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D. J WHICHARD, Editor and Owner,
TERMS: 25 Cents a Month,
Vol. 5.
No. 742
sseeaiine meee ammememndaaaatinainaianen tee sac maint wintenin otennis paeahtninattmreicuntoneee
RB RA Base Ball.
Boston, Mass., May 5"The Bostons
defeated the Philadelphias again today,
the home team bunehing ther
the seventh. Young Stahl distinguish.
ed himseii with the stick. Score.
Boston, 7; Philadelphia, 5.
Pittsburg, May 5."The Pirates and
the Colonels played two games and
split even cn the day. HawleyTs mise
erable work in the first inning and half
was responsible for the loss of the first
game. Hemming was taken out in the
third inning because the home team
game was well played.
jad thuir vppoifents guessing most of
the ime, Score. Firtst game"Pitts-
burg, 8; Louisville 10.
Second game".Pitrsburg, 3; Louis-
The second
Both pitchers
was hitting him
) 9, ville, 2.
STRSE 8B th New York, May 5"New York
EALTMIR EW YORK i Washington game postponcd"-wet
Chicago, May 5"In but on3 inning
were the Colts able to hit Donohue to
advantage, while the Browns had their
bits in
four different innings, finally
on two sin-
gles, a double and ConuorTs tour.h hit,
a triple. St.
Louis 9.
Brooklyn, May 5"Superb_pitcning
by Kennedy, brilliant werk by the
tielders and ability to hit Pond at Op.
portune moments coniributed to a vie-
tory for Brooklyn today. Score. Brook-
lyn, 5; Baltimore, 2,
Cleveland, May 5"The Reds andT
Indians played an interesting game to"
day. Both pitchers did good work.
Score. Cleveland, 2; Cincinnati, 3.
winning out in the niath
Score. Chicago, 7;
Won Lost Per Cent
Baltimore 8 2 800
Cincinnati 7 2 7738
Philadelphia 8 3 727
Louisville 6 3 667
THAT Pittsbaig 5 3 625
New York 4 5) 444
Cleveland 4 6 AYU
Brooklyn 4 7 304
Boston v 6 333
Chicago 3 7 bU0
St. Louis 3 7 300
Washingtoa 2 6 200
lees x"
vay We vv
The Meeting.
There was another very large cone
gregation last night. Rev. B. H. :Mel-
ton preached about oThe Coaversion of
the Three Thousand,� dividing hiz ser-
They donTt cost
er, the sermon and the result.
too much. They
The choir has grown larger and was
placed in rear of the pulpit. This gives
more room in the auditorium, and if
areready to put
without a
on necessary chairs will be placed in the
; i church tonight so no one need stay away
wrinkle. You tor fear of not being able co get a seat:
At tonightTs service *Prof. I. F°
D.wson will repeat the solo,oDiamonds
in the Rough,� by special request.
have seen the
browns, olives, |
The cottage prayer meeting will be
held at the home of Mr. W. R. Parker
Saturday morning at 10:30 oTclock.
green mixtures,
plaids--the swe:l
When you want laundrying done sce
C. B. WaicHarp.
Agent Wilmington* Steam Laundry,
colorings of the
of the season: --
hits in.
vught to resigi.
mon under the subeneadings, the preach- ;
every word that oSecond Ward Voter�
had to say in ThursdayTs RrrLecrorin
regard to the action of their misr¢ pre-
sentative trom that ward, in casting his
he did for Clerk. I think
when any representative of the Demo"
crats cast his vote us be did, we as
D:mocrats have a right to demand his
and want
it at unse. 1 understand that this
Councilman has approached several of
the voters ot the town and asked their
opinion as what he should do, anda
good many, if not all of them, have told
that he
If he will do go all
vole as
resignation and we want it,
him inno uncertain terms
well and govd, but if he will not let us
get up am indignation meeting and force
his resignation.
It 1s better to have no representation
at all on the Board than to have a maa
who so misrepresents us who cleced
him. Wewanta oDemocratT� who is
a Democrat from principal and nota
man who i3 any thing for the dollars
and cents there is in the office.
A Democrat.
Town Council,
The old Board of ~own Councilmen
hald their last regular monthly meeting
Thursday night and transacted the us-
ual business.
Some changes were made in the spe-
@ial tax list as levied a month ago. The
tax sn sales stables was reduced from
$15 to $10; on dogs and goats from $2
to $1; on hotels trom $15 to $7.50; on
restaurants from $2.50 to $2.
S. T. White and H. C. Hooker weie
appointed a committee to settle with
the Tax Collector.
Stemmeries |
When the building just started for B.
Ik. Parham & Co.iscompleted,the Green,
ville tobacco market wi'l have two wel]
The plant of P,
H. Gorman & Co., has already been
and with two good stemmeries in oper
equipped stemmeries.
considerably work in this line,
ation next season the tacilities of the
market will be largely increased.
