer ~I'ar River arrives from Wash-

jeaves for Washington Tuesday, Thure-

reaches here about half an hour sooner

When you want laudrying done see

Before the warm weather set* in
would be a good time to see that prem-
ises and back yards are cleaned up and

The Crumpler meeting at Kinston
will close tomorrow night, The Free
Press says there have been about thirty

boy who was playing about
the Nottingham & Wrenn inili, ut
Grifton, a few days agu, Was caught in

A hot box to one of the coaches hut
to be cooled off while the passenger
train was at the depot this morning. It

~The Winterville Home Visitor tells
of a pig going to church last Sunday? ing
aad says that the pig acted very orderly,



A Cohn, of Newbern, is in town.

Prof. C. H. James, of Grindool, was
in tpwn today.

boro this morning.

Mrs. Sue Aftritton, of Farmville, is
visiting Mrs. T. E. Hooker.

evening from a commercial trip.
B. C. Pearce came in Friday even-
ing from a weekTs trip on the road.
Prof. D. W. Corey, principal of CoieyTs
High School at Grindool, today here.

" Rev. J. ©. MeCall, who hasT been
visiting Wiley Brown, went to Little+
ton today.

Marriage Licenses,
The Register of Deeds was called op
for six marriage licenses this week, two
white couples and tour for colcred.
John B. Garris avd Crecie Harris.
Augustus Evans and Chrissie Mc
Robert Darden and Sallie Thomss.
Lonme Taylor and Olivia EllTs.
Robert Harrell and Lena Jones.
Lawrence Gay and Allie Hines.


The Meeting.
There was another very large con-
gregation at the Presbyterian church
last night and Rev. B. H. Melton
preached a fine sermon on oPower from
on High.�
There will be two services Sunday,
morning and evening. At the morning
service the subject will be oThe General
Resurrection.� Prof. Dawson " will
sing a solo oDeath 18 buta Dream.T
Atihe evening services Mrs. T. E-
Hooker will sing a solo.
The cottage prayer meetings this
week have been especially enjoyable.

Advertising Logic
The following paragraphs are taken
from Profitable Advertising, Boston,

Continuous advertising compels at-

The courtship of failure always fol-
lows a divorce from publicity.

advertiser, 1b werrs the cloak of econ-

When failure comes to tempt


You canTt reap a bountiful harvest of
trade when the seed ctf publicity is
improperly town.

A present opportunity is often lost
through using advertising space to
brag about past success.

Doing business this year on last
earTs advertising is like warming at
the reflection of a fire ina mirror.



" Train will leave"


"the morning of "

Wednesday, May 19th,

connecting at Farmele with train from
Greenville. Parties at Greenville, and
age between Greenville and Parme-
e, can sesure there remarkably low
rat:s by pa, in, decal fares to Parmele
and ther. buying excursion ticket.
~There will ix oné of the greatest race
meets ever lod in Virginia in progress

section are entered, Lucy Ashby and
Bird Eye taom Greenville, and Robert

half of the 20th. ~Train will leave

ee ps ee
: i



~Thos Get Tickets at the CaptamTs

Mrs H. L. Siaton returned to Tar- | # é

J. A. Dupree returned home Friday |

when this excursion reaches Norfolk} fp
and three of the fastess horsesT of this |)

Burns.trom Washidgton, . Parties, will
~heh hult of the adh to ~thd I th bd)

Norfolk at 1 P. M, on the 20th mak.-
ing connection ab Parmele with tain | 474,
for Gueenvilie. - Moursettulyyy eq % jae
{ooo 'T. CORDON. | jog:
( oe pond

nas 3

- hea :
F v2 om
writ . es te ae ve fl eee, = *
iy i Og y jen Td , ml ee Baa ea
; 4 Vi at ~ ay va ae Res
. \- - see Pad JE no r 4 ae a! ff
: ye
¢ a § % *
~ ; re as "s
i #


ese @: OO ie 8, @ }



+e &

Popular Prices. 3
le. 3

This week a woncerful showing of wonderful 3
values in new and beautiful lines of

tales. Organs. Irish Lav
, . Wis
Lappet Mulls, Swiss Mulls, Lattice Lawns,

Seoteh Dimities, French Jaconets, Linen
Batiste, Plaids. Percales,Ginghams,Calicoes ; ..

Spring-Summer Footwear.

We have styles and shapes cheaper than you
ever bought them before.


Emporium of Spring Fabrics.

JW. HIGGS, Pres, j, $. HIGGS, Cashier © Maj. HENRYjHARDING, AssTt Cashier,



PPL Le Trae ali,

D. W. Hardee miggs
Greenville, N. C.

Representing a Capital of More Than a Halt
Million Dollars,

Wm. T. Dixon, President National
Exchange Bank, Baltimore, Md.

The Scotland Neck Bank, Scotland
Neck, N. C.
Noah Biggs, Scotland Neck, N. C.
R. R. Fleming, Pactolus, N, C.


We respectfully solicit the aecounts
of firms, individuals and the general

Checks and Account Books furnish
ed on application.



UDe are Greating
you W

Our line of WHITE GOODS was never
better. We are showing white Silks,
white Satins, white Organdies, white Mulls,
white Lawns, white Swiss, white Cash-
mere, white Ribbons, white Kids, white
- Slivpers, white Hose, white Fans, white
Belts, white Corsets, white Parasols, white
Curtains, white Laces and many other
white articles too numerous to mention.


Aite. ==


LangTs Cash House.

When sweet spring across the hills
Sets the prisoned flowTrets free;

When the babbling of the rills
Joins with song birdTs symphony ;

Then, it seems to us, we oughter
Turn our thoughts to soda-water.

For the balmy April breeze |

Tells the sultry aays are nigh |
When we linger Tneath the trees,

And our throats ave hot and dry,
Then ShelburnTs soda fount

Fattens up his bank account.


} ;
5 J
ae * om a


Li Shall

Daily Reflector, May 8, 1897
The newspaper was established in 1882, and was originally named the Eastern Reflector. It was founded by Julian Whichard and David Jordan with equipment they purchased from The Greenville Express. On December 10, 1894, it adopted the name The Reflector and began publishing every day. Cox Newspapers acquired The Daily Reflector in 1996. Creator: Daily Reflector (Greenville, N.C.) - May 8, 1897
May 08, 1897
Local Identifier
NC Microforms
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