Daily Reflector, April 22, 1897

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

0.J WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.


oTERMS: 25 Cents a Mont

Vol. 5.


beh a. 4.9.
ae ae? ee @@s

back from the

Northern |
~ Markets

line of


such as}


Fancy Nainso ok,


White Lawns,
Lace Curtains,

Val. Laccs,

Call and see for



We are now |
- yeady with



Swell business
suits, three-but-
ton sack, colors


brown, green, 3
orays, In plaids 3

and over plaids,

Clothing at a
quick "_seiling
profit. That is

© jow prices for
6 you. We are x
© hustling for bus- &

iness and get-

RIF. P. Wooten.
Ps need." J. A. Rood.
;| pastor and people ?"G. L. inch.

~| Hilliara.

Spe | Man.

Pe | Vice.
ei. W. Powell.

: What shall be done with them ?"W.
y V. Savage, F. P. Wooten.

QP | to its young people."N. BR.

:| meeting.

Sl lecture oBeyond the Alps Lies Itaiy�
; lin the Court louse here Friday night,
OP | under the auspices of the KingTs Daugh

QR + ters.

Op says.
3% | wild fire throughout the land, and the

lina city or town draws hundreds of
:lliterary inclined people to hear this
Op | wondertul and rema'kable geulusT�

2 i,
| Store.

» | cvived.
~yp | fall and was found by two young lady
3% |cyclists passing the same road. Dr-

| Pendleton is a son of Mrs, V. L, Pen-

and checks. os
Our business Ts P4
crowing, We 3
know the secret
ItTs well-made

o learn of his injury.

Of the Tar River Union to be Hela

With Memorial Church Greenville
May 27-30.

8:00 P. M. Introductory sermon."


9:30 A. M. Praise service.

Our town churches"What they

What relations should exist between

5:30 P. M: Prayer and Praise.

Baptists and Education"E, E.

The mission of the Church to the
World."R. T. Vann.

8:00 P, M. Sermon."J. O. Alder-

9:30 A. M. Prayer and Praise ser-

Our Orphanage."J. O. Alderman,

Non working church members"

2:30 P. M. Prayer and song.
Question Box."Conducted by R. T.

8:00-P. M. The Duty of a Church


o =

9°30 A. M. Sunday school.
11:00 A. M. Sermon."R. T, Varn.
3:00 P. M. Sunday school mass

8:00 P. M. Sermcn "W. V. Savage.
Greenville, N. C.

Henry Biount Coming.
Henry Blount will deliver his famous

The Fayetteville ( Ark.) Republican
oHis reputation is spreading like

mere announcement of his appearance

Tickets on sale at WootenTs Drug
Reserved seats 35, general ad"
mission 25, children 15. The lecture

will begin at 8:30 oTclock.

A Serious Accident.

Dr. A. S. Pendleton was seriously
hurt, a few days ago, while riding a
bicycle between Roanoke Rapids and
Weldon. He was riding + long the canal
bavk and ran off, fallins a distance of
15 feet on some rocks. His hip was
broken, two fingers dislocated, wrist
| sprained, and some other injuries re~
He lay unconscious after the

dleton, of Warrenton, and has many
friends in Greenville who will regret to



~Thomas Sawyer, of Camden. is the

father of 21 children"ihe oldest born
60 years ago, the youngest two years

The statement that the Parmele-Ec"

cleston lumber mills at Jacksonville,


Alex. Strickland plowed up aa nest
of young rabbits a few days agoand took
them to the house as a feast for the
cit. But the cat took the little rabbits
into her nest of kittens and isT caring
for little rabbits and little kittens alike.
" Scotland Neck Commonwealth.

day morning in South West township.
Mr. Ciay Hood threw a large piece of
wood out of a wagon, when the four
year old son of Mr. Will Tyndall ran
from behind a pile ot shingles and un"
der the wood as it was falling. It
crushed the childTs head, killing him
instantly." Kinston Free Press.


Eorror REFLECTOR :"Thanks to
oW.� for calling the attention of the
Superintendent of the convict gang t®
the needs of the roads from Great
Swamp to Grindle Creek. It is evi-

~dent these roads have merit and few

hands to work, but oW.� is very much
inerror when he says the roads two}
miles around Greenville ~are good.
They ure simply dreadful in some sec-
tions. ~The Tarboro road on the south
side ot Tar River is in very bad condi-
tion. ~I'he road oppusite the home of
Col. Sugg has been, and is now almcst
inpassable, and unless the overseer of
the road, or some other means are in-
voked, there will be some calamitous
accisent sooner later. No objection to
having the convict gang do as much as
possible to relieve the county of cost
and do the roads good, but they can do
much gocd work near town for quite a

while yet and at less cozt. Xx.

Race Given Up.