Pinned a Note on the Door,
The Observer says a Charlotte wo-
mun who wanted to muke a visit betore
her husband went home to dinner, pin-
nec anote on the front dcor telling
him where he could find the key, A
negro read the note, got the key and
ransacked the house,
money and jewelry he could find.
carryin» off what
She Was Surprised. |
oThis is strange !� exclaimed young
Mrs. Torkins.
oTo what do you refer?� asked her
oThe Turkish army captureda Greek
magazin? and found nothing init. I
donTt see what they got it out for it
they didnTt have a tew war articles and
some advertisements in it,
. Somebedy has asked why not nave a
bicycle race here. Well, pony is 68 Wh not ?
we've got them GENTLE
here plenty as
ple at a fair. We
show the. best.
Our nek is complete
os. Lamas
ene. Sa
with all the: latest inT
, White Goods,
Pak ca i MSHS GS,
i alla Git ~ie ot aku cit
Mr. Epirror."I want to endorse
~alleen eters een
Where in them
"=Civilized World
Can | a dollar buy more
poaermeneneinnoeety me
than it . of vs---a full hun-
Wiadred centsT worth of quality.
g Nobby sack and cutaway suit.
of fine cassimeres, tweeds and
worsteds---zood many plaids
that are so fash
lonable and
neat mixed ef-
fects. Color,
quality, makiTe
and fit confi-
g enlly euara-
teed. We ask
you to come
and let us show you some en-
tire new ~veaves---see if we
donTt surprise you.
Seen the Neglige Shirts?
Straw Hats are mere. too.
oA ics. Hopkins Boy.�
Organdies, Swisses, |
Lawns. Dimitys,
Brilliautines, Checks,
Percales, Suitings,
aud Cheviots tor
Waists and Dresses.
Taffeta,Brocaded China
and Grenadine Silks @
in all colors,
Satins, Laces,
{Ribbons and Cniffons
for Trimmings,
A new line of Collars, cuffs and Belts just: re
ceived. Latest things out.
"Gentlemer donTt forget our"
a ee
a company or cor
~ a
-~ bright and warm until Sunday,
i» Delivered in town. by eurriers without
e. We desire a live eorrespondent at
T gery postoffice inthe county, who will
[he DrummerTs License Tax"Inoper-
~ drummers,
yoid Respectfully, drunkenness. One day recently
W. H. Worrs, he had three of the tive voters of
State Treasurer. | "he town in his Court at the same
i Weekly Crop Bulleiin. The raising of peppermint has
: State by generous rains April 30ib
doing no damage, but over the
Sunday after the rain was. very
cool. Tke drought was broken |
by fine showers Friday and Sat.
urday, which thoroughly soaked
the ground, su that prospects for
next week are much better. Cot-
ton is pretty well all planted ex-
g. naar
oEnered as second-class mail matter,
ce cantante atest
Ow ¥ ee
Die ee ss 8.0, (cept in north portion, and a good
he week.i - ~ - ~ -l0jstand is now insured. Oorn|
about all planted and some being
plowed; generally a poor staua
reported; some damage by cut-
worws. Insh potatoes are com.
"====|ing out again. Gardens look
better. Very large shipments of
berries and truck took place this
week. Transplanting tobaccc}
progressing. Some water melons
up and looking well.
eXtra cost.
-~ advertisng rates ave liberal and can be
aad on application to the editor or at
ghe ofiice
~ gend in brief fremé of NEWS as it occurs
fo each neighborhood. Write plainly
gad only on one side of the paper.
caiieninacent tity AOC DAD
so anaeeenatll
lala etieel
era me
Fray May 7, 1897. -
elteiemamnterntanmmnmnare nee nnn
Aurany, N. Y., May 5."Gover-
nor Black stgned the Greater
New York charier today. The
following ia a brief synopsis of
the main provisions of the new
charter: he municipality 18
divided into five boroughs, Man-
hattan, Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens
and Richmond, which are in turn
each sub divided into ~en council
districts. The mayor will be
elected for four years, at a salary
of $15,000 per annum, instead of
for two years at $10,000, as at
present. With the exception of
the comptroller, who will be elec-
ted by popular yots, all municipal
officers will be appointed by the
mayor, Who May remove at will,
during the first six months of his
tenure. There wiil be only one
police force, under a bi-partisan
board of four, as at present. The
department of public works is
abolished, and water supply,
sewer, bridge and street bureaus
will replace it, ~heir heads +o be
appointed by the mayor. There
will be a municipal legislature of
two houses, the council of 18
members elected from designated
districts, and the assembly of five
metubers from each of the 21 sen-
atorial districts in the Greater
New York.
Brooklyn and Long Isiand City
are names no longer on the map,
Greater Now York coyers a ter-
ritory of 3592 square miles, 32
miles long an~! 16 miles widey with
an estimated population of about
force as to the rest. It is not 3,400,000, second in both respects
rational to ascribe (0 the Legis- only 1» Londou, ~Tue first mayo:
lature a purpose to impose a burT) +1) by elected November 2d next.
pen upon a portion of that class
resident within its borders, and
exempt that portion of the same
class who are non resident.
I hold, therefore that Section
51, Revenue Act of 1897, inasmucn
as it cannot apply to all drum-
mers alike as clearly intended, it
cannot apply to any drummers
and is therefore inoperative and
ative and Void.