The race here Wednesday afternocn
between Mary Leg, owned by Suth &
Hooker, and Robert Burns, owned by
Dr. S.'T. Nicholson, of Washington,
could not be carried out to the finish.
Froia sume cause Mary Lee became
unmanageable and behaved so badly on
the track that at the end of the third
heat her owners went before the judges
and gave up the race to Robert Burns.
They are both good horses and lovers
of the sport had anticipated a fire

Beautiful Glassware,

Louis ~f. Kny has on exhibition at
the store of W. C. Hines & Co. a beau-
tiful display of Bohemian ruby glass
ware in many different designs, which
he is offering for sale at very reasonable
prices. Mr. Kny is an expert engraver
and puts any name desired on the arti-
cle purchased without extra cost.

Dintus, Lams

"_ gaia eceein ee ebb



3 Our stockfis complete with all the latest in

hi ~ Got


EI. 3S HOOKER & co

the largest in the State, would be re- After selecting from the hana-
g b

moved to Georgia, turns out to be an some line of Imported Fabrics

shown by ws.

A distressing accident occurred Mon- h eig ht of f ashion.

1 Will Look Ui


Our line of fl : |


for. spring and summer is the

We want you all to inspect
this stock of Clothing it will

surely pay you.
See Ga

Dress Goods, Shoes.

pt he ¥)

~~ ~~. ° =
is superb and your inspestion issinvited.



We have it and want you to have it and wo d
this we are offering special bargains in

~" Men and Boys"w


if we canTt fit you in stock we have a beautt
ful line of samples just received and will mak

you a suit.


and anything you want in the Dry Goods line
at prices, that willisurpriseyy Ou; |



avery po
. gand in

pu only on one side of the paper.

oo Mane

) Maine.



odpe red as second-class mail matter.

n Niniemenaneearr anata rnc iter te



~ Ore year, eee te . $3.00
~Ou mou * + * «+
Gate 8 et Ne

~Pelivered in town by, carriers without

, esrn cost.

- Advertisng rates are liberal and can be
had on app! cation to the editor or at
the office

We desire a live correspondent at
postoflice inthe county, who will
brief items of NEWs as it occurs
Write plainly

each neighborhood.



TuurspayY, APRIL 22, 1897.

Speakers cf Congress.

me ae

The following are the speakers
of the House of Represontatives
from the First Congress to the
present time:

First Congres"F.A.Mullenburg
of Pennsylvania.

Second"Jonathan Trumbull, of

Third"F. A. Mullenburg.

Fourth and Fifth"Jonathan
Dayton, of New Jersey.

Sixth"Thomas Sedgwick,

Seventh, Eighth and Ninth"
Nathaniel Macon, of North Caro-
lina. :

Tenth and Eleventh"Joseph B.
Varnum, of Massachusetts.

Twe'fth, Thirteenth, Fourteenth
Fifteenth and Sixteenth"Henry
Clay, of Kentucky.

Seventeenth"Philip B. Barbour
of Virginia.

Righteenth"Henry Clay.

Nineteenth"John J. Taylor, of
New York.

| wentieth, Twenty-first, weaty-
second, ~I'wenty-third"Andrew
Stevenson, of Virginia.

Twenty-fourth"John Bell, of

Twenty-tifth and Twenty-siath
"James K. Polk, of Tennessee.

Twenty-seyonth " R. M, T.
Hunter, of Virginia, and John
White, of Kentucky.

Twenty-eighth"John W. Jones,
of Virginia.

Twenty-pinth"Joha W. Davis,
of Indiana.

Thirtieih"Robert C. Winthrop,
of Massachusetts.

Thirty-first"Howell Cobb, of

Thirty second avd Thiriy-third
"Linn Boyd, of Kentucky.

Thirty-fourth ~" Nathaniel
Banks, of Massachusetts.

Thirty-fifth"James C, Orr, of
South Carolina.

Thirty-sixth"Wm. Pennington,
of New Jersey.

Thirty-seventh " Galusha
Grow, of Pennsylvania.

Thirty-eighth, Thirty-ninth and
Fortieth"Schuyler Colfax, of

Forty -first, Forty-second and
Forty-third"James G. Blaine, of

_ Forty-fourth--Michael ©. Kerr.
of Indiana.

Forty-fifth and Forty-sixth"




Samuel J. Randall, of Pennsylva-

nla. :
- Forty-seventh"J. W. Keifer, of

Forty-eighth, Forty-ninth and
Fiftieth"John G. Carlisle, of

Fifty-firet-"Thomas B. Reed, ot

-Fifty-secend and Fitty-third"
R. Onisp, of Georgia. |
y-for oi ond Md plea

© San ry 100, box ot cascaret, tne}

vil bowel eg ae evke

4 eming wives. a TE ww WATIOWAL aya. i R. L. DA vis, PresTt. - & ©
oBeh for = . " R.A, TYSON, Vr oe JL. LITILE. Cash's,
ft : a é GANI thy 18 . J
* dipnets are. plenty of women in| My ofc, tis of thee" eer. ee Gc fossa gute 15 ae oa
Oregon now,� observed a promi- awe place of rest for me,
nent Oregon politician, who is Ot thee T sing! The Bank of Greenville,
hereto see that the Stateisnot| Place that my father filled ;

forgotten in the way of patronage
obut it is within the memory of
many of us when women were
very scarce there. We gave it
out that we wanted them for
school teachers and the like, and
encouraged them to come out
there, but the truth was the men
wanted them for wives. I remem-
ber once we sent a young man to
Massachueetts, where he was
wel! acquainted, with orders to
collect 100 young women and to
escort them back to Oregon. We
guaranteed every one of them one
yearTs employment. The active
man in the matter was 4 fine
looking young map,who afterwara
served two terms in Congress
from our State. He spent two
months in selecting the party and
started West with them. On the
trip out he courted one of the
school teachers on his own hook
and actually got her convent to a
marriage on the arrival of the.
train at Portland. The boys
howlsd considerably about it,
claiming that he had treated
them unfairly in having first
choice, but there was a lot of fine,
marriageable material left. Some
of those women are today the
'eading ladies of thé society of
the State. More than three-
fourths ot the hundred were mar-
ried inside of three years and
many in less than one year. A
few of the lot, however, are
teaching school there today, not
that they did not have any offers,
but becauce they would not
accept any of the fellows who
offered themselves. Now that
Senator Mitchell has about gziven
up his contest to return as Sena-
tor, he will likely be succeeded
by a gentleman who married one
of the party of school teachers to
which I refer. He will bring his
wife here with him, and your
Washington folks can see for
themselves the kind of ladies we
had out there for school teachers.
Tnoy canTt,be surpassed, eyen if
equalled, anywhere. I may be
an interested person, though, for


""- LATS

ability simply marvelous. Accord-
ing to this gentlemanTs statement,

with a toy piano on her fast

wife, doing some house cleaning,
had occasion to remove the little
piano and several
furniture to the yard. Prince
amused Liwself by jumping up
on the chairs, and finally touched
the piano keyboard by accident.
He pricked up his ears at the
sound produced, and with one
paw tapped the keys lightly. | gpeseeseece
Atter a few minutes he seemed to | ;
have mastered the keyboard, and | ¢
began to play an air, slowly but |

listener at once recoguized as
oHome, Sweet Home.� That | ~
evening when the Kensingtonian

affair, and Prince was brought in | ¢
and placed before the piano. He | 4
not only repeated his performance |
but played bars of several popular | ¥
airs. The Kensington man is
having a frame made to support
PrinceTs weight, so that he may
have both forepaws free, and is
confident that in a short time the

the air but will also play his own

When bilious or costive, eat a Cas�"�

it happens that my wife was o e ye
of the party.�"Washington Star. (;

A Kensington man who is noted | 4
ior his veracity, is the owner of aj %
dog named Prince, which exhibits | 6
an amount of intelligence and],

his little daughter was presented : 5

birthday. A few days ago his|%

articles of|%

distinctly, which the astonished |

returned home his wife related,the | §

dog will not only be able to play

Place where much time is killed"
Sweet place, tor which ITm biiled,
Ot thee I sing!

I love thy cozy nooks"
All thy big salary b oks,
Thy pay rolls long;
All thy cool hours of ease,
All thy red tapestries,
Come now, my soul to please"
Come right along!
"Atlanta Constitution
nr od
What Pleases Her.
Is pleases her to be called a
sensible little woman.
It pleases her to be called a
well dressed woman.
It pleases her to be told that
she 1s fascinating.
-It pleases her to be told that
she improves a man by her
It pleases her to depend on
some man and pretend she is
ruling him.
lt pleases her to be treated
courteously and with respect, and
to be tulked to reasonably.
It pleases her to be treated
sensibly and honestly, to be
consulted and questioned, and not
to be treated asa batterfly, with
no head nor heart.
It pleases her to be loved ard
admired by aman who is strong
enough to rule and subdue her
and make his way her way; to
lead Ler and take care of her.
pensar cem |
A Housshoid Necessity.
Cascarets Candy Cathartic, the most
wonderful medical disvonery of the age,
pleasant and retreshing to the taste, act
gently and positively on kidneys, liver
nd bowels, cleansiag the entire sys tem

dispel colds, cure headache, tever, ha"
bitual constipation and __ biliousness.
Please buy and try a box of C. C. C
today; 10, 25, 54 cents, Sold

guaranteed to cure by ail druggists.



When bilious or cori*79, eat a Case
caret, candy cathartic, cure guaranteed
10c, 20¢




Offers his services to the 2
citizens of Greenville and the ¢
public generally.

S© =Spouting and Stove Work,
a specialty.
Satisfaction guaranteed or Gps
no charges made. ~Tobacco

Bp a
40 Flues made in season. Shop
ae imrear of 5 and 10 cent store.



, Portraits 3

2a Oo

RS. T. E. HOOKER and

have opened an~ }


and solicit orders for Cray- %


~ All work executed by hand: i
Portraits made life size §
and will not fade. a
Specimens Sag work on ex-

| hibition at J. L. WootenTs
% Drug Store, segues orders |

"" SE EE,
~ . a,

can also be left. Prices of
~ too. furnished on "s

; ¥ at

ton. a

haba candy cathartic, cure coeaipar Ps:

on = -~ \ "a
», 8 . -

» on Portraits. Ri


Atjthe Close cf Business March 9th, 1897.