Section 51, Revenue Act of 1897
provides that oEvery person, firm,
: poration who shall
engage 1D business of selling or
offering for sale by a drummer or
with or witnout sam-
ple, goods, wares oF merchandise
of any description, in this Stale,
shall, before so selling or offering
for sale any such goods, wares OF
merchandise, pay to the State
Treasurer a tax of fifty dollars
($50.00) and obtain a license,
whieh shall operate one year from
its date.�
[tis evident that the General
Assembly, by saying oByery per-
gon, firm, company OF corporation
meant that this tax should apply
to all drummers slike, both for-
eign and resideat. But as the
Supreme courts, both national
and State, have decided that @
State can not tax foreign drum-
mer, therefore this Section is 1n-
operetive and yoid as applied to
foreign drummers. It is further
evident that as the section was
intended to apply to all dium-
mers alike, and can not apply to
foreign drummers, it should not,
and cannot justly apply to resi-
dert drummers. It is, aleo, evi-
T dent that the Legislature intended
to put this tax upon @ class. If
their power fails as to a part of
the class there 18 nO Tea OU to
believe it was intended to be in
aterm eaten wits abea
Current Topics.
ee mt
In Waunetb, a little town in
Kansas, there is a doctor who 1s
proprietor of the drug store, J us-
tice of the Peace and Constable.
He sells the boys liquor, aud
then arrests and fines them for
become a considerable industry
in Southwestern Michigan, where
a large acreage is devoted to its
The week ending Monday, May
grd, was again generally favorable
Northern portion, with light froste |
greater portion of the distriet the| | oThat ,
weather was bright and warm.jin her rela of ~Lady Macbeth.T �
oSay, boy, what did you kick
that dog for?�
oHes mad.�
IS, PresTt.
~ , oe R. L. DAV eG
! cue a em agggeet : oe J. L. LITTLE, CashTe
oThat actress seems absorbed | ., , mn EORGANIZED JUNE 15th, 1896. es
oYes; her manager has to make ) n of G "Pe TT" :
her carry an alarm clock in the ala NJ hw whe YY. 9
sieep-walking scene.�"Chicago GREENVILLE, N. C. -
ae At the Close of Business March 9th, 1897.
ump."Mr. Stoney broke (with | Loans and Discounts $41,761.19 § Capital stock paid in $23,000.00
mock pathos) "oWould you really cane Made ae 133,275 ooh opee Profits 2332.66
; mium : 1,000, eposits subject to Check $5,691.
rob me of my only daughter, Mr-| Due from Banks ped Due to Palts ee pe
Oldrich?� Mr. Oldrich"~oItTs no nto and Fixtures 1,500.00 5 gc Checks ortstunding " 863.34
robbery, sir; you're selling her Gotier Reece ime Certificates of Deposit 800.09
to me!� "Fun. Cash on hand 95,875.38 Total $112,974.50
Total $112,974.50
We study carefully the separate needs of our
5 ly @ nee ir patrons, aud shall be glad to ha
your account, promising every accommodation consistent with good banking oa
oNo, he isnTt mad, either.�
oWell, ifanv one should kick
me 1T& be mad.� "T'ruth.
Mrs. Boardem"How do you
find the chicken soup, Mr.
Boarder ?
Mr. Boarder"I have no diffi-
cuity in finding thesou,, madam,
but Iam inclined to thiak that
the chicken will be able to prove
an alibii"Ricumoud Dispatch.
| ,
Wehavealarge »& |
just arrived. Comeand
gee us.
Mrs. Gray"oItTs positively dis-
gracefu). Black has begun court-
ing again before his dead wile is
hurdiy cold.�
Mr. Gray"oMy dear, I think
you wrong Black. I happen to
know that his wife was cremated.�
"Minneapolis Times- rT, |
oMary had a dreadful experi- (KS HAY ANI FY AR
ence on ber trip to Parnesville.�
| �,� CORB & SON
asked a nice looking young mau
to look for it, and he was 80
dreadfully near-sighted that he
ee on we
eo, ETE
miso ) nn nne
We have u:6 received & new
hearse and the nicovt line of Cof-
fins and Caskets, in weed, metal-
lic and cloth ever brought to
Green\ ills,
_ We a9 preparcc te Jo embalm-
ing in ali ils forw..
Personal atvontion given to con:
ducting fuwerals and bedies en-
trusted to our care will receiye
every mark of respas},
Our prices are jower than ever,
We do not want monupoly but
invite competition.
_ We can be found ak any and all
times in the Jvhn Flanagan
Buggy CoTs building.
oWhy, she got something in
@ UT TP eye ED Rated Sed Dera TERY URES
her eye and it nurt so that she
got so close that his big mustache
tickled her nose co that in trying
not to sneeze right in his face
she burst four bottons off her new
spring jacket,�
~ 9
ems nome forsame price under same guaran«
Mm ty. if you prefer to come here we willcon
oDear me!�"Cleveland Plain | (aay A SPECIALTY cnics 8
Dealer. é Aa onred in 161035 days. You eau ba tieated at
. i's
os rand
fee� tractio pay railroad fareand hotel bills,and
nocharge, if we fail to cure. Ii you have taken mer- |
cury, iodide potash, and still have aches and |
pecs, Mucous Patches in month, Sore Throat, |
imples, Copper Colored Spots, Ulcers on |
any part of the body, Hair or Eyebrows falling
out, it is this Secondary BLOOD POISON
we guarantee tocure. We solicit the most obsti- |
ete Gettmenri cures tite diesate has aiwize |
ree This disease has alwa
batfied the skill of the most eminent phy:
cians. $506,000 capitai behind our uncondi: |
tional guaranty. Absolats proofs sent sealed on |
application. Address COOK REMEDY CQ.,
3027 Masonic Temple. oICAGO, ILL.
Sometime ago, Mr. Joseph
Hatcher, who lives four miles be-
yord Selma, dreamed that he
would soon sleep continavusly
for a period of four days and
nights. Oa Sanday, April 20th,
he went to sleep and slept con-
tinuously until Thursday, the
29:h. During thav time, he was |
never wholly aroused, being only
partially awakened wuen stimu-
lants were administered "Smith-
flold i: erald.
SS es ma
Attention Veterans.
ean ote
The Bryan oGrimes Camp of Pitt
county Coniederate Veterans will meet
af the College grounds near Greenville,
on Wednesday, May 26, 1897, te trans. |
act important business and to arrange
for transportation to the reunion at
Nashville, Tenn., June 22, 23, 24 and
25. Bring your baskets full cf seme-
By order of
BE. A. Mors, Com.
B. F. Suae, SecTty.
thing good,
cultiyation. The English or
black mint has been the chief
crop for several years ; but better
prices ure offered for the Ameri-
can plant, and that is to be the
leader this year. Greater areas
also are to be planted this year
than heretofore.
A farmer of Clare county,
bri Mich,, says the New York Sun,
when it turned cold. The cold|has found that he can increase the
weather following the rain willjegg-laying abilities of his hens
check growth a little, but. the by feeding to them old newspa-
prospects'are now decidediy bet~ pers torn to bits and soaked ~n
~ sour milk until tne whole be-
a pulp, The hens, it is
aid, like-the new..food and the
inventor expects to see almost any
for farm work, but crops made
comparatively slow growth on ac-
count of the drought which was,
however, broken throughout the
and on May Ist. Iua few coun-
ties the rainfall was qaite heavy,
but averaged for the State about
1.50 inches. The week was fairly
bie =) en
Eastern DistRict,-Crops made
yw growth this: week on account
~the dry weather, but farm work
sed fayorably, as gress is
broken spoke. Gestockof 6
* ee ee Ppa
FOR SALE BY | always-on band and gold at pra esti
day one of the freak papers come
ing their yearTs supplies will find
their interest toget our prices befere pu.
chasing elsewhere. Ourstock is coraplei«
n allits branches.
All spokes may break"the
spokes that break the least are ey
the spokes. you want"the-Col-}yrways ar LOWEST MARKET PRICES
umbia bicycle direct spokes.canTt |
easily break"they are almost Tcbacco, Snuff, &e,
we buy diroc} fromT Manufactu,
spokes of certainty"over
} . ° : : 3 br
100,000 mileage without @/1jn, you to buy at one proilt. A eou-
troublesome. ~The early |out with the picture of a hen that
he week was cool in the|8ets type i
On oS ae wera *
o% on a) Oa ne ie a
a a oe
A F ie
ee tric bellsto every room.
AD ad TP tar
Dr. ~Talmages ~The
Earth Girdled.T or his famous tour
around the world, a thrilling story of
savag: and barbarous lands. Four mil-
lion ~almageTs books sold, and **The
Earth Girdled� is his latest and grand-
est. Demand enoromous. Everybody
wants this famous hook, only $3.50. Big
book, big commissions, a gold mine for
worker-. Credit given, freight paid,
onttit iree. Drop all trash and sell the
king of books and make ¢300 a month.
Address for outtit and terri ory, The
Dominion Company, Star Buildiug. Chi-
(CURR. FEI Re ce a Sie YS
Patronuge solicited. Cleaning, Dyeing
and Pressiag Gents Clothes a specialty
Special attention given to cleaving
ane th lll
J. A, Burerss, Mgr.
Washington, N. C,
This Hotel has been thoroughly reno
vated, several new rooms added, elec,
Attentive ser,
vants. Fish and Oysters served daily.
Patronage of traveling puvlic solicited
Male. Academy.
The next session of the s-hool will
open on
qud continue for 10 months.
The terms are as follows.
Primary English per mo.
82 00
Intermediate ~o* ~o o $2 50
Higher oe be os $3 0@:
Languages (each) ~* =o $1 00
Tne work and disclpline of tha aco
noe of your past
a ee a
nee AAR ANDAR PE AO MSI AERATED NRE I eR - an : went ; ae . -_ " " . - - a
ap SN esi RSA Dy i ES . . " so
a = SETI oe
ee eeeeaeteneneeee eee aeeceeneateetnaenceete oe = s
- Pate = een «ae ie Na: RA TA SAREE: TRG SN a ED Ae eR RS n
2 mets SR dee Fae NA SEN
Wester Ja Weng ate Bo
~Cavensso ponedule
{Some quick and bitter words he sad,
S eaemnmeenemendl
~ North ~Carolina is a gravd
State. its physical beauty will
compare fayorably with apy
- And then we pared. » How the sun{ State in the anion. If her moun-
Oated 48 Bh
May#, 3 3
lsvi, Zt
A. 42M. A. M
Leave Weidon | 1. �,�0) 9 24
Ar. Rooyk Mt | 12 62:10 §
Av Tarheoro 12
Ly Rocky Mt | 12 52/1y 6 48
Ly Wilson 2 Ati 6 2
div Selma 2 50
tw FayTtteville) 435) 1 07 q
Ar. Florence 6 58 j
Ge ;
Zi bas {
een en
P.M, A. M
Lv Wilson Z 08 \ uy
dw Gadsboro | 3 10 i 6
Uv Ma, olia 4 16 )
Ar Wilmington § 45 1 9 45
P. M. A.M
Dated Cm) on ce
~May 4th, da Py om
i847, 2 fi aa es
a -
IA. MiP. M. ,
Li kivreres 8 45) é am
LV Fayetteville! 11.16) 9 40!