Loans and Discounts $41,761.19 Capital stock paid in $23,000.00
Over Drafts 133,275 $ Surpius and Profits 2,332.66.
Premium on Stock i, 000. 09 $ Deposits subject to Check 85,691.14
Due from Banks 38,567.544 Due to Bauks 1232.36
Furniture and Fixtures A 500.003 Cashiers Checks ontstanding 863.34
Current Expenses '9g5.52 ; Time Certificates of Deposit 355.00
Cash Items 2,652.12 a ""
Cash on hand 25,875.38 Votal $112,974.50

Total $112,974.50

We study carefully the sepatate needs of our patrons, and shall be glad to have
your account; promising every accommodation consistent with good banking, .:¢;


arge @



just arrived. Comeand


1.0. CORD & Ov.

cavemen }eomenenian




exevensnn () ccnoneereenn

We haye just received & new
hearse and the nicest line of Cof-
fins and Caskets, in weed, metal-
lic and cloth ever brought to
Green\ ille.

We aie prepared to Jo embalm-
ing in ah its forms.

Personai aivention given to con.
ducting fuwerals and bedies en-
trusted to our care will receiye
every mark of respect.

Our prices are lower than ever.

We do not want monopoly but
invite con petition.

We can be found at any and all
times in the John Flanagan
Buggy CoTs building.


ondary orser.
tiary BLOOD POISON permancntl;
cured in 15t035 days. You can be treated at
home forsame price under same guaran:
4 ty. Ifyou prefer tocome here we willcon:
tractto pay railroad fareand hotel bills,ang
nocharge, if we fail to cure. [f you have taken mer-
cury, odide pots ash, and still have aches and
e ains, Mucous Patches in mouth, Sore Throat,
imples, Copper Colored Spots, Ulcers on
any part of the body, Hair or Eyebrows fallin
out, it is this Secondary BLOOD POISO®
we gussantee to cure, We solicit the most obsti-«
news oa ee picteoa te se world for a
otcure. This disease has alwa
baffled the skill of the most eminent ph yale
cians. alae capital behind our uncondie
tional guaranty. Absolute Sprooi ren sent, pegaled on
application. Address COOK RE ho
803 Masonic Tempie. CH (GAGO.T ILI. :


SOLI�"�: :


Talmages ~The

earth Girdled,� ~or his famous tour
around the world, a thrilling story of
savage and barbarous lands. Four mil-
lon TalmageTs books sold, and *oThe
Earth Girdled� is his latest and grand-
est. Demand enoromous. Everybody
wants this famous hook, only $3.50. Big

book, big commissions. a gold mine for
workers. Credit given, freight paid,
outtit tree. Drop all trash and sell the
king of hooks and make #300 a month.
Address for outfit and terri ory, The
{ominion Company, Star Buildiug. Chi-






ing their yearTs supplies will tind
their interest to get our prices befere pu.
chasing elsewhere. Ourstock is coraplete
un allits branches.



Tobacco, sr~ f&c,

we buy diroc) from Manufactu... 3 en
ling you to buy at one proilt. A eou-

cle stock of | 7 ie
Oa cetyres and ribo phar sit
a. M ac ter



Patronage solicited. Cleaning, Dyeing
and Preesing Gents Clothes a svecialty




| Special attention given to cleaning
~Gentlemens Clothing

J. A, BureEss, Mer.
Washington, N. C

This Hotel has been thorougiily reno ©
vated, several new oooms added, elec,
tric bellsto évery room. «attentive ser
vants. Fish and Oysters served dailyT
Patronage of traveling puvlic solicited�


ale Academy,

The next session of the school will
open ony

MNDAY SEPT. 7, 18%

qnd continue for 10 months.

The terms are as follows.

Primary English per mo. $2 00
Intermediate~ ~o o $2 50
Higher ae atti $3 00
Languages (each) ** ** f $1 00

Tne work and disclpline of the school
will be as heretofore. L

We ask a continuance of your pa




eo cg : it ene - Jains : : e . 7 . : } i f ;
a ¢ -au3N .. RB} Your best judgment requires | A Fat Curzituck.an, | Cotton and Peanut, Fide
oe o ~ "_"- ; Below are Norfolk prices of cotto.
ND BRANCH KS. ue you:'to make an immediate pro 1 | at | #24 pennurs for yesterday, as furnished
4 [visions for. vour family. : The Ehzabeth City Feouomist| 5, cobb Bros. & Commission Mer:
cauensed beneda e Jis increased in value at once. oCurrituck is a great county: 1i| Goog wiadling 74; Both are such. desirable ob
ue : was the Kyystone of the Demo-| Mildlin it jective poiuts for a Winter
TRAINS GOING sourn. es Ayan, Pave. eratie pacty for years and is so] Low Md teaey c1-i6| " *rip that itTs perhaps hard for
- a ; nig A te pe i oo an sereol agen | still. It produces tha tinest ducks Tone"tirm. you to decide where to go.
Date aa accepted an invitation to inspect a new : PEANUT LoS ea
Avy! ly, |lé Z . and beautiful house built by a friend. ae ae see ak and sideat Prime 2 Let us Help You to
Ine. ee ___|__... | After taking a peep at the whole estab- | 94 bull trogs, and the cidest i Prime at : .
os AS MIS A. M lishment from top to bottom, inquired"j| meno 1n North Carolina and the Rpania hT ~te 7 a Decision.
Leave Weldon lt £0 a o ~~House insured ?� most stalwart, heartiest, healthiest | rone"quiet. :
nt satnd Witt liad Ml MI Haas A men in the State. And now to all a a . sage Orleans bien
oWhat do you insure it for?� these products it andsa product} Greenville Market. Mex; ae nk P 7" Co oi :
Ly Tarhoro § | 12 12 oBecause it MIGHT burn,� ng Gorvested bv & M. Sohnlic exico or the Pacific 5
" |"""|""| oe sun of it, are you ?� of a fat boy 13 years and six ech el haed paras Teese tes one you will never forget.
Ly Rocky Mt | 12 52/10 6 45) no. : months old who weighed on April + bemalal or Ib 16 ay 25
Ly Wilson 2 O5lI1 6 20 ull ae ee 6th, 436 a 8 fo | ocr Sides fist |ItTs a Transition from
Lv Selma 2 60 oIs your life insured ?� th, pounds. Lis name 18 Sugar cured Hams 10 to 124
Ly FayTtteville| 4 15) 1.7 ~ No,�T Lewis T. Lewark. He has 10 roe Meal pao Frost to Flowers.
iia gla ieee oDie, won't you ?�"� brothers and sisters whose weight| Flour, Family 425to 6.7) | x
S Ra Ves,� ranges from 180 to 950 los. His Lard 54 to av And the service is 80 laxuri-
0� . Bare parents are under medium size|gors Ry ons thet people who hare
2A. oYes.� : , i oa pba ts tested oSunset Limite i call
Tw} lan M.| oThea why not insure your life as and weight, his ancesters wee eat per Sack 15 to 1 BR it incomparable,
Ly Wilson I " 4 . 0 well as your house ?�? sometimes fat people, showing Chickens 10 to 25 | 3 :
Lv Goldsboro | 3 10 5 | ~Weil, really, [never thought ot the|that qualities skip parents and| Eggs per doz ~ 7 to Ifyou are Thinking of 3
Liv Magnolia 4 16 0 | matter justin that light befére, and willl reproduce in remote ancestors.� | °° W8*-PeF seat . ° :
Ar Wilmington ay - : i give i: early attention.� ~ Cravelecs J ua 3 . c Going, Write Us.
PM Recor 3. oe: Columbia Bicycle) ited
Best time to insure : NOW CheT Centennial Expo e have a book ee ty
C aves : 6 Lennessee Veotennial Lxpo- | oThrouch Storviand to Sun-
TRAINS GOING NOTRH. : Tay Bae ; ° $ eh
wal. Benet Lite, Insurance nn ~: sition will be completed for @ Price for 07 ay Regn iena sh py pee 9
bart) Bn) B] | [Nomar Manned ty 3 formal openiog May 1 ~ of 5 panes, fly Meet
at a 4 : 53 Sugg, Greenville. N. �,�. Scr ce Is 100. of 10 cents in stanmins te cover
4 Q 18 t
erste caine ceo wuts, | ime sneer sae mmm r = tage. We also havea de-
A ciiizeo of Boston has just postage. " ; ;
A. M.IP.M. , : ad -
Ly Fivrerce | 8 45) 74) A negio in Prince George! been detected ic the act of steal- Nobody can buy one for I pipet ae ben: pode
r 5 Te - . . ~ ~ Vy T
by Earn & L a0) 9 40 county: Virginia, woke up the ing cuspidors from the Capitcl less"every step in making recbint vel conte kooeaaa
ar Wilscn 1 2011 83 other night and found his house) puiiding of the Old Bay State. the Columbia is one of go ¢ of mailing,
"-""- " ""- {in flames. Although his two|'l'welve of the cuspidors have at precision"there is noth- :
* children were usleep in their bed, | different times within the past ing chanced, nothing cheap | YOU Really Ought to
a his first thought was of his house- few weeks thus disappeared, bat "we ask no more than the | Read them Both.
ee | | ~|o~ | hold effects. Twice he carried !jn endeavoring to make off with
A. M, , iP. M. } eae | work and warrant richly
uv Wilmington) 9 26 7 99;Out 48 much as he could, and|the thirteenth the thief was demand__th= standard of Shall we put you down for a
pce ll ~ 3 : 30| then went back to wakethe child-|caugnt. And yet there are thore hehe Sie , copy! Ifso, or if you want
bat) oro 0 93 . . . . . . ~
ar Wiléen 1 09 10 7 ran. He was caught by tbe firein| who protest that there is no bad excellence brings the will Naam oy HEME aac Oe
iv Larboro 1 42 ~the house with them and all three || ye; in thirteen. standard of price. Me dd CHeergiy, ~ie
2a) bmp! | Were burned to death. ae iv ! y RGU EeaT ARs
iS ; = Catalogue, handsome enough for
r= Os, osete arate as pee rf. D.
%, A woe 't Tob o! as Your Baptists, See Here ! the center table, free if you call, S. F.B MORSE,
"- | | Don't To seen feces mown {he Southern Baptist Coaventi n FOR SALE BY General Passenger and Ticket
P.M. P.M , vets this vear ] ~Imineton, N. C. : Agent,
Ly Wilson | if 10 3 | It you want to quit tobacco using cneats this nee m eel ieu ee S.E PENDER & C 0.., NaW ORLEANS.
vet Books Mi 52 33 "" ee easily and torever, be made well May ora NOW m want to ° | GREENVILLE, N. C:
Ar Tarboro 40 ia a strong, magaetic, full of new life and convention, and you also want et "
nw Leakaa ry 317 ie vigor, take No"To-Bac, the wonder- style pai mattis , ~her Is ony and You may never,
y 4 ee ; ong | 2004 firstclass line from South a
Ar Weldon a ye SNOT ELS ES GE Tai Southwest to Wilmington, and that fine But should you ever === "