a eee 12 87 i|
Wilson 1 20/11 35 |
xe a
| ~
a a
A. M. 'PoM.
Ly Wilmington; 9 26 7 00
iv Magnolia | 11.50 8 30
iby. frolds boro 1 0: 26
srSVilsen 1 00 10 27
lw -Larboro 1 42
. natant, | sateen {""- cee
ce| ist
Ox [. =
re rete
, Med | P.M,
uv Wilson 1 4: 10 3z
ArRocky Mt | 2 33 || 15
any pena
Ar Tarboro 490) i "
uv ~Barborc | 1)
Ly Roeky Mu | 2 17| �
Ar Weldon
Prain on Scotia 4 Meck Sraneh Roa
eaves Weldon 4,19 p, m., Halita x 4.58
p.in., arrives Scotland Neck at 5,10 a
w., Greenville 6,57 p, m.. Kinston 7.56 |
in. Returning, leaves Kinston 7.20
a. �"�@., Greenville 8.52 a m. Arriving
Halifix at 11:20 a. m., We'den 11,40; 278 |
daily exeept Sunday.
rains on Washnigton Brauch leave),
Washington 8.20 a, m., and £00 p. m,,
arrives Parmele 9,10 a4. m., aad 4,40 p,
m., Tarbero 9.45 a, m., returpingleaves
Tarboro.2.40 p. m., Parmele 10.20) a. m,
and 6.20 p. m,, " arrives Washington
1L40 a. m.,and 7.20 p. m. Daily. OX-
spt SundayT. Connects with trains on
boetland Neck Branch,
Train leaws car poru, NC, via Albe-
waatle & Kaleigh &. at. daily exe eptoun-
day, at 5 50.p. m., Sunday 463 P.M:
aitive Plymouth 7.4) Pb. M., 6.00 p.m.
Returning saves Plymouth dailpexcept
Sundsy, 7 (002. Mm., Sanday 9.00 a n.,
arrive Tarbore 10.15 sm and 11. 46
Train on Midland N.C, branch Jeaves
Gold3bero daily, except Sundapnet
On arriving Smithtield 7°30 a, m.
tiruing leaves smithtield 8.00 a
tives ut Goldsbors 9.30 a. m.
ee on Latin branch, Florenee R
4, leave Laita-6.40 pm, atrive Due bar
150 pom, Clio 8.05 p m. Returning
Jeave Clioté.1U0 aaa, Dunbar 6.30 a m,
ig Lattz 7.50 am, daily except Sun-
Traia ovClintog Branch leaves War-
awtgr Clinton cadly, except Sauday,
Lou, mand 8.50 p,m: Returning
w7;s J inton at 7.0@a. m. ana8,00 ; m.
Train No, 78 makes close connection!
at. Weldon forall points daily, all rail via
Kichmone, alse at Ravky Mount with!
Norfolk and Carolina K for Noniolk
ne all points North vie Norfolk,
i General. Supt.
T, M. EMERSON, 'raf'2 Manager,
J. R. KENLY, Gep") Metrger.
| The Only. E £ Ive-Dollar Daly
its Cla 2 tnthe State © a
, t dapat b
Ww mA
| Swam through the sul'en mist of gray!
| A chill fell ou the summer day,
tains are rot covered perpetually
with the byantifal snow, they are
clothed in a gorgeous drapery
which ple: ses the eye and fasci-
nates the soul. Her rivers ure
deep and navigable, aud abonnd
in every species of fish from the
mountain frout to the low land
pike. The hills and mouotain
sides of Nortn Carolina are full
ot iron, coal, gold and other met-
LiteTs best and happiest bours were
done ;
Friendship was made.
How proud we went our separate oays,
And spake no word and made no
moat !
She braided up her flowing hair,
That I had always called so fair,
Although she scorned my lovinjy tone,
My word of praise. als so essential to ~~he proaperity
And 1! 1 matched her seoon with|@ad happiness of mankind. The
scorn, soil of North Carolina is adapted
to the cultivation of all kinds uf
grains and vegetables, and cotton
aud tobacco can te raised here
with the greatest degree of suac-
cess. The grand old State lies in
the very heart of the great tem-
perate zone, and thersfore we
have ove of the finest climates cn
the face of the globe. Qur atmos"
phere is pure, sweet, eoft and
I hated her with all my heart,
Until"we chanced to meet one day ;
She turned her pretvy head away ,
I saw no pretty tear-drops start,
Lo! love was born, .