Train on Scotia 4 Neck Sranch Zoa
eaves Weldon 4.10 9, m., Halifax 4,6
p. m., arrives scotland Neck at 5.10 p
w., Greenville 6.57 p, m., Kinston 7.55
m. Returning, leaves Kinston 7.£0
& m., Greenville 8.52 a. m. Arrivin:
Hali x at 11:20 a. m., We'don 11.40 »
daily except Sunday.

Trains on Washnigton Branch leave
Washington 8.20 a, m., and 2.00 p.m,
arrives Parmele 9.10 a. m., and 3.40 p.
m., Tarboro 9.45 a. m., re turningle: Ves
Tarboro 3.20 p. m., Parmele 10.20 a. m.
and 6.20 p. im,, arrives Washington
11.49 a, m., und 7.20 p. m. Daily ex-
ept Sunday. Connects witb trains on
Scotlund Neck Branch.

Train leaves Larporo, N ©, via Albe-
watle & Kaleigh 8. ix. daily except sun-
day, at 5 50 p.m., Sunday 405 P.M;
arrive Plynouti ~ i.4) P. ML, 6,00 p. m.
Returning igaves Plymouth daily except
Sunday, 7.50 a. m., Sunday 9.00 4 ~n.,
arrive Tarboro 10.16 am and 11. 45

Train on Midland N.C. branch leaves
Gold3boro daily, except Sunday, 6.05 a
m. arriving Smithtield 7°30 a. m. Ree
turning leaves Smithtield 8.00 a. m,, ar-
fives xt GoldsPors 9.30 a. m.

Trains on Latta branch, Florence R
., leave Latta 6.40 pm, aarive Dunbar
1.50 pm, Clio 8.05 p m. Returning
leave Cliot6.10 am, Dunbar 6.30 a m,
re Latta 7.50 am, daily except Sun-


Train onClinton Branch leayes War-
awfor Ciinton caily, exeépt Suuday,
1) a.m.aud 8.50 p, m: Returnirg
a733 Clinton at7.00 a. m. and 8.00 L Mm.

Train No. 78 makes close connection
at Weldon forall points daily, all rail via
Kiehmone, alse at Rovky Mount with
Norfolk and VarolinaR BR for Nonolk
zune all points N orth via Norfolk.

General Supt.
T. M. EMERSON, Traffie Manager.
J.R R. KEN LY. GenTl Mane.ger,



The Oldest

Baily Newspaper in
North Carolina.

Toe Only Five-Dollar D ity |
its Class inthe State

Many gain ten pounds in ten days
Over 400,000 cure?, Buy No-To-Ba
rom drugyist, will.
guaranteea cure. Booklet and sample
mailed tree, Ad. Sterling Remedy Co,
m | Chicago or New York.

your own who

Mrs. Emilie Jewell, aged 65,
and Abel Lewis, 17, have just been
warried 1n Knott county, Ken-
tucky. This is Mrs. Jewel's nfth
inatrlmonial venture and she is

suidio be the wother of 31 chil-


dren, the youngest older than her you want to go with your friends ?

is the Seaboard Air Line, which iuns
the finest and fastest trains in the South
and makes the lowest rates of any
railroad running from the South or
Southwest. DonTt be fooled into ma\-.
ing your arrangements until you have
consu!ed one of the Seaboard Air Line
acents, who always esteem it a pleasure
to serve you. B. A.Newland, Genere]
Agent Passenger Department, 6 Kim-
bail house, Atlanta, Ga., will be glad
0 write you or call On jou, or you can
apply toiny ot the representatives of
the Seaboard Air Lite in any town or
city. This 18 the odizial route.

25+ 50¢



ABSOLUTELY GU ARANTEED to cure any case of constipation.\Cascarets are the Ideal Laxa-
tive. never crip or ripe. but cause easy natural results, Sam- 4

ple and booklet free. Ad. STERLING REMEDY CO., Chicago, Montreal, Can., or New York, " 217.

ee ee ee a











rey ~=What

~"=x~p It is a picture ot


has a nice assortment

L a nste NO.


{ , we . :


Best in use, The outfit of no business man it
complete se cis one.

~The Reflector Book Store

n Fens, |
2 of Pearl Handl ae
) astonis ned when you rte and} ids
2 ~P nied are. : ; |

Is It? bibhnie

tae celebrated CO

ot these Founta


Want Job Printing

"==w Come to see us, ="


a ed ey!

Anything from 2}@== "
Visiting Card

oe TOVA ""

E'ull Sheet Poster

eee ae

The Daily Reflector.

Gives the home news
every aiternoon at the
small price of 25 cents a

month. Are yuu a sub-
seriber? If »got -you
ought to be. ff
8 oe a
th L ~
The Eastern. Refleotors:s:

t isvonly $4 oaA ca It
contains theT news ~very
Week, an eH oSe |

: sil

oh Bere
+ A



we | heey
~siiialiiabiide ~ pane

ME ENE Tt lh

We want that money
because we have a fair
equivaient to offer for

it. Our goods are the
right kind atthe right

~price. :

en ed

. We havejustreceived
a new stock of the Cel-
ebratedand Famous


for Menand Boys, in all
_the newest shapes and
colors, for Spring and}
Summer. Our Ox bloods
are beauties. Every
pair guaranteed.

A beautiful line of sty-
lisn, neat, durable
and elegant


tor tadies, fresh from
the factory made speci-
ally tor us, The latest
newest, nobbiest an

prettiest styles.

Remember we have
also received anew sup-


Just a
tute for Linen, only 10
cents per yardoneyard
wide, the cheapest and

best thing made for nignt.

Embroidery and
Drawn Work.


Beautiful, fancy


Neatandnice. Justthe
thing to please the

Hamper Baskets, Fan-
cy Work, Scrap, Key
and Toy Baskets. Come
to see them.

We can please both
you and your purse.

ee cement ercemena

Nearly every day
brings us something
new andjust the thing
you want.


Come and inspect our
Mammoth Stock of Dry
Goods, Notions, Shoes,
Hats, Groceries, Hard-
ware, Crockery, Furni-
ture and House Fur-
nishing Goods. They
are desirable new and
heart cheering.

- Beautiful Hall Racks
_ just received.

| nseniemnmdanemenmeal

-/ ~Remember we oper-
_ ate our storeon a deter-

_ mined policy or fair,
» gquare " dealing | and



Jin, Kowmariends,|

i 1 ee ty k i | ae iA i
l f amy T

H, A. WHITE, Office on main St. ,



=) PM. Hodges went to Tarboro to-

ce . Ex-Gov. Jarvis wert to Wilson to-
Creates many 2 new business, day. ;
Knlarges many an old business, i 8 : :
Preserves many a large business N.H. Whitfield went to Washing-
Revives many a dull business, ton today. .

Rescues many a lost business,
Saves many a failing business.
Secures success to any business

OQ. L. Joyner wert to Kinston Wed-
needay evening. : :

Jesse Speight left this morning for
a trip to Greene county and Wilson.

{To oadvertise judiciousiy,�T use tne
columrs of tu REVLEOTOR.
Miss Kate Moore, of Wasizington,

is visiting her grand father, Allen

Keeping Constaniiy at it Brings Soecess | Ware.
J. §. Goldsmith, of Atlanta, is here

looking after losses for the Hirtford
Insurance Company. «

cee ean ceeieiticnmiesnn in witintanansrtacinn lly mnnenttin, aerate tie


| Joe Smith, of Wilmington, is in
Passenger and mai train going | town adjusting losses for ae
Nevth, arrives 8:52 A.M. Going South, . " ites Ree toe Soe rune
arrives 6:57 P, M. Jnsurance Company.
Steamer Tar River arrives from Wash- ; neh a :
ington Monday, Wednesday and Friday Capt. Orren Williams, of Larboro,
leaves for Washington Tuesday. Thure-| gnen; part of yesterday here and re-

day and Saturdav , ;
turned home this morning.


J. P. Eliott and John Nicholscy, ot
Baltimore, arrived Wednesday evening
to look atter ths loss to their building in
SundayTs fire.

B. Riddick, of Suffolk, arrived Wed-
nesday evening. He was the archtect
of the Rialto building partially destroyed
by SundayTs fire.



By Teiegraph to
Cotton Buyers and Commission







June 7.31 7.15

Mr. Epiror:"We desire through
your columrs to express our thanks to

CHICAGO MEAT AND GRAIN, the members of the Hope Fire Cv. and

Wneat" Rough and Ready Hook and Ladder
July 733 733 724 724 Co. for the splendid work they did in
PORK " extinguishing the fire last Sunday
July 8.50 8 574 8.50 8,573 merning, as also to other citizens of the
Riss" | town -who-so,cheerfully rendered their
July 4.728 4.77, 4.724 4.75 Waluable aid. Exxiiotr Bros.