Some fo:.d repeutiny word I said,
~She enswered only with a sigh ;
Bat when I wok diet hand in mine
A radiaut glory, bait divi.e,
Flooded the carth und filled the sky"
Now we are wed. . - ar
with his harp and violin, can
ulmost ifmagine thas the gentle
A Pcculiar Accidens
Tuesday afternoon Mr. Hamp-
ton Hilbieth. who Jiyes near the
Cason Old Field, Guiledge town-
ship, suffered a.peculiar and_ to
him, painful aceident. He iad
both barrels of bis gun he:vily
loaded and was in his cora field
hanting crows. He carried the
gun on his leit arm cocked ard as
he was ia the act of throwing it to
him as he wends his way over the
never forget to throw their cents
way-faring man who may be as
gram as tho grizuly bear he leads
key who smokes the pipe and
balmy, aud the wandering Italien 5
zepbyrs of Italy are blowing upon | SX
hills and cCales of fair Carolina)T
and discoarses his native soigs |:
and melodies to the people who/*
ard nickles into the hands of the|:
around, and as filthy as the mon-|$
Cotton ang Peanut,
| . :
Below are Norfolk prices of cotto FROM dali; oby ' Low
and pewnuis for yesterday, as furnished
oe oy kes fe Commission Mer- Cal faa ry
ohants of Norfolk .
TTON. cf eae
Good Middling: 78 Roth are such deste nila: ob 2
peagt Ens I] jective points for a Winter
Abily Ae Ne trip that itTs perhaps bad for
Good Ordinary 6 13-16 devida wu
Tone"1irm. yoo to eCiC ew ere to go, ah.
ie PEANUTS. : :
nie 2
Extra Prime » | Let us Help You to
�"�aney ee / ooo
Spanish 60 to 7: |&@ Decision,
. A trip via New Orleans acid
the Scathern Pacific to eithor
Greenville Market. Mexico or ne oe Coast is
Corrected by S. M, Schultz. one you will never forget.
Butter, per lb 14 to 26 5
Wester Sides ; 15 tu 6 It Ss} a Transition from
Sugar cured Hams 0 to 324
Sorn 40 to At Frost to F lowers.
Corn Meal 45 to #0
Flour, Family 4.25 to §.75 Ap ad the ser vice is SQ. ices le.
an a a ous that people who have
Sugar Stot tested oSuneet Limite i� cain
Cotfee 17 to 20 it incomparable,
Salt per Sack 76 tol i
Chickens 10 to:
~inane oto ~6 Ifyouare Thinking 0. of
on: WE DAE o| Going, Write Us.
We have a book� entithd :
oThrongh Siorviand to San-""
sot Saas,� ahandsome volume "
of 205 pages, fully illustrated, ©
which we will send on reéeint
: of 10 centsin stamrs te cover
i postage. We also have a de-
PRACTICAL lighiful little guide to Mexi-
which we will send on
receipt of 4 cents to cover
cot of mailing,
You Really Ought to
Read them Both...
Shallewe pat you down for »
copy! Tf ro, or if you want
any special information, it
SOP al ee elt
Offers his services to the : ,
�,�© citizens of Greenville and the
Se public general
public generally.
) Spouting and Stove Work,
barrels were accidentally
charged simultaneously. When
jit was discharged the butt of the
manufaeturing siaTe, and when
civilized world that the old North
State is keeping pace with the!
advancing civilization and prog-
ress of the world"Fair Bluff
that member and-eutting 4 severe
gash in one of his cheeks."
Wadesboro Messenger.
~ena rainen ot erpnepnntnpnnigetinnentattat meena en eed
Deputy oSheriff Woodey and
Jolin Gregg, of Yancey county,
one ns
Newvern is erecting a tobacco
Monday. arrested Will Rey in,
McDoweli county. After the ar-{ warehouse 90x150 feet.
| rest all the parties got drunk. A ""
~dispute arose, and Ray, who was} Williaa Lasier had his ri,ht
his shoulder to shoot a.crow bovh | eellects the fare. North Carolina | 4
die-j{is just developing into a greut |
the present financial crisis passes | 40
gun was just opposite Mr. Hil-| uwev as a thick cloud, modern};
brethTs tace and it okicked� him/looms and more ponderous
squarely on the nose, breaking! machinery will tell the whole
a specialty.
Satisfaction guaranteed or ;
no charges made. ~Tobacco
Flues made in season. Shop ¢
) intear of 5 and 10 cent store. 5
will be cheerfully fornished
hy addressing,
S. F.B. MORbE,
General Passenger and Ticket
Agent, :
You may never,
But should you ever}@==..
Want Job Printing
ay Come to see us, a
handcuffed, called Gregg a Jiar,/ arm drawn in by the machinery
Gregg struck Rey on the head | a the kailting mill, at Roanoke
with a gun, killing him instautiy.; Ripids, Mhursday, and vomplete-
Gregg escaped. | ly eat off he also sustaimed a
. fracture of the skull.
, |
¢ 5
¢ :
se 20+ Falls
ABSOLUTELY GUAR ANTRED to te care any enveot gountipation. Cascarets are the Ideal Laxa-
ple and booklet free. Ad. STERLING REMEDY C0., Chicaco. Montreal, Can, or Ney tee ~
iain SEE THAT? i
nhuvzsa What Is It? hha
Itis a picture ot tae celebrated = "
Best in use, The outfit ot: noT business man i
: complete PaERos one.
An npn : ¥ , ra
: Ree a tb Pat alin
F Be on i y, o SI TIII IS I eusy WHE-S Fig a ya ee
Anything from Ga.
Visiting Card
""TO A "~.
E'wull Sheet RPosier, ~
Ae einem niet
boa lahieetee eee ed
ems are we
The Daily Reflector.
Gives the home: news:
every afternoon at the 4
small price of 25 centsT ons
month. Are you a 'sybeot -
scriber? If not you"
ought to be. peices
pourra le
t aboov
bp Reha |
- bata! an :
ni shed or
The Eastern Reflector. wsriean 018 a
| 11) Je losesom
is onlyT $1 a ey
contains the i y
week, and oMats
tion toT ~the fa
specially thostn
phon rescnaee Ne:
Gat glass ALLS tre
fet 7 7 ft if ty
+ 5
tobacco, t thatg 894 ps gto.
ing ea? Ty fs) an ut igs ;
puedo ret) JLT
the's MV Y nHice Migs nS
_ We want that money
_because we have a fair
equivalent to offer for
it. Our goods are the
right kind atthe right
We havejustreceived
a new stock ofths Cel-
ebrated and Famous
for Menand Boys, inall
tae newest shapes and
colors, for Spring and
Summer. Our Ox bloods
are beauties. Every
pair guaranteed.
A beautiful line of sty-
G.glise, neat, durable
and elegant
- tor ladies, fresh from
~the factory made speci-
~allytor us, The latest,
~newest, nobbiest and
| prettiest styles.
RememberT we have
_also received anew sup-
ply of
Bist a perfect substi-
ute for Linen, only 10
cents per yard: oneyard
wide, the cheapest and
best thing meade _ for
. &mbroidery and
Drawn Work.
Beautiful, fancy
Neatandnice. Just the
thing to please the
Hamper Baskets, Fan-
cy Work, Scrap, Key
and To Baskets. Come
to see them.
We can please both
you and your purse.
- brings us something
- newand just the, thing
you want.
Come and inspect our
- Mammoth Stock of Dry
- Goods, Notions, Shoes,
Hats, Gsctorias: Hard-
ware, Crockery, Furni-
ture and House Fur-
nishing Goods. the
are Mosirable new an
heart cheering.
Beautiful Hall Racks
just Feceived,
ember we oper-
eonie of tar, |
om sentemnaene
| Creates many a new business,
onlarges many an old business,
Preserves many a large business,
Revives many a dull business,
Rescues many a lost. business,
Saves many a failing business.
Secures success to any business
columns of t. Rev LECTOR.
O_o sais
Passenger aad mat trai going
Nerth, arrives 8:52 A.M: Going South,
arrives 6:57 P. M.
S:vamer Tar River arrives from Wash-
ington Monday, Wednesday and Friday
leaves for Washington Tuesday, Thure-
day and saturday
Fair tonight and Saturday, warmer
But There 1s Much to be Picked Out
of Them.
It is getting dry ¢ gain.
Chopping out cotton is in order.
Roses are blooming in abundance.
The days are now nearly 14 hours
Cheap Baby Carriages, at S. M.
The weather is showing a tendency
to get warmcr,
Straw hats are recovering from th®
effects of the frost.
Dull times or co dull times, houses
keep going upin Greegville.
Time for snakes, But some folks
can see them any time oT yearT
The leaves on tle trees are said to
obtain their full growth by May 10th.
Tne Goldsboro Headlight will appear
us a uaily morning edition next weck.
Nice lot uf fresh HeckerTs Prepared
Buckwheat just in at J. S. TunstallTs,
Lemonade, Milk Shakes and other
summer drinks at StarkeyTs.
oSilver Dollar� Fountain Pen, Fark
er make, at Reflector Book Store.
Corned Shad and Herrings tor sale
at Steamboat wharf, J.J. CHERRY.
Mr. Ed. Hoyt, an aged and promi-
nent citizen ot Washington, died
Next Monday is Memorial Day, but
there is seldom any observance of it in
Turkey in Europe, Turkey in Asia,
as the geographies have it, and now
Turkey in Greece.
There is no present indication that
much baseball fever will prevail in
o ly ~ every day MGreenville this season.
The Rerrector thanks J. T. Moore
for an invitacion to the closing of Beth-
el Academy, June 4th.
For SaLe."A fine road horse with
good qualities. Will be sold cheap for
Frankfort Pork Sausage just received
a' 10 cents per pound.
- Wilmington papers report the city
fall of visitors attending the Southern
Baptist Convention.
Mrs. J. §. Tunstall & Co. told 48
hats on Thursday, ~That was a fine
millinery trade for one cay.
ay? ing ot houses going on over there.
p-ice for the staple rext fail.