Build More Cisterns.

Our people should not lose sight_of
the fuct that additional cisterns anda
steam fire engine would give still further
protection to property. The wisdom
of the authorities in buiidiag the one
cistern we have has already been amply


Fair tonight and Friday, warmer.


oatin a oe

erfect substi- But There is Much to be Packed Out | proven and othery would be beneficial.

Too much can hardly be done to in-
creese the efficienvy of the fire depart-

ot Them.


Services in the Baptist church to-

Damage by Frost.

Buy the Standard Sewing Machine} a yjon Warren & Son, of Riverside
$20 at S. M. Schultz. . Nurseries, atter having made a caretul
There was more frost this morning | nvestiztion, furnish the REFLECTOR

but not as much as yesterday. Mile ioiicwing veport of the damage done

7 : iby the deuet Weunesday morning :

oSilver Dollar� Fountain Pen, Pars, | (ple « damared 30 im soles
lums damaged dv jr cent,

er make, at Refle ok Store.
: Reflector Bo 24 per cent, strawberric. 00 per cent,

Corned Shad and Herrings for sale| peaches 70 per ceat, grapes all killed
at Steamboat wharf, J.J. Cuerry.|the James variety included, garden
The Southerner reports the assign" peas 50 per cent, fieid peas all killed
ment of J. R. Pender, a merchant of bans all killed, corn damaged but wil,
Torboro, leome out agajn, Irish potatoes 90

From this report it will be seen that
the damage is very severe.

{,The Rertecror is indebted to Mr.
A. A. Forbes'tor some very fine smoking
tobacco. He prepared it himself and
the flavor is excellent.

Some jearned linguist has said the
beauty of the English language was
A fund is being raised by popular in the fact that it enabled pecple 80
subscription to purchace shirts for the- easily to conceal their real meaning.
Rough and Ready Firé Company. The | The American politicians found that

members of the company weil deserve out two years ago and practiced it in
their platforms.

such a recognition of their services.


Nine of the oldest and largest Fire Insurance
Companies in the world are represented in
Greenville. You cansecure protection
~in them by seeing H. A. WHITE

German-American, CERTAI + Georgia Home.

Your business will h

Take your choice from the following companies:
Harttord, ! NN : St. Paul Fire and
Teutonia, | | Marine,
Caledonian, PROMPT Greenwich, ~ |
Palatine, mus wDelaware, «.-

jthousand other,good things.
Omir Lovet pict ~ A

ave prompt fattention.

The daily incoming of new things creates a con-
stant newness and novelty in every part of
this store. Every department is ready
for you to begin your buying.


Our stock is overflowing with all the staples and
novelties intended for spring and summer
wear, and you see the marvelous genius of the
Frenchmen 1n the soft, lustrous colors and ex-
quisite tabrics, andthe combination of reds and
purples and violets. We invite you to visit us
this week and be shown what ofashion� says
you must wear,

Clothing, Hats and Shoes.

Emporium of Spring. Fabrics.

Closed for a few days to
adjust my loss by fire
aturday night.

J W. HIGGS, Pres, J. S. HIGGS, Cashier Maj. HENRY;HARDING, AssTt Cashier,




D. W. Hardee Higgs
Greenville, N. C.

Wm. T. Dixon, President National nec
Exchange Bank, Baltimore, Mad.T We respectfully solicit the accounts

The Seotland Neck Bank, Scotland .of firms, individuals and the general
Neck, N. C. public, SE ssi
Noah Biggs, Scotland Neck, N. C. Checks and Account Books furnish
R. R. Fleming, Pactolus, N, C. ed on application.

Representing a Capital of More Than a Halt
Million Dollars,

bros. |

ad es

Look over this list of


and see if you would not like toghave some
of theme:

Premier Brand of Extra California Pears
- Cherries, Plums, Apricots, and Peaches, _ |
Mince Meat, Apple Butter, Preserves,

Sweet Mixed Pickles, Sour Pickles, early
June Peas, Olives, Celery Sauce, Royal
Baking Powder, Cream Baking Powder, |

al for less money, and @

whichis as good as Ro
- PhoneNo. 70.



See me~before it is too late.

oe -=--
a het



Perfect fitguaranteed. Foreign and Domestic. "

ae ee ae
a ' i: ~, ee bn ; * ~
pik dl . q. "
\ y : +4 2
ay i f

Daily Reflector, April 22, 1897
The newspaper was established in 1882, and was originally named the Eastern Reflector. It was founded by Julian Whichard and David Jordan with equipment they purchased from The Greenville Express. On December 10, 1894, it adopted the name The Reflector and began publishing every day. Cox Newspapers acquired The Daily Reflector in 1996. Creator: Daily Reflector (Greenville, N.C.) - April 22, 1897
April 22, 1897
Local Identifier
NC Microforms
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