To oadvertise judiciousiy,�T use tne
"Keeping Censtentiy at it Brings Soecess | toaay
Forbestown is getting to look like a] p44 Bye tao Greville nd. Robert
new section of the town, so much] Burns trom: Ww
OWhle indications are that a large cot- Nortofk ey Pee the: 20th mal
| |ton! trop has been planted. We are| ing odnibediin! Pabntele! weld Sra
atraid that means a very disappointing for Greenviljeg Yonrs tzuly, 0 G0}
J. R. Davis, of Farmville, was bere
R. R. Cotten
evening from Raleigh.
Mrs. H. L. Staton, of Tarboro, is ac
visiting at Hotel Macon.
Mrs. J. H. Blount retur.ed Thurs"
day evening from Tarboro.
F, T. Carr, one of the Commissinn-
ers of Greene county, was in town
Mrs. Bettie Moseley .ia visiting her
Stephen Nobles came over wich her.
Even the crack pugilist is sometimes
~The safe robber usualiy blows in his
Even the girl addicted to mathemat~
es may have s. bad figure.
Even the narrew-mirded man
som times develops a case of big head.
We caught two new fathers at the
same time looking at beby carriages at
the store of S. M. Schultz not many
days ago,
The Fayetteville Observer says a
well-to-do farmer has offered a friend
in that city $100 to induce some pretty
woman to become his wife.
* . f a
returned oe
Popt ar Goods, |
; Popular Prices. ;
: Popular Peo
Thea Get Tickets at the CaptainTs ie I 3 4 J : : :
foe he
i e's
daughter Mrs, J.W. Brown, Master| LIS week a wonderful showing of wonderful
values in new and beautitul lines of
money. Lappet Mulls, Swiss Mulls, Lattice Lawns,
Scotch Dimities, French Jaconets, Linen
Batiste, Plaids, Percales,Ginghams,Calicoes
Spring-Summer Footwear.
We have styles and shapes cheaper than you
ever bought them before.
Emporium of Spring Fabrics.
In the multitude of other matters to }
look the fact that Greenville needs a
steam fire engine.
Mr. J. S. Jenkins is carrying cne
hand in a sling. He went tw hitch up
his horse and catching his index finger
by W. H. Long, B. F. Tyseo, L. I.
) W. HIGGS, Pres,
J. S. HIGGS, Cashier
Representing a Capital of More Tian a Halt D.
Mittion Dollars,
Wm. T. Dixon, President National
in the bridle snap almost tore the finger} Exchange Bank, Baltimore, Had.
off, The Scotland. Neck Bank, Seotland of firms, individuals and the general
Neck, N. C. :
Noah Biggs, Seotland Neck, N. C.
The buildings occupied as haw offices PR. Fund, Pactolus. N.C.
Greenville, N..C.
ed on application.
Maj. WENRY HARBING, AssTt Cashier,
think abous our people should not over- | TH E G REENVI LLE BANK
W. Hardee niggs bros.
We respectfully solicit the accounts
Checks and Account Books. furnish
Moore, Jarvis & Klow and F.G. James! =
are being given a new dress of paint.
It improves the appearance of thirgs on
lawyersT row,
Asking Too Much.
Senator Butler and the Poy. Con-
vressmen from this State have sent out
a letter warning the Pops. against
Harty Skinner, and not to be caught
viiu tug bais wf Government. offices: Sif
We lmagine tue effect this will have on
tne Pop. who sees achace of getting a Na
hunk ot pie" Wilmington Star.
To Raisethe Tobacco Tax.
The new tariff bill reported to the
Senate makes some raidical changes in
regaid to tobacco. The revenue on
manufactured tobacco and snuffis raised
from 6 to 8 cents per pound and on
cigarettes from 50c. te $1.00 per
We are hreating
Our line of WHITE GOODS was never:
better. We are showing white Silks,
white Satins, white Organdies, white Mulls,.
white Lawns, white Swiss, white Cash-
mere, white Ribbens, white Kids, white
Slippers, white Hose, white Fans, white
Belts, white Corsets, white Parasols, white
Curtains,. white Laces and many other
white articles too numerous to mention.
LangTs Cash House.
"Train will leave" -"
-"the morning oi"
Wednesday, May 19th,
connecting at Parmele with train from
Greenville. Parties at Greenville, and
points between Greenville and Parme-
ie, con cecure there remarkably low
rates by paying local fares to Parmele
and there buying excursion " ticket.
~There will x wne of the greatest race
meets ever held in Virginia 1n progress
wher this excursion reaches Norfolk
and three of the fastesc horses ot this
section are ontered, Lucy Ashby and
jashington.:T Parties will
have halt of the Sty on re 19th and
half of the, Sire
| OT. CORDON!" jo
For the balmy April breeze
Tells the suliry aays are nigh
When we linger Tneath the trees,
And our throats are hot and dry,
Then ShelburnTs soda fount
Fattens up his bank account.
When sweet spring across the hills
Sets the prisoned flowTrets free;
When the babbling of the rills
Joins with song birdTs symphony ;
Then, it seems to us, we ouchter
Turn our thoughts to soda-water.
| mR
isi pa Heavy. and Fancy Groceries.
~always find fresh Bread, "
: sand Cakes i Candies, Fruits, Nuts fis
Materials; anda nice line
Oi Heavy and'Fancy Groceries. Oall and se0.